------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with framework; use framework; with id_generators; use id_generators; Package Body Objects is function XML_String(obj : in Objects_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Objects_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Objects_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Object =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Object) is begin generate_id( framework_id, obj.cheddar_private_id ); obj.object_type := Buffer_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Object ) return Generic_Object_Ptr is New_Generic_Object : Generic_Object_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Object := new Generic_Object'(obj); return (New_Generic_Object); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Object_Ptr ) return Generic_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Object) is begin put("cheddar_private_id: "); put(obj.cheddar_private_id); put ( "; " ); put("object_type: "); put(obj.object_type); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Object_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Object_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Object ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Object_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Object; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.object_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.object_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Object; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Object_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Object; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Object_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Named_Object =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Named_Object) is begin initialize(Generic_Object(obj)); obj.name := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Named_Object ) return Generic_Object_Ptr is New_Named_Object : Named_Object_Ptr; begin New_Named_Object := new Named_Object'(obj); return Generic_Object_Ptr(New_Named_Object); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Named_Object_Ptr ) return Generic_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Named_Object) is begin put(Generic_Object(obj)); put("name: "); put(obj.name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Named_Object_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Named_Object_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Named_Object) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Named_Object_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Named_Object ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Named_Object_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Named_Object; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Named_Object; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Named_Object_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Named_Object; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Named_Object_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Objects; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Tasks; use Tasks.Generic_Task_List_Package; use Tasks.Policies_io; with Offsets; use Offsets; use offsets.Offsets_Table_Package; with Parameters; use Parameters; use parameters.User_Defined_Parameters_Table_Package; Package Body Task_Groups is function XML_String(obj : in Task_Groups_type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Task_Groups_type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Task_Groups_type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Task_Group =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Task_Group) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.task_group_type := Transaction_Type; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Sched_Fifo; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.activation_rule := empty_string; obj.object_type := Task_Group_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Task_Group ) return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr is New_Generic_Task_Group : Generic_Task_Group_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Task_Group := new Generic_Task_Group'(obj); return (New_Generic_Task_Group); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Task_Group_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Task_Group) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("task_list: "); put(obj.task_list); put ( "; " ); put("task_group_type: "); put(obj.task_group_type); put ( "; " ); put("cpu_name: "); put(obj.cpu_name); put ( "; " ); put("address_space_name: "); put(obj.address_space_name); put ( "; " ); put("capacity: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.capacity); put ( "; " ); put("deadline: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.deadline); put ( "; " ); put("start_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.start_time); put ( "; " ); put("priority: "); put(obj.priority); put ( "; " ); put("blocking_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.blocking_time); put ( "; " ); put("policy: "); put(obj.policy); put ( "; " ); put("offsets: "); put(obj.offsets); put ( "; " ); put("text_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.text_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("stack_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.stack_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("parameters: "); put(obj.parameters); put ( "; " ); put("criticality: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.criticality); put ( "; " ); put("context_switch_overhead: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.context_switch_overhead); put ( "; " ); put("seed: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.seed); put ( "; " ); put("predictable: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.predictable); put ( "; " ); put("period: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.period); put ( "; " ); put("jitter: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.jitter); put ( "; " ); put("activation_rule: "); put(obj.activation_rule); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Task_Group_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Task_Group_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Task_Group) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Task_Group_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Task_Group ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASK_GROUPS.GENERIC_TASK_GROUP"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Task_Group_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.task_list, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.task_list, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.task_group_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.task_group_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.capacity, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.capacity, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.deadline, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.deadline, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.priority, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.priority, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.blocking_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.blocking_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.policy, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.policy, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.offsets, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.offsets, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.text_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.text_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.stack_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.stack_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.criticality, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.criticality, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.context_switch_overhead, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.context_switch_overhead, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.seed, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.seed, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.predictable, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.predictable, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.jitter, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.jitter, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.activation_rule, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.activation_rule, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Task_Group_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Task_Group_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Transaction_Task_Group =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Transaction_Task_Group) is begin initialize(Generic_Task_Group(obj)); obj.task_group_type := Transaction_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Transaction_Task_Group ) return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr is New_Transaction_Task_Group : Transaction_Task_Group_Ptr; begin New_Transaction_Task_Group := new Transaction_Task_Group'(obj); return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr(New_Transaction_Task_Group); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Transaction_Task_Group_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Transaction_Task_Group) is begin put(Generic_Task_Group(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Transaction_Task_Group_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Transaction_Task_Group_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Transaction_Task_Group) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Transaction_Task_Group_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Transaction_Task_Group ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASK_GROUPS.GENERIC_TASK_GROUP"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASK_GROUPS.TRANSACTION_TASK_GROUP"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Transaction_Task_Group_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Transaction_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Task_Group(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Transaction_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Transaction_Task_Group_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Transaction_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Transaction_Task_Group_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Multiframe_Task_Group =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Multiframe_Task_Group) is begin initialize(Generic_Task_Group(obj)); obj.task_group_type := Multiframe_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group ) return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr is New_Multiframe_Task_Group : Multiframe_Task_Group_Ptr; begin New_Multiframe_Task_Group := new Multiframe_Task_Group'(obj); return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr(New_Multiframe_Task_Group); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Group_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group) is begin put(Generic_Task_Group(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASK_GROUPS.GENERIC_TASK_GROUP"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASK_GROUPS.MULTIFRAME_TASK_GROUP"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Task_Group(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Multiframe_Task_Group_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Task_Groups; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Networks is function XML_String(obj : in Networks_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Networks_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Networks_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Network =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Network) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.network_type := Bounded_Delay; obj.object_type := Network_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Network ) return Network_Ptr is New_Network : Network_Ptr; begin New_Network := new Network'(obj); return (New_Network); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Network_Ptr ) return Network_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Network) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("network_type: "); put(obj.network_type); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Network_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Network_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Network) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Network_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Network ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("NETWORKS.NETWORK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Network_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Network; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.network_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.network_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Network; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Network_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Network; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Network_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Networks; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Dependencies is function XML_String(obj : in Dependency_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Dependency_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Dependency_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Orientation_Dependency_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Orientation_Dependency_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Orientation_Dependency_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; procedure Initialize (obj : out Dependency_Ptr) is begin obj := NULL; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Dependency_Ptr) is begin if (obj /= NULL) then put("type_of_dependency: "); put(obj.type_of_dependency); put ( "; " ); put ( "value: " ); case obj.type_of_dependency is when precedence_dependency => put("precedence_sink: "); if obj.precedence_sink /= null then put(obj.precedence_sink.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("precedence_source: "); if obj.precedence_source /= null then put(obj.precedence_source.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when queuing_buffer_dependency => put("buffer_dependent_task: "); if obj.buffer_dependent_task /= null then put(obj.buffer_dependent_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("buffer_orientation: "); put(obj.buffer_orientation); put ( "; " ); put("buffer_dependency_object: "); if obj.buffer_dependency_object /= null then put(obj.buffer_dependency_object.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when communication_dependency => put("communication_dependent_task: "); if obj.communication_dependent_task /= null then put(obj.communication_dependent_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("communication_orientation: "); put(obj.communication_orientation); put ( "; " ); put("communication_dependency_object: "); if obj.communication_dependency_object /= null then put(obj.communication_dependency_object.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when time_triggered_communication_dependency => put("time_triggered_communication_sink: "); if obj.time_triggered_communication_sink /= null then put(obj.time_triggered_communication_sink.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("time_triggered_communication_source: "); if obj.time_triggered_communication_source /= null then put(obj.time_triggered_communication_source.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("timing_property: "); put(obj.timing_property); put ( "; " ); when resource_dependency => put("resource_dependency_resource: "); if obj.resource_dependency_resource /= null then put(obj.resource_dependency_resource.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("resource_dependency_task: "); if obj.resource_dependency_task /= null then put(obj.resource_dependency_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when black_board_Buffer_dependency => put("black_board_dependent_task: "); if obj.black_board_dependent_task /= null then put(obj.black_board_dependent_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("black_board_orientation: "); put(obj.black_board_orientation); put ( "; " ); put("black_board_dependency_object: "); if obj.black_board_dependency_object /= null then put(obj.black_board_dependency_object.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end case; end if; New_Line; end Put; function Copy ( obj : in Dependency ) return Dependency_Ptr is New_Dependency : Dependency_Ptr; begin New_Dependency := new Dependency'(obj); return (New_Dependency); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Dependency_Ptr ) return Dependency_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; function XML_String(obj : in Dependency; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.type_of_dependency, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.type_of_dependency, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; case obj.type_of_dependency is when precedence_dependency => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when queuing_buffer_dependency => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.buffer_orientation, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.buffer_orientation, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when communication_dependency => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.communication_orientation, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.communication_orientation, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when time_triggered_communication_dependency => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.timing_property, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.timing_property, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when resource_dependency => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when black_board_Buffer_dependency => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.black_board_orientation, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.black_board_orientation, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end case; result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Dependency_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_String(obj.all); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Dependency; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Dependency_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Dependencies; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with framework; use framework; with id_generators; use id_generators; Package Body ARINC_653_Schema is function XML_String(obj : in ModuleActionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(ModuleActionType'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in ModuleActionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in PartitionActionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(PartitionActionType'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in PartitionActionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in ErrorLevelType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(ErrorLevelType'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in ErrorLevelType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in ErrorCodeType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(ErrorCodeType'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in ErrorCodeType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in DirectionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(DirectionType'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in DirectionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in CriticalityType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(CriticalityType'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in CriticalityType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortMappingType_Choice_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(PortMappingType_Choice_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in PortMappingType_Choice_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= ARINC_653_Object =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out ARINC_653_Object) is begin generate_id( framework_id, obj.cheddar_private_id ); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in ARINC_653_Object ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_ARINC_653_Object : ARINC_653_Object_Ptr; begin New_ARINC_653_Object := new ARINC_653_Object'(obj); return (New_ARINC_653_Object); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in ARINC_653_Object_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in ARINC_653_Object) is begin put("cheddar_private_id: "); put(obj.cheddar_private_id); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in ARINC_653_Object_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in ARINC_653_Object_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in ARINC_653_Object ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in ARINC_653_Object_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Object; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin null; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Object; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Object_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Object; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Object_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Error_ID_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Error_ID_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.ErrorIdentifier := empty_string; obj.Description := empty_string; obj.PartitionAction := IGNORE; obj.ModuleAction := IGNORE; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Error_ID_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Error_ID_Type : Error_ID_Type_Ptr; begin New_Error_ID_Type := new Error_ID_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Error_ID_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Error_ID_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Error_ID_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("ErrorIdentifier: "); put(obj.ErrorIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("Description: "); put(obj.Description); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionAction: "); put(obj.PartitionAction); put ( "; " ); put("ModuleAction: "); put(obj.ModuleAction); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Error_ID_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Error_ID_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Error_ID_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ERROR_ID_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Error_ID_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.ErrorIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ErrorIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Description, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Description, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionAction, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionAction, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ModuleAction, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ModuleAction, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Error_ID_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Error_ID_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Error_ID_Action_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Error_ID_Action_Type) is begin initialize(Error_ID_Type(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Error_ID_Action_Type : Error_ID_Action_Type_Ptr; begin New_Error_ID_Action_Type := new Error_ID_Action_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Error_ID_Action_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type) is begin put(Error_ID_Type(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ERROR_ID_TYPE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ERROR_ID_ACTION_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Error_ID_Type(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Error_ID_Action_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Error_ID_Level_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Error_ID_Level_Type) is begin initialize(Error_ID_Type(obj)); obj.ErrorLevel := MODULE; obj.ErrorCode := DEADLINE_MISSED; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Error_ID_Level_Type : Error_ID_Level_Type_Ptr; begin New_Error_ID_Level_Type := new Error_ID_Level_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Error_ID_Level_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type) is begin put(Error_ID_Type(obj)); put("ErrorLevel: "); put(obj.ErrorLevel); put ( "; " ); put("ErrorCode: "); put(obj.ErrorCode); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ERROR_ID_TYPE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ERROR_ID_LEVEL_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Error_ID_Type(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.ErrorLevel, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ErrorLevel, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ErrorCode, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ErrorCode, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Error_ID_Level_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= System_State_Entry_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out System_State_Entry_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.SystemState := empty_string; obj.Description := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in System_State_Entry_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_System_State_Entry_Type : System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr; begin New_System_State_Entry_Type := new System_State_Entry_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_System_State_Entry_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in System_State_Entry_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("Error_ID_Action: "); put(obj.Error_ID_Action); put ( "; " ); put("SystemState: "); put(obj.SystemState); put ( "; " ); put("Description: "); put(obj.Description); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in System_State_Entry_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_STATE_ENTRY_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in System_State_Entry_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Error_ID_Action, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Error_ID_Action, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.SystemState, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.SystemState, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Description, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Description, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in System_State_Entry_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in System_State_Entry_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in System_State_Entry_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= SysHM_Ext_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out SysHM_Ext_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_SysHM_Ext_Type : SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr; begin New_SysHM_Ext_Type := new SysHM_Ext_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_SysHM_Ext_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.SYSHM_EXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in SysHM_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= System_HM_TableType =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out System_HM_TableType) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in System_HM_TableType ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_System_HM_TableType : System_HM_TableType_Ptr; begin New_System_HM_TableType := new System_HM_TableType'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_System_HM_TableType); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in System_HM_TableType_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in System_HM_TableType) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("System_State_Entry: "); put(obj.System_State_Entry); put ( "; " ); put("SysHM_Ext: "); put(obj.SysHM_Ext); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in System_HM_TableType_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in System_HM_TableType_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in System_HM_TableType ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_HM_TABLETYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in System_HM_TableType_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in System_HM_TableType; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.System_State_Entry, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.System_State_Entry, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.SysHM_Ext, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.SysHM_Ext, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in System_HM_TableType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in System_HM_TableType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in System_HM_TableType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in System_HM_TableType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Mod_HM_Ext_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Mod_HM_Ext_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Mod_HM_Ext_Type : Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr; begin New_Mod_HM_Ext_Type := new Mod_HM_Ext_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Mod_HM_Ext_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.MOD_HM_EXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Mod_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Module_HM_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Module_HM_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.ModuleCallback := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Module_HM_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Module_HM_Type : Module_HM_Type_Ptr; begin New_Module_HM_Type := new Module_HM_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Module_HM_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Module_HM_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Module_HM_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("System_State_Entry: "); put(obj.System_State_Entry); put ( "; " ); put("Mod_HM_Ext: "); put(obj.Mod_HM_Ext); put ( "; " ); put("ModuleCallback: "); put(obj.ModuleCallback); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Module_HM_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Module_HM_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Module_HM_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.MODULE_HM_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Module_HM_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Module_HM_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.System_State_Entry, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.System_State_Entry, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Mod_HM_Ext, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Mod_HM_Ext, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ModuleCallback, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ModuleCallback, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Module_HM_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Module_HM_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Module_HM_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Module_HM_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= PortExt_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out PortExt_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in PortExt_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_PortExt_Type : PortExt_Type_Ptr; begin New_PortExt_Type := new PortExt_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_PortExt_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in PortExt_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in PortExt_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in PortExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in PortExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in PortExt_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PORTEXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in PortExt_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in PortExt_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= PortType =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out PortType) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.Name := empty_string; obj.MaxMessageSize := empty_string; obj.Direction := SOURCE; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in PortType ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_PortType : PortType_Ptr; begin New_PortType := new PortType'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_PortType); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in PortType_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in PortType) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("PortExt: "); put(obj.PortExt); put ( "; " ); put("Name: "); put(obj.Name); put ( "; " ); put("MaxMessageSize: "); put(obj.MaxMessageSize); put ( "; " ); put("Direction: "); put(obj.Direction); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in PortType_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in PortType_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in PortType ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PORTTYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in PortType_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in PortType; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.PortExt, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PortExt, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.MaxMessageSize, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.MaxMessageSize, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Direction, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Direction, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= SamplingPortType =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out SamplingPortType) is begin initialize(PortType(obj)); obj.RefreshRateSeconds := 0.0; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in SamplingPortType ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_SamplingPortType : SamplingPortType_Ptr; begin New_SamplingPortType := new SamplingPortType'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_SamplingPortType); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in SamplingPortType_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in SamplingPortType) is begin put(PortType(obj)); put("RefreshRateSeconds: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.RefreshRateSeconds); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in SamplingPortType_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in SamplingPortType_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in SamplingPortType ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PORTTYPE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.SAMPLINGPORTTYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in SamplingPortType_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in SamplingPortType; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(PortType(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.RefreshRateSeconds, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.RefreshRateSeconds, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in SamplingPortType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in SamplingPortType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in SamplingPortType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in SamplingPortType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= ProcExt_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out ProcExt_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in ProcExt_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_ProcExt_Type : ProcExt_Type_Ptr; begin New_ProcExt_Type := new ProcExt_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_ProcExt_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in ProcExt_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in ProcExt_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in ProcExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in ProcExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in ProcExt_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PROCEXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in ProcExt_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ProcExt_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ProcExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ProcExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ProcExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ProcExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= ProcessType =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out ProcessType) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.Name := empty_string; obj.StackSize := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in ProcessType ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_ProcessType : ProcessType_Ptr; begin New_ProcessType := new ProcessType'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_ProcessType); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in ProcessType_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in ProcessType) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("ProcExt: "); put(obj.ProcExt); put ( "; " ); put("Name: "); put(obj.Name); put ( "; " ); put("StackSize: "); put(obj.StackSize); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in ProcessType_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in ProcessType_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in ProcessType ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PROCESSTYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in ProcessType_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ProcessType; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.ProcExt, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ProcExt, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.StackSize, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.StackSize, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ProcessType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ProcessType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ProcessType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ProcessType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= QueuingPortType =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out QueuingPortType) is begin initialize(PortType(obj)); obj.MaxNbMessages := 0; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in QueuingPortType ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_QueuingPortType : QueuingPortType_Ptr; begin New_QueuingPortType := new QueuingPortType'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_QueuingPortType); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in QueuingPortType_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in QueuingPortType) is begin put(PortType(obj)); put("MaxNbMessages: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.MaxNbMessages); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in QueuingPortType_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in QueuingPortType_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in QueuingPortType ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PORTTYPE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.QUEUINGPORTTYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in QueuingPortType_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in QueuingPortType; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(PortType(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.MaxNbMessages, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.MaxNbMessages, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in QueuingPortType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in QueuingPortType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in QueuingPortType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in QueuingPortType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= PartitionExt_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out PartitionExt_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in PartitionExt_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_PartitionExt_Type : PartitionExt_Type_Ptr; begin New_PartitionExt_Type := new PartitionExt_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_PartitionExt_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in PartitionExt_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in PartitionExt_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in PartitionExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in PartitionExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in PartitionExt_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PARTITIONEXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in PartitionExt_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in PartitionExt_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PartitionExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PartitionExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PartitionExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PartitionExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= PartitionType =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out PartitionType) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.Criticality := LEVEL_A; obj.SystemPartition := false; obj.EntryPoint := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in PartitionType ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_PartitionType : PartitionType_Ptr; begin New_PartitionType := new PartitionType'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_PartitionType); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in PartitionType_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in PartitionType) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("Sampling_Port: "); put(obj.Sampling_Port); put ( "; " ); put("Queuing_Port: "); put(obj.Queuing_Port); put ( "; " ); put("Process: "); put(obj.Process); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionExt: "); put(obj.PartitionExt); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionIdentifier: "); put(obj.PartitionIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionName: "); put(obj.PartitionName); put ( "; " ); put("Criticality: "); put(obj.Criticality); put ( "; " ); put("SystemPartition: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.SystemPartition); put ( "; " ); put("EntryPoint: "); put(obj.EntryPoint); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in PartitionType_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in PartitionType_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in PartitionType ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PARTITIONTYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in PartitionType_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in PartitionType; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Sampling_Port, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Sampling_Port, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Queuing_Port, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Queuing_Port, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Process, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Process, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionExt, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionExt, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Criticality, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Criticality, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.SystemPartition, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.SystemPartition, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.EntryPoint, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.EntryPoint, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PartitionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PartitionType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PartitionType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PartitionType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Memory_Requirements =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Memory_Requirements) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.regionName := empty_string; obj.memory_type := empty_string; obj.sizeBytes := empty_string; obj.physicalAddress := empty_string; obj.memoryAccess := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Memory_Requirements ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Memory_Requirements : Memory_Requirements_Ptr; begin New_Memory_Requirements := new Memory_Requirements'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Memory_Requirements); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Memory_Requirements_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Memory_Requirements) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("regionName: "); put(obj.regionName); put ( "; " ); put("memory_type: "); put(obj.memory_type); put ( "; " ); put("sizeBytes: "); put(obj.sizeBytes); put ( "; " ); put("physicalAddress: "); put(obj.physicalAddress); put ( "; " ); put("memoryAccess: "); put(obj.memoryAccess); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Memory_Requirements_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Memory_Requirements_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Memory_Requirements ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Memory_Requirements_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Memory_Requirements; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.regionName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.regionName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.memory_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.memory_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.sizeBytes, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.sizeBytes, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.physicalAddress, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.physicalAddress, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.memoryAccess, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.memoryAccess, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Memory_Requirements; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Memory_Requirements_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Memory_Requirements; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Memory_Requirements_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Memory_Ext_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Memory_Ext_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Memory_Ext_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Memory_Ext_Type : Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr; begin New_Memory_Ext_Type := new Memory_Ext_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Memory_Ext_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Memory_Ext_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Memory_Ext_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.MEMORY_EXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Memory_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Memory_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Memory_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Memory_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Partition_Memory_Element =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Partition_Memory_Element) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_Memory_Element ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Partition_Memory_Element : Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr; begin New_Partition_Memory_Element := new Partition_Memory_Element'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Partition_Memory_Element); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_Memory_Element) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("Memory_Requirements: "); if obj.Memory_Requirements /= null then put(obj.Memory_Requirements.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("Memory_Ext: "); put(obj.Memory_Ext); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionIdentifier: "); put(obj.PartitionIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionName: "); put(obj.PartitionName); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_Memory_Element ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PARTITION_MEMORY_ELEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Partition_Memory_Element; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Memory_Requirements, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Memory_Requirements, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Memory_Ext, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Memory_Ext, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_Memory_Element; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_Memory_Element; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_Memory_Element_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Partition_Sched_Ext_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Partition_Sched_Ext_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Partition_Sched_Ext_Type : Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr; begin New_Partition_Sched_Ext_Type := new Partition_Sched_Ext_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Partition_Sched_Ext_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PARTITION_SCHED_EXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Window_Schedule_Element =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Window_Schedule_Element) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.WindowIdentifier := empty_string; obj.WindowStartSeconds := 0.0; obj.WindowDurationSeconds := 0.0; obj.PartitionPeriodStart := false; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Window_Schedule_Element ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Window_Schedule_Element : Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr; begin New_Window_Schedule_Element := new Window_Schedule_Element'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Window_Schedule_Element); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Window_Schedule_Element) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("WindowIdentifier: "); put(obj.WindowIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("WindowStartSeconds: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.WindowStartSeconds); put ( "; " ); put("WindowDurationSeconds: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.WindowDurationSeconds); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionPeriodStart: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.PartitionPeriodStart); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Window_Schedule_Element ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.WINDOW_SCHEDULE_ELEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Window_Schedule_Element; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.WindowIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.WindowIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.WindowStartSeconds, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.WindowStartSeconds, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.WindowDurationSeconds, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.WindowDurationSeconds, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionPeriodStart, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionPeriodStart, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Window_Schedule_Element; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Window_Schedule_Element; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Window_Schedule_Element_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Window_Sched_Ext_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Window_Sched_Ext_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Window_Sched_Ext_Type : Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr; begin New_Window_Sched_Ext_Type := new Window_Sched_Ext_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Window_Sched_Ext_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.WINDOW_SCHED_EXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Window_Sched_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Partition_Schedule_Element =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Partition_Schedule_Element) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.PeriodSeconds := 0.0; obj.PeriodDurationSeconds := 0.0; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Partition_Schedule_Element : Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr; begin New_Partition_Schedule_Element := new Partition_Schedule_Element'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Partition_Schedule_Element); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("Window_Schedule: "); put(obj.Window_Schedule); put ( "; " ); put("Window_Sched_Ext: "); put(obj.Window_Sched_Ext); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionIdentifier: "); put(obj.PartitionIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionName: "); put(obj.PartitionName); put ( "; " ); put("PeriodSeconds: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.PeriodSeconds); put ( "; " ); put("PeriodDurationSeconds: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.PeriodDurationSeconds); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PARTITION_SCHEDULE_ELEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Window_Schedule, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Window_Schedule, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Window_Sched_Ext, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Window_Sched_Ext, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PeriodSeconds, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PeriodSeconds, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PeriodDurationSeconds, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PeriodDurationSeconds, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_Schedule_Element_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Module_Schedule_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Module_Schedule_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.MajorFrameSeconds := 0.0; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Module_Schedule_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Module_Schedule_Type : Module_Schedule_Type_Ptr; begin New_Module_Schedule_Type := new Module_Schedule_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Module_Schedule_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Module_Schedule_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Module_Schedule_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("Partition_Schedule: "); put(obj.Partition_Schedule); put ( "; " ); put("Partition_Sched_Ext: "); put(obj.Partition_Sched_Ext); put ( "; " ); put("MajorFrameSeconds: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.MajorFrameSeconds); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Module_Schedule_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Module_Schedule_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Module_Schedule_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.MODULE_SCHEDULE_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Module_Schedule_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Module_Schedule_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Partition_Schedule, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Partition_Schedule, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Partition_Sched_Ext, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Partition_Sched_Ext, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.MajorFrameSeconds, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.MajorFrameSeconds, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Module_Schedule_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Module_Schedule_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Module_Schedule_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Module_Schedule_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Part_HM_Ext_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Part_HM_Ext_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Part_HM_Ext_Type : Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr; begin New_Part_HM_Ext_Type := new Part_HM_Ext_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Part_HM_Ext_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PART_HM_EXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Part_HM_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Partition_HM_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Partition_HM_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.PartitionCallback := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_HM_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Partition_HM_Type : Partition_HM_Type_Ptr; begin New_Partition_HM_Type := new Partition_HM_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Partition_HM_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Partition_HM_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_HM_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("System_State_Entry: "); put(obj.System_State_Entry); put ( "; " ); put("Part_HM_Ext: "); put(obj.Part_HM_Ext); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionIdentifier: "); put(obj.PartitionIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionName: "); put(obj.PartitionName); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionCallback: "); put(obj.PartitionCallback); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Partition_HM_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Partition_HM_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_HM_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PARTITION_HM_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Partition_HM_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Partition_HM_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.System_State_Entry, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.System_State_Entry, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Part_HM_Ext, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Part_HM_Ext, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionCallback, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionCallback, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_HM_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partition_HM_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_HM_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Partition_HM_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Pseudo_Partition =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Pseudo_Partition) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.Name := empty_string; obj.PhysicalAddress := empty_string; obj.partition_procedure := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Pseudo_Partition ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Pseudo_Partition : Pseudo_Partition_Ptr; begin New_Pseudo_Partition := new Pseudo_Partition'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Pseudo_Partition); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Pseudo_Partition_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Pseudo_Partition) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("Name: "); put(obj.Name); put ( "; " ); put("PhysicalAddress: "); put(obj.PhysicalAddress); put ( "; " ); put("partition_procedure: "); put(obj.partition_procedure); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Pseudo_Partition_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Pseudo_Partition_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Pseudo_Partition ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PSEUDO_PARTITION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Pseudo_Partition_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Pseudo_Partition; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PhysicalAddress, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PhysicalAddress, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.partition_procedure, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.partition_procedure, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pseudo_Partition; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pseudo_Partition_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pseudo_Partition; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pseudo_Partition_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Standard_Partition =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Standard_Partition) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.PortName := empty_string; obj.PhysicalAddress := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Standard_Partition ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Standard_Partition : Standard_Partition_Ptr; begin New_Standard_Partition := new Standard_Partition'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Standard_Partition); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Standard_Partition_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Standard_Partition) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("PartitionIdentifier: "); put(obj.PartitionIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("PartitionName: "); put(obj.PartitionName); put ( "; " ); put("PortName: "); put(obj.PortName); put ( "; " ); put("PhysicalAddress: "); put(obj.PhysicalAddress); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Standard_Partition_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Standard_Partition_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Standard_Partition ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.STANDARD_PARTITION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Standard_Partition_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Standard_Partition; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PartitionName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PortName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PortName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PhysicalAddress, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PhysicalAddress, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Standard_Partition; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Standard_Partition_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Standard_Partition; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Standard_Partition_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; procedure Initialize (obj : out PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr) is begin obj := NULL; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr) is begin if (obj /= NULL) then put("type_of_PortMappingType_Choice: "); put(obj.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice); put ( "; " ); put ( "value: " ); case obj.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice is when pseudo_partition_Choice => put("pseudo_partition: "); if obj.pseudo_partition /= null then put(obj.pseudo_partition.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when standard_partition_Choice => put("standard_partition: "); if obj.standard_partition /= null then put(obj.standard_partition.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end case; end if; New_Line; end Put; function Copy ( obj : in PortMappingType_Choice ) return PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr is New_PortMappingType_Choice : PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr; begin New_PortMappingType_Choice := new PortMappingType_Choice'(obj); return (New_PortMappingType_Choice); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr ) return PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; function XML_String(obj : in PortMappingType_Choice; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; case obj.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice is when pseudo_partition_Choice => if (XML_String(obj.pseudo_partition, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.pseudo_partition, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when standard_partition_Choice => if (XML_String(obj.standard_partition, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.standard_partition, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end case; result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_String(obj.all); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortMappingType_Choice; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortMappingType_Choice_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= PortMap_Ext_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out PortMap_Ext_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_PortMap_Ext_Type : PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr; begin New_PortMap_Ext_Type := new PortMap_Ext_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_PortMap_Ext_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PORTMAP_EXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortMap_Ext_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= PortMappingType =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out PortMappingType) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in PortMappingType ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_PortMappingType : PortMappingType_Ptr; begin New_PortMappingType := new PortMappingType'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_PortMappingType); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in PortMappingType_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in PortMappingType) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("choice: "); put(obj.choice); put ( "; " ); put("PortMap_Ext: "); put(obj.PortMap_Ext); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in PortMappingType_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in PortMappingType_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in PortMappingType ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.PORTMAPPINGTYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in PortMappingType_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in PortMappingType; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.choice, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.choice, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.PortMap_Ext, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.PortMap_Ext, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortMappingType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in PortMappingType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortMappingType; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in PortMappingType_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Channel =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Channel) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.ChannelIdentifier := empty_string; obj.ChannelName := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Channel ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_Channel : Channel_Ptr; begin New_Channel := new Channel'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_Channel); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Channel_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Channel) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("Source: "); if obj.Source /= null then put(obj.Source.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("Destination: "); put(obj.Destination); put ( "; " ); put("ChannelIdentifier: "); put(obj.ChannelIdentifier); put ( "; " ); put("ChannelName: "); put(obj.ChannelName); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Channel_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Channel_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Channel ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.CHANNEL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Channel_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Channel; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Source, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Source, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Destination, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Destination, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ChannelIdentifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ChannelIdentifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ChannelName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ChannelName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Channel; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Channel_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Channel; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Channel_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= ModExt_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out ModExt_Type) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in ModExt_Type ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_ModExt_Type : ModExt_Type_Ptr; begin New_ModExt_Type := new ModExt_Type'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_ModExt_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in ModExt_Type_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in ModExt_Type) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in ModExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in ModExt_Type_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in ModExt_Type ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.MODEXT_TYPE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in ModExt_Type_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ModExt_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ModExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ModExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ModExt_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ModExt_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= ARINC_653_Module =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out ARINC_653_Module) is begin initialize(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); obj.ModuleName := empty_string; obj.ModuleVersion := empty_string; obj.ModuleId := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in ARINC_653_Module ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is New_ARINC_653_Module : ARINC_653_Module_Ptr; begin New_ARINC_653_Module := new ARINC_653_Module'(obj); return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr(New_ARINC_653_Module); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in ARINC_653_Module_Ptr ) return ARINC_653_Object_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in ARINC_653_Module) is begin put(ARINC_653_Object(obj)); put("System_HM_List: "); if obj.System_HM_List /= null then put(obj.System_HM_List.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("Module_HM_List: "); if obj.Module_HM_List /= null then put(obj.Module_HM_List.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("Partition: "); put(obj.Partition); put ( "; " ); put("Partition_Memory: "); put(obj.Partition_Memory); put ( "; " ); put("Module_Schedule: "); if obj.Module_Schedule /= null then put(obj.Module_Schedule.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("Partition_HM_List: "); put(obj.Partition_HM_List); put ( "; " ); put("Connection_List: "); put(obj.Connection_List); put ( "; " ); put("ModExt: "); put(obj.ModExt); put ( "; " ); put("ModuleName: "); put(obj.ModuleName); put ( "; " ); put("ModuleVersion: "); put(obj.ModuleVersion); put ( "; " ); put("ModuleId: "); put(obj.ModuleId); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in ARINC_653_Module_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in ARINC_653_Module_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in ARINC_653_Module ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ARINC_653_SCHEMA.ARINC_653_MODULE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in ARINC_653_Module_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Module; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(ARINC_653_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.System_HM_List, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.System_HM_List, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Module_HM_List, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Module_HM_List, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Partition, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Partition, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Partition_Memory, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Partition_Memory, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Module_Schedule, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Module_Schedule, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Partition_HM_List, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Partition_HM_List, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Connection_List, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Connection_List, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ModExt, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ModExt, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ModuleName, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ModuleName, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ModuleVersion, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ModuleVersion, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.ModuleId, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ModuleId, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Module; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Module_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Module; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ARINC_653_Module_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End ARINC_653_Schema; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Parameters; use Parameters; use parameters.User_Defined_Parameters_Table_Package; Package Body Messages is function XML_String(obj : in Messages_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Messages_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Messages_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Message =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Message) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.message_type := Periodic_Type; obj.deadline := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.response_time := 0; obj.communication_time := 0; obj.object_type := Message_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Message ) return Generic_Message_Ptr is New_Generic_Message : Generic_Message_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Message := new Generic_Message'(obj); return (New_Generic_Message); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Message_Ptr ) return Generic_Message_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Message) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("message_type: "); put(obj.message_type); put ( "; " ); put("parameters: "); put(obj.parameters); put ( "; " ); put("deadline: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.deadline); put ( "; " ); put("size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.size); put ( "; " ); put("response_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.response_time); put ( "; " ); put("communication_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.communication_time); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Message_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Message_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Message) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Message_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Message ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("MESSAGES.GENERIC_MESSAGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Message_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Message; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.message_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.message_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.deadline, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.deadline, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.response_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.response_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.communication_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.communication_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Message; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Message_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Message; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Message_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Periodic_Message =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Periodic_Message) is begin initialize(Generic_Message(obj)); obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.message_type := Periodic_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Periodic_Message ) return Generic_Message_Ptr is New_Periodic_Message : Periodic_Message_Ptr; begin New_Periodic_Message := new Periodic_Message'(obj); return Generic_Message_Ptr(New_Periodic_Message); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Periodic_Message_Ptr ) return Generic_Message_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Periodic_Message) is begin put(Generic_Message(obj)); put("period: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.period); put ( "; " ); put("jitter: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.jitter); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Periodic_Message_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Periodic_Message_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Periodic_Message) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Periodic_Message_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Periodic_Message ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("MESSAGES.GENERIC_MESSAGE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("MESSAGES.PERIODIC_MESSAGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Periodic_Message_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Periodic_Message; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Message(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.jitter, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.jitter, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Periodic_Message; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Periodic_Message_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Periodic_Message; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Periodic_Message_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Aperiodic_Message =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Aperiodic_Message) is begin initialize(Generic_Message(obj)); obj.message_type := Aperiodic_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Aperiodic_Message ) return Generic_Message_Ptr is New_Aperiodic_Message : Aperiodic_Message_Ptr; begin New_Aperiodic_Message := new Aperiodic_Message'(obj); return Generic_Message_Ptr(New_Aperiodic_Message); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Aperiodic_Message_Ptr ) return Generic_Message_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Aperiodic_Message) is begin put(Generic_Message(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Aperiodic_Message_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Aperiodic_Message_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Aperiodic_Message) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Aperiodic_Message_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Aperiodic_Message ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("MESSAGES.GENERIC_MESSAGE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("MESSAGES.APERIODIC_MESSAGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Aperiodic_Message_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Message; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Message(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Message; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Message_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Message; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Message_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Messages; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Automaton; use Automaton; use automaton.Transition_Lists_Package; use automaton.State_Lists_Package; Package Body Sections is function XML_String(obj : in Sections_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Sections_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Sections_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Section =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Section) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.section_type := Automaton_Type; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.object_type := Section_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Section ) return Generic_Section_Ptr is New_Generic_Section : Generic_Section_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Section := new Generic_Section'(obj); return (New_Generic_Section); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Section_Ptr ) return Generic_Section_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Section) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("section_type: "); put(obj.section_type); put ( "; " ); put("file_name: "); put(obj.file_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Section_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Section_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Section) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Section_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Section ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SECTIONS.GENERIC_SECTION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Section_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Section; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.section_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.section_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.file_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.file_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Section_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Section_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Computation_Section =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Computation_Section) is begin initialize(Generic_Section(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Computation_Section ) return Generic_Section_Ptr is New_Computation_Section : Computation_Section_Ptr; begin New_Computation_Section := new Computation_Section'(obj); return Generic_Section_Ptr(New_Computation_Section); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Computation_Section_Ptr ) return Generic_Section_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Computation_Section) is begin put(Generic_Section(obj)); put("first_statement: "); if obj.first_statement /= null then put(obj.first_statement.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Computation_Section_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Computation_Section_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Computation_Section) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Computation_Section_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Computation_Section ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SECTIONS.GENERIC_SECTION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SECTIONS.COMPUTATION_SECTION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Computation_Section_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Computation_Section; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Section(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Computation_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Computation_Section_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Computation_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Computation_Section_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Synchronization_Section =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Synchronization_Section) is begin initialize(Generic_Section(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Synchronization_Section ) return Generic_Section_Ptr is New_Synchronization_Section : Synchronization_Section_Ptr; begin New_Synchronization_Section := new Synchronization_Section'(obj); return Generic_Section_Ptr(New_Synchronization_Section); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Synchronization_Section_Ptr ) return Generic_Section_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Synchronization_Section) is begin put(Generic_Section(obj)); put("state_list: "); put(obj.state_list); put ( "; " ); put("transition_list: "); put(obj.transition_list); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Synchronization_Section_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Synchronization_Section_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Synchronization_Section) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Synchronization_Section_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Synchronization_Section ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SECTIONS.GENERIC_SECTION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SECTIONS.SYNCHRONIZATION_SECTION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Synchronization_Section_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Synchronization_Section; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Section(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.state_list, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.state_list, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.transition_list, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.transition_list, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Synchronization_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Synchronization_Section_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Synchronization_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Synchronization_Section_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Sections; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Objects; use Objects; use Objects.Generic_Object_Set_Package; with Time_Unit_Events; use Time_Unit_Events; use Time_Unit_Events.Time_Unit_Package; Package Body Deployments is -- --------= Generic_Deployment =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Deployment) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.object_type := Deployment_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Deployment ) return Generic_Deployment_Ptr is New_Generic_Deployment : Generic_Deployment_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Deployment := new Generic_Deployment'(obj); return (New_Generic_Deployment); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Deployment_Ptr ) return Generic_Deployment_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Deployment) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("consumer_entities: "); put(obj.consumer_entities); put ( "; " ); put("resource_entities: "); put(obj.resource_entities); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Deployment_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Deployment_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Deployment) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Deployment_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Deployment ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DEPLOYMENTS.GENERIC_DEPLOYMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Deployment_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Deployment; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.consumer_entities, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.consumer_entities, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.resource_entities, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.resource_entities, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Deployment; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Deployment_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Deployment; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Deployment_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Static_Deployment =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Static_Deployment) is begin initialize(Generic_Deployment(obj)); obj.allocation := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Static_Deployment ) return Generic_Deployment_Ptr is New_Static_Deployment : Static_Deployment_Ptr; begin New_Static_Deployment := new Static_Deployment'(obj); return Generic_Deployment_Ptr(New_Static_Deployment); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Static_Deployment_Ptr ) return Generic_Deployment_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Static_Deployment) is begin put(Generic_Deployment(obj)); put("allocation: "); put(obj.allocation); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Static_Deployment_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Static_Deployment_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Static_Deployment) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Static_Deployment_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Static_Deployment ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DEPLOYMENTS.GENERIC_DEPLOYMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DEPLOYMENTS.STATIC_DEPLOYMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Static_Deployment_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Static_Deployment; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Deployment(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.allocation, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.allocation, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Static_Deployment; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Static_Deployment_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Static_Deployment; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Static_Deployment_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Dynamic_Deployment =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Dynamic_Deployment) is begin initialize(Generic_Deployment(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Dynamic_Deployment ) return Generic_Deployment_Ptr is New_Dynamic_Deployment : Dynamic_Deployment_Ptr; begin New_Dynamic_Deployment := new Dynamic_Deployment'(obj); return Generic_Deployment_Ptr(New_Dynamic_Deployment); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Dynamic_Deployment_Ptr ) return Generic_Deployment_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Dynamic_Deployment) is begin put(Generic_Deployment(obj)); put("allocation: "); put(obj.allocation); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Dynamic_Deployment_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Dynamic_Deployment_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Dynamic_Deployment) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Dynamic_Deployment_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Dynamic_Deployment ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DEPLOYMENTS.GENERIC_DEPLOYMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DEPLOYMENTS.DYNAMIC_DEPLOYMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Dynamic_Deployment_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Dynamic_Deployment; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Deployment(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.allocation, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.allocation, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Dynamic_Deployment; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Dynamic_Deployment_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Dynamic_Deployment; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Dynamic_Deployment_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Deployments; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Simulations; use Simulations.Simulation_Type_io; Package Body Expressions is function XML_String(obj : in Operator_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Operator_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Operator_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Expressions_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Expressions_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Expressions_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Expression =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Expression) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.expression_type := Constant_Type; obj.object_type := Expression_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Expression ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is New_Generic_Expression : Generic_Expression_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Expression := new Generic_Expression'(obj); return (New_Generic_Expression); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Expression_Ptr ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Expression) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("expression_type: "); put(obj.expression_type); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Expression) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Expression_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Expression ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.GENERIC_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Expression_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Expression; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.expression_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.expression_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Constant_Expression =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Constant_Expression) is begin initialize(Generic_Expression(obj)); initialize( obj.VALUE); obj.expression_type := Constant_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Constant_Expression ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is New_Constant_Expression : Constant_Expression_Ptr; begin New_Constant_Expression := new Constant_Expression'(obj); return Generic_Expression_Ptr(New_Constant_Expression); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Constant_Expression_Ptr ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Constant_Expression) is begin put(Generic_Expression(obj)); put("VALUE: "); put(obj.VALUE); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Constant_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Constant_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Constant_Expression) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Constant_Expression_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Constant_Expression ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.GENERIC_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.CONSTANT_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Constant_Expression_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Constant_Expression; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Expression(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.VALUE, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.VALUE, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Constant_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Constant_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Constant_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Constant_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Variable_Expression =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Variable_Expression) is begin initialize(Generic_Expression(obj)); obj.identifier := empty_string; obj.variable_type := Simulation_Boolean; obj.expression_type := Variable_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Variable_Expression ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is New_Variable_Expression : Variable_Expression_Ptr; begin New_Variable_Expression := new Variable_Expression'(obj); return Generic_Expression_Ptr(New_Variable_Expression); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Variable_Expression_Ptr ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Variable_Expression) is begin put(Generic_Expression(obj)); put("identifier: "); put(obj.identifier); put ( "; " ); put("variable_type: "); put(obj.variable_type); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Variable_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Variable_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Variable_Expression) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Variable_Expression_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Variable_Expression ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.GENERIC_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.VARIABLE_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Variable_Expression_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Variable_Expression; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Expression(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.identifier, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.identifier, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.variable_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.variable_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Variable_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Variable_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Variable_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Variable_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Array_Variable_Expression =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Array_Variable_Expression) is begin initialize(Variable_Expression(obj)); obj.expression_type := Array_Variable_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Array_Variable_Expression ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is New_Array_Variable_Expression : Array_Variable_Expression_Ptr; begin New_Array_Variable_Expression := new Array_Variable_Expression'(obj); return Generic_Expression_Ptr(New_Array_Variable_Expression); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Array_Variable_Expression_Ptr ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Array_Variable_Expression) is begin put(Variable_Expression(obj)); put("array_index: "); if obj.array_index /= null then put(obj.array_index.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Array_Variable_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Array_Variable_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Array_Variable_Expression) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Array_Variable_Expression_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Array_Variable_Expression ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.GENERIC_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.VARIABLE_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.ARRAY_VARIABLE_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Array_Variable_Expression_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Array_Variable_Expression; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Variable_Expression(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Array_Variable_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Array_Variable_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Array_Variable_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Array_Variable_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Binary_Expression =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Binary_Expression) is begin initialize(Variable_Expression(obj)); obj.operator := Plus_Type; obj.expression_type := Binary_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Binary_Expression ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is New_Binary_Expression : Binary_Expression_Ptr; begin New_Binary_Expression := new Binary_Expression'(obj); return Generic_Expression_Ptr(New_Binary_Expression); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Binary_Expression_Ptr ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Binary_Expression) is begin put(Variable_Expression(obj)); put("rvalue: "); if obj.rvalue /= null then put(obj.rvalue.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("lvalue: "); if obj.lvalue /= null then put(obj.lvalue.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("operator: "); put(obj.operator); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Binary_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Binary_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Binary_Expression) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Binary_Expression_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Binary_Expression ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.GENERIC_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.VARIABLE_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.BINARY_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Binary_Expression_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Binary_Expression; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Variable_Expression(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.operator, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.operator, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Binary_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Binary_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Binary_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Binary_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Unary_Expression =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Unary_Expression) is begin initialize(Variable_Expression(obj)); obj.operator := Plus_Type; obj.expression_type := Unary_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Unary_Expression ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is New_Unary_Expression : Unary_Expression_Ptr; begin New_Unary_Expression := new Unary_Expression'(obj); return Generic_Expression_Ptr(New_Unary_Expression); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Unary_Expression_Ptr ) return Generic_Expression_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Unary_Expression) is begin put(Variable_Expression(obj)); put("operator: "); put(obj.operator); put ( "; " ); put("VALUE: "); if obj.VALUE /= null then put(obj.VALUE.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Unary_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Unary_Expression_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Unary_Expression) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Unary_Expression_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Unary_Expression ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.GENERIC_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.VARIABLE_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EXPRESSIONS.UNARY_EXPRESSION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Unary_Expression_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Unary_Expression; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Variable_Expression(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.operator, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.operator, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Unary_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Unary_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Unary_Expression; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Unary_Expression_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Expressions; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with framework; use framework; with id_generators; use id_generators; Package Body Generic_Graph is -- --------= Generic_Node =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Node) is begin generate_id( framework_id, obj.cheddar_private_id ); obj.Id := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Node ) return Generic_Node_Ptr is New_Generic_Node : Generic_Node_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Node := new Generic_Node'(obj); return (New_Generic_Node); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Node_Ptr ) return Generic_Node_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Node) is begin put("cheddar_private_id: "); put(obj.cheddar_private_id); put ( "; " ); put("Id: "); put(obj.Id); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Node_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Node_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Node ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_NODE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Node_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Node; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.Id, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Id, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Node; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Node_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Node; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Node_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Edge =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Edge) is begin generate_id( framework_id, obj.cheddar_private_id ); obj.Id := empty_string; obj.Node_1 := empty_string; obj.Node_2 := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Edge ) return Generic_Edge_Ptr is New_Generic_Edge : Generic_Edge_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Edge := new Generic_Edge'(obj); return (New_Generic_Edge); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Edge_Ptr ) return Generic_Edge_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Edge) is begin put("cheddar_private_id: "); put(obj.cheddar_private_id); put ( "; " ); put("Id: "); put(obj.Id); put ( "; " ); put("Node_1: "); put(obj.Node_1); put ( "; " ); put("Node_2: "); put(obj.Node_2); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Edge ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_EDGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Edge_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Edge; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.Id, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Id, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Node_1, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Node_1, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Node_2, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Node_2, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Graph =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Graph) is begin generate_id( framework_id, obj.cheddar_private_id ); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Graph ) return Graph_Ptr is New_Graph : Graph_Ptr; begin New_Graph := new Graph'(obj); return (New_Graph); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Graph_Ptr ) return Graph_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Graph) is begin put("cheddar_private_id: "); put(obj.cheddar_private_id); put ( "; " ); put("Nodes: "); put(obj.Nodes); put ( "; " ); put("Edges: "); put(obj.Edges); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Graph_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Graph_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Graph ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GRAPH"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Graph_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Graph; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.Nodes, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Nodes, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Edges, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Edges, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Graph; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Graph_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Graph; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Graph_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Generic_Graph; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Queueing_Systems; use Queueing_Systems.Queueing_Systems_Type_io; Package Body Buffers is function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Role_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Buffer_Role_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Buffer_Role_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Buffer_Role =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Buffer_Role) is begin obj.the_role := No_Role; obj.size := 0; obj.time := 0; obj.timeout := 0; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer_Role) is begin put("the_role: "); put(obj.the_role); put ( "; " ); put("size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.size); put ( "; " ); put("time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.time); put ( "; " ); put("timeout: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.timeout); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer_Role_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Role; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.the_role, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.the_role, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.timeout, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.timeout, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Role; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Role_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Buffer_Role; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer_Role ) return Buffer_Role_Ptr is New_Buffer_Role : Buffer_Role_Ptr; begin New_Buffer_Role := new Buffer_Role'(obj); return (New_Buffer_Role); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer_Role_Ptr ) return Buffer_Role_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; -- --------= Buffer =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Buffer) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.queueing_system_type := Qs_Mm1; obj.size := 0; obj.object_type := Buffer_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer ) return Buffer_Ptr is New_Buffer : Buffer_Ptr; begin New_Buffer := new Buffer'(obj); return (New_Buffer); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer_Ptr ) return Buffer_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("cpu_name: "); put(obj.cpu_name); put ( "; " ); put("address_space_name: "); put(obj.address_space_name); put ( "; " ); put("queueing_system_type: "); put(obj.queueing_system_type); put ( "; " ); put("size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.size); put ( "; " ); put("roles: "); put(obj.roles); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Buffer_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Buffer) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Buffer_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Buffer ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("BUFFERS.BUFFER"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Buffer_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Buffer; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.queueing_system_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.queueing_system_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.roles, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.roles, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Buffer; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Buffer_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Buffers; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Time_Unit_Events is function XML_String(obj : in Time_Unit_Event_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Time_Unit_Event_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Time_Unit_Event_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; procedure Initialize (obj : out Time_Unit_Event_Ptr) is begin obj := NULL; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Time_Unit_Event_Ptr) is begin if (obj /= NULL) then put("type_of_event: "); put(obj.type_of_event); put ( "; " ); put ( "value: " ); case obj.type_of_event is when start_of_task_capacity => put("start_task: "); if obj.start_task /= null then put(obj.start_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when end_of_task_capacity => put("end_task: "); if obj.end_task /= null then put(obj.end_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when write_to_buffer => put("write_buffer: "); if obj.write_buffer /= null then put(obj.write_buffer.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("write_task: "); if obj.write_task /= null then put(obj.write_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("write_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.write_size); put ( "; " ); when read_from_buffer => put("read_buffer: "); if obj.read_buffer /= null then put(obj.read_buffer.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("read_task: "); if obj.read_task /= null then put(obj.read_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("read_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.read_size); put ( "; " ); when context_switch_overhead => put("switched_task: "); if obj.switched_task /= null then put(obj.switched_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when running_task => put("running_core: "); put(obj.running_core); put ( "; " ); put("running_task: "); if obj.running_task /= null then put(obj.running_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("current_priority: "); put(obj.current_priority); put ( "; " ); when task_activation => put("activation_task: "); if obj.activation_task /= null then put(obj.activation_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when allocate_resource => put("allocate_task: "); if obj.allocate_task /= null then put(obj.allocate_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("allocate_resource: "); if obj.allocate_resource /= null then put(obj.allocate_resource.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when release_resource => put("release_task: "); if obj.release_task /= null then put(obj.release_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("release_resource: "); if obj.release_resource /= null then put(obj.release_resource.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when wait_for_resource => put("wait_for_resource_task: "); if obj.wait_for_resource_task /= null then put(obj.wait_for_resource_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("wait_for_resource: "); if obj.wait_for_resource /= null then put(obj.wait_for_resource.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when send_message => put("send_task: "); if obj.send_task /= null then put(obj.send_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("send_message: "); if obj.send_message /= null then put(obj.send_message.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when receive_message => put("receive_task: "); if obj.receive_task /= null then put(obj.receive_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("receive_message: "); if obj.receive_message /= null then put(obj.receive_message.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when wait_for_memory => put("wait_for_memory_task: "); if obj.wait_for_memory_task /= null then put(obj.wait_for_memory_task.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("wait_for_cache: "); if obj.wait_for_cache /= null then put(obj.wait_for_cache.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); when address_space_activation => put("activation_address_space: "); put(obj.activation_address_space); put ( "; " ); put("duration: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.duration); put ( "; " ); end case; end if; New_Line; end Put; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Unit_Event ) return Time_Unit_Event_Ptr is New_Time_Unit_Event : Time_Unit_Event_Ptr; begin New_Time_Unit_Event := new Time_Unit_Event'(obj); return (New_Time_Unit_Event); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Unit_Event_Ptr ) return Time_Unit_Event_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Unit_Event; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.type_of_event, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.type_of_event, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; case obj.type_of_event is when start_of_task_capacity => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when end_of_task_capacity => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when write_to_buffer => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.write_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.write_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when read_from_buffer => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.read_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.read_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when context_switch_overhead => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when running_task => if (XML_String(obj.running_core, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.running_core, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.current_priority, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.current_priority, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when task_activation => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when allocate_resource => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when release_resource => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when wait_for_resource => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when send_message => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when receive_message => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when wait_for_memory => result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; when address_space_activation => if (XML_String(obj.activation_address_space, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.activation_address_space, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.duration, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.duration, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end case; result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Unit_Event_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_String(obj.all); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Unit_Event; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Unit_Event_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Time_Unit_Events; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; Package Body Scheduler is -- --------= Generic_Scheduler =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Scheduler) is begin initialize(Generic_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Scheduler ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Generic_Scheduler : Generic_Scheduler_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Scheduler := new Generic_Scheduler'(obj); return (New_Generic_Scheduler); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Scheduler_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Scheduler) is begin put(Generic_Object(obj)); put("parameters: "); put(obj.parameters); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Scheduler_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Scheduler_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Scheduler ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Scheduler_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Scheduler; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Scheduler; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Scheduler_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Scheduler; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Scheduler_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol : Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol := new Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.APERIODIC_TASK_SERVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Polling_Server_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Polling_Server_Protocol) is begin initialize(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Polling_Server_Protocol : Polling_Server_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Polling_Server_Protocol := new Polling_Server_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Polling_Server_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol) is begin put(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.APERIODIC_TASK_SERVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.POLLING_SERVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Polling_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Deferred_Server_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Deferred_Server_Protocol) is begin initialize(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Deferred_Server_Protocol : Deferred_Server_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Deferred_Server_Protocol := new Deferred_Server_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Deferred_Server_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol) is begin put(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.APERIODIC_TASK_SERVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.DEFERRED_SERVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Deferred_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Sporadic_Server_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Sporadic_Server_Protocol) is begin initialize(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Sporadic_Server_Protocol : Sporadic_Server_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Sporadic_Server_Protocol := new Sporadic_Server_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Sporadic_Server_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol) is begin put(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.APERIODIC_TASK_SERVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.SPORADIC_SERVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Sporadic_Server_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Hierarchical_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Hierarchical_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Hierarchical_Protocol : Hierarchical_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Hierarchical_Protocol := new Hierarchical_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Hierarchical_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol) is begin initialize(User_Defined_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol : Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol := new Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol) is begin put(User_Defined_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.USER_DEFINED_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.COMPILED_USER_DEFINED_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(User_Defined_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Automata_User_Defined_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Automata_User_Defined_Protocol) is begin initialize(User_Defined_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Automata_User_Defined_Protocol : Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Automata_User_Defined_Protocol := new Automata_User_Defined_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Automata_User_Defined_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol) is begin put(User_Defined_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.USER_DEFINED_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.AUTOMATA_USER_DEFINED_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(User_Defined_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol) is begin initialize(User_Defined_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol : Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol := new Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol) is begin put(User_Defined_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.USER_DEFINED_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.PIPELINE_USER_DEFINED_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(User_Defined_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= User_Defined_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out User_Defined_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in User_Defined_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_User_Defined_Protocol : User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_User_Defined_Protocol := new User_Defined_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_User_Defined_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in User_Defined_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in User_Defined_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.USER_DEFINED_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in User_Defined_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in User_Defined_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol) is begin initialize(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol : Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol := new Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol) is begin put(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.DYNAMIC_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.EARLIEST_DEADLINE_FIRST_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Least_Laxity_First_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Least_Laxity_First_Protocol) is begin initialize(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Least_Laxity_First_Protocol : Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Least_Laxity_First_Protocol := new Least_Laxity_First_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Least_Laxity_First_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol) is begin put(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.DYNAMIC_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.LEAST_LAXITY_FIRST_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Rate_Monotonic_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Rate_Monotonic_Protocol) is begin initialize(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Rate_Monotonic_Protocol : Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Rate_Monotonic_Protocol := new Rate_Monotonic_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Rate_Monotonic_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol) is begin put(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.FIXED_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.RATE_MONOTONIC_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol) is begin initialize(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol : Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol := new Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol) is begin put(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.FIXED_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.DEADLINE_MONOTONIC_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Round_Robin_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Round_Robin_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Round_Robin_Protocol : Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Round_Robin_Protocol := new Round_Robin_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Round_Robin_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.ROUND_ROBIN_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol : Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol := new Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.TIME_SHARING_BASED_ON_WAIT_TIME_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol) is begin initialize(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol : Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol := new Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol) is begin put(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.FIXED_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.POSIX_1003_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_FIRST_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Fixed_Priority_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= D_Over_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out D_Over_Protocol) is begin initialize(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in D_Over_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_D_Over_Protocol : D_Over_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_D_Over_Protocol := new D_Over_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_D_Over_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in D_Over_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in D_Over_Protocol) is begin put(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in D_Over_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in D_Over_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in D_Over_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.DYNAMIC_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.D_OVER_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in D_Over_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in D_Over_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Dynamic_Priority_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in D_Over_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in D_Over_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in D_Over_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in D_Over_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol : Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol := new Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.MAXIMUM_URGENCY_FIRST_BASED_ON_LAXITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol : Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol := new Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.MAXIMUM_URGENCY_FIRST_BASED_ON_DEADLINE_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol : Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol := new Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.TIME_SHARING_BASED_ON_CPU_USAGE_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= No_Scheduling_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out No_Scheduling_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_No_Scheduling_Protocol : No_Scheduling_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_No_Scheduling_Protocol := new No_Scheduling_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_No_Scheduling_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.NO_SCHEDULING_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in No_Scheduling_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol) is begin initialize(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol : Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol := new Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol) is begin put(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_CYCLIC_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol) is begin initialize(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol : Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol := new Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol) is begin put(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_ROUND_ROBIN_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol) is begin initialize(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol : Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol := new Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol) is begin put(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_FIXED_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol) is begin initialize(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol : Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol := new Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol) is begin put(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.HIERARCHICAL_OFFLINE_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Hierarchical_Protocol(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Fixed_Priority_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Fixed_Priority_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Fixed_Priority_Protocol : Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Fixed_Priority_Protocol := new Fixed_Priority_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Fixed_Priority_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.FIXED_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Fixed_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Dynamic_Priority_Protocol =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Dynamic_Priority_Protocol) is begin initialize(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is New_Dynamic_Priority_Protocol : Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; begin New_Dynamic_Priority_Protocol := new Dynamic_Priority_Protocol'(obj); return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr(New_Dynamic_Priority_Protocol); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_Ptr ) return Generic_Scheduler_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol) is begin put(Generic_Scheduler(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.GENERIC_SCHEDULER"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("SCHEDULER.DYNAMIC_PRIORITY_PROTOCOL"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Scheduler(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Scheduler; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Caches is function XML_String(obj : in Cache_Addressing_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Cache_Addressing_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Cache_Addressing_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Cache_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Cache_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Cache_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Cache_Replacement_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Cache_Replacement_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Cache_Replacement_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Write_Policy_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Write_Policy_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Write_Policy_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Cache =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Cache) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.number_of_block := 0; obj.block_size := 0; obj.associativity := 0; obj.cache_replacement := Random; obj.hit_time := 0.0; obj.miss_time := 0.0; obj.miss_rate := 0; obj.cache_coherence_protocol := Private_Cache_Protocol; obj.cache_category := Data_Cache_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Cache ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is New_Generic_Cache : Generic_Cache_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Cache := new Generic_Cache'(obj); return (New_Generic_Cache); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Cache_Ptr ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Cache) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("number_of_block: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.number_of_block); put ( "; " ); put("block_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.block_size); put ( "; " ); put("associativity: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.associativity); put ( "; " ); put("cache_replacement: "); put(obj.cache_replacement); put ( "; " ); put("hit_time: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.hit_time); put ( "; " ); put("miss_time: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.miss_time); put ( "; " ); put("miss_rate: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.miss_rate); put ( "; " ); put("cache_coherence_protocol: "); put(obj.cache_coherence_protocol); put ( "; " ); put("cache_category: "); put(obj.cache_category); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Cache) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Cache_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Cache ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.GENERIC_CACHE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Cache_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Cache; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.number_of_block, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.number_of_block, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.block_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.block_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.associativity, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.associativity, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.cache_replacement, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cache_replacement, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.hit_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.hit_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.miss_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.miss_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.miss_rate, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.miss_rate, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.cache_coherence_protocol, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cache_coherence_protocol, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.cache_category, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cache_category, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Data_Cache =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Data_Cache) is begin initialize(Generic_Cache(obj)); obj.write_policy := Copy_Back; obj.cache_category := Data_Cache_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Data_Cache ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is New_Data_Cache : Data_Cache_Ptr; begin New_Data_Cache := new Data_Cache'(obj); return Generic_Cache_Ptr(New_Data_Cache); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Data_Cache_Ptr ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Data_Cache) is begin put(Generic_Cache(obj)); put("write_policy: "); put(obj.write_policy); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Data_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Data_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Data_Cache) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Data_Cache_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Data_Cache ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.GENERIC_CACHE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.DATA_CACHE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Data_Cache_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Data_Cache; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Cache(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.write_policy, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.write_policy, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Data_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Data_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Data_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Data_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Instruction_Cache =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Instruction_Cache) is begin initialize(Generic_Cache(obj)); obj.cache_category := Instruction_Cache_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Instruction_Cache ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is New_Instruction_Cache : Instruction_Cache_Ptr; begin New_Instruction_Cache := new Instruction_Cache'(obj); return Generic_Cache_Ptr(New_Instruction_Cache); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Instruction_Cache_Ptr ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Instruction_Cache) is begin put(Generic_Cache(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Instruction_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Instruction_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Instruction_Cache) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Instruction_Cache_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Instruction_Cache ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.GENERIC_CACHE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.INSTRUCTION_CACHE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Instruction_Cache_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Instruction_Cache; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Cache(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Instruction_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Instruction_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Instruction_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Instruction_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Data_Instruction_Cache =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Data_Instruction_Cache) is begin initialize(Generic_Cache(obj)); obj.write_policy := Copy_Back; obj.cache_category := Data_Instruction_Cache_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is New_Data_Instruction_Cache : Data_Instruction_Cache_Ptr; begin New_Data_Instruction_Cache := new Data_Instruction_Cache'(obj); return Generic_Cache_Ptr(New_Data_Instruction_Cache); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache_Ptr ) return Generic_Cache_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache) is begin put(Generic_Cache(obj)); put("write_policy: "); put(obj.write_policy); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.GENERIC_CACHE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.DATA_INSTRUCTION_CACHE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Cache(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.write_policy, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.write_policy, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Data_Instruction_Cache_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Cache_System =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Cache_System) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Cache_System ) return Cache_System_Ptr is New_Cache_System : Cache_System_Ptr; begin New_Cache_System := new Cache_System'(obj); return (New_Cache_System); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Cache_System_Ptr ) return Cache_System_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Cache_System) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("caches: "); put(obj.caches); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Cache_System_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Cache_System_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Cache_System) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Cache_System_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Cache_System ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("CACHES.CACHE_SYSTEM"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Cache_System_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Cache_System; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.caches, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.caches, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Cache_System; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Cache_System_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Cache_System; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Cache_System_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Caches; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Tasks.Extended; use Tasks.Extended; Package Body Scheduling_Analysis is -- --------= Buffer_Size_Item =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Buffer_Size_Item) is begin obj.time := 0; obj.size := 0; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer_Size_Item) is begin put("time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.time); put ( "; " ); put("size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.size); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer_Size_Item_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Size_Item; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Size_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Size_Item_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Buffer_Size_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer_Size_Item ) return Buffer_Size_Item_Ptr is New_Buffer_Size_Item : Buffer_Size_Item_Ptr; begin New_Buffer_Size_Item := new Buffer_Size_Item'(obj); return (New_Buffer_Size_Item); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer_Size_Item_Ptr ) return Buffer_Size_Item_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; -- --------= Density_Item =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Density_Item) is begin obj.response_time := 0; obj.probability := 0.0; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Density_Item) is begin put("response_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.response_time); put ( "; " ); put("probability: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.probability); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Density_Item_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Density_Item; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.response_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.response_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.probability, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.probability, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Density_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Density_Item_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Density_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Density_Item ) return Density_Item_Ptr is New_Density_Item : Density_Item_Ptr; begin New_Density_Item := new Density_Item'(obj); return (New_Density_Item); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Density_Item_Ptr ) return Density_Item_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; -- --------= Deadlock_Item =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Deadlock_Item) is begin obj.time := 0; obj.task_name := empty_string; obj.resource_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Deadlock_Item) is begin put("time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.time); put ( "; " ); put("task_name: "); put(obj.task_name); put ( "; " ); put("resource_name: "); put(obj.resource_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Deadlock_Item_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Deadlock_Item; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.task_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.task_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.resource_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.resource_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Deadlock_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Deadlock_Item_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Deadlock_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Deadlock_Item ) return Deadlock_Item_Ptr is New_Deadlock_Item : Deadlock_Item_Ptr; begin New_Deadlock_Item := new Deadlock_Item'(obj); return (New_Deadlock_Item); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Deadlock_Item_Ptr ) return Deadlock_Item_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; -- --------= Priority_Inversion_Item =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Priority_Inversion_Item) is begin obj.start_time := 0; obj.end_time := 0; obj.task_name := empty_string; obj.resource_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item) is begin put("start_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.start_time); put ( "; " ); put("end_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.end_time); put ( "; " ); put("task_name: "); put(obj.task_name); put ( "; " ); put("resource_name: "); put(obj.resource_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.end_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.end_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.task_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.task_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.resource_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.resource_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item ) return Priority_Inversion_Item_Ptr is New_Priority_Inversion_Item : Priority_Inversion_Item_Ptr; begin New_Priority_Inversion_Item := new Priority_Inversion_Item'(obj); return (New_Priority_Inversion_Item); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Priority_Inversion_Item_Ptr ) return Priority_Inversion_Item_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; End Scheduling_Analysis; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Scheduling_Analysis; use Scheduling_Analysis; with Time_Unit_Events; use Time_Unit_Events; use Time_Unit_Events.Time_Unit_Package; Package Body Multiprocessor_Services_Interface is -- --------= Scheduling_Result =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Scheduling_Result) is begin obj.scheduling_msg := empty_string; obj.has_error := false; obj.error_msg := empty_string; if obj.result /= null then Free (obj.result ); end if; obj.result := new Scheduling_Sequence; Initialize(obj.result.all); end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Scheduling_Result) is begin put("scheduling_msg: "); put(obj.scheduling_msg); put ( "; " ); put("has_error: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.has_error); put ( "; " ); put("error_msg: "); put(obj.error_msg); put ( "; " ); put("result: "); if obj.result /= null then put(obj.result.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Scheduling_Result_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Result; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.scheduling_msg, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.scheduling_msg, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.has_error, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.has_error, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.error_msg, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.error_msg, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.result, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.result, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Result; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Result_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Scheduling_Result; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Scheduling_Result ) return Scheduling_Result_Ptr is New_Scheduling_Result : Scheduling_Result_Ptr; begin New_Scheduling_Result := new Scheduling_Result'(obj); return (New_Scheduling_Result); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Scheduling_Result_Ptr ) return Scheduling_Result_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; End Multiprocessor_Services_Interface; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Laws is function XML_String(obj : in Laws_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Laws_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Laws_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; End Laws; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Parameters; use Parameters; use Parameters.Framework_Parameters_Table_Package; Package Body Call_Framework_Interface is function XML_String(obj : in Framework_Statement_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Framework_Statement_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Framework_Statement_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Partioning_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Partioning_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Partioning_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Output_Format; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Output_Format'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Output_Format; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Perform_Order; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Perform_Order'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Perform_Order; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Framework_Request =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Framework_Request) is begin obj.statement := Scheduling_Simulation_Basics; obj.target := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Framework_Request) is begin put("statement: "); put(obj.statement); put ( "; " ); put("param: "); put(obj.param); put ( "; " ); put("target: "); put(obj.target); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Framework_Request_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Framework_Request; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.statement, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.statement, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.param, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.param, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.target, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.target, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Framework_Request; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Framework_Request_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Framework_Request; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Framework_Request ) return Framework_Request_Ptr is New_Framework_Request : Framework_Request_Ptr; begin New_Framework_Request := new Framework_Request'(obj); return (New_Framework_Request); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Framework_Request_Ptr ) return Framework_Request_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; -- --------= Framework_Response =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Framework_Response) is begin obj.title := empty_string; obj.text := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Framework_Response) is begin put("title: "); put(obj.title); put ( "; " ); put("text: "); put(obj.text); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Framework_Response_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Framework_Response; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.title, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.title, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.text, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.text, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Framework_Response; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Framework_Response_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Framework_Response; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Framework_Response ) return Framework_Response_Ptr is New_Framework_Response : Framework_Response_Ptr; begin New_Framework_Response := new Framework_Response'(obj); return (New_Framework_Response); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Framework_Response_Ptr ) return Framework_Response_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; End Call_Framework_Interface; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Laws; use Laws.Laws_Type_io; Package Body Statements is function XML_String(obj : in Statements_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Statements_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Statements_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Table_Types; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Table_Types'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Table_Types; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Object(obj)); obj.statement_type := Put_Statement_Type; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.object_type := Statement_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Generic_Statement : Generic_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Statement := new Generic_Statement'(obj); return (New_Generic_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Object(obj)); put("statement_type: "); put(obj.statement_type); put ( "; " ); put("line_number: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.line_number); put ( "; " ); put("file_name: "); put(obj.file_name); put ( "; " ); put("next_statement: "); if obj.next_statement /= null then put(obj.next_statement.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.statement_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.statement_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.line_number, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.line_number, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.file_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.file_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Nop_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Nop_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := Nop_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Nop_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Nop_Statement : Nop_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Nop_Statement := new Nop_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Nop_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Nop_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Nop_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Nop_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Nop_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Nop_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.NOP_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Nop_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Nop_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Nop_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Nop_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Nop_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Nop_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Exit_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Exit_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := Exit_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Exit_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Exit_Statement : Exit_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Exit_Statement := new Exit_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Exit_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Exit_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Exit_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Exit_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Exit_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Exit_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.EXIT_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Exit_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Exit_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Exit_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Exit_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Exit_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Exit_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Put_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Put_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := Put_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Put_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Put_Statement : Put_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Put_Statement := new Put_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Put_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Put_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Put_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("put_from: "); if obj.put_from /= null then put(obj.put_from.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("put_to: "); if obj.put_to /= null then put(obj.put_to.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("expression_to_be_displayed: "); if obj.expression_to_be_displayed /= null then put(obj.expression_to_be_displayed.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Put_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Put_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Put_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.PUT_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Put_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Put_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Put_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Put_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Put_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Put_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= If_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out If_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := If_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in If_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_If_Statement : If_Statement_Ptr; begin New_If_Statement := new If_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_If_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in If_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in If_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("bool_expression: "); if obj.bool_expression /= null then put(obj.bool_expression.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("else_statement: "); if obj.else_statement /= null then put(obj.else_statement.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("then_statement: "); if obj.then_statement /= null then put(obj.then_statement.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in If_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in If_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in If_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.IF_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in If_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in If_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in If_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in If_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in If_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in If_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Assign_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Assign_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := Assign_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Assign_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Assign_Statement : Assign_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Assign_Statement := new Assign_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Assign_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Assign_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Assign_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("lvalue: "); if obj.lvalue /= null then put(obj.lvalue.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("rvalue: "); if obj.rvalue /= null then put(obj.rvalue.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Assign_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Assign_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Assign_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.ASSIGN_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Assign_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Assign_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Assign_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Assign_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Assign_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Assign_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Clock_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Clock_Statement) is begin initialize(Assign_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := Clock_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Clock_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Clock_Statement : Clock_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Clock_Statement := new Clock_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Clock_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Clock_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Clock_Statement) is begin put(Assign_Statement(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Clock_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Clock_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Clock_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.ASSIGN_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.CLOCK_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Clock_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Clock_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Assign_Statement(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Clock_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Clock_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Clock_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Clock_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= For_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out For_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.for_type := Task_Table_Type; obj.statement_type := For_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in For_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_For_Statement : For_Statement_Ptr; begin New_For_Statement := new For_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_For_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in For_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in For_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("for_type: "); put(obj.for_type); put ( "; " ); put("included_statement: "); if obj.included_statement /= null then put(obj.included_statement.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("for_index: "); if obj.for_index /= null then put(obj.for_index.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in For_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in For_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in For_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.FOR_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in For_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in For_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.for_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.for_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in For_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in For_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in For_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in For_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Return_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Return_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := Return_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Return_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Return_Statement : Return_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Return_Statement := new Return_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Return_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Return_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Return_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("return_value: "); if obj.return_value /= null then put(obj.return_value.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Return_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Return_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Return_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.RETURN_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Return_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Return_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Return_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Return_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Return_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Return_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= While_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out While_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.statement_type := While_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in While_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_While_Statement : While_Statement_Ptr; begin New_While_Statement := new While_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_While_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in While_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in While_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("included_statement: "); if obj.included_statement /= null then put(obj.included_statement.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("condition: "); if obj.condition /= null then put(obj.condition.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in While_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in While_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in While_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.WHILE_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in While_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in While_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in While_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in While_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in While_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in While_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Random_Initialize_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Random_Initialize_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.lvalue := empty_string; obj.law := Uniform_Law_Type; obj.statement_type := Random_Initialize_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Random_Initialize_Statement : Random_Initialize_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Random_Initialize_Statement := new Random_Initialize_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Random_Initialize_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("lvalue: "); put(obj.lvalue); put ( "; " ); put("law: "); put(obj.law); put ( "; " ); put("parameter1: "); if obj.parameter1 /= null then put(obj.parameter1.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("parameter2: "); if obj.parameter2 /= null then put(obj.parameter2.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.RANDOM_INITIALIZE_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.lvalue, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.lvalue, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.law, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.law, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Random_Initialize_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Set_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Set_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.set_id := empty_string; obj.statement_type := Set_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Set_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Set_Statement : Set_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Set_Statement := new Set_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Set_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Set_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Set_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("set_id: "); put(obj.set_id); put ( "; " ); put("set_value: "); if obj.set_value /= null then put(obj.set_value.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Set_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Set_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Set_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.SET_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Set_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Set_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.set_id, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.set_id, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Set_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Set_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Set_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Set_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Subprogram_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Subprogram_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.is_a_function := false; obj.subprogram_name := empty_string; obj.statement_type := Subprogram_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Subprogram_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Subprogram_Statement : Subprogram_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Subprogram_Statement := new Subprogram_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Subprogram_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Subprogram_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Subprogram_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("included_statement: "); if obj.included_statement /= null then put(obj.included_statement.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("is_a_function: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.is_a_function); put ( "; " ); put("subprogram_name: "); put(obj.subprogram_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Subprogram_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Subprogram_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Subprogram_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.SUBPROGRAM_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Subprogram_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Subprogram_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.is_a_function, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.is_a_function, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.subprogram_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.subprogram_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Subprogram_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Subprogram_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Subprogram_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Subprogram_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Subprogram_Call_Statement =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Subprogram_Call_Statement) is begin initialize(Generic_Statement(obj)); obj.is_a_function := false; obj.statement_type := Subprogram_Call_Statement_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is New_Subprogram_Call_Statement : Subprogram_Call_Statement_Ptr; begin New_Subprogram_Call_Statement := new Subprogram_Call_Statement'(obj); return Generic_Statement_Ptr(New_Subprogram_Call_Statement); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement_Ptr ) return Generic_Statement_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement) is begin put(Generic_Statement(obj)); put("is_a_function: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.is_a_function); put ( "; " ); put("called_subprogram: "); if obj.called_subprogram /= null then put(obj.called_subprogram.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("return_value: "); if obj.return_value /= null then put(obj.return_value.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.GENERIC_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("STATEMENTS.SUBPROGRAM_CALL_STATEMENT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Statement(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.is_a_function, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.is_a_function, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Subprogram_Call_Statement_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Statements; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; Package Body AADL_Config is End AADL_Config; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Scheduler_Interface is function XML_String(obj : in Preemptives_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Preemptives_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Preemptives_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Schedulers_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Schedulers_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Schedulers_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Scheduling_Parameters =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Scheduling_Parameters) is begin obj.scheduler_type := Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol; obj.quantum := 0; obj.preemptive_type := preemptive; obj.automaton_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.user_defined_scheduler_source := empty_string; obj.user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name := empty_string; obj.start_time := 0; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Scheduling_Parameters) is begin put("scheduler_type: "); put(obj.scheduler_type); put ( "; " ); put("quantum: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.quantum); put ( "; " ); put("preemptive_type: "); put(obj.preemptive_type); put ( "; " ); put("automaton_name: "); put(obj.automaton_name); put ( "; " ); put("capacity: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.capacity); put ( "; " ); put("period: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.period); put ( "; " ); put("priority: "); put(obj.priority); put ( "; " ); put("user_defined_scheduler_source: "); put(obj.user_defined_scheduler_source); put ( "; " ); put("user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name: "); put(obj.user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name); put ( "; " ); put("start_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.start_time); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Scheduling_Parameters_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Parameters; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.scheduler_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.scheduler_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.quantum, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.quantum, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.preemptive_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.preemptive_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.automaton_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.automaton_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.capacity, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.capacity, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.priority, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.priority, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.user_defined_scheduler_source, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.user_defined_scheduler_source, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Parameters; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Parameters_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Scheduling_Parameters; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Scheduling_Parameters ) return Scheduling_Parameters_Ptr is New_Scheduling_Parameters : Scheduling_Parameters_Ptr; begin New_Scheduling_Parameters := new Scheduling_Parameters'(obj); return (New_Scheduling_Parameters); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Scheduling_Parameters_Ptr ) return Scheduling_Parameters_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; End Scheduler_Interface; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Xml_Architecture_Parser_Interface is function XML_String(obj : in XML_Units; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(XML_Units'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in XML_Units; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; End Xml_Architecture_Parser_Interface; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Resources is function XML_String(obj : in Resources_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Resources_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Resources_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Critical_Section =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Critical_Section) is begin obj.task_begin := 0; obj.task_end := 0; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Critical_Section) is begin put("task_begin: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.task_begin); put ( "; " ); put("task_end: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.task_end); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Critical_Section_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Critical_Section; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.task_begin, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.task_begin, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.task_end, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.task_end, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Critical_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Critical_Section_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Critical_Section; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Critical_Section ) return Critical_Section_Ptr is New_Critical_Section : Critical_Section_Ptr; begin New_Critical_Section := new Critical_Section'(obj); return (New_Critical_Section); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Critical_Section_Ptr ) return Critical_Section_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; -- --------= Generic_Resource =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Resource) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.state := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.address := 0; obj.protocol := No_Protocol; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.object_type := Resource_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Resource ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is New_Generic_Resource : Generic_Resource_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Resource := new Generic_Resource'(obj); return (New_Generic_Resource); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Resource_Ptr ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Resource) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("state: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.state); put ( "; " ); put("size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.size); put ( "; " ); put("address: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.address); put ( "; " ); put("protocol: "); put(obj.protocol); put ( "; " ); put("critical_sections: "); put(obj.critical_sections); put ( "; " ); put("cpu_name: "); put(obj.cpu_name); put ( "; " ); put("address_space_name: "); put(obj.address_space_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Resource) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Resource_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Resource ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.GENERIC_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Resource_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Resource; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.state, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.state, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.address, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "
" & XML_String(obj.address, level + 1) & "
" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.protocol, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.protocol, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.critical_sections, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.critical_sections, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Np_Resource =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Np_Resource) is begin initialize(Generic_Resource(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Np_Resource ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is New_Np_Resource : Np_Resource_Ptr; begin New_Np_Resource := new Np_Resource'(obj); return Generic_Resource_Ptr(New_Np_Resource); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Np_Resource_Ptr ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Np_Resource) is begin put(Generic_Resource(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Np_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Np_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Np_Resource) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Np_Resource_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Np_Resource ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.GENERIC_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.NP_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Np_Resource_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Np_Resource; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Resource(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Np_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Np_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Np_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Np_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Priority_Constrained_Resource =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Priority_Constrained_Resource) is begin initialize(Generic_Resource(obj)); obj.ceiling_priority := 0; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is New_Priority_Constrained_Resource : Priority_Constrained_Resource_Ptr; begin New_Priority_Constrained_Resource := new Priority_Constrained_Resource'(obj); return Generic_Resource_Ptr(New_Priority_Constrained_Resource); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource_Ptr ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource) is begin put(Generic_Resource(obj)); put("ceiling_priority: "); put(obj.ceiling_priority); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.GENERIC_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.PRIORITY_CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Resource(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.ceiling_priority, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.ceiling_priority, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Priority_Constrained_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Pip_Resource =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Pip_Resource) is begin initialize(Generic_Resource(obj)); obj.protocol := Priority_Inheritance_Protocol; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Pip_Resource ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is New_Pip_Resource : Pip_Resource_Ptr; begin New_Pip_Resource := new Pip_Resource'(obj); return Generic_Resource_Ptr(New_Pip_Resource); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Pip_Resource_Ptr ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Pip_Resource) is begin put(Generic_Resource(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Pip_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Pip_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Pip_Resource) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Pip_Resource_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Pip_Resource ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.GENERIC_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.PIP_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Pip_Resource_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Pip_Resource; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Resource(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pip_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pip_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pip_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pip_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Pcp_Resource =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Pcp_Resource) is begin initialize(Priority_Constrained_Resource(obj)); obj.protocol := Priority_Ceiling_Protocol; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Pcp_Resource ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is New_Pcp_Resource : Pcp_Resource_Ptr; begin New_Pcp_Resource := new Pcp_Resource'(obj); return Generic_Resource_Ptr(New_Pcp_Resource); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Pcp_Resource_Ptr ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Pcp_Resource) is begin put(Priority_Constrained_Resource(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Pcp_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Pcp_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Pcp_Resource) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Pcp_Resource_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Pcp_Resource ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.GENERIC_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.PRIORITY_CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.PCP_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Pcp_Resource_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Pcp_Resource; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Priority_Constrained_Resource(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pcp_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Pcp_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pcp_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Pcp_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= IPcp_Resource =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out IPcp_Resource) is begin initialize(Priority_Constrained_Resource(obj)); obj.protocol := Immediate_Priority_Ceiling_Protocol; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in IPcp_Resource ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is New_IPcp_Resource : IPcp_Resource_Ptr; begin New_IPcp_Resource := new IPcp_Resource'(obj); return Generic_Resource_Ptr(New_IPcp_Resource); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in IPcp_Resource_Ptr ) return Generic_Resource_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in IPcp_Resource) is begin put(Priority_Constrained_Resource(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in IPcp_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in IPcp_Resource_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in IPcp_Resource) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in IPcp_Resource_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in IPcp_Resource ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.GENERIC_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.PRIORITY_CONSTRAINED_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("RESOURCES.IPCP_RESOURCE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in IPcp_Resource_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in IPcp_Resource; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Priority_Constrained_Resource(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in IPcp_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in IPcp_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in IPcp_Resource; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in IPcp_Resource_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Resources; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Automaton is function XML_String(obj : in Synchronizations_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Synchronizations_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Synchronizations_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Status_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Status_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Status_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= State =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out State) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.is_initial := false; obj.object_type := State_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in State ) return State_Ptr is New_State : State_Ptr; begin New_State := new State'(obj); return (New_State); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in State_Ptr ) return State_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in State) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("is_initial: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.is_initial); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in State_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in State_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in State) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in State_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in State ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("AUTOMATON.STATE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in State_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in State; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.is_initial, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.is_initial, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in State; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in State_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in State; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in State_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Synchronization =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Synchronization) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.synchronization_type := Send; obj.object_type := Synchronization_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Synchronization ) return Synchronization_Ptr is New_Synchronization : Synchronization_Ptr; begin New_Synchronization := new Synchronization'(obj); return (New_Synchronization); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Synchronization_Ptr ) return Synchronization_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Synchronization) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("synchronization_type: "); put(obj.synchronization_type); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Synchronization_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Synchronization_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Synchronization) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Synchronization_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Synchronization ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("AUTOMATON.SYNCHRONIZATION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Synchronization_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Synchronization; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.synchronization_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.synchronization_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Synchronization; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Synchronization_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Synchronization; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Synchronization_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Transition =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Transition) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.object_type := Transition_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Transition ) return Transition_Ptr is New_Transition : Transition_Ptr; begin New_Transition := new Transition'(obj); return (New_Transition); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Transition_Ptr ) return Transition_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Transition) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("from_state: "); if obj.from_state /= null then put(obj.from_state.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("to_state: "); if obj.to_state /= null then put(obj.to_state.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("guards: "); if obj.guards /= null then put(obj.guards.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("clocks: "); if obj.clocks /= null then put(obj.clocks.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("synchronization: "); if obj.synchronization /= null then put(obj.synchronization.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Transition_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Transition_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Transition) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Transition_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Transition ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("AUTOMATON.TRANSITION"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Transition_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Transition; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Transition; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Transition_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Transition; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Transition_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Automaton_Status =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Automaton_Status) is begin null; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Automaton_Status) is begin put("current_state: "); if obj.current_state /= null then put(obj.current_state.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Automaton_Status_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Automaton_Status; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Automaton_Status; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Automaton_Status_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Automaton_Status; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Automaton_Status ) return Automaton_Status_Ptr is New_Automaton_Status : Automaton_Status_Ptr; begin New_Automaton_Status := new Automaton_Status'(obj); return (New_Automaton_Status); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Automaton_Status_Ptr ) return Automaton_Status_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; -- --------= Transition_Status =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Transition_Status) is begin obj.status := Ready; obj.wakeup_time := 0; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Transition_Status) is begin put("code: "); if obj.code /= null then put(obj.code.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("status: "); put(obj.status); put ( "; " ); put("wakeup_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.wakeup_time); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Transition_Status_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Transition_Status; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.status, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.status, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.wakeup_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.wakeup_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Transition_Status; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Transition_Status_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Transition_Status; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Transition_Status ) return Transition_Status_Ptr is New_Transition_Status : Transition_Status_Ptr; begin New_Transition_Status := new Transition_Status'(obj); return (New_Transition_Status); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Transition_Status_Ptr ) return Transition_Status_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; End Automaton; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Queueing_Systems is function XML_String(obj : in Queueing_Systems_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Queueing_Systems_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Queueing_Systems_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; End Queueing_Systems; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; Package Body Interpreter is End Interpreter; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with processor_interface; use processor_interface.Processors_type_io; use processor_interface.migrations_type_io; Package Body Processors is -- --------= Core_Unit =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Core_Unit) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.speed := 0.0; obj.l1_cache_system_name := empty_string; obj.object_type := Core_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Core_Unit ) return Core_Unit_Ptr is New_Core_Unit : Core_Unit_Ptr; begin New_Core_Unit := new Core_Unit'(obj); return (New_Core_Unit); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Core_Unit_Ptr ) return Core_Unit_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Core_Unit) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("scheduling: "); put(obj.scheduling); put ( "; " ); put("speed: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.speed); put ( "; " ); put("l1_cache_system_name: "); put(obj.l1_cache_system_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Core_Unit_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Core_Unit_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Core_Unit) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Core_Unit_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Core_Unit ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("PROCESSORS.CORE_UNIT"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Core_Unit_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Core_Unit; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.scheduling, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.scheduling, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.speed, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.speed, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.l1_cache_system_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.l1_cache_system_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Core_Unit; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Core_Unit_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Core_Unit; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Core_Unit_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Processor =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Processor) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.network := empty_string; obj.processor_type := Monocore_type; obj.migration_type := No_Migration_Type; obj.object_type := Processor_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Processor ) return Generic_Processor_Ptr is New_Generic_Processor : Generic_Processor_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Processor := new Generic_Processor'(obj); return (New_Generic_Processor); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Processor_Ptr ) return Generic_Processor_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Processor) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("network: "); put(obj.network); put ( "; " ); put("processor_type: "); put(obj.processor_type); put ( "; " ); put("migration_type: "); put(obj.migration_type); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Processor_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Processor_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Processor) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Processor_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Processor ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("PROCESSORS.GENERIC_PROCESSOR"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Processor_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Processor; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.network, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.network, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.processor_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.processor_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.migration_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.migration_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Processor; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Processor_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Processor; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Processor_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Mono_Core_Processor =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Mono_Core_Processor) is begin initialize(Generic_Processor(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Mono_Core_Processor ) return Generic_Processor_Ptr is New_Mono_Core_Processor : Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr; begin New_Mono_Core_Processor := new Mono_Core_Processor'(obj); return Generic_Processor_Ptr(New_Mono_Core_Processor); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr ) return Generic_Processor_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Mono_Core_Processor) is begin put(Generic_Processor(obj)); put("core: "); if obj.core /= null then put(obj.core.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Mono_Core_Processor) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Mono_Core_Processor_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Mono_Core_Processor ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("PROCESSORS.GENERIC_PROCESSOR"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("PROCESSORS.MONO_CORE_PROCESSOR"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Mono_Core_Processor; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Processor(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Mono_Core_Processor; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Mono_Core_Processor; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Multi_Cores_Processor =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Multi_Cores_Processor) is begin initialize(Generic_Processor(obj)); obj.l2_cache_system_name := empty_string; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor ) return Generic_Processor_Ptr is New_Multi_Cores_Processor : Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr; begin New_Multi_Cores_Processor := new Multi_Cores_Processor'(obj); return Generic_Processor_Ptr(New_Multi_Cores_Processor); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr ) return Generic_Processor_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor) is begin put(Generic_Processor(obj)); put("cores: "); put(obj.cores); put ( "; " ); put("l2_cache_system_name: "); put(obj.l2_cache_system_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("PROCESSORS.GENERIC_PROCESSOR"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("PROCESSORS.MULTI_CORES_PROCESSOR"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Processor(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.cores, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cores, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.l2_cache_system_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.l2_cache_system_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Processors; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body AADL_Parser_Interface is -- --------= Binding_Record_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Binding_Record_Type) is begin obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Binding_Record_Type) is begin put("cpu_name: "); put(obj.cpu_name); put ( "; " ); put("address_space_name: "); put(obj.address_space_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Binding_Record_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Binding_Record_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Binding_Record_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Binding_Record_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Binding_Record_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Binding_Record_Type ) return Binding_Record_Type_Ptr is New_Binding_Record_Type : Binding_Record_Type_Ptr; begin New_Binding_Record_Type := new Binding_Record_Type'(obj); return (New_Binding_Record_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Binding_Record_Type_Ptr ) return Binding_Record_Type_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; End AADL_Parser_Interface; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Event_Analyzers is -- --------= Event_Analyzer =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Event_Analyzer) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.event_analyzer_source_file_name := empty_string; obj.object_type := Event_Analyzer_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Event_Analyzer ) return Event_Analyzer_Ptr is New_Event_Analyzer : Event_Analyzer_Ptr; begin New_Event_Analyzer := new Event_Analyzer'(obj); return (New_Event_Analyzer); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Event_Analyzer_Ptr ) return Event_Analyzer_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Event_Analyzer) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("event_analyzer_source_file_name: "); put(obj.event_analyzer_source_file_name); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Event_Analyzer_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Event_Analyzer_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Event_Analyzer) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Event_Analyzer_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Event_Analyzer ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("EVENT_ANALYZERS.EVENT_ANALYZER"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Event_Analyzer_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Event_Analyzer; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.event_analyzer_source_file_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.event_analyzer_source_file_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Event_Analyzer; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Event_Analyzer_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Event_Analyzer; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Event_Analyzer_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Event_Analyzers; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Address_Spaces is -- --------= Address_Space =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Address_Space) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.data_memory_size := 0; obj.heap_memory_size := 0; obj.object_type := Address_Space_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Address_Space ) return Address_Space_Ptr is New_Address_Space : Address_Space_Ptr; begin New_Address_Space := new Address_Space'(obj); return (New_Address_Space); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Address_Space_Ptr ) return Address_Space_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Address_Space) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("cpu_name: "); put(obj.cpu_name); put ( "; " ); put("text_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.text_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("stack_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.stack_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("data_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.data_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("heap_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.heap_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("scheduling: "); put(obj.scheduling); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Address_Space_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Address_Space_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Address_Space) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Address_Space_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Address_Space ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("ADDRESS_SPACES.ADDRESS_SPACE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Address_Space_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Address_Space; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.text_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.text_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.stack_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.stack_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.data_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.data_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.heap_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.heap_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.scheduling, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.scheduling, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Address_Space; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Address_Space_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Address_Space; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Address_Space_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Address_Spaces; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Offsets; use Offsets; use offsets.Offsets_Table_Package; with Parameters; use Parameters; use parameters.User_Defined_Parameters_Table_Package; Package Body Tasks is function XML_String(obj : in Tasks_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Tasks_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Tasks_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Policies; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Policies'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Policies; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Generic_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Generic_Task) is begin initialize(Named_Object(obj)); obj.task_type := Periodic_Type; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Sched_Fifo; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.object_type := Task_Object_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Generic_Task : Generic_Task_Ptr; begin New_Generic_Task := new Generic_Task'(obj); return (New_Generic_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Generic_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Task) is begin put(Named_Object(obj)); put("task_type: "); put(obj.task_type); put ( "; " ); put("cpu_name: "); put(obj.cpu_name); put ( "; " ); put("address_space_name: "); put(obj.address_space_name); put ( "; " ); put("capacity: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.capacity); put ( "; " ); put("deadline: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.deadline); put ( "; " ); put("start_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.start_time); put ( "; " ); put("priority: "); put(obj.priority); put ( "; " ); put("blocking_time: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.blocking_time); put ( "; " ); put("policy: "); put(obj.policy); put ( "; " ); put("offsets: "); put(obj.offsets); put ( "; " ); put("text_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.text_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("stack_memory_size: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.stack_memory_size); put ( "; " ); put("parameters: "); put(obj.parameters); put ( "; " ); put("criticality: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.criticality); put ( "; " ); put("context_switch_overhead: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.context_switch_overhead); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Generic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Generic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Generic_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Generic_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Generic_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Named_Object(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.task_type, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.task_type, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.cpu_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.address_space_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.capacity, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.capacity, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.deadline, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.deadline, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.start_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.priority, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.priority, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.blocking_time, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.blocking_time, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.policy, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.policy, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.offsets, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.offsets, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.text_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.text_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.stack_memory_size, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.stack_memory_size, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.parameters, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.criticality, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.criticality, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.context_switch_overhead, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.context_switch_overhead, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Generic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Generic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Periodic_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Periodic_Task) is begin initialize(Generic_Task(obj)); obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.task_type := Periodic_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Periodic_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Periodic_Task : Periodic_Task_Ptr; begin New_Periodic_Task := new Periodic_Task'(obj); return Generic_Task_Ptr(New_Periodic_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Periodic_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Periodic_Task) is begin put(Generic_Task(obj)); put("period: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.period); put ( "; " ); put("jitter: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.jitter); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Periodic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Periodic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Periodic_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Periodic_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Periodic_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.PERIODIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Periodic_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Periodic_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Task(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.period, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.jitter, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.jitter, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Periodic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Periodic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Periodic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Periodic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Aperiodic_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Aperiodic_Task) is begin initialize(Generic_Task(obj)); obj.task_type := Aperiodic_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Aperiodic_Task : Aperiodic_Task_Ptr; begin New_Aperiodic_Task := new Aperiodic_Task'(obj); return Generic_Task_Ptr(New_Aperiodic_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Aperiodic_Task) is begin put(Generic_Task(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Aperiodic_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Aperiodic_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.APERIODIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Task(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Aperiodic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Poisson_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Poisson_Task) is begin initialize(Periodic_Task(obj)); obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; obj.task_type := Poisson_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Poisson_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Poisson_Task : Poisson_Task_Ptr; begin New_Poisson_Task := new Poisson_Task'(obj); return Generic_Task_Ptr(New_Poisson_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Poisson_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Poisson_Task) is begin put(Periodic_Task(obj)); put("seed: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.seed); put ( "; " ); put("predictable: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.predictable); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Poisson_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Poisson_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Poisson_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Poisson_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Poisson_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.PERIODIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.POISSON_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Poisson_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Poisson_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Periodic_Task(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.seed, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.seed, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.predictable, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.predictable, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Poisson_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Poisson_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Poisson_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Poisson_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Sporadic_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Sporadic_Task) is begin initialize(Poisson_Task(obj)); obj.task_type := Sporadic_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Sporadic_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Sporadic_Task : Sporadic_Task_Ptr; begin New_Sporadic_Task := new Sporadic_Task'(obj); return Generic_Task_Ptr(New_Sporadic_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Sporadic_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Sporadic_Task) is begin put(Poisson_Task(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Sporadic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Sporadic_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Sporadic_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Sporadic_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Sporadic_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.PERIODIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.POISSON_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.SPORADIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Sporadic_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Sporadic_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Poisson_Task(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Sporadic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Sporadic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Sporadic_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Sporadic_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Parametric_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Parametric_Task) is begin initialize(Poisson_Task(obj)); obj.activation_rule := empty_string; obj.task_type := Parametric_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Parametric_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Parametric_Task : Parametric_Task_Ptr; begin New_Parametric_Task := new Parametric_Task'(obj); return Generic_Task_Ptr(New_Parametric_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Parametric_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Parametric_Task) is begin put(Poisson_Task(obj)); put("activation_rule: "); put(obj.activation_rule); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Parametric_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Parametric_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Parametric_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Parametric_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Parametric_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.PERIODIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.POISSON_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.PARAMETRIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Parametric_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Parametric_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Poisson_Task(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.activation_rule, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.activation_rule, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Parametric_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Parametric_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Parametric_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Parametric_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Scheduling_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Scheduling_Task) is begin initialize(Poisson_Task(obj)); obj.task_type := Scheduling_Task_type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Scheduling_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Scheduling_Task : Scheduling_Task_Ptr; begin New_Scheduling_Task := new Scheduling_Task'(obj); return Generic_Task_Ptr(New_Scheduling_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Scheduling_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Scheduling_Task) is begin put(Poisson_Task(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Scheduling_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Scheduling_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Scheduling_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Scheduling_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Scheduling_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.PERIODIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.POISSON_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.SCHEDULING_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Scheduling_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Poisson_Task(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Scheduling_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Scheduling_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Scheduling_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Frame_Task =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Frame_Task) is begin initialize(Periodic_Task(obj)); obj.interarrival := 0; obj.task_type := Frame_Task_type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Frame_Task ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is New_Frame_Task : Frame_Task_Ptr; begin New_Frame_Task := new Frame_Task'(obj); return Generic_Task_Ptr(New_Frame_Task); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Frame_Task_Ptr ) return Generic_Task_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Frame_Task) is begin put(Periodic_Task(obj)); put("interarrival: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.interarrival); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Frame_Task_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Frame_Task_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) ); end Put_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Frame_Task) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function Get_Name (obj : in Frame_Task_ptr) return Unbounded_String is begin return obj.name; end Get_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Frame_Task ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.GENERIC_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("OBJECTS.NAMED_OBJECT"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.GENERIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.PERIODIC_TASK"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("TASKS.FRAME_TASK"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Frame_Task_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Frame_Task; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Periodic_Task(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.interarrival, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.interarrival, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Frame_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Frame_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Frame_Task; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Frame_Task_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Tasks; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with Tasks; use Tasks.Tasks_Type_io; with Dependencies; use Dependencies.Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type_io; Package Body DP_Graph is -- --------= Task_Node =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Task_Node) is begin initialize(Generic_Node(obj)); obj.Kind := Periodic_Type; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Task_Node ) return Task_Node_Ptr is New_Task_Node : Task_Node_Ptr; begin New_Task_Node := new Task_Node'(obj); return (New_Task_Node); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Task_Node_Ptr ) return Task_Node_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Task_Node) is begin put(Generic_Node(obj)); put("TaskRef: "); if obj.TaskRef /= null then put(obj.TaskRef.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("Kind: "); put(obj.Kind); put ( "; " ); put("Proc: "); if obj.Proc /= null then put(obj.Proc.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Task_Node_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Task_Node_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Task_Node ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_NODE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DP_GRAPH.TASK_NODE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Task_Node_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Task_Node; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Node(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.Kind, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Kind, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Task_Node; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Task_Node_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Task_Node; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Task_Node_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge) is begin initialize(Generic_Edge(obj)); obj.Timing_Property := Sampled_Timing; end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge ) return Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr is New_Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge : Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr; begin New_Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge := new Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge'(obj); return (New_Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr ) return Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge) is begin put(Generic_Edge(obj)); put("Timing_Property: "); put(obj.Timing_Property); put ( "; " ); put("Time_Triggered_Communication_Sink: "); if obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Sink /= null then put(obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Sink.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); put("Time_Triggered_Communication_Source: "); if obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Source /= null then put(obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Source.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_EDGE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DP_GRAPH.TIME_TRIGGERED_COMMUNICATION_EDGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Edge(obj), level, result); if (XML_String(obj.Timing_Property, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Timing_Property, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Sink, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Sink, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Source, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.Time_Triggered_Communication_Source, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Resource_Edge =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Resource_Edge) is begin initialize(Generic_Edge(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Resource_Edge ) return Resource_Edge_Ptr is New_Resource_Edge : Resource_Edge_Ptr; begin New_Resource_Edge := new Resource_Edge'(obj); return (New_Resource_Edge); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Resource_Edge_Ptr ) return Resource_Edge_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Resource_Edge) is begin put(Generic_Edge(obj)); put("Resource_Dependency_Resource: "); if obj.Resource_Dependency_Resource /= null then put(obj.Resource_Dependency_Resource.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Resource_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Resource_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Resource_Edge ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_EDGE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DP_GRAPH.RESOURCE_EDGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Resource_Edge_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Resource_Edge; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Edge(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Resource_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Resource_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Resource_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Resource_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Precedence_Edge =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Precedence_Edge) is begin initialize(Generic_Edge(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Precedence_Edge ) return Precedence_Edge_Ptr is New_Precedence_Edge : Precedence_Edge_Ptr; begin New_Precedence_Edge := new Precedence_Edge'(obj); return (New_Precedence_Edge); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Precedence_Edge_Ptr ) return Precedence_Edge_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Precedence_Edge) is begin put(Generic_Edge(obj)); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Precedence_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Precedence_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Precedence_Edge ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_EDGE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DP_GRAPH.PRECEDENCE_EDGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Precedence_Edge_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Precedence_Edge; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Edge(obj), level, result); end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Precedence_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Precedence_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Precedence_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Precedence_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Communication_Edge =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Communication_Edge) is begin initialize(Generic_Edge(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Communication_Edge ) return Communication_Edge_Ptr is New_Communication_Edge : Communication_Edge_Ptr; begin New_Communication_Edge := new Communication_Edge'(obj); return (New_Communication_Edge); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Communication_Edge_Ptr ) return Communication_Edge_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Communication_Edge) is begin put(Generic_Edge(obj)); put("Communication_Dependency_Object: "); if obj.Communication_Dependency_Object /= null then put(obj.Communication_Dependency_Object.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Communication_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Communication_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Communication_Edge ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_EDGE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DP_GRAPH.COMMUNICATION_EDGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Communication_Edge_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Communication_Edge; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Edge(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Communication_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Communication_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Communication_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Communication_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; -- --------= Buffer_Edge =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : in out Buffer_Edge) is begin initialize(Generic_Edge(obj)); end Initialize; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer_Edge ) return Buffer_Edge_Ptr is New_Buffer_Edge : Buffer_Edge_Ptr; begin New_Buffer_Edge := new Buffer_Edge'(obj); return (New_Buffer_Edge); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Buffer_Edge_Ptr ) return Buffer_Edge_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer_Edge) is begin put(Generic_Edge(obj)); put("Buffer_Dependency_Object: "); if obj.Buffer_Dependency_Object /= null then put(obj.Buffer_Dependency_Object.all); else put("null"); end if;put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Buffer_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Put_Name ( obj : in Buffer_Edge_Ptr) is begin Put ( To_String ( Obj.cheddar_private_id ) ); end Put_Name; function type_of ( obj : in Buffer_Edge ) return unbounded_string_list is list : unbounded_string_list; s : unbounded_string_ptr; begin Initialize(list); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("GENERIC_GRAPH.GENERIC_EDGE"); Add (list, s); s := new unbounded_string; s.all := to_unbounded_string("DP_GRAPH.BUFFER_EDGE"); Add (list, s); return list; end type_of; function type_of ( obj : in Buffer_Edge_Ptr ) return unbounded_string_list is begin return type_of(obj.all); end type_of; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Edge; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin Build_Attributes_XML_String(Generic_Edge(obj), level, result); result := result & unbounded_ht ( level + 1 ) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Buffer_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Buffer_Edge; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Buffer_Edge_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End DP_Graph; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Simulations is function XML_String(obj : in Simulation_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Simulation_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Simulation_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; End Simulations; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Parameters is function XML_String(obj : in Parameter_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Parameter_Type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Parameter_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; procedure Initialize (obj : out Parameter_Ptr) is begin obj := NULL; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Parameter_Ptr) is begin if (obj /= NULL) then put("parameter_name: "); put(obj.parameter_name); put ( "; " ); put("type_of_parameter: "); put(obj.type_of_parameter); put ( "; " ); put ( "value: " ); case obj.type_of_parameter is when boolean_parameter => put("boolean_value: "); standards_io.boolean_io.put(obj.boolean_value); put ( "; " ); when integer_parameter => put("integer_value: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.integer_value); put ( "; " ); when double_parameter => put("double_value: "); standards_io.double_io.put(obj.double_value); put ( "; " ); when string_parameter => put("string_value: "); put(obj.string_value); put ( "; " ); end case; end if; New_Line; end Put; function Copy ( obj : in Parameter ) return Parameter_Ptr is New_Parameter : Parameter_Ptr; begin New_Parameter := new Parameter'(obj); return (New_Parameter); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Parameter_Ptr ) return Parameter_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; function XML_String(obj : in Parameter; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; if (XML_String(obj.parameter_name, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.parameter_name, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.type_of_parameter, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.type_of_parameter, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; case obj.type_of_parameter is when boolean_parameter => if (XML_String(obj.boolean_value, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.boolean_value, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when integer_parameter => if (XML_String(obj.integer_value, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.integer_value, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when double_parameter => if (XML_String(obj.double_value, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.double_value, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; when string_parameter => if (XML_String(obj.string_value, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.string_value, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end case; result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Parameter_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_String(obj.all); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Parameter; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Parameter_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return XML_Ref_String(obj.all); end XML_Ref_String; End Parameters; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Offsets is -- --------= Offset_Type =-------- procedure Initialize(obj : out Offset_Type) is begin obj.offset_value := 0; obj.activation := 0; end Initialize; procedure Put(obj : in Offset_Type) is begin put("offset_value: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.offset_value); put ( "; " ); put("activation: "); standards_io.natural_io.put(obj.activation); put ( "; " ); end Put; procedure Put(obj : in Offset_Type_Ptr) is begin Put(Obj.All); end Put; procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in Offset_Type; level : in natural := 0; result : in out Unbounded_String) is begin if (XML_String(obj.offset_value, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.offset_value, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; if (XML_String(obj.activation, level + 1) /= Empty_String) then result := result & unbounded_ht(level + 1) & "" & XML_String(obj.activation, level + 1) & "" & Unbounded_Lf; end if; end Build_Attributes_XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Offset_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin result := "" & Unbounded_Lf; Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj, level, result); result := result & "" & Unbounded_Lf; return (result); end XML_String; function XML_String(obj : in Offset_Type_Ptr; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin if obj /= null then return XML_String(obj.all); else return Empty_String; end if; end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String(obj : in Offset_Type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is result : Unbounded_String; begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function Copy ( obj : in Offset_Type ) return Offset_Type_Ptr is New_Offset_Type : Offset_Type_Ptr; begin New_Offset_Type := new Offset_Type'(obj); return (New_Offset_Type); end Copy; function Copy ( obj : in Offset_Type_Ptr ) return Offset_Type_Ptr is begin return copy(obj.all); end Copy; End Offsets; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Framework_Config is function XML_String(obj : in Debug_Level; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Debug_Level'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Debug_Level; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in Languages; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Languages'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Languages; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; End Framework_Config; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body processor_interface is function XML_String(obj : in Processors_type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Processors_type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Processors_type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; function XML_String(obj : in migrations_type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(migrations_type'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in migrations_type; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; End processor_interface; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_io; use Text_io; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; Package Body Editor_Config is function XML_String(obj : in Data_From_Simulation; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin return to_unbounded_string(Data_From_Simulation'image (obj) ); end XML_String; function XML_Ref_String (obj : in Data_From_Simulation; level : in natural := 0) return Unbounded_String is begin raise xml_ref_string_error; return to_unbounded_string(""); end XML_Ref_String; End Editor_Config; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This Ada package was automatically generated by the software engineering tool Platypus -- see http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl -- -- Any modification of this file will be lost. -- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar's -- model and its meta-model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints -- of real time tasks. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Frank Singhoff -- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed -- (see http//beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package body xml_architecture_io is procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; ref : in out unbounded_string; id : in out unbounded_string; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_object") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "named_object") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_task_group") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "transaction_task_group") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "multiframe_task_group") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "network") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "arinc_653_object") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "error_id_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "error_id_action_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "error_id_level_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "system_state_entry_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "syshm_ext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "system_hm_tabletype") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "mod_hm_ext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "module_hm_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "portext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "porttype") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "samplingporttype") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "procext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "processtype") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "queuingporttype") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitiontype") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "memory_requirements") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "memory_ext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partition_memory_element") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partition_sched_ext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "window_schedule_element") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "window_sched_ext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partition_schedule_element") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "module_schedule_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "part_hm_ext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partition_hm_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "pseudo_partition") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "standard_partition") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "portmap_ext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "portmappingtype") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "channel") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "modext_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "arinc_653_module") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_message") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "periodic_message") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "aperiodic_message") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_section") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "computation_section") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "synchronization_section") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_deployment") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "static_deployment") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "dynamic_deployment") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_expression") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "constant_expression") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "variable_expression") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "array_variable_expression") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "binary_expression") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "unary_expression") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_node") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_edge") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "graph") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_scheduler") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "aperiodic_task_server_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "polling_server_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deferred_server_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "sporadic_server_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hierarchical_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "compiled_user_defined_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "automata_user_defined_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "pipeline_user_defined_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "user_defined_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "earliest_deadline_first_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "least_laxity_first_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "rate_monotonic_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline_monotonic_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "round_robin_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time_sharing_based_on_wait_time_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "posix_1003_highest_priority_first_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "d_over_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "maximum_urgency_first_based_on_laxity_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "maximum_urgency_first_based_on_deadline_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time_sharing_based_on_cpu_usage_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "no_scheduling_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hierarchical_cyclic_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hierarchical_round_robin_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hierarchical_fixed_priority_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hierarchical_offline_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "fixed_priority_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "dynamic_priority_protocol") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_cache") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "data_cache") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "instruction_cache") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "data_instruction_cache") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_system") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "nop_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "exit_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "put_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "if_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "assign_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "clock_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "for_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "return_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "while_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "random_initialize_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "set_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "subprogram_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "subprogram_call_statement") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_resource") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "np_resource") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority_constrained_resource") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "pip_resource") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "pcp_resource") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "ipcp_resource") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "state") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "synchronization") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "transition") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "core_unit") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_processor") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "mono_core_processor") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "multi_cores_processor") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "event_analyzer") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "generic_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "periodic_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "aperiodic_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "poisson_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "sporadic_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "parametric_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "scheduling_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "frame_task") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_node") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time_triggered_communication_edge") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "resource_edge") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "precedence_edge") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_edge") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_edge") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_role") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_size_item") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "density_item") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadlock_item") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority_inversion_item") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "scheduling_result") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "framework_request") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "framework_response") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "scheduling_parameters") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "critical_section") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "automaton_status") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "transition_status") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "binding_record_type") OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "offset_type") then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "id" then id := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then ref := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Dependency_io) is begin obj.type_of_dependency := Dependency_Type'first; obj.precedence_sink := empty_string; obj.precedence_source := empty_string; obj.buffer_dependent_task := empty_string; obj.buffer_orientation := Orientation_Dependency_Type'first; obj.buffer_dependency_object := empty_string; obj.communication_dependent_task := empty_string; obj.communication_orientation := Orientation_Dependency_Type'first; obj.communication_dependency_object := empty_string; obj.time_triggered_communication_sink := empty_string; obj.time_triggered_communication_source := empty_string; obj.timing_property := Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type'first; obj.resource_dependency_resource := empty_string; obj.resource_dependency_task := empty_string; obj.black_board_dependent_task := empty_string; obj.black_board_orientation := Orientation_Dependency_Type'first; obj.black_board_dependency_object := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Dependency_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "precedence_sink" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.precedence_sink := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "precedence_source" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.precedence_source := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_dependent_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.buffer_dependent_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_dependency_object" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.buffer_dependency_object := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_dependent_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.communication_dependent_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_dependency_object" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.communication_dependency_object := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time_triggered_communication_sink" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.time_triggered_communication_sink := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time_triggered_communication_source" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.time_triggered_communication_source := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "resource_dependency_resource" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.resource_dependency_resource := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "resource_dependency_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.resource_dependency_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "black_board_dependent_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.black_board_dependent_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "black_board_dependency_object" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.black_board_dependency_object := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Dependency_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "type_of_dependency" then To_Dependency_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.type_of_dependency, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_orientation" then To_Orientation_Dependency_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.buffer_orientation, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_orientation" then To_Orientation_Dependency_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.communication_orientation, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "timing_property" then To_Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.timing_property, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "black_board_orientation" then To_Orientation_Dependency_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.black_board_orientation, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out PortMappingType_Choice_io) is begin obj.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice := PortMappingType_Choice_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out PortMappingType_Choice_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "type_of_portmappingtype_choice" then To_PortMappingType_Choice_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.type_of_PortMappingType_Choice, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Time_Unit_Event_io) is begin obj.type_of_event := Time_Unit_Event_Type'first; obj.start_task := empty_string; obj.end_task := empty_string; obj.write_buffer := empty_string; obj.write_task := empty_string; obj.write_size := 0; obj.read_buffer := empty_string; obj.read_task := empty_string; obj.read_size := 0; obj.switched_task := empty_string; obj.running_core := empty_string; obj.running_task := empty_string; obj.current_priority := 0; obj.activation_task := empty_string; obj.allocate_task := empty_string; obj.allocate_resource := empty_string; obj.release_task := empty_string; obj.release_resource := empty_string; obj.wait_for_resource_task := empty_string; obj.wait_for_resource := empty_string; obj.send_task := empty_string; obj.send_message := empty_string; obj.receive_task := empty_string; obj.receive_message := empty_string; obj.wait_for_memory_task := empty_string; obj.wait_for_cache := empty_string; obj.activation_address_space := empty_string; obj.duration := 0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Time_Unit_Event_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.start_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "end_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.end_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "write_buffer" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.write_buffer := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "write_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.write_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "read_buffer" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.read_buffer := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "read_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.read_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "switched_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.switched_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "running_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.running_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "activation_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.activation_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "allocate_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.allocate_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "allocate_resource" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.allocate_resource := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "release_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.release_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "release_resource" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.release_resource := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "wait_for_resource_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.wait_for_resource_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "wait_for_resource" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.wait_for_resource := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "send_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.send_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "send_message" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.send_message := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "receive_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.receive_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "receive_message" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.receive_message := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "wait_for_memory_task" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.wait_for_memory_task := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "wait_for_cache" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.wait_for_cache := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Time_Unit_Event_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "type_of_event" then To_Time_Unit_Event_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.type_of_event, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "write_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.write_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "read_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.read_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "running_core" then obj.running_core := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "current_priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.current_priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "activation_address_space" then obj.activation_address_space := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "duration" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.duration, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Parameter_io) is begin obj.type_of_parameter := Parameter_Type'first; obj.boolean_value := false; obj.integer_value := 0; obj.double_value := 0.0; obj.string_value := empty_string; obj.parameter_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Parameter_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "type_of_parameter" then To_Parameter_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.type_of_parameter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "boolean_value" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.boolean_value, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "integer_value" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.integer_value, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "double_value" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.double_value, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "string_value" then obj.string_value := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "parameter_name" then obj.parameter_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Buffer_Role_io) is begin obj.the_role := Buffer_Role_Type'first; obj.size := 0; obj.time := 0; obj.timeout := 0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Buffer_Role_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_role" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Buffer_Role_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "the_role" then To_Buffer_Role_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.the_role, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "timeout" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.timeout, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Buffer_Size_Item_io) is begin obj.time := 0; obj.size := 0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Buffer_Size_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_size_item" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Buffer_Size_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Density_Item_io) is begin obj.response_time := 0; obj.probability := 0.0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Density_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "density_item" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Density_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "response_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.response_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "probability" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.probability, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Deadlock_Item_io) is begin obj.time := 0; obj.task_name := empty_string; obj.resource_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Deadlock_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadlock_item" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Deadlock_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_name" then obj.task_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "resource_name" then obj.resource_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Priority_Inversion_Item_io) is begin obj.start_time := 0; obj.end_time := 0; obj.task_name := empty_string; obj.resource_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Priority_Inversion_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority_inversion_item" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Priority_Inversion_Item_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "end_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.end_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_name" then obj.task_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "resource_name" then obj.resource_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Scheduling_Result_io) is begin obj.scheduling_msg := empty_string; obj.has_error := false; obj.error_msg := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Scheduling_Result_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "scheduling_result" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Scheduling_Result_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "scheduling_msg" then obj.scheduling_msg := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "has_error" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.has_error, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "error_msg" then obj.error_msg := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Framework_Request_io) is begin obj.statement := Framework_Statement_Type'first; obj.target := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Framework_Request_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "framework_request" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Framework_Request_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement" then To_Framework_Statement_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "target" then obj.target := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Framework_Response_io) is begin obj.title := empty_string; obj.text := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Framework_Response_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "framework_response" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Framework_Response_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "title" then obj.title := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text" then obj.text := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Scheduling_Parameters_io) is begin obj.scheduler_type := Schedulers_Type'first; obj.quantum := 0; obj.preemptive_type := Preemptives_Type'first; obj.automaton_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.user_defined_scheduler_source := empty_string; obj.user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name := empty_string; obj.start_time := 0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Scheduling_Parameters_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "scheduling_parameters" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Scheduling_Parameters_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "scheduler_type" then To_Schedulers_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.scheduler_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "quantum" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.quantum, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "preemptive_type" then To_Preemptives_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.preemptive_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "automaton_name" then obj.automaton_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "user_defined_scheduler_source" then obj.user_defined_scheduler_source := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name" then obj.user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Critical_Section_io) is begin obj.task_begin := 0; obj.task_end := 0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Critical_Section_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "critical_section" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Critical_Section_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_begin" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_begin, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_end" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_end, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Automaton_Status_io) is begin obj.current_state := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Automaton_Status_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "automaton_status" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Automaton_Status_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin null; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Transition_Status_io) is begin obj.code := empty_string; obj.status := Status_Type'first; obj.wakeup_time := 0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Transition_Status_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "transition_status" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Transition_Status_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "status" then To_Status_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.status, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "wakeup_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.wakeup_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Binding_Record_Type_io) is begin obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Binding_Record_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "binding_record_type" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Binding_Record_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Offset_Type_io) is begin obj.offset_value := 0; obj.activation := 0; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Offset_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "offset_type" then initialize(obj); end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Offset_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "offset_value" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.offset_value, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "activation" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.activation, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Object_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Object_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Named_Object_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Named_Object_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Task_Group_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_group_type := Task_Groups_type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.activation_rule := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Task_Group_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_group_type" then To_Task_Groups_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_group_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "seed" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.seed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "predictable" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.predictable, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "activation_rule" then obj.activation_rule := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Transaction_Task_Group_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_group_type := Task_Groups_type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.activation_rule := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Transaction_Task_Group_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_group_type" then To_Task_Groups_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_group_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "seed" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.seed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "predictable" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.predictable, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "activation_rule" then obj.activation_rule := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Multiframe_Task_Group_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_group_type := Task_Groups_type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.activation_rule := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Multiframe_Task_Group_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_group_type" then To_Task_Groups_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_group_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "seed" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.seed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "predictable" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.predictable, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "activation_rule" then obj.activation_rule := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Network_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.network_type := Networks_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Network_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "network_type" then To_Networks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.network_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out ARINC_653_Object_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out ARINC_653_Object_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Error_ID_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.ErrorIdentifier := empty_string; obj.Description := empty_string; obj.PartitionAction := PartitionActionType'first; obj.ModuleAction := ModuleActionType'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Error_ID_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "erroridentifier" then obj.ErrorIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "description" then obj.Description := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionaction" then To_PartitionActionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.PartitionAction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "moduleaction" then To_ModuleActionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ModuleAction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Error_ID_Action_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.ErrorIdentifier := empty_string; obj.Description := empty_string; obj.PartitionAction := PartitionActionType'first; obj.ModuleAction := ModuleActionType'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Error_ID_Action_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "erroridentifier" then obj.ErrorIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "description" then obj.Description := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionaction" then To_PartitionActionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.PartitionAction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "moduleaction" then To_ModuleActionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ModuleAction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Error_ID_Level_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.ErrorIdentifier := empty_string; obj.Description := empty_string; obj.PartitionAction := PartitionActionType'first; obj.ModuleAction := ModuleActionType'first; obj.ErrorLevel := ErrorLevelType'first; obj.ErrorCode := ErrorCodeType'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Error_ID_Level_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "erroridentifier" then obj.ErrorIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "description" then obj.Description := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionaction" then To_PartitionActionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.PartitionAction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "moduleaction" then To_ModuleActionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ModuleAction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "errorlevel" then To_ErrorLevelType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ErrorLevel, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "errorcode" then To_ErrorCodeType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ErrorCode, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out System_State_Entry_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.SystemState := empty_string; obj.Description := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out System_State_Entry_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "systemstate" then obj.SystemState := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "description" then obj.Description := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out SysHM_Ext_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out SysHM_Ext_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out System_HM_TableType_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out System_HM_TableType_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Mod_HM_Ext_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Mod_HM_Ext_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Module_HM_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.ModuleCallback := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Module_HM_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "modulecallback" then obj.ModuleCallback := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out PortExt_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out PortExt_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out PortType_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Name := empty_string; obj.MaxMessageSize := empty_string; obj.Direction := DirectionType'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out PortType_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.Name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "maxmessagesize" then obj.MaxMessageSize := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "direction" then To_DirectionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.Direction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out SamplingPortType_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Name := empty_string; obj.MaxMessageSize := empty_string; obj.Direction := DirectionType'first; obj.RefreshRateSeconds := 0.0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out SamplingPortType_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.Name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "maxmessagesize" then obj.MaxMessageSize := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "direction" then To_DirectionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.Direction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "refreshrateseconds" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.RefreshRateSeconds, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out ProcExt_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out ProcExt_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out ProcessType_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Name := empty_string; obj.StackSize := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out ProcessType_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.Name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stacksize" then obj.StackSize := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out QueuingPortType_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Name := empty_string; obj.MaxMessageSize := empty_string; obj.Direction := DirectionType'first; obj.MaxNbMessages := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out QueuingPortType_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.Name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "maxmessagesize" then obj.MaxMessageSize := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "direction" then To_DirectionType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.Direction, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "maxnbmessages" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.MaxNbMessages, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out PartitionExt_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out PartitionExt_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out PartitionType_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.Criticality := CriticalityType'first; obj.SystemPartition := false; obj.EntryPoint := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out PartitionType_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionidentifier" then obj.PartitionIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionname" then obj.PartitionName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_CriticalityType (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.Criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "systempartition" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.SystemPartition, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "entrypoint" then obj.EntryPoint := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Memory_Requirements_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.regionName := empty_string; obj.memory_type := empty_string; obj.sizeBytes := empty_string; obj.physicalAddress := empty_string; obj.memoryAccess := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Memory_Requirements_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "regionname" then obj.regionName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "memory_type" then obj.memory_type := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "sizebytes" then obj.sizeBytes := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "physicaladdress" then obj.physicalAddress := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "memoryaccess" then obj.memoryAccess := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Memory_Ext_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Memory_Ext_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Partition_Memory_Element_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Partition_Memory_Element_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionidentifier" then obj.PartitionIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionname" then obj.PartitionName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Partition_Sched_Ext_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Window_Schedule_Element_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.WindowIdentifier := empty_string; obj.WindowStartSeconds := 0.0; obj.WindowDurationSeconds := 0.0; obj.PartitionPeriodStart := false; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Window_Schedule_Element_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "windowidentifier" then obj.WindowIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "windowstartseconds" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.WindowStartSeconds, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "windowdurationseconds" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.WindowDurationSeconds, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionperiodstart" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.PartitionPeriodStart, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Window_Sched_Ext_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Window_Sched_Ext_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Partition_Schedule_Element_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.PeriodSeconds := 0.0; obj.PeriodDurationSeconds := 0.0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Partition_Schedule_Element_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionidentifier" then obj.PartitionIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionname" then obj.PartitionName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "periodseconds" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.PeriodSeconds, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "perioddurationseconds" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.PeriodDurationSeconds, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Module_Schedule_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.MajorFrameSeconds := 0.0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Module_Schedule_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "majorframeseconds" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.MajorFrameSeconds, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Part_HM_Ext_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Part_HM_Ext_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Partition_HM_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.PartitionCallback := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Partition_HM_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionidentifier" then obj.PartitionIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionname" then obj.PartitionName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitioncallback" then obj.PartitionCallback := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Pseudo_Partition_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Name := empty_string; obj.PhysicalAddress := empty_string; obj.partition_procedure := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Pseudo_Partition_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.Name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "physicaladdress" then obj.PhysicalAddress := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partition_procedure" then obj.partition_procedure := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Standard_Partition_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.PartitionIdentifier := empty_string; obj.PartitionName := empty_string; obj.PortName := empty_string; obj.PhysicalAddress := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Standard_Partition_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionidentifier" then obj.PartitionIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "partitionname" then obj.PartitionName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "portname" then obj.PortName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "physicaladdress" then obj.PhysicalAddress := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out PortMap_Ext_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out PortMap_Ext_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out PortMappingType_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out PortMappingType_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Channel_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.ChannelIdentifier := empty_string; obj.ChannelName := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Channel_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "channelidentifier" then obj.ChannelIdentifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "channelname" then obj.ChannelName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out ModExt_Type_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out ModExt_Type_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out ARINC_653_Module_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.ModuleName := empty_string; obj.ModuleVersion := empty_string; obj.ModuleId := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out ARINC_653_Module_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "modulename" then obj.ModuleName := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "moduleversion" then obj.ModuleVersion := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "moduleid" then obj.ModuleId := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Message_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.message_type := Messages_Type'first; obj.deadline := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.response_time := 0; obj.communication_time := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Message_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "message_type" then To_Messages_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.message_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "response_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.response_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.communication_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Periodic_Message_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.message_type := Messages_Type'first; obj.deadline := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.response_time := 0; obj.communication_time := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Periodic_Message_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "message_type" then To_Messages_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.message_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "response_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.response_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.communication_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Aperiodic_Message_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.message_type := Messages_Type'first; obj.deadline := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.response_time := 0; obj.communication_time := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Aperiodic_Message_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "message_type" then To_Messages_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.message_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "response_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.response_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.communication_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Section_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.section_type := Sections_Type'first; obj.file_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Section_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "section_type" then To_Sections_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.section_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Computation_Section_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.section_type := Sections_Type'first; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.first_statement := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Computation_Section_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "first_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.first_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Computation_Section_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "section_type" then To_Sections_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.section_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Synchronization_Section_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.section_type := Sections_Type'first; obj.file_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Synchronization_Section_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "section_type" then To_Sections_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.section_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Deployment_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Deployment_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Static_Deployment_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.allocation := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Static_Deployment_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "allocation" then obj.allocation := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Dynamic_Deployment_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Dynamic_Deployment_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Expression_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.expression_type := Expressions_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "expression_type" then To_Expressions_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.expression_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Constant_Expression_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.expression_type := Expressions_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Constant_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "expression_type" then To_Expressions_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.expression_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Variable_Expression_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.expression_type := Expressions_Type'first; obj.identifier := empty_string; obj.variable_type := Simulation_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Variable_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "expression_type" then To_Expressions_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.expression_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "identifier" then obj.identifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "variable_type" then To_Simulation_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.variable_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Array_Variable_Expression_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.expression_type := Expressions_Type'first; obj.identifier := empty_string; obj.variable_type := Simulation_Type'first; obj.array_index := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Array_Variable_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "array_index" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.array_index := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Array_Variable_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "expression_type" then To_Expressions_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.expression_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "identifier" then obj.identifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "variable_type" then To_Simulation_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.variable_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Binary_Expression_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.expression_type := Expressions_Type'first; obj.identifier := empty_string; obj.variable_type := Simulation_Type'first; obj.rvalue := empty_string; obj.lvalue := empty_string; obj.operator := Operator_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Binary_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "rvalue" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.rvalue := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "lvalue" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.lvalue := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Binary_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "expression_type" then To_Expressions_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.expression_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "identifier" then obj.identifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "variable_type" then To_Simulation_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.variable_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "operator" then To_Operator_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.operator, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Unary_Expression_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.expression_type := Expressions_Type'first; obj.identifier := empty_string; obj.variable_type := Simulation_Type'first; obj.operator := Operator_Type'first; obj.VALUE := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Unary_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "value" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.VALUE := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Unary_Expression_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "expression_type" then To_Expressions_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.expression_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "identifier" then obj.identifier := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "variable_type" then To_Simulation_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.variable_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "operator" then To_Operator_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.operator, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Node_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Node_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Edge_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; obj.Node_1 := empty_string; obj.Node_2 := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_1" then obj.Node_1 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_2" then obj.Node_2 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Graph_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Graph_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Buffer_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.queueing_system_type := Queueing_Systems_Type'first; obj.size := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Buffer_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "queueing_system_type" then To_Queueing_Systems_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.queueing_system_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Scheduler_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Scheduler_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Aperiodic_Task_Server_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Polling_Server_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Polling_Server_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Deferred_Server_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Deferred_Server_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Sporadic_Server_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Sporadic_Server_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Hierarchical_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Hierarchical_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Compiled_User_Defined_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Automata_User_Defined_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Pipeline_User_Defined_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out User_Defined_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out User_Defined_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Earliest_Deadline_First_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Least_Laxity_First_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Rate_Monotonic_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Deadline_Monotonic_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Round_Robin_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Round_Robin_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Time_Sharing_Based_On_Wait_Time_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Posix_1003_Highest_Priority_First_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out D_Over_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out D_Over_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Laxity_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Maximum_Urgency_First_Based_On_Deadline_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Time_Sharing_Based_On_Cpu_Usage_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out No_Scheduling_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out No_Scheduling_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Hierarchical_Cyclic_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Hierarchical_Round_Robin_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Hierarchical_Fixed_Priority_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Hierarchical_Offline_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Fixed_Priority_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Fixed_Priority_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Dynamic_Priority_Protocol_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Cache_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.number_of_block := 0; obj.block_size := 0; obj.associativity := 0; obj.cache_replacement := Cache_Replacement_Type'first; obj.hit_time := 0.0; obj.miss_time := 0.0; obj.miss_rate := 0; obj.cache_coherence_protocol := Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type'first; obj.cache_category := Cache_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Cache_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "number_of_block" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.number_of_block, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "block_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.block_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "associativity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.associativity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_replacement" then To_Cache_Replacement_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_replacement, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hit_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.hit_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_rate" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_rate, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_coherence_protocol" then To_Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_coherence_protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_category" then To_Cache_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_category, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Data_Cache_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.number_of_block := 0; obj.block_size := 0; obj.associativity := 0; obj.cache_replacement := Cache_Replacement_Type'first; obj.hit_time := 0.0; obj.miss_time := 0.0; obj.miss_rate := 0; obj.cache_coherence_protocol := Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type'first; obj.cache_category := Cache_Type'first; obj.write_policy := Write_Policy_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Data_Cache_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "number_of_block" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.number_of_block, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "block_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.block_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "associativity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.associativity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_replacement" then To_Cache_Replacement_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_replacement, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hit_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.hit_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_rate" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_rate, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_coherence_protocol" then To_Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_coherence_protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_category" then To_Cache_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_category, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "write_policy" then To_Write_Policy_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.write_policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Instruction_Cache_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.number_of_block := 0; obj.block_size := 0; obj.associativity := 0; obj.cache_replacement := Cache_Replacement_Type'first; obj.hit_time := 0.0; obj.miss_time := 0.0; obj.miss_rate := 0; obj.cache_coherence_protocol := Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type'first; obj.cache_category := Cache_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Instruction_Cache_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "number_of_block" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.number_of_block, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "block_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.block_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "associativity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.associativity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_replacement" then To_Cache_Replacement_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_replacement, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hit_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.hit_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_rate" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_rate, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_coherence_protocol" then To_Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_coherence_protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_category" then To_Cache_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_category, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Data_Instruction_Cache_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.number_of_block := 0; obj.block_size := 0; obj.associativity := 0; obj.cache_replacement := Cache_Replacement_Type'first; obj.hit_time := 0.0; obj.miss_time := 0.0; obj.miss_rate := 0; obj.cache_coherence_protocol := Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type'first; obj.cache_category := Cache_Type'first; obj.write_policy := Write_Policy_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Data_Instruction_Cache_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "number_of_block" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.number_of_block, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "block_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.block_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "associativity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.associativity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_replacement" then To_Cache_Replacement_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_replacement, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "hit_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.hit_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_time" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "miss_rate" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.miss_rate, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_coherence_protocol" then To_Cache_Coherence_Protocol_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_coherence_protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cache_category" then To_Cache_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.cache_category, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "write_policy" then To_Write_Policy_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.write_policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Cache_System_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Cache_System_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Generic_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Nop_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Nop_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Nop_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Exit_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Exit_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Exit_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Put_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.put_from := empty_string; obj.put_to := empty_string; obj.expression_to_be_displayed := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Put_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "put_from" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.put_from := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "put_to" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.put_to := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "expression_to_be_displayed" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.expression_to_be_displayed := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Put_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out If_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.bool_expression := empty_string; obj.else_statement := empty_string; obj.then_statement := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out If_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "bool_expression" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.bool_expression := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "else_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.else_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "then_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.then_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out If_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Assign_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.lvalue := empty_string; obj.rvalue := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Assign_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "lvalue" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.lvalue := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "rvalue" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.rvalue := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Assign_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Clock_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.lvalue := empty_string; obj.rvalue := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Clock_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "lvalue" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.lvalue := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "rvalue" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.rvalue := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Clock_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out For_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.for_type := Table_Types'first; obj.included_statement := empty_string; obj.for_index := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out For_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "included_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.included_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "for_index" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.for_index := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out For_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "for_type" then To_Table_Types (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.for_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Return_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.return_value := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Return_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "return_value" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.return_value := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Return_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out While_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.included_statement := empty_string; obj.condition := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out While_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "included_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.included_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "condition" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.condition := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out While_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Random_Initialize_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.lvalue := empty_string; obj.law := Laws_Type'first; obj.parameter1 := empty_string; obj.parameter2 := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Random_Initialize_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "parameter1" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.parameter1 := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "parameter2" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.parameter2 := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Random_Initialize_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "lvalue" then obj.lvalue := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "law" then To_Laws_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.law, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Set_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.set_id := empty_string; obj.set_value := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Set_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "set_value" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.set_value := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Set_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "set_id" then obj.set_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Subprogram_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.included_statement := empty_string; obj.is_a_function := false; obj.subprogram_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Subprogram_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "included_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.included_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Subprogram_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "is_a_function" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.is_a_function, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "subprogram_name" then obj.subprogram_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Subprogram_Call_Statement_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.statement_type := Statements_Type'first; obj.line_number := 0; obj.file_name := empty_string; obj.next_statement := empty_string; obj.is_a_function := false; obj.called_subprogram := empty_string; obj.return_value := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Subprogram_Call_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "next_statement" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.next_statement := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "called_subprogram" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.called_subprogram := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "return_value" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.return_value := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Subprogram_Call_Statement_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "statement_type" then To_Statements_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.statement_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "line_number" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.line_number, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "file_name" then obj.file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "is_a_function" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.is_a_function, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Resource_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.state := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.address := 0; obj.protocol := Resources_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Resource_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "state" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.state, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.address, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "protocol" then To_Resources_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Np_Resource_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.state := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.address := 0; obj.protocol := Resources_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Np_Resource_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "state" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.state, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.address, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "protocol" then To_Resources_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Priority_Constrained_Resource_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.state := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.address := 0; obj.protocol := Resources_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.ceiling_priority := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Priority_Constrained_Resource_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "state" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.state, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.address, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "protocol" then To_Resources_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "ceiling_priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ceiling_priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Pip_Resource_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.state := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.address := 0; obj.protocol := Resources_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Pip_Resource_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "state" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.state, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.address, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "protocol" then To_Resources_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Pcp_Resource_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.state := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.address := 0; obj.protocol := Resources_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.ceiling_priority := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Pcp_Resource_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "state" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.state, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.address, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "protocol" then To_Resources_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "ceiling_priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ceiling_priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out IPcp_Resource_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.state := 0; obj.size := 0; obj.address := 0; obj.protocol := Resources_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.ceiling_priority := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out IPcp_Resource_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "state" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.state, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.address, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "protocol" then To_Resources_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.protocol, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "ceiling_priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.ceiling_priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out State_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.is_initial := false; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out State_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "is_initial" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.is_initial, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Synchronization_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.synchronization_type := Synchronizations_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Synchronization_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "synchronization_type" then To_Synchronizations_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.synchronization_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Transition_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.from_state := empty_string; obj.to_state := empty_string; obj.guards := empty_string; obj.clocks := empty_string; obj.synchronization := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Transition_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "from_state" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.from_state := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "to_state" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.to_state := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "guards" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.guards := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "clocks" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.clocks := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "synchronization" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.synchronization := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Transition_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Core_Unit_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.speed := 0.0; obj.l1_cache_system_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Core_Unit_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "speed" then To_Double (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.speed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "l1_cache_system_name" then obj.l1_cache_system_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Processor_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.network := empty_string; obj.processor_type := Processors_type'first; obj.migration_type := migrations_type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Processor_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "network" then obj.network := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "processor_type" then To_Processors_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.processor_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "migration_type" then To_migrations_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.migration_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Mono_Core_Processor_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.network := empty_string; obj.processor_type := Processors_type'first; obj.migration_type := migrations_type'first; obj.core := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Mono_Core_Processor_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "core" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.core := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Mono_Core_Processor_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "network" then obj.network := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "processor_type" then To_Processors_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.processor_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "migration_type" then To_migrations_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.migration_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Multi_Cores_Processor_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.network := empty_string; obj.processor_type := Processors_type'first; obj.migration_type := migrations_type'first; obj.l2_cache_system_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Multi_Cores_Processor_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "network" then obj.network := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "processor_type" then To_Processors_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.processor_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "migration_type" then To_migrations_type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.migration_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "l2_cache_system_name" then obj.l2_cache_system_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Event_Analyzer_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.event_analyzer_source_file_name := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Event_Analyzer_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "event_analyzer_source_file_name" then obj.event_analyzer_source_file_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Address_Space_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.data_memory_size := 0; obj.heap_memory_size := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Address_Space_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "data_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.data_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "heap_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.heap_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Generic_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Generic_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Periodic_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Periodic_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Aperiodic_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Aperiodic_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Poisson_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Poisson_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "seed" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.seed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "predictable" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.predictable, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Sporadic_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Sporadic_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "seed" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.seed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "predictable" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.predictable, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Parametric_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; obj.activation_rule := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Parametric_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "seed" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.seed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "predictable" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.predictable, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "activation_rule" then obj.activation_rule := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Scheduling_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.seed := 0; obj.predictable := false; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Scheduling_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "seed" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.seed, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "predictable" then To_Boolean (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.predictable, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Frame_Task_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.object_type := Objects_Type'first; obj.name := empty_string; obj.task_type := Tasks_Type'first; obj.cpu_name := empty_string; obj.address_space_name := empty_string; obj.capacity := 0; obj.deadline := 0; obj.start_time := 0; obj.priority := 0; obj.blocking_time := 0; obj.policy := Policies'first; obj.text_memory_size := 0; obj.stack_memory_size := 0; obj.criticality := 0; obj.context_switch_overhead := 0; obj.period := 0; obj.jitter := 0; obj.interarrival := 0; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Frame_Task_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "object_type" then To_Objects_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.object_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "name" then obj.name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "task_type" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.task_type, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cpu_name" then obj.cpu_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "address_space_name" then obj.address_space_name := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "capacity" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.capacity, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "deadline" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.deadline, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "start_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.start_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "priority" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.priority, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "blocking_time" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.blocking_time, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "policy" then To_Policies (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.policy, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "text_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.text_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "stack_memory_size" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.stack_memory_size, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "criticality" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.criticality, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "context_switch_overhead" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.context_switch_overhead, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "period" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.period, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "jitter" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.jitter, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "interarrival" then To_Integer (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.interarrival, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Task_Node_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; obj.TaskRef := empty_string; obj.Kind := Tasks_Type'first; obj.Proc := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Task_Node_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "taskref" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.TaskRef := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "proc" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.Proc := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Task_Node_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "kind" then To_Tasks_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.Kind, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; obj.Node_1 := empty_string; obj.Node_2 := empty_string; obj.Timing_Property := Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type'first; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Time_Triggered_Communication_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_1" then obj.Node_1 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_2" then obj.Node_2 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "timing_property" then To_Time_Triggered_Communication_Timing_Property_Type (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.Timing_Property, Handler.Ok); if not Handler.Ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator.all)); end if; end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Resource_Edge_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; obj.Node_1 := empty_string; obj.Node_2 := empty_string; obj.Resource_Dependency_Resource := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Resource_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "resource_dependency_resource" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.Resource_Dependency_Resource := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Resource_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_1" then obj.Node_1 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_2" then obj.Node_2 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Precedence_Edge_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; obj.Node_1 := empty_string; obj.Node_2 := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Precedence_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_1" then obj.Node_1 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_2" then obj.Node_2 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Communication_Edge_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; obj.Node_1 := empty_string; obj.Node_2 := empty_string; obj.Communication_Dependency_Object := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Communication_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "communication_dependency_object" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.Communication_Dependency_Object := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Communication_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_1" then obj.Node_1 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_2" then obj.Node_2 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; procedure Initialize(obj : out Buffer_Edge_io) is begin obj.cheddar_private_id := empty_string; obj.Id := empty_string; obj.Node_1 := empty_string; obj.Node_2 := empty_string; obj.Buffer_Dependency_Object := empty_string; end Initialize; procedure Start_Element( Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser; obj : in out Buffer_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is begin if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "buffer_dependency_object" then for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then obj.Buffer_Dependency_Object := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end Start_Element; procedure End_Element( Handler : in out Xml_generic_parser; obj : in out Buffer_Edge_io; Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is begin if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "cheddar_private_id" then obj.cheddar_private_id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "id" then obj.Id := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_1" then obj.Node_1 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; if To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "node_2" then obj.Node_2 := handler.Parameter_List (1); end if; end End_Element; end xml_architecture_io;