------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand, -- Hai Nam Tran, Stephane Rubini -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR 6285, Université de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev$ -- $Date$ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with io_tools; use io_tools; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; use Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with translate; use translate; with scheduler_io; use scheduler_io; with statements; use statements; with simulations; use simulations; with simulations.extended; use simulations.extended; with parameters; use parameters; use parameters.user_defined_parameters_table_package; with parser; use parser; with debug; use debug; with sections; use sections; with automaton.extended; use automaton.extended; use automaton.transition_lists_package; use automaton.package_transition_status; with GNAT.Current_Exception; use GNAT.Current_Exception; with interpreter.extended; use interpreter.extended; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; package body scheduler.user_defined.interpreted.automata is -- Sketch of the simulation engine algorithm for an automaton user-defined -- scheduler. -- This algorithm is performed at each unit of time by the Do_Election -- sub-program -- -- Step at nth unit of time : -- 1. Change transition status : -- 1.1 Transition which are "ready", "rendezvous" or "guarded" must -- be set to "ready" -- 1.2 Transition which are "pended" : stay "pended" if the delay -- is not exhausted. If the -- delay is exhausted, update the current location (transition -- outgoing location) and -- becomes "ready" -- 2. Check reachability for all transition : set transition status to -- "unreachable" -- transitions which are not outgoing transition of the current -- location for the corresponding automaton. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- 3. Check guard (eg. timed constraints) for all transition. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- A transition blocked due to a guard constraint see its status -- becoming "guarded". -- 4. Check synchronization constraint for all transitions. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- A transition blocked due to a synchronization constraint see its -- status becoming "rendezvous". -- 5. Fire all transitions with a "ready" transition status. -- It means : -- 5.1. Run delay/clock statement (if so). This may lead to -- change the -- wakeup automaton date and its state to "pended" -- 5.2. Run sections. It means, run synchronization with the -- scheduling engine. -- Section run there can be priority, start, election or -- task_activation section. -- If an election section is run, then, the Do_Election -- sub-program is over. -- Depending on which automaton the election section -- belong, Do_Election chose a task -- in the task set corresponding to the given -- processor/address space automaton. -- 5.3. Update current location (transition outgoing location) -- for all fired transition -- except for those which are "pended" -- 6. Restart at step 1 if, at least one transition is fire at step 5. -- -- procedure do_election (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; msg : in out Unbounded_String; current_time : in Natural; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; address_space_name : in Unbounded_String; core_name : in Unbounded_String; options : in scheduling_option; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table; elected : in out tasks_range; no_task : in out Boolean) is first_step : Boolean := True; second_step : Boolean := True; run_a_transition : Boolean := False; run_election_section : Boolean := False; begin -- By default, no task is elected : it's a way -- to safely schedule an user_defined scheduler without -- a correctly designed code -- no_task := True; -- Load statement execution, we load writtable user defined variable -- load_read_write_interpreter_variables (my_scheduler, si, processor_name); -- We update simulation engine variables which has to update -- because of the task which was running at the previous unit of time -- update_interpreter_variables_after_task_execution (my_scheduler, si, current_time, processor_name, empty_string, options); -- Transitions are run until an election section is called or -- all transitions are blocked (no task to run) -- while (first_step or second_step) loop -- 1. Change transition status : -- 1.1 Transition which are "ready", "rendezvous" or --"guarded" must be set to "ready" -- 1.2 Transition which are "pended" : stay "pended" if the --delay is not exhausted. If the -- delay is exhausted, update the current location --(transition outgoing location) and -- becomes "ready" -- for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.transition_data.nb_entries - 1 loop if my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data.status /= pended then my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data.status := ready; else check_delay_constraints (my_scheduler, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).item, current_time); end if; end loop; -- 2. Check reachability for all transition : set transition -- status to "unreachable" -- transitions which are not outgoing transition of the current -- location for the corresponding automaton. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- 3. Check guard (eg. timed constraints) for all transition. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.transition_data.nb_entries - 1 loop check_reachability (my_scheduler, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).item); check_guard_constraints (my_scheduler, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data); end loop; -- 4. Check synchronization constraint for all transitions. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- A transition blocked due to a synchronization constraint -- see its status becoming "rendezvous". -- for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.transition_data.nb_entries - 1 loop check_synchronization_constraints (my_scheduler, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data, si, result, msg, current_time, processor_name, options, event_to_generate, elected, no_task); end loop; -- 5. Fire all transitions with a "ready" transition status. -- It means : -- 5.1. Run delay/clock statement (if so). This may lead -- to change the -- wakeup automaton date and its state to "pended" -- 5.2. Run sections. It means, run synchronization with -- the scheduling engine. -- Section run there can be priority, start, -- election or task_activation section. -- If an election section is run, then, the -- Do_Election sub-program is over. -- Depending on which automaton the election section -- belong, Do_Election chose a task -- in the task set corresponding to the given -- processor/address space automaton. -- 5.3. Update current location (transition outgoing -- location) for all fired transition -- except for those which are "pended" -- run_a_transition := False; for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.transition_data.nb_entries - 1 loop -- Is the transition ready ? if so, fire it -- if my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data.status = ready then run_election_section := False; fire_a_transition (my_scheduler, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data, my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).item, si, result, msg, current_time, processor_name, options, event_to_generate, elected, no_task, run_election_section); if run_election_section then -- We update variables which has a clock type by -- incrementing their value -- for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.variables_table.nb_entries - 1 loop if (get_type (my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i) .variable.all) = simulation_clock) then my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).simulation .integer_value := my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).simulation .integer_value + 1; end if; if (get_type (my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i) .variable.all) = simulation_array_clock) then for j in integer_table'range loop my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).simulation .integer_table_value (j) := my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i) .simulation .integer_table_value (j) + 1; end loop; end if; end loop; -- After statement execution, we -- save some task run time information -- save_read_write_interpreter_variables (my_scheduler, si, processor_name); return; end if; run_a_transition := True; end if; end loop; -- 6. Restart at step 1 if, at least one transition is fired at -- step 5. -- if run_a_transition then first_step := True; second_step := True; end if; if (not first_step) and (not run_a_transition) then second_step := False; end if; if not run_a_transition then first_step := False; end if; end loop; -- No task was elected -- save simuluation data -- -- We update variables which has a clock type by incrementing their value -- for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.variables_table.nb_entries - 1 loop if (get_type (my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).variable.all) = simulation_clock) then my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).simulation .integer_value := my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).simulation .integer_value + 1; end if; if (get_type (my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).variable.all) = simulation_array_clock) then for j in integer_table'range loop my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).simulation .integer_table_value (j) := my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (i).simulation .integer_table_value (j) + 1; end loop; end if; end loop; -- After statement execution, we -- save some task run time information -- save_read_write_interpreter_variables (my_scheduler, si, processor_name); end do_election; -- 5. Fire all transitions with a "ready" transition status. -- It means : -- 5.1. Run delay/clock statement (if so). This may lead to -- change the -- wakeup automaton date and its state to "pended" -- 5.2. Run sections. It means, run synchronization with the -- scheduling engine. -- Section run there can be priority, start, election or -- task_activation section. -- If an election section is run, then, the Do_Election -- sub-program is over. -- Depending on which automaton the election section -- belong, Do_Election chose a task -- in the task set corresponding to the given -- processor/address space automaton. -- 5.3. Update current location (transition outgoing location) -- for all fired transition -- except for those which are "pended" -- procedure fire_a_transition (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; a_transition : in out transition_status; automaton_name_of_the_transition : in Unbounded_String; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; msg : in out Unbounded_String; current_time : in Natural; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; options : in scheduling_option; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table; elected : in out tasks_range; no_task : in out Boolean; an_election_section_was_run : in out Boolean) is found_a_section_to_run : Boolean := False; a_section : generic_section_ptr; election_on_processor : Unbounded_String; election_on_address_space : Unbounded_String; found_automaton : Boolean; begin put_debug ("fire transition (" & automaton_name_of_the_transition & ") : " & a_transition.code.name); -- Run the clock statement of the transition -- This statement delays the transition firing if a delay statement is -- present -- otherwhise, this statement update user-defiend variables -- if a_transition.code.clocks /= null then declare simu_ptr : simulation_value_ptr; begin -- is it a "delay" statement or an assignement statement ? -- if a_transition.code.clocks.statement_type = clock_statement_type then -- It's a delay statement -- Read the delay expression and save it into the transition -- status descriptor -- simu_ptr := value_of (clock_statement_ptr (a_transition.code.clocks).lvalue.all, my_scheduler.variables_table, a_transition.code.clocks.line_number, a_transition.code.clocks.file_name); if (simu_ptr.ptype /= simulation_clock) and (simu_ptr.ptype /= simulation_integer) then Raise_Exception (type_error'identity, "Delay statement expression ; transition name " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & To_String ("; " & lb_uncompatible_type_error (current_language))); end if; a_transition.wakeup_time := current_time + simu_ptr.integer_value; a_transition.status := pended; free (simu_ptr); else -- It's an assignment statement which updates user-defined -- variables ... -- run it ! -- dispatch (a_transition.code.clocks, priority_type, processor_name, si, my_scheduler.variables_table, msg); end if; exception when Constraint_Error => Raise_Exception (statement_error'identity, "transition " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & " ; Exception raised :" & Exception_Name & "; " & Exception_Message); when Storage_Error => Raise_Exception (statement_error'identity, "transition " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & " ; Exception raised :" & Exception_Name & "; " & Exception_Message); when Program_Error => Raise_Exception (statement_error'identity, "transition " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & " ; Exception raised :" & Exception_Name & "; " & Exception_Message); end; end if; -- Run the synchronization statement of the transition -- if a_transition.code.synchronization /= null then begin found_a_section_to_run := True; a_section := generic_section_ptr (search_section (root_statement_pointer, a_transition.code.synchronization.name)); exception when section_not_found => found_a_section_to_run := False; end; -- 3 cases : 1) it is an election section (synchronization between an -- automaton and the simulation engine) -- 2) it is a priority section (synchronization between an -- automaton and the simulation engine) -- 3) it is a synchronization between two automata -- if found_a_section_to_run then if a_section.section_type = election_type then put_debug ("Run election section : " & a_transition.code.synchronization.name); -- The return statement must be run either on the processor, -- either on -- the address space depending on the automaton which call the -- election_section -- If no processor nor address space can be detected, it means -- that the Cheddar program is wrong ! -- -- 3 cases can be found at this step : -- -- 1) "Automaton_Name_Of_The_Transition" is equal to the -- processor automaton ... -- it means the scheduling must select amound the tasks of -- the processor -- 2) If we found an address space which has an automaton name -- equal to "Automaton_Name_Of_The_Transition" ... -- it means the scheduling must select amound the tasks of -- this address space -- 3) Otherwise, something is wrong ! (may be the automaton -- name ??), then we raise an exception ! -- if (automaton_name_of_the_transition = my_scheduler.automaton_name) then election_on_processor := processor_name; election_on_address_space := empty_string; put_debug ("Run an election section on address space"); else found_automaton := False; for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.local_scheduler.nb_entries - 1 loop if my_scheduler.local_scheduler.entries (i).scheduler .parameters .scheduler_type = automata_user_defined_protocol then if get_automaton_name (automata_user_defined_scheduler (my_scheduler.local_scheduler.entries (i) .scheduler.all)) = automaton_name_of_the_transition then election_on_processor := empty_string; election_on_address_space := address_space_scheduler_ptr (my_scheduler.local_scheduler.entries (i)) .corresponding_address_space .name; found_automaton := True; end if; end if; end loop; if not found_automaton then Raise_Exception (statement_error'identity, "Return statement ; transition name " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & "; Unable to know if the election " & To_String (a_transition.code.synchronization.name) & " must be run on the processor task set or on an address space task set"); end if; end if; -- Run the election section now -- dispatch_return_statement (my_scheduler, computation_section_ptr (a_section).first_statement, si, current_time, election_on_processor, election_on_address_space, options, elected, no_task); an_election_section_was_run := True; else put_debug ("Run priority section : " & a_transition.code.synchronization.name); dispatch (computation_section_ptr (a_section).first_statement, priority_type, processor_name, si, my_scheduler.variables_table, msg); end if; end if; end if; -- find the associated automaton and change its current state -- if a_transition.status = pended then check_delay_constraints (my_scheduler, a_transition, automaton_name_of_the_transition, current_time); else for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.automaton_data.nb_entries - 1 loop if (my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).item = automaton_name_of_the_transition) then if a_transition.code.from_state.name = my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).data.current_state .name then my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).data.current_state := a_transition.code.to_state; exit; end if; end if; end loop; end if; end fire_a_transition; -- 1. Change transition status : -- 1.1 Transition which are "ready", "rendezvous" or "guarded" must -- be set to "ready" -- 1.2 Transition which are "pended" : stay "pended" if the delay -- is not exhausted. If the -- delay is exhausted, update the current location (transition -- outgoing location) and -- becomes "ready" -- procedure check_delay_constraints (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; a_transition : in out transition_status; automaton_name_of_the_transition : in Unbounded_String; current_time : in Natural) is begin if a_transition.status = pended then if a_transition.wakeup_time <= current_time then -- find the associated automaton and change its current location -- a_transition.status := ready; for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.automaton_data.nb_entries - 1 loop if (my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).item = automaton_name_of_the_transition) then if a_transition.code.from_state.name = my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).data.current_state .name then my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).data .current_state := a_transition.code.to_state; exit; end if; end if; end loop; end if; end if; end check_delay_constraints; -- 2. Check reachability for all transition : set transition status to -- "unreachable" -- transitions which are not outgoing transition of the current -- location for the corresponding automaton. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- procedure check_reachability (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; a_transition : in out transition_status; automaton_name_of_the_transition : in Unbounded_String) is begin if a_transition.status = ready then for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.automaton_data.nb_entries - 1 loop -- Find the right automaton -- if (my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).item = automaton_name_of_the_transition) then -- find the transition and check it according to the automaton --current states -- if a_transition.code.from_state.name /= my_scheduler.automaton_data.entries (i).data.current_state .name then a_transition.status := unreachable; exit; end if; end if; end loop; end if; end check_reachability; -- 4. Check synchronization constraint for all transitions. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- A transition blocked due to a synchronization constraint see its -- status becoming "rendezvous". -- procedure check_synchronization_constraints (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; a_transition : in out transition_status; si : in out scheduling_information; result : in out scheduling_sequence_ptr; msg : in out Unbounded_String; current_time : in Natural; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; options : in scheduling_option; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table; elected : in out tasks_range; no_task : in out Boolean) is found_a_synchronization : Boolean := True; a_section : generic_section_ptr; begin if a_transition.status = ready then -- A synchronization is present ... check it ! -- if a_transition.code.synchronization /= null then -- First, the synchronization has not to be a section to run -- begin found_a_synchronization := False; a_section := generic_section_ptr (search_section (root_statement_pointer, a_transition.code.synchronization.name)); exception when section_not_found => found_a_synchronization := True; end; -- We found something which is not a section to run ... -- we found something which is a synchronization -- if found_a_synchronization then a_transition.status := rendezvous; for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.transition_data.nb_entries - 1 loop -- Now, to fire the current transition, we must check that --the other -- transition is also ready to be fired and that .... the --synchronization operator is -- the opposite one -- if my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data.status = ready then if my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data.code .synchronization /= null then if my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data.code .synchronization .synchronization_type /= a_transition.code.synchronization .synchronization_type then if my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data .code .synchronization .name = a_transition.code.synchronization.name then a_transition.status := ready; end if; end if; end if; end if; end loop; end if; end if; end if; end check_synchronization_constraints; -- 3. Check guard (eg. timed constraints) for all transition. -- We only analyze transitions with has -- a "ready" status. -- procedure check_guard_constraints (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; a_transition : in out transition_status) is simu_ptr : simulation_value_ptr; begin if a_transition.status = ready then if a_transition.code.guards /= null then simu_ptr := value_of (a_transition.code.guards.all, my_scheduler.variables_table); if simu_ptr.ptype /= simulation_boolean then Raise_Exception (type_error'identity, "Guard expression ; transition name " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & To_String (lb_comma & lb_uncompatible_type_error (current_language))); end if; -- If the guard is false, block the transition -- if not simu_ptr.boolean_value then a_transition.status := guarded; end if; free (simu_ptr); end if; end if; exception when Constraint_Error => Raise_Exception (statement_error'identity, "transition " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & " ; Exception raised :" & Exception_Name & "; " & Exception_Message); when Storage_Error => Raise_Exception (statement_error'identity, "transition " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & " ; Exception raised :" & Exception_Name & "; " & Exception_Message); when Program_Error => Raise_Exception (statement_error'identity, "transition " & To_String (a_transition.code.name) & " ; Exception raised :" & Exception_Name & "; " & Exception_Message); end check_guard_constraints; procedure specific_scheduler_initialization (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; si : in out scheduling_information; processor_name : in Unbounded_String; address_space_name : in Unbounded_String; my_tasks : in out tasks_set; my_schedulers : in scheduler_table; my_resources : in out resources_set; my_buffers : in out buffers_set; my_messages : in messages_set; msg : in out Unbounded_String) is sc_file_content : Unbounded_String; sc_file_name : Unbounded_String; var : variables_range; my_iterator : sections_iterator; an_automaton_status : automaton_status; a_transition_status : transition_status; a_section : generic_section_ptr; a_transition : transition_ptr; list_ite : transition_lists_iterator; begin -- We should check the scheduler behavior syntax ... -- open_input (my_scheduler.parameters.user_defined_scheduler_source); create_parametric_variables (parser.variables_table, my_tasks); parser.first_file (my_scheduler.parameters.user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name); parser.yyparse; -- -- And now, read address spaces .sc files -- my_scheduler.local_scheduler := my_schedulers; for i in 0 .. my_schedulers.nb_entries - 1 loop if my_schedulers.entries (i).scheduler /= null then if (get_name (my_schedulers.entries (i).scheduler.all) /= automata_user_defined_protocol) and (get_name (my_schedulers.entries (i).scheduler.all) /= no_scheduling_protocol) then Raise_Exception (syntax_error'identity, "Address space " & To_String (address_space_scheduler_ptr (my_schedulers.entries (i)) .corresponding_address_space .name) & " must own either an automaton user defined scheduler or no local scheduler"); else -- We should check the local scheduler behavior syntax ... -- if (get_name (my_schedulers.entries (i).scheduler.all) = automata_user_defined_protocol) then begin sc_file_name := get_behavior_file_name (user_defined_scheduler (my_schedulers.entries (i).scheduler.all)); if sc_file_name /= empty_string then sc_file_content := read_sequential_file (sc_file_name); end if; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Name_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Status_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Mode_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Mode_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Use_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Device_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", End_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Data_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Data_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Layout_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Layout_Error"); when others => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & sc_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language))); end; open_input (sc_file_content); parser.next_file (sc_file_name); parser.yyparse; end if; end if; end if; end loop; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- Initialize the set of variables of the user-defined scheduler ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- my_scheduler.variables_table := parser.variables_table; my_scheduler.sets_table := parser.sets_table; -- Initialize user defined constant -- initialize_parametric_variables (my_scheduler.variables_table, my_messages, my_buffers, my_resources, my_tasks, processor_name); -- Initialize user defined variables -- -- "nb_processors" -- var := find_variable (my_scheduler.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("nb_processors")); my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (var).simulation.integer_value := integer(si.number_of_processors); -- "nb_address_spaces" -- var := find_variable (my_scheduler.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("nb_address_spaces")); my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (var).simulation.integer_value := integer(si.number_of_address_spaces); -- "simulation_length" -- var := find_variable (my_scheduler.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("simulation_length")); my_scheduler.variables_table.entries (var).simulation.integer_value := si.simulation_length; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- Initialize data for the simulation (transition and state data) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer := parser.root_statement_pointer; initialize (my_scheduler.transition_data); initialize (my_scheduler.automaton_data); if (get_number_of_elements (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer) > 0) then reset_iterator (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, my_iterator); loop current_element (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, a_section, my_iterator); if a_section.all in synchronization_section then if is_empty (synchronization_section_ptr (a_section).transition_list) then Raise_Exception (syntax_error'identity, "automaton section " & To_String (a_section.name) & " ; an automaton must contain at least one transition"); end if; -- Store simulation data related to the transition -- reset_head_iterator (synchronization_section_ptr (a_section).transition_list, list_ite); loop current_element (synchronization_section_ptr (a_section).transition_list, a_transition, list_ite); a_transition_status.code := a_transition; a_transition_status.status := unreachable; a_transition_status.wakeup_time := 0; add (my_scheduler.transition_data, a_section.name, a_transition_status); if is_tail_element (synchronization_section_ptr (a_section).transition_list, list_ite) then exit; end if; next_element (synchronization_section_ptr (a_section).transition_list, list_ite); end loop; -- Store simulation data related to the automaton -- an_automaton_status.current_state := search_initial_state (synchronization_section_ptr (a_section).state_list); add (my_scheduler.automaton_data, a_section.name, an_automaton_status); end if; exit when is_last_element (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, my_iterator); next_element (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, my_iterator); end loop; end if; if (my_scheduler.automaton_data.nb_entries = 0) then Raise_Exception (syntax_error'identity, "An automaton scheduler must contain at least one automaton"); end if; -- At the beginning of the scheduling simulation, all transitions must --be "ready" -- for i in 0 .. my_scheduler.transition_data.nb_entries - 1 loop my_scheduler.transition_data.entries (i).data.status := ready; end loop; -- Run all start section : we first run start section which come from the -- processor sc file, and then, we run start section from address space --sc files -- -- Load user_defined variable which can be changed by the programmer -- before executing sections -- load_read_write_interpreter_variables (my_scheduler, si, processor_name); if (get_number_of_elements (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer) > 0) then reset_iterator (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, my_iterator); loop current_element (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, a_section, my_iterator); if a_section.all in computation_section then if a_section.section_type = start_type then -- Now : run "start" statements -- dispatch (computation_section_ptr (a_section).first_statement, start_type, processor_name, si, my_scheduler.variables_table, msg); end if; end if; exit when is_last_element (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, my_iterator); next_element (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer, my_iterator); end loop; end if; -- After start section, we -- save some task run time information -- save_read_write_interpreter_variables (my_scheduler, si, processor_name); end specific_scheduler_initialization; procedure set_automaton_name (my_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler; to_set : in Unbounded_String) is begin my_scheduler.automaton_name := to_set; end set_automaton_name; function get_automaton_name (my_scheduler : in automata_user_defined_scheduler) return Unbounded_String is begin return my_scheduler.automaton_name; end get_automaton_name; procedure initialize (a_scheduler : in out automata_user_defined_scheduler) is begin reset (a_scheduler); a_scheduler.parameters.scheduler_type := automata_user_defined_protocol; a_scheduler.parameters.user_defined_scheduler_source := empty_string; end initialize; function copy (a_scheduler : in automata_user_defined_scheduler) return generic_scheduler_ptr is ptr : automata_user_defined_scheduler_ptr; begin ptr := new automata_user_defined_scheduler; ptr.previously_elected := a_scheduler.previously_elected; ptr.parameters := a_scheduler.parameters; ptr.root_statement_pointer := a_scheduler.root_statement_pointer; ptr.variables_table := a_scheduler.variables_table; return generic_scheduler_ptr (ptr); end copy; procedure put (my_scheduler : in automata_user_defined_scheduler) is begin put (generic_scheduler (my_scheduler)); put (my_scheduler.root_statement_pointer); put (my_scheduler.variables_table); end put; end scheduler.user_defined.interpreted.automata;