#Summary - buffer_sched is a program designed to run scheduling simulation and perform buffer analysis of SDF and CSDF applications. #Compile and run buffer_sched - Download and compile Cheddar. A short instruction is provided below. - Change the value of Max_Buffers in trunk/src/config/framework_config.ads to 300: Max_Buffers : constant Natural := 300; - Compile buffer_sched $ cd $CHEDDAR_DIR/trunk/src/framework_examples/buffer_sched $ make An executable named buffer_sched_d is created. This program can be invoked with the following options + -t : test mode - {1,2,3,4,5,6,F,I) - mode F: perform scheduling simulation over 2*Hyperperiod of a given system model (need -f), results are exported to "log/" folder - mode I: analyse event table (need -f -e -d) - mode 1,2,3,4,5,6: simple case study + -f : String - path to input system model (.xmlv3) + -e : String - path to input event table + -d : Integer - scheduling duration + -x : Boolean - 1 or 0, export_data. Users can choose to export the event table produced by the simulation. + -l : String - log directory Example: - run simulation, store and analyse event table of BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4, logs are stored in the log folder. ./buffer_sched_d -t F -f xml/BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4.xmlv3 -x 0 -l log_buffer_sched - analyse event table of BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4, no simulation is run, logs are stored in the log_buffer_sched folder ./buffer_sched_d -t I -f xml/BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4.xmlv3 -e xml/BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4.xmlv3.ev.xml -d 73764 -l log_buffer_sched #Cheddar GUI To run the simulation with the GUI of Cheddar, users can invoke cheddar and provide a model of an SDF/CSDF application. - $ ./cheddar_d framework_examples/buffer_sched_example/xml/{case study name} - Click scheduling simulation button (Play) #Compile Cheddar 1. Download and install GNAT 2014 (https://www.adacore.com/download/more) 2. Check out the trunk at http://beru.univ-brest.fr/svn/CHEDDAR/trunk/ 3. Modify the paths in trunk/src/compilelinux64.bash - CHEDDAR_DIR = "Cheddar directory" - GNAT_DIR = "GNAT directory Users can consider modifying the LIBRARY_PATH. 4. When everything is set, we can compile and run Cheddar $ cd {Cheddar directory}/trunk/src $ source scripts/compilelinux64.bash $ make cheddar $ ./cheddar_d 5. There could be an issue related to GNAT 2014 and gcc ABI compatibility problem on Fedora 24 and Mint 18.1 (64 bits) This can be "fixed" as follows: $ cd $GNAT_DIR/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.7.4/ld $ mv ld ld-orig