SCHEMA express_dictionary_queries; USE FROM Platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM Platypus_expressions_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; FUNCTION expressionValueToString ( arg : Expression ) : STRING; (*# | t | t := PlatypusExpressExpression2AdaTranslater new. ^ self return: (PltStringLiteral val: (t translate: self arg)) #*) (*# ^ self return: (self arg printableCode) #*) END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION typeof_as_string ( e : entity_instance ) : STRING; RETURN ( '[' + StringAggregateConcatSeparatedBy ( TYPEOF ( e ), '; ' ) + ']' ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION schema_definition_of ( e : dictionary_instance ) : schema_definition; IF 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.SCHEMA_DEFINITION' IN TYPEOF ( e ) THEN RETURN ( e ); END_IF; RETURN ( schema_definition_of ( e.owner ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION schema_instance_of ( e : dictionary_instance ) : schema_definition; RETURN ( schema_definition_of ( e ).owner ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION remarks_for ( e : dictionary_instance ) : LIST OF remark; LOCAL sch : schema_definition := schema_definition_of ( e ); remarks : LIST OF remark := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( sch.remark_references ) TO HIINDEX ( sch.remark_references ); ALIAS remref FOR sch.remark_references [ no]; IF ( remref.referenced.ref :=: e ) THEN remarks := remarks + remref.remark; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( remarks ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION clean_remark_text_of ( rem : remark ) : STRING; LOCAL foundMarkPos : INTEGER := 0; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := 1 TO LENGTH ( rem.text ); IF ( rem.text [ no] = '"' ) OR ( rem.text [ no] = '<' ) THEN foundMarkPos := no; ESCAPE; ELSE IF ( rem.text [ no] <> ' ' ) THEN ESCAPE; END_IF; END_IF; END_REPEAT; IF ( foundMarkPos > 0 ) THEN REPEAT no := foundMarkPos + 1 TO LENGTH ( rem.text ); IF ( rem.text [ no] = '"' ) OR ( rem.text [ no] = '>' ) THEN RETURN ( rem.text [ no + 1 : LENGTH ( rem.text ) ] ); END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_IF; RETURN ( rem.text ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION root_entity_list ( entities : LIST OF entity_definition ) : LIST OF entity_definition; LOCAL l : LIST OF entity_definition := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); ALIAS ent FOR entities [ no]; IF ( SIZEOF ( ent.supertypes ) = 0 ) THEN INSERT ( l, ent, SIZEOF ( l ) ); ELSE ALIAS sup FOR ent.supertypes [ 1 ].ref; IF ( sup.owner :<>: ent.owner ) THEN INSERT ( l, ent, SIZEOF ( l ) ); END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( l ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION subtypes_of ( ent : entity_definition; allent : LIST OF entity_definition ) : LIST OF entity_definition; RETURN ( QUERY ( e <* allent | SIZEOF ( QUERY ( ee <* e.supertypes | ee.ref = ent ) ) > 0 ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION attribute_named_from ( e : entity_definition; name : STRING ) : attribute; LOCAL key : STRING := upperize ( name ); attributes : LIST OF attribute; END_LOCAL; attributes := QUERY ( a <* e.attributes | upperize ( ) = key ); IF ( SIZEOF ( attributes ) > 0 ) THEN RETURN ( attributes [ SIZEOF ( attributes ) ] ); ELSE RETURN ( ? ); END_IF; END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION has_attribute_named ( e : entity_definition; name : STRING ) : BOOLEAN; RETURN ( EXISTS ( attribute_named_from ( e, name ) ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION inherited_attribute_named_from ( e : entity_definition; name : STRING ) : attribute; LOCAL key : STRING := upperize ( name ); attributes : LIST OF attribute; END_LOCAL; attributes := QUERY ( a <* inherited_attributes ( e ) | upperize ( ) = key ); IF ( SIZEOF ( attributes ) > 0 ) THEN RETURN ( attributes [ SIZEOF ( attributes ) ] ); ELSE RETURN ( ? ); END_IF; END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION has_inherited_attribute_named ( e : entity_definition; name : STRING ) : BOOLEAN; RETURN ( EXISTS ( inherited_attribute_named_from ( e, name ) ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION query_attributes ( ent : entity_definition; attr_kind : STRING; with_inherited : BOOLEAN; with_redeclaring : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF attribute; LOCAL attributes : LIST OF attribute; END_LOCAL; IF ( with_inherited ) THEN attributes := inherited_attributes ( ent ); ELSE attributes := ent.attributes; END_IF; IF ( EXISTS ( attr_kind ) ) THEN attributes := QUERY ( a <* attributes | ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.' + Upperize ( attr_kind ) ) IN TYPEOF ( a ) ); END_IF; IF ( NOT with_redeclaring ) THEN attributes := QUERY ( a <* attributes | NOT ( EXISTS ( a.redeclaring ) ) ); END_IF; RETURN ( attributes ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION attribute_redeclared_by ( ent : entity_definition; tested_attr_pos : INTEGER ) : attribute; LOCAL attributes : LIST OF attribute := query_attributes ( ent, ?, true, true ); tested_attr : attribute := attributes [ tested_attr_pos]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( attributes ); ALIAS curr FOR attributes [ no]; IF ( curr = tested_attr ) THEN REPEAT noi := no + 1 TO HIINDEX ( attributes ); ALIAS curri FOR attributes [ noi]; IF ( ( EXISTS ( curri.redeclaring ) ) AND ( curri.redeclaring.ref = curr ) ) THEN RETURN ( curri ); END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( ? ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION all_supertypes_of ( e : entity_definition ) : LIST OF entity_definition; LOCAL res : LIST OF entity_definition := [ ]; END_LOCAL; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.ENTITY_DEFINITION' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( e.supertypes ) TO HIINDEX ( e.supertypes ); res := all_supertypes_of ( e.supertypes [ no].ref ) + res; END_REPEAT; END_IF; res := res + e; RETURN ( res ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION local_root_supertype_of ( e : entity_definition ) : entity_definition; LOCAL sups : LIST OF entity_definition := all_supertypes_of ( e ); tmp : LIST OF entity_definition; END_LOCAL; tmp := QUERY ( s <* sups | s.owner :=: e.owner ); RETURN ( tmp [ LOINDEX ( tmp ) ] ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION inherits_from_entity_named ( e : entity_definition; supname : STRING ) : BOOLEAN; LOCAL key : STRING := upperize ( supname ); allsups : LIST OF entity_definition := all_supertypes_of ( e ); END_LOCAL; RETURN ( SIZEOF ( QUERY ( i <* allsups | upperize ( ) = key ) ) > 0 ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION inherited_attributes ( e : entity_definition ) : LIST OF attribute; LOCAL res : LIST OF attribute := [ ]; allsups : LIST OF entity_definition := all_supertypes_of ( e ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allsups ) TO HIINDEX ( allsups ); res := res + allsups [ no].attributes; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( res ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION inherited_explicit_attributes ( e : entity_definition ) : LIST OF attribute; LOCAL attributes : LIST OF attribute := inherited_attributes ( e ); END_LOCAL; RETURN ( QUERY ( a <* attributes | 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.EXPLICIT_ATTRIBUTE' IN TYPEOF ( a ) ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION derive_attribute_result ( d : derived_attribute ) : dictionary_instance; (*# | r e interpreter evalResult | r := self d valueOfExplicitAttributeNamed: 'assign'. "instDefinition := self d valueOfExplicitAttributeNamed: 'owner'." interpreter := PlatypusExpressInterpretor new. evalResult := interpreter evaluate: r ref val in: self d mySchemaInstance to: nil notifying: nil ifFail: [self halt]. self halt. self return: evalResult. #*) END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA express_toolsbox_functions; FUNCTION string_ends_with ( s : STRING; token : STRING ) : BOOLEAN; IF ( LENGTH ( s ) >= LENGTH ( token ) ) THEN IF ( s [ LENGTH ( s ) - LENGTH ( token ) + 1 : LENGTH ( s ) ] = token ) THEN RETURN ( true ); END_IF; END_IF; RETURN ( false ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION string_replace ( src : STRING; replWhat : STRING; replWith : STRING ) : STRING; (*# | r | r := self src val copyReplaceAll: self replWhat val with: self replWith val asTokens: false. self return: (PltStringLiteral val: r). #*) (*#| r | r := self src copyReplaceAll: self replWhat with: self replWith asTokens: false. ^ self return: r. #*) END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION SmalltalkCodeOf ( arg : STRING ) : STRING; (*# ^ self return: (PltStringLiteral val: (self arg asClearText)) #*) (*#^ self return: ((PltStringLiteral val: (self arg)) asClearText) #*) END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION StringAggregateConcatSeparatedBy ( l : LIST OF STRING; sep : STRING ) : STRING; LOCAL s : STRING := ''; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( l ) TO HIINDEX ( l ); s := s + l [ no]; IF ( no < HIINDEX ( l ) ) THEN s := s + sep; END_IF; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( s ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION LinesFromString ( source : STRING ) : LIST OF STRING; LOCAL lines : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; END_LOCAL; (*# | r | r := self source val lines. self lines val addAll: (r collect: [:i | PltStringLiteral val: i]). self lines val adjustLowerAndUpperBounds #*) (*# self lines addAll: self source lines. #*) RETURN ( lines ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION SetToAggregate ( input : AGGREGATE OF GENERIC ) : AGGREGATE OF GENERIC; RETURN ( input ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION SetToList ( input : SET OF GENERIC ) : LIST OF GENERIC; LOCAL result : LIST OF GENERIC := [ ]; END_LOCAL; (*# self input val do: [ :el | self result val add: el]. self result val adjustLowerAndUpperBounds. #*) (*# self input do: [ :el | self result add: el]. #*) RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ListToSet ( input : LIST OF GENERIC ) : SET OF GENERIC; LOCAL result : SET OF GENERIC := [ ]; END_LOCAL; (*# self input val do: [ :el | self result val add: el]. self result val adjustLowerAndUpperBounds. #*) (*# self input do: [ :el | self result add: el]. #*) RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION AggregateToSet ( input : AGGREGATE OF GENERIC ) : SET OF GENERIC; LOCAL result : SET OF GENERIC := [ ]; END_LOCAL; (*# self input val do: [ :el | self result val add: el]. self result val adjustLowerAndUpperBounds. #*) (*# self input do: [ :el | self result add: el]. #*) RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION capitalize ( input : STRING; capitalizeFirstChar : LOGICAL ) : STRING; (*# | instr outstr resString curr | instr := ReadStream on: self input pltNativeValue. outstr := WriteStream on: String new. [instr atEnd] whileFalse: [ ((curr := instr next) == $_) ifTrue: [curr := instr next. instr atEnd ifFalse: [outstr nextPut: (curr asUppercase)]] ifFalse: [outstr nextPut: curr]]. resString := outstr contents. (self capitalizeFirstChar) pltNativeValue ifTrue: [resString at: 1 put: (resString first asUppercase)] ifFalse: [resString at: 1 put: (resString first asLowercase)]. ^ self return: (PltStringLiteral val: resString) #*) (*# | instr outstr resString curr | instr := ReadStream on: self input. outstr := WriteStream on: String new. [instr atEnd] whileFalse: [ ((curr := instr next) == $_) ifTrue: [curr := instr next. instr atEnd ifFalse: [outstr nextPut: (curr asUppercase)]] ifFalse: [outstr nextPut: curr]]. resString := outstr contents. (self capitalizeFirstChar) ifTrue: [resString at: 1 put: (resString first asUppercase)] ifFalse: [resString at: 1 put: (resString first asLowercase)]. ^ self return: resString. #*) END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION lowerize ( input : STRING ) : STRING; (*# ^ self return: (PltStringLiteral val: self input pltNativeValue asLowercase) #*) (*# ^ self return: (self input asLowercase) #*) END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION upperize ( input : STRING ) : STRING; (*# ^ self return: (PltStringLiteral val: self input pltNativeValue asUppercase) #*) (*# ^ self return: (self input asUppercase) #*) END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE PrintLn ( arg : GENERIC ); (*# Transcript show: self arg printableCode, '\' withCRs #*) (*# Transcript show: (self arg printString), '\' withCRs #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE Print ( arg : GENERIC ); (*# Transcript show: self arg printableCode #*) (*# Transcript show: self arg printString #*) END_PROCEDURE; FUNCTION ToString ( arg : GENERIC ) : STRING; (*# ^ self return: (PltStringLiteral val: self arg printableCode) #*) (*# ^ self return: (self arg printableCode) #*) END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE Halt; (*# self halt #*) (*# self halt #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE clrscr; (*# Transcript clear #*) (*# Transcript clear #*) END_PROCEDURE; FUNCTION numbered_name ( nb : INTEGER; prefix, suffix : STRING ) : STRING; LOCAL nbstr : STRING := FORMAT ( nb, '07I' ); pos_first : INTEGER := 0; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := 2 TO LENGTH ( nbstr ) UNTIL ( nbstr [ no] <> '0' ); pos_first := no; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( prefix + nbstr [ pos_first : LENGTH ( nbstr ) ] + suffix ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION allModelInstances : SET OF GENERIC; LOCAL founds : SET OF GENERIC := [ ]; END_LOCAL; (*# self founds addAll: (myInterpreter allApplicationInstances) #*) (*# self founds addAll: (self myContext allApplicationInstances) #*) RETURN ( founds ); END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE instance_become ( VAR old, new : GENERIC : t ); (*# self old becomeInstance: self new #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE explore ( VAR arg : GENERIC ); (*# self arg explore #*) (*# self arg explore #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE inspect ( arg : GENERIC ); (*# self arg inspect #*) (*# self arg inspect #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE TestExpr ( expr : GENERIC; shouldBe : GENERIC ); (*# Transcript show: ('[', self expr printableCode, ']', ' [', self shouldBe printableCode, ']\') withCRs #*) (*# Transcript show: ('[', self expr printString, ']', ' [', self shouldBe printString, ']\') withCRs #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE runAll0ArgProcsOf ( schemaName : STRING; haltIt : BOOLEAN ); PROCEDURE doIt; runAll0ArgProcsOf ( 'localTests', true ); runAll0ArgProcsOf ( 'localTests', false ); END_PROCEDURE; (*# | context noArgAlgos schemaInstance schema | context := self contextsStack first contextInstance. schemaInstance := context schemaInstance. schema := schemaInstance schemata detect: [ :sch | sch name asUppercase = self schemaName pltNativeValue asUppercase] ifNone: []. schema ifNotNil: [ noArgAlgos := schema algorithmes select: [ :alg | alg formalParameters isEmpty]. noArgAlgos do: [:naa | Transcript show: ('\>>>>>>>> Start of: ', naa name, ' >>>>>>>>>\') withCRs. self evaluate: (ReadStream on: (naa name, ';')) in: naa tamarisItemRef to: self notifying: self requestor ifFail: []. Transcript show: ('\<<<<<<<< End of: ', naa name, ' <<<<<<<<<<\') withCRs. self haltIt val ifTrue: [self halt]]] #*) (*# self error: 'not implemented' #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE ReadStepFile ( filePath : STRING ); (*# | context schemaInstance modelContents | Transcript show: ('reading "', self filePath val, '"...'). context := myInterpreter contextsStack first contextInstance. schemaInstance := context schemaInstance. schemaInstance associatedModels isEmpty ifTrue: [schemaInstance tamarisItemRef newModelContents]. modelContents := schemaInstance associatedModels first. modelContents tamarisItemRef stepFileIn: self filePath val. modelContents checks. Transcript show: 'done', String cr. #*) (*# Transcript show: ('reading ', self filePath, '...'). self myContext stepFileIn: self filePath. Transcript show: 'done', String cr. #*) END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE WriteFile ( filename : STRING; contents : STRING ); (*# | filePath fileStream | filePath := MultiByteFileStream fullName: self filename val. fileStream := MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: filePath. fileStream nextPutAll: self contents asClearText. fileStream lineEndConvention: MultiByteFileStream lineEndDefault. fileStream close. #*) (*# | filePath fileStream | filePath := MultiByteFileStream fullName: self filename. fileStream := MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: filePath. fileStream lineEndConvention: MultiByteFileStream lineEndDefault. fileStream nextPutAll: (PltStringLiteral val: self contents) asClearText. fileStream close. #*) END_PROCEDURE; FUNCTION askForExpressDictionaryMetaData ( metaDataFilePath : STRING ) : STRING; LOCAL doit : BOOLEAN := false; chosenName : STRING; END_LOCAL; (*# PlatypusSchemaInstanceReference chooseSchemaInstanceForClient: nil selectingBlock: [:hierarList :chosen | | expDict | hierarList close. expDict := chosen. (self confirm: 'translate ', expDict name, '?') ifTrue: [self chosenName: (PltStringLiteral val: expDict name). Transcript show: 'writing meta data file "', self metaDataFilePath val, '"...'. expDict metaDataToStepFile: self metaDataFilePath pltNativeValue. Transcript show: 'done\' withCRs.]]. #*) (*# PlatypusSchemaInstanceReference chooseSchemaInstanceForClient: nil selectingBlock: [:hierarList :chosen | | expDict | hierarList close. expDict := chosen. (self confirm: 'translate ', expDict name, '?') ifTrue: [self chosenName: (expDict name). Transcript show: 'writing meta data file "', self metaDataFilePath, '"...'. expDict metaDataToStepFile: self metaDataFilePath. Transcript show: 'done\' withCRs.]]. #*); RETURN ( chosenName ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA;FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA;