------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand, -- Hai Nam Tran, Stephane Rubini -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev$ -- $Date$ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Date: 2020-05-01 12:00:00$ -- $Author: Dridi Mourad$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Generic_Graph; use Generic_Graph; with Tasks; use Tasks; with Task_Set; use Task_Set; with Task_Groups; use Task_Groups; with Task_Group_Set; use Task_Group_Set; with Buffers; use Buffers; with Messages; use Messages; with Dependencies; use Dependencies; with Resources; use Resources; use Resources.Resource_Accesses; with Systems; use Systems; with Processors; use Processors; with Processor_Set; use Processor_Set; with Address_Spaces; use Address_Spaces; with Address_Space_Set; use Address_Space_Set; with Caches; use Caches; with Caches; use Caches.Cache_Blocks_Table_Package; with Message_Set; use Message_Set; with Buffer_Set; use Buffer_Set; with Network_Set; use Network_Set; with Event_Analyzer_Set; use Event_Analyzer_Set; with Resource_Set; use Resource_Set; with Task_Dependencies; use Task_Dependencies; with Buffers; use Buffers; use Buffers.Buffer_Roles_Package; with Queueing_Systems; use Queueing_Systems; with convert_strings; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with convert_unbounded_strings; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with Systems; use Systems; with Objects; use Objects; with Parameters.extended; use Parameters.extended; with Scheduler_Interface; use Scheduler_Interface; with Ada.Finalization; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with architecture_factory; use architecture_factory; use unbounded_strings.unbounded_string_list_package; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with sets; with Framework_Config; use Framework_Config; with Ada.Float_Text_IO; with Offsets; use Offsets; with Offsets; use Offsets.Offsets_Table_Package; with Random_Tools; use Random_Tools; with initialize_framework; use initialize_framework; with Random_Tools; use Random_Tools; with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; with Core_Units ; use Core_Units ; with Networks ; use Networks ; use networks.Positions_Table_Package; with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random ; use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random ; with memories; use memories; use memories.Memories_Table_Package; package body generator_spacewire is procedure generate_spw ( Nbr_task_in_processor : in integer ; iteration : in integer ) is Nbr_processor : constant integer := 4 ; X_max : constant integer := 3 ; Y_max : constant integer := 0 ; a_task : Generic_Task_Ptr; a_system : System; a_core : Core_Unit_Ptr; index_tab, var : integer ; A_capacity : natural := 0; A_period : natural := 0; A_message1 : Generic_Message_Ptr; A_task1 : Generic_Task_Ptr; A_task2 : Generic_Task_Ptr; Table1 : Positions_Table ; Position_tab : array (1 .. Nbr_processor) of Position ; Mem : Memories_Table; begin Set_Initialize; Initialize (A_System => a_system); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ THE spacewire network MODEL ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- --generate Network --- --------------------------- index_tab := 1 ; for i in 0 .. X_max loop for j in 0 .. Y_max loop Position_tab(index_tab).X := i ; Position_tab(index_tab).Y := j ; index_tab := index_tab + 1 ; end loop ; end loop ; for i in 1 .. Nbr_processor loop add (Table1, Suppress_Space ((To_Unbounded_string("Processor"& i'Img ))), Position_tab(i) ) ; end loop ; Add_Network (My_Networks => a_system.networks , Name => To_Unbounded_String ("Spacewire_net") , Network_Type => Mesh , Network_Delay => bounded_delay , Routing_Protocol => XY , Processor_Positions => Table1 ); ------------------------- --generate Core_unit----- ------------------------- for i in 0.. X_max loop for j in 0..Y_max loop Add_core_unit(My_core_units => a_system.Core_units , A_core_unit => a_core , Name => Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String ("Core_" & i'Img & j'Img)), Is_Preemptive => preemptive , Quantum => 0 , speed => 1 , capacity => 1 , period => 1 , priority => 1 , File_Name => empty_string , A_Scheduler => DAG_highest_level_first_estimated_times_protocol, automaton_name => empty_string , Mem => Mem , start_time => 0 ); end loop ; end loop ; -------------------------- --generate Processors----- -------------------------- for i in 1 .. Nbr_processor loop Add_Processor(My_Processors => a_system.Processors, Name => Suppress_Space ((To_Unbounded_string("Processor"& i'Img ))) , a_Core => a_core); end loop ; ---------------------------- --generate Address_space---- ---------------------------- for i in 1 .. Nbr_processor loop Add_Address_Space( My_Address_Spaces => a_system.Address_Spaces, Name => Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String ("Address_Space_" & i'Img)), Cpu_Name => Suppress_Space ((To_Unbounded_string("Processor"& i'Img ))) , Text_Memory_Size => 1024, Stack_Memory_Size => 1024, Data_Memory_Size => 1024, Heap_Memory_Size => 1024); end loop ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------THE TASK MODEL + TASK MAPPING ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------ generate tasks ------ ------------------------------- Initialize (a_system.Tasks); for j in 1 .. Nbr_processor loop for i in 1 .. Nbr_task_in_processor loop A_period := 40; A_capacity := 38 ; Add_Task(My_Tasks => a_system.Tasks, A_Task => a_task, Name => Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String ("Task"&j'Img&i'Img)), Cpu_Name => Suppress_Space ((To_Unbounded_string("Processor"& j'Img ))) , Address_Space_Name => Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String ("Address_Space_" & j'Img)), Task_Type => Periodic_Type, Start_Time => 0 , Capacity => A_capacity, Period => A_period, Deadline => A_period, Jitter => 0, Blocking_Time => 0, Priority => 1, Criticality => 0, Policy => Sched_Fifo); put_line ("Added task name : "& To_String(a_task.name) ) ; end loop ; end loop ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------THE----FLOW----MODEL-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---- One - To - One / All -To- One ------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----- produce My_Messages & DEPENDENCY ---- ------------------------------------------- for j in 1 .. Nbr_task_in_processor loop for i in 1 .. (Nbr_processor -1 )loop Add_Message (My_Messages => a_system.messages, Name => Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String("Message" & i'Img & j'Img)), Size => 0, Period => 0, Deadline => 0, Jitter => 0, Param => No_User_Defined_Parameter, Response_Time => 0, Communication_Time => 0 ); var := i + 1 ; A_message1 := Search_Message (a_system.messages, Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String("Message" & i'Img & j'Img)) ); A_task1 := Search_Task (a_system.Tasks, Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String ("Task"& i'Img & j'Img))) ; A_task2 := Search_Task (a_system.Tasks, Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String ("Task"&var'Img & j'Img))); Add_One_Task_Dependency_asynchronous_communication (My_Dependencies => a_system.dependencies, A_Task => A_task1, A_Dep => A_message1, A_Type => FROM_TASK_TO_OBJECT, protocol_property => All_Messages ); Add_One_Task_Dependency_asynchronous_communication (My_Dependencies => a_system.dependencies, A_Task => A_task2, A_Dep => A_message1, A_Type => FROM_OBJECT_TO_TASK, protocol_property => All_Messages ); put_line ("from : "& To_String(A_task1.name) & " to " & To_String(A_task2.name) & " over " & To_String(A_message1.name) ) ; end loop ; end loop ; Put_Line ("------------------------"); Put_Line ("Write system to xml file"); Write_To_Xml_File (A_System => a_system, File_Name => Suppress_Space (To_Unbounded_String ("framework_examples/transformation_algo_for_spacewire/Input_file/input_Model" & iteration'Img & ".xmlv3"))); Put_Line ("Finish write"); Put_Line ("------------------------"); end generate_spw ; end generator_spacewire ;