//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This package was automatically generated from EXPRESS (ISO STEP 10303 part11) // by a java generator build with the meta CASE tool Platypus // (alain.plantec@univ-brest.fr) // // Please, be aware that any hand-made updating of this file can be lost!!. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package CheddarBridge; public enum Tasks_Type { Periodic_Type, Aperiodic_Type, Sporadic_Type, Poisson_Type, Parametric_Type, Scheduling_Task_Type, Frame_Task_Type; public static Tasks_Type fromString(String rep) throws Exception { if (rep.equals("Periodic_Type")) return (Periodic_Type); if (rep.equals("Aperiodic_Type")) return (Aperiodic_Type); if (rep.equals("Sporadic_Type")) return (Sporadic_Type); if (rep.equals("Poisson_Type")) return (Poisson_Type); if (rep.equals("Parametric_Type")) return (Parametric_Type); if (rep.equals("Scheduling_Task_Type")) return (Scheduling_Task_Type); if (rep.equals("Frame_Task_Type")) return (Frame_Task_Type); throw new Exception("invalid Tasks_Type enum string representation (" + rep + ")"); } }