This directory comes with a set of gpr files to compile the followings commands: - generic_gpr.gpr: a generic gpr, for all common constants, particulary all source files. It is call in header of all follow gprs. - cheddar.gpr : compile the classical cheddar tool, i.e. including the machine-man interface. - cheddarLite.gpr : compile a program that allows you to call cheddar by command line (without machine-man interface). - aadl2aadl.gpr : compile a tool that reads AADL file supported by Cheddar and outputs it. - aadl2xml.gpr : compile a tool that reads AADL file supported by Cheddar and translates it to a Cheddar ADL file. - xml2aadl.gpr : compile a tool that reads a Cheddar ADL file and translates it to a AADL file. - xml2xml.gpr : compile a tool that reads a Cheddar ADL file and outputs it. - dp.gpr : call the design-pattern tool recognition. This feature is also available by the Cheddar facade. - frameworkexamples.adb : compile various examples of program that are able to directly call the framework (cheddarLite is a kind of such programs). Complementary to the tools above, this directory also provides tools that may help to translate Cheddar V2 files towards Cheddar V3. Those tools are: - cheddarLitev2.gpr : calls Cheddar with Cheddar ADL XML v2 file. - v2architecturetov3architecture.gpr : help to translate Cheddar ADL v2 file towards Cheddar v3 files. - v2eventtabletov3eventtable.gpr : help to translate Cheddar event table v2 file towards Cheddar v3 files.