This is a short overview of each menu item of Cheddar. Please, refer to the user's guide and the tutorials for further reading. --------------------------------------------------------------------- File Menu --------- 1. New : create a new CheddarADL architecture model/XML project. 2. Open : load an existing CheeddarADL architecture model/XML project file into the editor. 3. Save : save the current CheeddarADL architecture model/XML project into the current file. 4. Save : save the current CheeddarADL architecture model/XML project into a file with a new file name. 5. AADL : 5.1 AADL import : load an AADL model and convert it into Cheddar ADL. 5.2 AADL export : translate a Cheddar ADL model and write its AADL translation in a file. 5.3 Export property sets used by Cheddar. 5.4 Export standard AADL property set. 5.5 Customize how AADL services work. 6. Exit : Quit the Cheddar's toolset. Edit Menu --------- 1. Software : create/update software entities of CheddarADL 2. Hardware : create/update hardware entities of CheddarADL 2. Deployement : create/update deployement entities of CheddarADL Tools Menu ---------- 1. Clear work space : cleanup the working area (drawing and text areas). Do not change anything on the project itself. 2. Scheduling : services to performa scheduling analysis 2.1 Scheduling simulation : compute and draw scheduling simulation. This menu allows the user to customize the way the scheduling simulation is computed. 2.2 Scheduling feasibility : compute some basics feasibility tests on all processors. Feasibility test computed there are utilization factor test and response time test. 2.3 Priority assignments : service to assign priorities to task 2.3.1 Rate Monotonic 2.3.2 Deadline Monotonic 2.3.3 Audsley algorithm 2.3.3 Audsley with CRPD, PT : 2.3.3 Audsley with CRPD, PT-simplified : 2.3.3 Audsley with CRPD, Tree : 2.4 Transaction : worst case response time analysis with transaction 2.5 Event table services : services to handle event tables. 2.5.1 Compute scheduling and generate event table : compute the scheduling and produce the event table. 2.5.2 Draw time line from event table : draw time line from the last computed or loaded scheduling/event table. 2.5.3 Run analysis on event table : perform analysis on the last computed or loaded scheduling/event table. 2.5.4 Export event table : save the last scheduling/event table on a file in a XML format. 2.6 Partitionning : provide some services to assign tasks on a set of processor. 2.6.1 Best Fit : assign tasks on the set of processor according to the Best Fit algorithm. 2.6.2 General Task : assign tasks on the set of processor according to the General Task algorithm. 2.6.3 Next Fit : assign tasks on the set of processor according to the Next Fit algorithm. 2.6.4 First Fit : assign tasks on the set of processor according to the First Fit algorithm. 2.6.5 Small Task : assign tasks on the set of processor according to the Small Task algorithm. 2.7 Scheduling Options : customize how the scheduling simulation will be performed. 3. Resource : resource analysis services 3.1 Worst Case Blocking Time : compute worst case resources blocking time according to PCP and PIP protocols without computing the scheduling 3.2 Looking for priority inversion from simulation : run analysis on a previously computed scheduling to look for high priority tasks blocked by lower priority task on resource entities. 3.3 Looking for priority inversion from simulation : run analysis on a previously computed scheduling to look for tasks blocked for ever on shared reousrces. 4. Buffer : analysis services related to buffer entities 4.1 Buffer simulation : compute buffer utilization factor and message waiting time from a given scheduling simulation. 4.2 Buffer feasibility tests : compute bound on buffer utilization factor and essage waiting time without computing scheduling 5. Precedencies : algorithms that can schedule or check feasibility of a tasks set with dependencies 5.1 Chetto/Blazewicz modifications on priorities : create independent task set from a dependent task set by a modification oe task priorities according to precedency constraints. 5.2 Chetto/Blazewicz modifications on deadlines : create independent task set from a dependent task set by a modification oe task deadlines according to precedency constraints. 5.3 End to End response time : compute response time from a set of task with precendency relationships by Holistic analysis. 6. Memory footprint analysis : 7. Density tools : 8. Cache : Help Menu --------- 1. About Cheddar : provides version number of this running Cheddar toolset 2. Manual : this window ! 3. Scheduling references : gives all publication references applied to perform analysis