SCHEMA package_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Objects; USE FROM Offsets; USE FROM Processors; USE FROM Core_Units; USE FROM Buffers; USE FROM Resources; USE FROM Tasks; USE FROM Task_Groups; USE FROM Address_Spaces; USE FROM Laws; USE FROM Simulations; USE FROM Expressions; USE FROM Statements; USE FROM Automaton; USE FROM Sections; USE FROM Networks; USE FROM Messages; USE FROM Parameters; USE FROM Dependencies; USE FROM Time_Unit_Events; USE FROM Framework_Config; USE FROM Scheduling_Analysis; USE FROM Scheduler; USE FROM Queueing_Systems; USE FROM Call_Framework_Interface; USE FROM Multiprocessor_Services_Interface; USE FROM Scheduler_Interface; USE FROM Interpreter; USE FROM Editor_Config; USE FROM AADL_Config; USE FROM processor_interface; USE FROM Event_Analyzers; USE FROM Deployments; USE FROM Caches; USE FROM Xml_architecture_parser_interface; USE FROM ARINC_653_Schema; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ], [ 'cheddar_result' ] ); Time_Unit_Events; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ], [ 'cheddar_adl' ] ); Core_Units; Address_Spaces; Tasks; Networks; Messages; Dependencies; Event_Analyzers; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ada_interface ( 'Core_Units', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Core_Units', 'Core_Units_Table_Package', false, true ) ], [ 'cheddar_adl' ] ); Processors; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ], [ 'cheddar_adl', 'cheddar_result' ] ); Buffers; Resources; END_MAP; MAP Task_Groups TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ada_interface ( 'Tasks', 'Generic_Task_List_Package', false, true ) ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ], [ 'cheddar_result' ] ); Offsets; Parameters; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ], [ ] ); Framework_Config; Editor_Config; AADL_Config; Objects; Scheduler; Laws; Simulations; Expressions; Statements; Automaton; Sections; Queueing_Systems; Scheduler_Interface; Interpreter; Call_Framework_Interface; AADL_Parser_Interface; processor_interface; Caches; Xml_architecture_parser_interface; ARINC_653_Schema; END_MAP; MAP Multiprocessor_Services_Interface TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ada_interface ( 'Time_Unit_Events', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Time_Unit_Events', 'Time_Unit_Package', false, true ) ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Scheduling_Analysis TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ada_interface ( 'Tasks', 'Extended', true, true ) ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Deployments TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ada_interface ( 'Objects', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Objects', 'Generic_Object_Set_Package', false, true ), ada_interface ( 'Time_Unit_Events', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Time_Unit_Events', 'Time_Unit_Package', false, true ) ], [ 'cheddar_adl' ] ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA constant_mapping; META FROM cheddar_constants; USE FROM Framework_Config; USE FROM Editor_Config; USE FROM AADL_Config; MAP TO ada_constant ( true, ? ); Max_Processors; Max_Tasks; Max_Messages; Max_Buffers; Max_Resources; Max_Networks; Max_Event_Analyzers; Max_Address_Spaces; Max_Sections; Max_Schedulers; Max_Transitions; Max_Caches; Max_Core_Units; Max_Deployments; Max_Objects; Max_Scheduling_Period; Max_Big_Number_Size; Max_Tasks_For_A_Resource; Max_Tasks_For_A_Buffer; Max_Variables; Max_Statements; Max_Block_Level; Max_Tasks_Dependencies; Max_User_Defined_Task_Parameters; Max_Framework_Parameters; Max_Offsets; Max_Density_Size; Max_Requests; Max_String_Size; Sum_Simulation; Max_Time_Line_To_Display; Time_Line_Between_Time_Axis; Display_Witch_Time_Unit_Label; Max_Time_Line; END_MAP; MAP Max_Simulation TO ada_constant ( true, 'Natural''Max (Natural''Max (Max_Processors, Max_Tasks), Natural''Max (Natural''Max (Max_Messages, Max_Buffers), Natural''Max (Max_Resources, Max_Networks)))' ); END_MAP; MAP Generate_Events TO ada_constant ( false, '(others => True)' ); END_MAP; MAP Low_Priority TO ada_constant ( true, 'Priority_Range''First' ); END_MAP; MAP High_Priority TO ada_constant ( true, 'Priority_Range''Last' ); END_MAP; MAP TO ada_constant ( false, '' ); Response_Time_From_Simulation; Blocking_Time_From_Simulation; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_constant ( false, ? ); Cheddar_Debug; Current_Language; Schedule_All_Processeurs; Schedule_And_Display_Event_Table; Schedule_And_Export_Event_Table; Schedule_With_Offsets; Schedule_With_Resources; Schedule_With_Precedencies; Has_Global_Seed; Is_Global_Predictable_Seed; Global_Seed_Value; Context_Switch_From_Simulation; Preemption_From_Simulation; Run_Event_Analyzer_From_Simulation; Aadl_Debug; Aadl_Import_With_System_Name; Aadl_Import_Event_To_Precedencies; Aadl_Import_Event_Data_To_Precedencies; Aadl_Import_Event_To_Buffers_Messages; Aadl_Import_Event_Data_To_Buffers_Messages; Aadl_Export_Precedencies_To_Event_Data; Aadl_Export_Precedencies_To_Event; Aadl_Export_Precedencies_To_Properties; Aadl_Process_Second_Import_Pass; Aadl_Process_Third_Import_Pass; END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA enumeration_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Framework_Config; USE FROM Editor_Config; USE FROM Objects; USE FROM Offsets; USE FROM Processors; USE FROM Buffers; USE FROM Resources; USE FROM Tasks; USE FROM Task_Groups; USE FROM Address_Spaces; USE FROM Laws; USE FROM Simulations; USE FROM Expressions; USE FROM Statements; USE FROM Automaton; USE FROM Sections; USE FROM Networks; USE FROM Messages; USE FROM Parameters; USE FROM Dependencies; USE FROM Scheduler; USE FROM Time_Unit_Events; USE FROM Queueing_Systems; USE FROM Call_Framework_Interface; USE FROM Scheduler_Interface; USE FROM AADL_Parser_Interface; USE FROM processors; USE FROM Core_Units; USE FROM processor_interface; USE FROM Caches; USE FROM ARINC_653_Schema; USE FROM Xml_architecture_parser_interface; MAP TO ada_type ( ) || ada_enumeration ( 'Qs_Mm1' ); Queueing_Systems_Type; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_type ( ) || ada_enumeration ( ? ); Debug_Level; Languages; Objects_Type; Data_From_Simulation; Cache_Type; Buffer_Role_Type; Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type; Resources_Type; Tasks_Type; Task_Groups_Type; Policies; Laws_Type; Simulation_Type; Operator_Type; Expressions_Type; Statements_Type; Table_Types; Synchronizations_Type; Status_Type; Sections_Type; Networks_Type; Messages_Type; Parameter_Type; Dependency_Type; Orientation_Dependency_Type; Time_Unit_Event_Type; Preemptives_Type; Partioning_Type; Schedulers_Type; Preemptives_Type; Cache_Replacement_type; Write_Policy_type; Processors_type; Migrations_type; Cache_Addressing_type; Cache_Coherence_Protocol_type; ModuleActionType; CriticalityType; ErrorCodeType; PartitionActionType; ErrorLevelType; DirectionType; PortMappingType_Choice_Type; XML_Units; Priority_Assignment_Type; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_type ( ) || ada_enumeration ( ? ) || pragma_convention ( 'C' ); Framework_Statement_Type; Output_Format; Perform_Order; END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA record_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Offsets; USE FROM Buffers; USE FROM Resources; USE FROM Automaton; USE FROM Scheduling_Analysis; USE FROM Scheduler_Interface; USE FROM Call_Framework_Interface; USE FROM Multiprocessor_Services_Interface; USE FROM AADL_Parser_Interface; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || record ( ); Offset_Type; Buffer_Role; Critical_Section; Automaton_Status; Transition_Status; Buffer_Size_Item; Density_Item; Deadlock_Item; Priority_Inversion_Item; Framework_Request; Framework_Response; Scheduling_Result; Binding_Record_Type; Scheduling_Parameters; END_MAP; MAP Scheduling_Result.Result TO in_scope_attribute ( ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA ada_class_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Objects; USE FROM Expressions; USE FROM Statements; USE FROM Buffers; USE FROM Resources; USE FROM Tasks; USE FROM Task_Groups; USE FROM Automaton; USE FROM Sections; USE FROM Networks; USE FROM Processors; USE FROM Core_Units; USE FROM Address_spaces; USE FROM Messages; USE FROM Scheduler; USE FROM Event_Analyzers; USE FROM Deployments; USE FROM Caches; USE FROM ARINC_653_Schema; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || ada_class ( false ); Generic_Object; Named_Object; Generic_cache; Data_Cache; Data_Instruction_Cache; Instruction_Cache; Cache_System; Core_Unit; Generic_Processor; Mono_Core_Processor; Multi_Cores_Processor; Buffer; Buffer; Generic_Resource; Priority_Constrained_Resource; Np_Resource; Pip_Resource; Pcp_Resource; IPcp_Resource; Generic_Task; Scheduling_Task; Periodic_Task; Aperiodic_Task; Poisson_Task; Sporadic_Task; Parametric_Task; Frame_Task; Generic_Task_Group; Transaction_Task_Group; Multiframe_Task_Group; Generic_Message; Periodic_Message; Aperiodic_Message; Address_Space; Generic_Expression; Constant_Expression; Variable_Expression; Array_Variable_Expression; Binary_Expression; Unary_Expression; Generic_Statement; Nop_Statement; Exit_Statement; Put_Statement; If_Statement; Clock_Statement; Assign_Statement; For_Statement; Return_Statement; While_Statement; Random_Initialize_Statement; Set_Statement; Subprogram_Statement; Subprogram_Call_Statement; State; Synchronization; Transition; Generic_Section; Computation_Section; Synchronization_Section; Network; Generic_Scheduler; Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol; Polling_Server_Protocol; Deferred_Server_Protocol; Sporadic_Server_Protocol; Hierarchical_Protocol; Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol; Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol; Automata_User_Defined_Protocol; Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol; User_Defined_Protocol; Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol; Least_Laxity_First_Protocol; Rate_Monotonic_Protocol; Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol; Round_Robin_Protocol; Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol; Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol; D_Over_Protocol; Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol; Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol; Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol; No_Scheduling_Protocol; Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol; Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol; Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol; Fixed_Priority_Protocol; Dynamic_Priority_Protocol; Event_Analyzer; Generic_Deployment; Static_Deployment; Dynamic_Deployment; ARINC_653_Object; ARINC_653_Module; System_HM_TableType; Module_HM_Type; Module_Schedule_Type; Partition_Schedule_Element; Window_Schedule_Element; Channel; PortMappingType; Window_Sched_Ext_Type; Partition_Sched_Ext_Type; ModExt_Type; Mod_HM_Ext_Type; SysHM_Ext_Type; PartitionType; PartitionExt_Type; Pseudo_Partition; Standard_Partition; Partition_HM_Type; Part_HM_Ext_Type; Memory_Requirements; Memory_Ext_Type; Partition_Memory_Element; PortMap_Ext_Type; PortExt_Type; ProcessType; System_State_Entry_Type; ProcExt_Type; Error_ID_Type; Error_ID_Action_Type; Error_ID_Level_Type; PortType; SamplingPortType; QueuingPortType; END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA constrained_array_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; META FROM cheddar_types; USE FROM Editor_Config; USE FROM Resources; USE FROM Time_Unit_Events; USE FROM Interpreter; MAP Start_End_Table TO ada_type ( ) || cheddar_defined_type ( ) || constrained_array_type ( 'Resource_Accesses_Range', ?, [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Time_Unit_Event_Type_Boolean_Table TO ada_type ( ) || cheddar_defined_type ( ) || constrained_array_type ( 'Time_Unit_Event_Type''Range', ?, [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Data_From_Simulation_Table TO ada_type ( ) || cheddar_defined_type ( ) || constrained_array_type ( 'Data_From_Simulation''Range', ?, [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Section_Table TO ada_type ( ) || cheddar_defined_type ( ) || constrained_array_type ( 'Sections_Type''Range', ?, [ ada_interface ( 'Sections', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA primitive_type_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM basic_types; USE FROM Framework_Config; USE FROM Tasks; USE FROM Buffers; USE FROM Simulations; USE FROM ARINC_653_Schema; MAP priority_range TO cheddar_priority_range ( ) || ada_type ( ) || cheddar_defined_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP Natural TO ada_natural_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP AdaBoolean TO ada_boolean_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP DecOrHexValueType TO ada_unbounded_string_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP IdentifierValueType TO ada_unbounded_string_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP NameType TO ada_unbounded_string_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP Simulation_Value TO ada_named_type_reference ( ) || ada_class_reference ( ) || ada_primitive_class_reference ( 'Simulation', 'simulations' ) || cheddar_primitive_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA discriminated_type_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Dependencies; USE FROM Parameters; META FROM discriminated_type; USE FROM Time_Unit_Events; USE FROM ARINC_653_Schema; MAP PortMappingType_Choice TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP PortMappingType_Choice.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice TO discriminated_type_discriminant ( ); END_MAP; MAP PortMappingType_Choice.union TO discriminated_type_union ( ); END_MAP; MAP PortMappingType_Choice_Union TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_element_type ( ); Pseudo_Partition_Choice_Type; Standard_Partition_Choice_Type; END_MAP; MAP Time_Unit_Event TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP Time_Unit_Event.type_of_event TO discriminated_type_discriminant ( ); END_MAP; MAP Time_Unit_Event.union TO discriminated_type_union ( ); END_MAP; MAP Time_Unit_Event_Union TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_element_type ( ); Start_Of_Task_Capacity_Type; End_Of_Task_Capacity_Type; Write_To_Buffer_Type; Read_From_Buffer_Type; Context_Switch_Overhead_Type; Running_Task_Type; Task_activation_Type; Allocate_Resource_Type; Release_Resource_Type; Wait_For_Resource_Type; Send_Message_Type; Receive_Message_Type; Wait_For_Memory_Type; Address_Space_Activation_Type; END_MAP; MAP Dependency TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP Dependency.type_of_dependency TO discriminated_type_discriminant ( ); END_MAP; MAP Dependency.union TO discriminated_type_union ( ); END_MAP; MAP Dependency_Union TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_element_type ( ); Precedence_Dependency_type; Queuing_Buffer_Dependency_type; Communication_Dependency_type; Time_Triggered_Communication_Dependency_type; Black_Board_Buffer_Dependency_type; Resource_Dependency_type; END_MAP; MAP Parameter TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP Parameter.type_of_parameter TO discriminated_type_discriminant ( ); END_MAP; MAP Parameter.union TO discriminated_type_union ( ); END_MAP; MAP Parameter_Union TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_type ( ); END_MAP; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || discriminated_type_union_element_type ( ); Boolean_Parameter_Type; Integer_Parameter_Type; Double_Parameter_Type; String_Parameter_Type; END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA alias_mapping; USE FROM Multiprocessor_Services_Interface; USE FROM Scheduling_Analysis; MAP Scheduling_Sequence TO package_alias ( 'Time_Unit_Package', 'Indexed_Table' ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA generic_package_mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Basic_types; USE FROM Automaton; USE FROM Tasks; USE FROM Buffers; USE FROM Parameters; USE FROM Offsets; USE FROM Objects; USE FROM Processors; USE FROM Core_Units; USE FROM Resources; USE FROM Time_Unit_Events; USE FROM Scheduling_Analysis; USE FROM Call_Framework_Interface; USE FROM Multiprocessor_Services_Interface; USE FROM Statements; USE FROM Interpreter; USE FROM AADL_Parser_Interface; USE FROM Caches; USE FROM ARINC_653_Schema; MAP User_Defined_Parameters_Table TO explicit_type_reference ( ?, [ ada_interface ( 'parameters', 'User_Defined_Parameters_Table_Package', false, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Offsets_Table TO explicit_type_reference ( ?, [ ada_interface ( 'offsets', 'Offsets_Table_Package', false, true ) ] ); END_MAP; (* MAP Tasks_Table TO explicit_type_reference ( ?, [ ada_interface ( 'tasks', 'Tasks_Table_Package', false, true ) ] ); END_MAP; *) MAP State_Lists TO explicit_type_reference ( ?, [ ada_interface ( 'automaton', 'State_Lists_Package', false, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Transition_Lists TO explicit_type_reference ( ?, [ ada_interface ( 'automaton', 'Transition_Lists_Package', false, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Framework_Parameters_Table TO explicit_type_reference ( ?, [ ada_interface ( 'Parameters', 'Framework_Parameters_Table_Package', false, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Scheduling_Table TO explicit_type_reference ( ?, [ ada_interface ( 'Time_Unit_Events', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Time_Unit_Events', 'Time_Unit_Package', false, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Caches_Table_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Generic_Cache_Ptr', 'Framework_Config.Max_Caches', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Core_Units_Table_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Core_Unit_Ptr', 'Framework_Config.Max_Core_Units', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Processor_Binding_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Binding_Record_Type', 'Framework_Config.Max_Address_Spaces', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Sets_Type_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Set_Statement_Ptr', 'Max_Statements', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'Framework_Config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Generic_Index_Lst_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'access_Lists', [ 'Put => Put', 'Element => Double', 'Element_Ptr => Double_Ptr', 'Free => Double_Util.Free', 'copy => copy', 'Xml_String => Xml_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Generic_Object_Set_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Sets', [ 'Max_Element => Framework_Config.Max_Objects', 'Element => Generic_Object_Ptr', 'Free => Free', 'Copy => Copy', 'Put => Put', 'XML_String => XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String => XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; (* MAP Generic_Time_Line_Object_Set_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Sets', [ 'Max_Element => Editor_Config.Max_Time_Line', 'Element => Generic_Object_Ptr', 'Free => Free', 'Copy => Copy', 'Put => Put', 'XML_String => XML_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; *) MAP Double_Tasks_Parameters_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Double', 'Generic_Task_Ptr', 'Framework_Config.Max_Tasks', '0', 'Double_Util.Put', 'Double_Util.Initialize', 'Put_Name', 'Get_Name', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Framework_Request_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Framework_Request', 'Max_Requests', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Framework_Response_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Framework_Response', 'Max_Requests', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Scheduling_Result_Per_Processor_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Scheduling_Result', 'Generic_Processor_Ptr', 'Framework_Config.Max_Processors', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Processors.Put_Name', 'Get_Name', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String', 'to_unbounded_string("time_unit")' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Framework_Parameters_Table_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Parameter_ptr', 'Max_Framework_Parameters', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ] ); END_MAP; MAP Buffer_Roles_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Buffer_Role', 'Unbounded_String', 'framework_config.max_tasks', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Put', 'Convert', 'XML_String', 'XML_String', 'to_unbounded_string("task_name")' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada.Strings.Unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_Io', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Buffer_Result_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Buffer_Size_Table', 'Buffer_Ptr', 'Framework_Config.Max_Buffers', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Buffers.Put_Name', 'Buffers.Get_Name', 'XML_Root_String', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'Task_Set', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada.Strings.Unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Buffers', 'Buffer_Roles_Package', false, true ), ada_interface ( 'Indexed_Tables', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP User_Defined_Parameters_Table_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Parameter_Ptr', 'Max_User_Defined_Task_Parameters', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Offsets_Table_package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Offset_Type', 'Max_Offsets', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; (* MAP Tasks_Table_package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Generic_Task_Ptr', 'Max_Tasks', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; *) MAP Time_Unit_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Time_Unit_Event_Ptr', 'Natural', 'framework_config.max_scheduling_period', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Put', 'Format', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String', 'to_unbounded_string("time_unit")' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'natural_util', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Time_Unit_Lists_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Time_Unit_Event_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Resource_Accesses TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Critical_Section', 'Unbounded_String', 'Framework_Config.Max_Tasks_For_A_Resource', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Put', 'Convert', 'XML_String', 'XML_String', 'to_unbounded_string("task_name")' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP State_Lists_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'State_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Transition_Lists_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Transition_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Package_Automaton_Status TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Automaton_Status', 'Unbounded_String', 'Framework_Config.Max_Sections', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Put', 'Convert', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Package_Transition_Status TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Transition_Status', 'Unbounded_String', 'Framework_Config.Max_Transitions', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Put', 'Convert', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Buffer_Size_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Buffer_Size_Item', 'Framework_Config.Max_Scheduling_Period', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Waiting_Time_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Double', 'Framework_Config.Max_Scheduling_Period', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Density_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Tables', [ 'Density_Item', 'Framework_Config.Max_Density_Size', 'Put', 'XML_String', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Densities_Table_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Indexed_Tables', [ 'Density_Table', 'Generic_Task_Ptr', 'framework_config.max_tasks', '0', 'Put', 'Initialize', 'Put_Name', 'Get_Name', 'XML_Root_String', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Double_Util', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada.Strings.Unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_Io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Tasks', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Deadlock_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Access_Lists', [ 'Deadlock_Item', 'Deadlock_Item_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'Copy', 'Xml_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Priority_Inversion_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Access_Lists', [ 'Priority_Inversion_Item', 'Priority_Inversion_Item_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'Copy', 'Xml_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Error_ID_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Error_ID_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Mod_HM_Ext_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Generic_Task_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Generic_Task_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_Ref_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP SysHM_Ext_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Partition_Schedule_Element_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Window_Sched_Ext_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Window_Schedule_Element_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Channel_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Channel_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP PortMappingType_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'PortMappingType_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP PartitionType_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'PartitionType_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Partition_Memory_Element_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Partition_HM_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Partition_HM_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP ModExt_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'ModExt_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP SamplingPortType_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'SamplingPortType_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP QueuingPortType_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'QueuingPortType_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP ProcessType_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'ProcessType_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP System_State_Entry_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Part_HM_Ext_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Memory_Ext_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP PortMap_Ext_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP PortExt_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'PortExt_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP ProcExt_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'ProcExt_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP PartitionExt_Type_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Lists', [ 'PartitionExt_Type_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA DP_Graph_Mapping; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Generic_Graph; USE FROM DP_Graph; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ], [ ], [ ] ); Generic_Graph; DP_Graph; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || ada_class ( false ); Graph; Generic_Edge; Generic_Node; Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge; Buffer_Edge; Communication_Edge; Precedence_Edge; Resource_Edge; (* Synchronous_Data_Flow_Edge; *) Task_Node; END_MAP; MAP Edge_Lists_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Access_Lists', [ 'Generic_Edge''class', 'Generic_Edge_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'Copy', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Node_Lists_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Access_Lists', [ 'Generic_Node''class', 'Generic_Node_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'Copy', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA Applicability_Constraints_Mappings; META FROM express2cheddar_facade; META FROM record_and_class; USE FROM Applicability_Constraints_Main_Structure; USE FROM Generic_Graph; USE FROM DP_Graph; MAP TO ada_package ( [ ada_interface ( 'Systems', ?, true, true ) ], [ ], [ ] ); Applicability_Constraints_Main_Structure; END_MAP; MAP TO ada_entity ( ) || record ( ); Applicability_Constraint; Applicability_Constraint_Case; All_Cases_Structure; END_MAP; MAP TO cheddar_function_ptr ( 'Context : System', 'Boolean' ); Applicability_Constraint_Function; END_MAP; MAP Applicability_Constraints_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Access_Lists', [ 'Applicability_Constraint', 'Applicability_Constraint_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'Copy', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; MAP Applicability_Constraint_Cases_List_Package TO ada_entity ( ) || generic_package_instanciation ( 'Access_Lists', [ 'Applicability_Constraint_Case', 'Applicability_Constraint_Case_Ptr', 'Put', 'Free', 'Copy', 'XML_String' ], [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings.unbounded.text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'framework_config', ?, true, true ) ] ); END_MAP; END_SCHEMA;; END_SCHEMA;e)] ); END_MAP; *) END_SCHEMA;