------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand, -- Hai Nam Tran, Stephane Rubini -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR 6285, Université de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev$ -- $Date$ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with tasks; use tasks; with task_set; use task_set; use task_set.generic_task_set; with resources; use resources; use resources.resource_accesses; with resource_set; use resource_set; use resource_set.generic_resource_set; with buffers; use buffers; use buffers.buffer_roles_package; with buffer_set; use buffer_set; use buffer_set.generic_buffer_set; with messages; use messages; with message_set; use message_set; use message_set.generic_message_set; with task_dependencies; use task_dependencies; use task_dependencies.half_dep_set; with processors; use processors; with core_units; use core_units; with processor_set; use processor_set; with address_spaces; use address_spaces; with address_space_set; use address_space_set; with deployments; use deployments; with deployment_set; use deployment_set; with battery_set; use battery_set; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with framework_config; use framework_config; with Ada.Numerics.Aux; use Ada.Numerics.Aux; with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random; with time_unit_events; use time_unit_events; use time_unit_events.time_unit_package; with scheduling_analysis; use scheduling_analysis; with Ada.Finalization; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with indexed_tables; with tables; with natural_util; with access_lists; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with scheduler_interface; use scheduler_interface; with processor_interface; use processor_interface; with integer_arrays; use integer_arrays; with cache_set; use cache_set; with cache_block_set; use cache_block_set; with cache_access_profile_set; use cache_access_profile_set; with scheduling_options; use scheduling_options; package scheduler is ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic type definitions ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constant to be used when no resource or no dependency are -- present in a project -- no_resource_set : resources_set; no_tasks_dependencies : tasks_dependencies; ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- The type definitions below are used by schedulers to store -- required information on task/processor/buffers/... in order to -- compute the scheduling ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Information related to the tasks -- type tcb is tagged record -- Cheddar ADL properties of the task -- tsk : generic_task_ptr; -- Current release time of the task -- wake_up_time : Natural; -- Number of unit of time a task has to run to complete its activation -- rest_of_capacity : Natural; -- Total unit of time that is ran for the current activation -- used_capacity : Natural; -- Current activation/release number -- activation : Natural; -- Completion time of the current release -- end_time : Natural; -- Total amount of used CPU for the task (for all activation) -- used_cpu : Natural; -- Save the specific seed of the task (for any random data related to the task) -- task_seed : State; -- Suspended is only used by user-defined scheduler -- a use-defined scheduler may suspend a given task ... and then, the task cannot -- be selected to be run -- A task can be suspended by a user-defined scheduler by simply putting "false" -- to the suspended attribute of the tcb -- suspended : Boolean; -- When a task is blocked due to a resource that is not available -- the following attibutes is set to the resource blocking the task -- Having a non null wait_for_a_resource does not mean that the corresponding -- event will be generated : to generate this event, the task should be the -- and the event has to be -- wait_for_a_resource : generic_resource_ptr; -- Give the core unit name on which the task is run -- This is required when a use a multiprocessor scheduler which does -- not allow migration of a job between several cores -- assigned_core_unit : core_unit_ptr; -- Is true if the task is already run on a core unit for the -- current time unit -- already_run_at_current_time : Boolean; -- Store if the task is allowed to run due to its jitter -- is_jitter_ready : Boolean; -- Store the WCET of a task WCET : Natural; ------------------------------ -- Paramters of CRPD analysis ------------------------------ -- UCBs of task -- ucbs : integer_array; -- ECBs of task -- ecbs : integer_array; -- UCBs, which were in the cache, of a task. -- ucbs_in_cache : integer_array; -- CRPD needs to be handle before program continues execution -- crpd_capacity : Natural; -- UCB loaded into the cache -- ucbs_loaded : Float; -- BRT -- block_reload_time : Natural; end record; type tcb_ptr is access all tcb'class; type tcb_table is array (tasks_range) of tcb_ptr; procedure initialize (a_tcb : in out tcb; a_task : generic_task_ptr); -- Information related to the access on shared resources -- type allocation_table is array (Natural range 0 .. max_tasks_for_a_resource) of Unbounded_String; type shared_resource is tagged record shared : generic_resource_ptr; allocated_by : allocation_table; nb_allocated : Natural := 0; end record; type shared_resource_ptr is access all shared_resource'class; type shared_resource_table is array (resources_range) of shared_resource_ptr; -- Information related to messages exchanges -- Messages are data shared between tasks running on different processors -- type message_scheduling_information is record sended_message : generic_message_ptr; send_time : Natural := 0; end record; type message_scheduling_information_ptr is access all message_scheduling_information; procedure free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (message_scheduling_information, message_scheduling_information_ptr); procedure put (m : in message_scheduling_information_ptr); function copy (obj : message_scheduling_information_ptr) return message_scheduling_information_ptr; function xml_string (obj : in message_scheduling_information_ptr) return Unbounded_String; package message_scheduling_information_list_package is new access_lists (message_scheduling_information, message_scheduling_information_ptr, put, free, copy, xml_string); use message_scheduling_information_list_package; subtype message_scheduling_information_list is message_scheduling_information_list_package.list; subtype message_scheduling_information_iterator is message_scheduling_information_list_package.iterator; -- Information related to buffer read/write -- Messages are data shared between tasks running on the same processor -- type buffer_scheduling_information is record written_buffer : buffer_ptr; current_size : Natural := 0; end record; type buffer_scheduling_information_ptr is access all buffer_scheduling_information; procedure free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (buffer_scheduling_information, buffer_scheduling_information_ptr); procedure put (m : in buffer_scheduling_information_ptr); function copy (obj : buffer_scheduling_information_ptr) return buffer_scheduling_information_ptr; function xml_string (obj : in buffer_scheduling_information_ptr) return Unbounded_String; package buffer_scheduling_information_list_package is new access_lists (buffer_scheduling_information, buffer_scheduling_information_ptr, put, free, copy, xml_string); use buffer_scheduling_information_list_package; subtype buffer_scheduling_information_list is buffer_scheduling_information_list_package.list; subtype buffer_scheduling_information_iterator is buffer_scheduling_information_list_package.iterator; -- Finally, the type which merge all the information declared -- Above (task, Resources, Buffers, Messages) -- type scheduling_information is record simulation_length : Natural := 0; number_of_processors : processors_range := 0; number_of_address_spaces : address_spaces_range := 0; number_of_tasks : tasks_range := 0; number_of_resources : resources_range := 0; tcbs : tcb_table; shared_resources: shared_resource_table; sended_messages : message_scheduling_information_list; written_buffers : buffer_scheduling_information_list; batteries : batteries_set; processors : processors_set; dependencies : tasks_dependencies_ptr; global_seed : State; number_of_preemption : Natural := 0; total_preemption_cost : Natural := 0; end record; procedure initialize (s : in out scheduling_information); ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Abstract scheduler declaration : main entry point -- for scheduling source code ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- type generic_scheduler; type generic_scheduler_ptr is access all generic_scheduler'class; type generic_scheduler is abstract new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record -- Scheduler parameters : period, priority, capacity, preemptivity, -- quantum, ... -- parameters : scheduling_parameters; -- Core unit, processor and address space corresponding to this scheduler -- (used to forbid a task capacity to be run on several core unit) -- corresponding_core_unit : core_unit_ptr; corresponding_processor : generic_processor_ptr; corresponding_address_space : address_space_ptr; -- Allow the scheduler to know if the previous task is completed -- or not ... and then, could be re-elected later -- (for non preemptive scheduling protocols) -- previous_running_task_is_not_completed : Boolean := False; -- Last scheduled task, i.e. task run the previous time unit -- previously_elected : tasks_range := tasks_range'first; -- True if the core run a task at the previous time unit -- previously_busy : Boolean := False; end record; ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sub programs to display a scheduler ------------------------------------------------------------- procedure put (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler); procedure put (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler_ptr); ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- sub-program which can be used in order to access -- scheduler data ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- procedure set_preemptive (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler'class; preempt : in preemptives_type); function get_preemptive (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class) return preemptives_type; function get_preemptive (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class) return String; function get_name (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class) return schedulers_type; function get_name (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class) return Unbounded_String; function get_name (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler_ptr) return schedulers_type; function get_name (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler_ptr) return Unbounded_String; procedure set_quantum (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler'class; q : in Natural); function get_quantum (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class) return Natural; function get_quantum (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class) return String; function get_quantum (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class) return Unbounded_String; function copy (a_scheduler : in generic_scheduler) return generic_scheduler_ptr is abstract; ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exception raised during feasibility test or simulation ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- The required computation can not be done with such scheduler -- invalid_scheduler : exception; -- Raised if during a bound blocking time computation -- resources with different protocols are met -- other_resources_protocol_found : exception; -- Raised if an invalid resource protocol is found -- invalid_protocol : exception; -- Raised if a scheduler parameter has an invalid value -- invalid_scheduler_parameter : exception; ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Table of schedulers : -- This table type can be used to implement algorithms -- that require several schedulers, between several -- entities. For example: the scheduling simulator needs -- the types bellow -- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- type entity_scheduler is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record scheduler : generic_scheduler_ptr; end record; type entity_scheduler_ptr is access all entity_scheduler'class; procedure put (obj : in entity_scheduler); procedure put (obj : in entity_scheduler_ptr); function xml_string (obj : in entity_scheduler) return Unbounded_String; function xml_string (obj : in entity_scheduler_ptr) return Unbounded_String; type address_space_scheduler is new entity_scheduler with record -- Address space entity related to the scheduler -- corresponding_address_space : address_space_ptr; end record; type address_space_scheduler_ptr is access all address_space_scheduler'class; type deployment_scheduler is new entity_scheduler with record entity : generic_deployment_ptr; end record; type deployment_scheduler_ptr is access all deployment_scheduler'class; type core_scheduler is new entity_scheduler with record entity : core_unit_ptr; end record; type core_scheduler_ptr is access all core_scheduler'class; package schedulers_table_package is new tables (entity_scheduler_ptr, max_schedulers, put, xml_string, xml_string); use schedulers_table_package; subtype scheduler_table_range is schedulers_table_package.table_range; subtype scheduler_table_range_ptr is schedulers_table_package.table_range_ptr; subtype scheduler_table is schedulers_table_package.table; subtype scheduler_table_ptr is schedulers_table_package.table_ptr; ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Procedure and functions to run a scheduling simulation ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compute the next time on which the task will be ready to run (task -- wakeup time) -- May be overidden by specific scheduler (ie parametric scheduler) -- procedure compute_activation_time (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; elected : in tasks_range; value : in out Natural); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- Update data simulation and produce simulation events -- whenever a task is run or not during the last unit of time -- procedure update_task_simulation_data_and_produce_events (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler'class; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; si : in out scheduling_information; my_dependencies : in tasks_dependencies_ptr; elected : in tasks_range; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; last_time : in Natural; options : in scheduling_option; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); -- Update data simulation and produce simulation events -- only when a task is run during the last unit of time -- procedure update_task_simulation_data_and_produce_events_when_task_is_run (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler'class; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; si : in out scheduling_information; my_dependencies : in tasks_dependencies_ptr; elected : in tasks_range; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; last_time : in Natural; options : in scheduling_option; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- At scheduling simulation starting time, check that the simulation -- can be done according to the selected scheduler and the task set -- procedure check_before_scheduling (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; my_tasks : in tasks_set; processor_name : in Unbounded_String) is abstract; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- The following sub-programs initialize the data simulation -- Initialization made by each scheduler (initializations which -- depend on the type of scheduler) -- procedure specific_scheduler_initialization (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; address_space_name : in Unbounded_String; my_tasks : in out tasks_set; my_schedulers : in scheduler_table; my_resources : in out resources_set; my_buffers : in out buffers_set; my_messages : in messages_set; msg : in out Unbounded_String) is abstract; -- Initialization made for each processor -- procedure processor_initialization (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler'class; si : in out scheduling_information; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; my_tasks : in out tasks_set; my_resources : in out resources_set; my_buffers : in out buffers_set; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; options : in scheduling_option; given_last_time : in Natural; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table; my_cache_access_profiles : in cache_access_profiles_set; my_caches : in caches_set); -- Initialization made for each core unit -- procedure core_unit_initialization (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler'class; si : in out scheduling_information; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; my_tasks : in out tasks_set; my_resources : in out resources_set; my_buffers : in out buffers_set; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; options : in scheduling_option; given_last_time : in Natural; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- Choose the task to be run at a given time -- procedure do_election (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; msg : in out Unbounded_String; current_time : in Natural; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; address_space_name : in Unbounded_String; core_name : in Unbounded_String; options : in scheduling_option; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table; elected : in out tasks_range; no_task : in out Boolean) is abstract; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- Sub-programs used to build the scheduling information -- function build_tcb (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; a_task : generic_task_ptr) return tcb_ptr; function build_resource (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; a_resource : generic_resource_ptr) return shared_resource_ptr; -- Perform treatements when we simulation shared resources access : -- allocation of the shared resource, releasing the shared resource -- and checking that the resource can be taken -- procedure allocate_resource (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : tcb_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); procedure release_resource (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : tcb_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); procedure check_resource (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : in tcb_ptr; is_ready : out Boolean; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); -- Check that the task can be run according to its wake up time offset -- function check_offset (a_tcb : tcb_ptr; at_time : Natural) return Boolean; -- Return true is the task "a_tcb" can be schedule now -- according its jitter -- procedure check_jitter (a_tcb : in tcb_ptr; at_time : in Natural; is_ready : out Boolean); -- Check that the task can be run to the current core -- according to core migration properties -- function check_core_assignment (a_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; a_tcb : in tcb_ptr) return Boolean; -- Check that the task can be run according to its -- tasks precendencies -- function check_precedencies (si : in scheduling_information; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : tcb_ptr) return Boolean; -- Perform treatements when we simulation messages exchanges : -- send a message to a task, and receive a message from a task -- procedure send_message (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : tcb_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); procedure receive_message (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : tcb_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); -- Perform treatements when we simulate buffer access : -- write bytes into a buffer of read bytes from a buffer -- procedure buffer_read (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : tcb_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); procedure buffer_write (my_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; current_time : in Natural; a_tcb : tcb_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table); ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- I/O operations ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- XML export of the event table -- These sub-programs can be overidden by specific scheduler -- if events must provide specific information. This information -- is carried on by XML attributes -- -- Produce event of the scheduling sequence -- procedure produce_running_task_event (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; a_task : in tcb_ptr; options : in scheduling_option; si : in scheduling_information; an_event : out time_unit_event_ptr); procedure produce_task_activation_event (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; a_task : in tcb_ptr; options : in scheduling_option; si : in scheduling_information; an_event : out time_unit_event_ptr); procedure produce_end_of_task_capacity_event (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; a_task : in tcb_ptr; options : in scheduling_option; si : in scheduling_information; an_event : out time_unit_event_ptr); procedure produce_start_of_task_capacity_event (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; a_task : in tcb_ptr; options : in scheduling_option; si : in scheduling_information; an_event : out time_unit_event_ptr); -- Export XML event table -- function export_xml_event_write_to_buffer (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_read_from_buffer (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_context_switch_overhead (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_running_task (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_address_space_activation (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_task_activation (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_start_of_task_capacity (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_end_of_task_capacity (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_send_message (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_receive_message (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_allocate_resource (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_release_resource (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function export_xml_event_wait_for_resource (my_scheduler : in generic_scheduler; an_event : in time_unit_event_ptr) return Unbounded_String; function xml_string (obj : in generic_scheduler_ptr) return Unbounded_String; procedure build_attributes_xml_string (obj : in generic_scheduler_ptr; result : in out Unbounded_String); procedure free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (generic_scheduler'class, generic_scheduler_ptr); procedure reset (a_scheduler : in out generic_scheduler'class); end scheduler;