------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand, -- Hai Nam Tran, Stephane Rubini -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev$ -- $Date$ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; use Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; with systems; use systems; with Tasks; use Tasks; with Task_Groups; use Task_Groups; with Task_Set; use Task_Set; with Core_Units; use Core_Units; use core_units.Core_Units_Table_Package; with Processor_Set; use Processor_Set; with Processors; use Processors; with processor_interface; use processor_interface; with Caches; use Caches; with Cache_Set; use Cache_Set; with Networks; use Networks; with Network_Set; use Network_Set; use Network_Set.Generic_Network_Set; with standards_io; use standards_io; use standards_io.natural_io; use standards_io.double_io; package body prolog_architecture_printer is -- warning: all generated idents (in the ecl file) need to start with a lowercase letter (Prolog constant syntax) function Trans(Litteral : in Unbounded_String) return Unbounded_String is Result : Unbounded_String; I : Natural; begin Result := Translate(Litteral,Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants.Lower_Case_Map); loop I := Index(Result,"."); if I = 0 then exit; else Replace_Element(Result,I,'_'); Insert(Result,I,"__dot_"); end if; end loop; return Result; end Trans; function produce_system(my_system : in System; File_Name : in Unbounded_String) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; File_Name2 : String := To_String(File_Name); File_Name3 : Unbounded_String := Empty_String; Last_Point : Integer := 1 + File_Name2'length; begin for I in File_Name2'Range loop if File_Name2(I) = '.' then Last_point := i; end if; end loop; for I in File_Name2'Range loop if File_Name2(I) = '/' then File_Name3 := Empty_String; else if I < Last_point then File_Name3 := File_Name3 & File_Name2(I); else exit; end if; end if; end loop; result := "archi_model_spec(" & '"' & File_Name3 & '"' & ",L) :-" & unbounded_lf; result := result & "L = [ " & Produce_Sw_archi(my_system); result := result & produce_task(my_system.tasks); result := result & produce_Processing_elements(my_system.Core_units); result := result & Produce_DM_PE(my_system.Tasks, my_system.Processors); result := result & Produce_AM_time(my_system.Core_Units, my_system.Networks); result := result & Produce_A_type(my_system.Core_units, my_system.Caches, my_system.Networks); result := result & Produce_A_PE(my_system.Core_units); result := result & Produce_A_mem(my_system.Caches, my_system.Core_units, my_system.Processors); result := result & Produce_A_comm(my_system.Networks); result := result & "end_with_success ]." & unbounded_lf; return result; end produce_system; function Produce_Sw_archi(my_system : in system) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; A_Sw_Archi_Type : Software_Architecture_Type; begin A_Sw_Archi_Type := Get_Software_Architecture_type(my_system); case A_Sw_Archi_Type is when log_sync => result := "sw_archi(log_sync)," & unbounded_lf; when Log_Rav => result := "sw_archi(log_rav)," & unbounded_lf; when log_bb => result := "sw_archi(log_bb)," & unbounded_lf; when log_qb => result := "sw_archi(log_qb)," & unbounded_lf; when log_upg => result := "sw_archi(log_upg)," & unbounded_lf; end case; return result; end Produce_Sw_archi; function produce_task(my_task : in tasks_set) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Iterator : Tasks_Iterator; A_Task : Generic_Task_Ptr; begin reset_iterator (My_Task, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Task, A_Task, My_Iterator); if (result /= empty_string) then result := result & ", "; end if; result := result & A_Task.Name; exit when is_last_element (My_Task, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Task, My_Iterator); end loop; result := "tasks([" & Result & "])," & unbounded_lf; Result := Trans(Result); return result; end produce_task; function Produce_Processing_elements(My_Core_unit : in Core_units_set) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; result2 : unbounded_string := empty_string; result3 : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Iterator : Core_units_Iterator; A_Core_unit : Core_Unit_ptr; begin reset_iterator (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Core_unit, A_Core_unit, My_Iterator); if (result /= empty_string) then result := ", " & result; result3 := "," & result3; end if; result := A_Core_unit.Name & result; result2 := "pe_use_res(" & A_Core_unit.Name & ",["& A_Core_unit.L1_Cache_System_Name & "])," & Unbounded_Lf & result2; result3 := "(" & A_Core_unit.Name & ",["& A_Core_unit.L1_Cache_System_Name & "])" & result3; exit when is_last_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); end loop; result := "processing_elements([" & result & "])," & unbounded_lf; result3 := "pe_use_res_list([" & result3 & "])," & unbounded_lf; result := result & result2 & result3; Result := Trans(Result); return result; end Produce_Processing_elements; function Produce_DM_PE(my_task : in Tasks_Set; My_Processors : in Processors_Set) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; result2 : unbounded_string := empty_string; result2b : unbounded_string := empty_string; result3 : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Iterator : Tasks_Iterator; A_Task : Generic_Task_Ptr; A_Processor : Generic_Processor_Ptr; A_Core : Core_Unit_Ptr; My_Core_Table : Core_Units_Table; My_Scheduling : Scheduling_Parameters; begin reset_iterator (My_Task, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Task, A_Task, My_Iterator); A_Processor := Search_Processor(My_Processors,A_Task.Cpu_Name); if A_Processor.Processor_Type = Monocore_type then A_Core := Mono_Core_Processor_Ptr(A_Processor).Core; result := result & "dm_PE_actual(" & A_Task.Name & "," & A_core.name & ")," & unbounded_lf; result2 := result2 & "dm_PE_allowed(" & A_Task.Name & ",[" & A_core.name & "])," & unbounded_lf; My_Scheduling := A_Core.Scheduling; result3 := result3 & "dm_PE_scheduling(" & A_core.Name & "," & A_task.name & ", sched(" & My_Scheduling.Scheduler_type'img & "," & My_Scheduling.preemptive_type'img & "))," & unbounded_lf; else My_Core_Table := Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr(A_Processor).Cores; for i in 0..My_Core_Table.nb_entries-1 loop A_Core := my_Core_Table.Entries(i); if (result2b /= empty_string) then result2b := result2b & ", "; end if; result2b := result2b & A_core.name; My_Scheduling := A_Core.Scheduling; result3 := result3 & "dm_PE_scheduling(" & A_core.Name & "," & A_task.name & ", sched(" & My_Scheduling.Scheduler_type'img & "," & My_Scheduling.preemptive_type'img & "," & A_Processor.Migration_Type'Img & "))," & unbounded_lf; end loop; Result2 := result2 & "dm_PE_allowed(" & A_Task.Name & ",[" & result2b & "])," & unbounded_lf; end if; Result2b := Empty_String; exit when is_last_element (My_Task, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Task, My_Iterator); end loop; result := result & Result2 & result3; Result := Trans(Result); return result; end Produce_DM_PE; function Produce_AM_time(My_Core_unit : in Core_units_set; My_Network : in Networks_set) return Unbounded_String is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Bus_Iterator : Networks_Iterator; Mb : Generic_Network_Ptr; My_Iterator : Core_units_Iterator; A_Core_unit : Core_Unit_ptr; ti : timing_interval; begin if not is_empty(My_network) then reset_iterator (My_Network, My_Bus_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Network, mb, My_Bus_Iterator); reset_iterator (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Core_unit, A_Core_unit, My_Iterator); ti := produce_bus_timing_intervals(mb,A_Core_unit); result := result & "am_time(" & A_Core_unit.Name & "," & Mb.Name & "," & "interval(" & integer'Image(ti.Offset) & "," & integer'Image(ti.End_Time) & "," & integer'Image(ti.Period) & "))," & unbounded_lf; exit when is_last_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); end loop; exit when is_last_element (My_Network, My_Bus_Iterator); next_element (My_Network, My_Bus_Iterator); end loop; end if; Result := Trans(Result); return Result; end Produce_AM_time; function Produce_A_type(My_Core_unit : in Core_units_set; My_Caches : in Caches_Set; My_Network : in Networks_set) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; result2 : unbounded_string := empty_string; result3 : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Iterator : Core_units_Iterator; A_Core_unit : Core_Unit_ptr; My_Iterator2 : Caches_Iterator; A_Cache : Generic_Cache_Ptr; My_Iterator3 : Networks_Iterator; A_Network : generic_network_ptr; begin reset_iterator (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Core_unit, A_Core_unit, My_Iterator); result := result & "a_type(" & A_Core_unit.Name & ",processing)," & unbounded_lf; exit when is_last_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); end loop; if not is_empty(My_Caches) then reset_iterator (My_Caches, My_Iterator2); loop current_element (My_Caches, A_Cache, My_Iterator2); Result2 := result2 & "a_type(" & A_Cache.Name & ",memory)," & unbounded_lf; exit when is_last_element (My_Caches, My_Iterator2); next_element (My_Caches, My_Iterator2); end loop; end if; if not is_empty(My_network) then reset_iterator (My_Network, My_Iterator3); loop current_element (My_Network, A_Network, My_Iterator3); result3 := result3 & "a_type(" & A_Network.Name & ",interconnection)," & unbounded_lf; exit when is_last_element (My_Network, My_Iterator3); next_element (My_Network, My_Iterator3); end loop; end if; result := result & result2 & result3; Result := Trans(Result); return result; end Produce_A_type; function Produce_A_PE(My_Core_unit : in Core_units_set) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; result2 : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Iterator : Core_units_Iterator; A_Core_unit : Core_Unit_ptr; begin reset_iterator (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Core_unit, A_Core_unit, My_Iterator); result := "a_PE_isa(" & A_Core_unit.Name & "," & A_Core_unit.Isa'img & ")," & Unbounded_Lf & result; result2 := "a_PE_speed(" & A_Core_unit.Name & "," & A_Core_unit.Speed'img & ")," & Unbounded_Lf & result2; exit when is_last_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator); end loop; result := result & result2; Result := Trans(Result); return result; end Produce_A_PE; function Produce_A_mem(My_Caches : in Caches_Set; My_Core_unit : in Core_units_set; My_Processors : in Processors_Set) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; result2 : unbounded_string := empty_string; result3 : unbounded_string := empty_string; result4 : unbounded_string := empty_string; result5 : unbounded_string := empty_string; result6 : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Iterator : Caches_Iterator; A_Cache : Generic_Cache_Ptr; My_Iterator_core : Core_units_Iterator; A_Core_unit : Core_Unit_ptr; My_Iterator_processor : processors_Iterator; A_Processor : Generic_Processor_Ptr; A_Multicore_processor : Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr; begin if not is_empty(My_Caches) then reset_iterator (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator_core); loop current_element (My_Core_unit, A_Core_unit, My_Iterator_core); result3 := result3 & "a_mem_cache_level(" & A_Core_unit.L1_Cache_System_Name & ",1)," & unbounded_lf; exit when is_last_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator_core); next_element (My_Core_unit, My_Iterator_core); end loop; reset_iterator (My_processors, My_Iterator_processor); loop current_element (My_processors, A_processor, My_Iterator_processor); if (A_Processor.processor_type /= Monocore_type) then A_Multicore_processor := Multi_Cores_Processor_Ptr(A_Processor); result3 := result3 & "a_mem_cache_level(" & A_Multicore_processor.L2_Cache_System_Name & ",2)," & unbounded_lf; end if; exit when is_last_element (My_processors, My_Iterator_processor); next_element (My_processors, My_Iterator_processor); end loop; reset_iterator (My_Caches, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Caches, A_Cache, My_Iterator); result := result & "a_mem_type(" & A_Cache.Name & "," & A_Cache.cache_category'img & ")," & unbounded_lf; result2 := result2 & "a_mem_cache_associativity(" & A_Cache.Name & "," & Integer'Image(A_Cache.Associativity) & ")," & unbounded_lf; result4 := result4 & "a_mem_cache_size(" & A_Cache.Name & "," & Integer'Image(A_Cache.Cache_Size) & ")," & unbounded_lf; result5 := result5 & "a_mem_cache_line_size(" & A_Cache.Name & "," & Integer'Image(A_Cache.Line_Size) & ")," & unbounded_lf; result6 := result6 & "a_mem_cache_miss_time(" & A_Cache.Name & "," & Integer'Image(A_Cache.Block_Reload_Time) & ")," & unbounded_lf; exit when is_last_element (My_Caches, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Caches, My_Iterator); end loop; end if; result := result & Result2 & Result3 & Result4 & Result5 & result6; Result := Trans(Result); return result; end Produce_A_mem; function Produce_A_comm(My_Network : in Networks_set) return unbounded_string is result : unbounded_string := empty_string; My_Iterator : Networks_Iterator; A_Network : generic_network_ptr; begin if not is_empty(My_network) then reset_iterator (My_Network, My_Iterator); loop current_element (My_Network, A_Network, My_Iterator); result := result & "a_comm_type(" & A_Network.Name & "," & A_Network.Network_Architecture_Type'Img & ")," & unbounded_lf; exit when is_last_element (My_Network, My_Iterator); next_element (My_Network, My_Iterator); end loop; end if; Result := Trans(Result); return result; end Produce_A_comm; -- pour tests van, à supprimer après écriture fonction Frank !!!!!!!!!!! function Get_Software_Architecture_type(my_system : in system) return Software_Architecture_Type is Sw_A_Type : Software_Architecture_Type; begin Sw_A_Type := log_upg; return Sw_A_Type; end Get_Software_Architecture_Type; function produce_bus_timing_intervals(a_network : in Generic_Network_Ptr; a_core : Core_Unit_Ptr ) return timing_interval is ti : timing_interval; begin ti.offset:=0; ti.period:=1000; ti.end_time:=500; return ti; end produce_bus_timing_intervals; end prolog_architecture_printer;