There is currently no document on the Cheddar's framework but this directory provides somes examples of programs that you can use in order to directly call the framework without the machine-man interface. To call the framework, you must use the framework interface. The framework interface is described in the package. The package implements the facade design pattern : it means that all the services provided by the framework is available from this package.

The following programs use the interface :

****************** ***PRESENTATION*** ****************** Select_feasibility_test_simpl_from_xml is an example of feasibility test selection prototype. It enable to apply the design pattern recognition method to architecture models. This program can either take an architecture model in xml format as an entry, and also provide 8 architecture examples to illustrate how it works. Those 8 example are: (1) compliant_ttc: an architecture compliant to the Time_Triggered_Communication Design pattern; (2)uncompliant_ttc: an architecture close but uncompliant to the Time_Triggered_Communication Design pattern; (3)compliant_rav: an architecture compliant to the Ravenscar Design pattern; (4)uncompliant_rav: an architecture close but uncompliant to the Ravenscar Design pattern; (5)compliant_unpl: an architecture compliant to the Time_Triggered_Communication Design pattern; (6)uncompliant_unpl: an architecture close but uncompliant to the Unplugged Design pattern; (7)uncompliant_env: an architecture with a multi core processor environment (8)uncompliant_buff: an architecture close but uncompliant to the Time_Triggered_Communication Design pattern (there is an extra buffer). The result and the xml representation of the architecture are displayed if the verbose mode is asked (-v). The result is stored in a text file whom name is given by the user. ***************** ***COMPILATION*** ***************** This file is compiled with the makefile target dp. The executable is created in the binaries/bin/debug folder. *************** ***EXECUTION*** *************** Taking a XML file for entry does not work yet. The only way to test the prototype is to use it with predefined architecture Here is an example of command line to launch the program: ./select_feasibility_test_simple_from_xml -v -a 1 -o result1.txt Just change the architecture number to try the different cases. *********** ***USAGE*** *********** select_feasibility_tests_from_xml version 3.0, Copyright (C) 2002-2012, by Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand Compiled from the SVN source code revision number $Rev: 523 $, source code changed on $Date: 2012-09-26 15:09:39 +0200 (Wed, 26 Sep 2012) $ The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by Frank Singhoff, LISyC Team, Université de Bretagne Occidentale Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of Cheddar and provides industrial support select_feasibility_tests_from_xml comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; See the GNU General Public License for details. select_feasibility_tests_from_xml is a program which select feasibility tests from an XML Cheddar project file and save the result into a second XML file. Check Cheddar home page for details : Usage : select_feasibility_tests_from_xml switch can be : -u get this help -v verbose mode -o file-name, write the scheduling into the file file-name -i file-name, read the system to analyze from the XML file file-name -a architecture-name, analyze dor demonstration from pre-defined example architecture-name architecture-name can be: (1) compliant_ttc, (2)uncompliant_ttc, (3)compliant_rav, (4)uncompliant_rav, (5)compliant_unpl, (6)uncompliant_unpl, (7)uncompliant_env, (8)uncompliant_buff