------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand, -- Hai Nam Tran, Stephane Rubini -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR 6285, Université de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev$ -- $Date$ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Tags; use Ada.Tags; with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; with scheduler_io; use scheduler_io; with statements; use statements; with expressions; use expressions; use expressions.variables_type_package; with processor_interface; use processor_interface; with tasks; use tasks; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with scheduler; use scheduler; use scheduler.schedulers_table_package; with scheduler_builder; use scheduler_builder; with scheduler.user_defined; use scheduler.user_defined; with scheduler_interface; use scheduler_interface; with interpreter.extended; use interpreter.extended; with dependency_services; use dependency_services; with translate; use translate; with io_tools; use io_tools; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; use Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with xml_generic_parsers; use xml_generic_parsers; with xml_generic_parsers.event_table; use xml_generic_parsers.event_table; with Input_Sources.File; use Input_Sources.File; with Sax.Readers; use Sax.Readers; with Text_IO; use Text_IO; with Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams; use Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams; with parser; use parser; with sections; use sections; with section_set; use section_set; with address_spaces; use address_spaces; with debug; use debug; with scheduler.hierarchical.offline; use scheduler.hierarchical.offline; with event_analyzers.extended; use event_analyzers.extended; with core_units; use core_units; use core_units.core_units_table_package; with buffer_set; use buffer_set; use buffer_set.generic_buffer_set; with resource_set; use resource_set; use resource_set.generic_resource_set; with battery_set; use battery_set; with DOM.Core.Documents; use DOM.Core, DOM.Core.Documents; with DOM.Core; use DOM.Core; with DOM.Core.Nodes; use DOM.Core.Nodes; with DOM.Readers; use DOM.Readers; with GNAT.Command_Line; use GNAT.Command_Line; with GNAT.Expect; use GNAT.Expect; with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; with Input_Sources.File; use Input_Sources.File; with Input_Sources.Http; use Input_Sources.Http; with Input_Sources; use Input_Sources; with Sax.Readers; use Sax.Readers; with Sax.Symbols; with Sax.Utils; use Sax.Utils; with Sax.Encodings; use Sax.Encodings; with Unicode.CES; use Unicode.CES; with Unicode.Encodings; use Unicode.Encodings; with Ada.Direct_IO; with primitive_write_xml; use primitive_write_xml; with primitive_xml_strings; use primitive_xml_strings; with scheduling_anomalies_services; use scheduling_anomalies_services; with voltage_scaling; use voltage_scaling; package body multiprocessor_services is ------------------------------------- -- Internal data of the simulator ------------------------------------- -- Data simulation -- tmp_buffers : array (scheduling_table_range) of buffers_set; tmp_tasks : array (scheduling_table_range) of tasks_set; tmp_resources : array (scheduling_table_range) of resources_set; si : scheduling_information; -- Tables of scheduler instances that are used to compute the -- scheduling -- table_of_address_space_scheduler : array (scheduling_table_range) of scheduler_table; table_of_core_scheduler : array (scheduling_table_range) of scheduler_table; -- Various pointers and iterators -- a_address_space_scheduler : address_space_scheduler_ptr; a_core_scheduler : core_scheduler_ptr; iterator1 : processors_iterator; iterator2 : address_spaces_iterator; iterator3 : core_units_iterator; a_addr : address_space_ptr; a_processor : generic_processor_ptr; -- Variables to drive the main loop of the simulation -- last_current_time : Natural := 0; current_time : array (scheduling_table_range) of Natural := (others => 0); elected : tasks_range := tasks_range'first; no_task : Boolean := True; must_perform_election : Boolean := True; -- Variable to store an event table (to be used by a scheduler) -- partition_sched : scheduling_table_ptr; -- Variable to store .sc file of .XML file content -- file_content : Unbounded_String; ----------------------------------------------------- -- The two following subprograms are the main entry -- point of the cheddar scheduling simulator ----------------------------------------------------- procedure initialize_multiprocessor_scheduling (sys : in system; result : in out scheduling_table_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table; last_time : in Natural; options : in scheduling_option) is begin put_debug ("initialize_Multiprocessor_Scheduling : initialize internal simulator variables ", very_verbose); for i in scheduling_table_range loop current_time (i) := 0; reset (tmp_buffers (i)); reset (tmp_tasks (i)); reset (tmp_resources (i)); initialize (table_of_address_space_scheduler (i)); initialize (table_of_core_scheduler (i)); end loop; initialize (si); last_current_time := 0; elected := tasks_range'first; no_task := True; must_perform_election := True; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Before initialization, check if the tasks can be -- scheduled with the selected scheduler -- -- If so, we prepar the scheduling result (i.e. table of -- scheduling_sequence, with one scheduling_sequence per processor) -- otherwise, a error message is prepared instead --------------------------------------------------------- put_debug ("initialize_Multiprocessor_Scheduling : check scheduler compliancy of tasks", very_verbose); reset_iterator (sys.processors, iterator1); loop current_element (sys.processors, a_processor, iterator1); begin result.entries (result.nb_entries).item := a_processor; result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.scheduling_msg := empty_string; result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.error_msg := empty_string; if (get_number_of_task_from_processor (sys.tasks, a_processor.name) /= 0) then -- Build core scheduler table -- initialize (table_of_core_scheduler (result.nb_entries)); a_processor := search_processor (sys.processors, a_processor.name); if a_processor.processor_type = monocore_type then a_core_scheduler := new core_scheduler; a_core_scheduler.scheduler := build_a_scheduler (mono_core_processor_ptr (a_processor).core, a_processor); a_core_scheduler.entity := mono_core_processor_ptr (a_processor).core; add (table_of_core_scheduler (result.nb_entries), entity_scheduler_ptr (a_core_scheduler)); else for k in 0 .. multi_cores_processor_ptr (a_processor).cores .nb_entries - 1 loop a_core_scheduler := new core_scheduler; a_core_scheduler.scheduler := build_a_scheduler (multi_cores_processor_ptr (a_processor).cores.entries (k), a_processor); a_core_scheduler.entity := multi_cores_processor_ptr (a_processor).cores.entries (k); add (table_of_core_scheduler (result.nb_entries), entity_scheduler_ptr (a_core_scheduler)); end loop; end if; -- Check that the scheduler can be run on the architecture model -- for core_id in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (result.nb_entries).nb_entries - 1 loop check_before_scheduling (table_of_core_scheduler (result.nb_entries).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all, sys.tasks, a_processor.name); end loop; if options.with_precedencies then dependencies_harmonic_periods_control (sys.tasks, sys.dependencies, a_processor.name); end if; else result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.error_msg := lb_minus & lb_define_tasks_before (current_language); end if; exception when dependency_services.dependencies_period_error => result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.error_msg := lb_precedencies_period_error (current_language) & unbounded_lf; when task_set.task_must_be_periodic => result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.error_msg := lb_compute_scheduling_error_15 (current_language) & unbounded_lf; when task_set.task_must_have_period_equal_to_deadline => result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.error_msg := lb_compute_scheduling_error_14 (current_language) & unbounded_lf; when task_set.task_model_error => result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.error_msg := lb_compute_scheduling_error_1 (current_language) & unbounded_lf; when task_set.priority_error => result.entries (result.nb_entries).data.error_msg := lb_compute_scheduling_error_11 (current_language) & unbounded_lf; end; result.nb_entries := result.nb_entries + 1; exit when is_last_element (sys.processors, iterator1); next_element (sys.processors, iterator1); end loop; --------------------------------------------------------- -- Now, perform scheduling simulation initialization -- This initialization is made in 5 steps : -- 1) initialization of variables to all processors and core units -- 2) gather all the data that will be handled by the simulateur -- 3) initialization of each processor -- 4) initialization of each core unit -- 5) Loading of all text file that may be uses by the simulator -- e.g. user defined scheduler, offline scheduling, ... -- by the schedulers -- 6) basic initialization that are specific for each scheduler --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -- Step 1 : initialization of variables to all processors and core units -- put_debug ("initialize_Multiprocessor_Scheduling : initialization of processor and core units variables", very_verbose); -- Variables to store architecture model to simulate -- si.number_of_tasks := 0; si.number_of_resources := 0; si.number_of_processors := get_number_of_elements (sys.processors); si.number_of_address_spaces := get_number_of_elements (sys.address_spaces); si.simulation_length := last_time; for z in tasks_range loop si.tcbs (z) := null; end loop; duplicate (sys.batteries, si.batteries); duplicate (sys.processors, si.processors); si.dependencies := new tasks_dependencies; duplicate (sys.dependencies, si.dependencies); for z in resources_range loop si.shared_resources (z) := null; end loop; for j in 0 .. result.nb_entries - 1 loop if result.entries (j).data.error_msg = empty_string then current_processor_name := result.entries (j).item.name; put_debug ("initialize_Multiprocessor_Scheduling : initialization of processor " & current_processor_name, very_verbose); ------------------------------------------------ -- Step 2 : gather all the data that will be handled by the -- simulateur -- -- Select tasks/resources/buffers for processor j -- select_and_copy (sys.tasks, tmp_tasks (j), select_cpu'access); if (not is_empty (tmp_tasks (j))) then select_and_copy (sys.resources, tmp_resources (j), select_cpu'access); select_and_copy (sys.buffers, tmp_buffers (j), select_cpu'access); -- Build address spaces scheduler table for processor j -- initialize (table_of_address_space_scheduler (j)); if not is_empty (sys.address_spaces) then reset_iterator (sys.address_spaces, iterator2); loop current_element (sys.address_spaces, a_addr, iterator2); if (a_addr.cpu_name = current_processor_name) and (a_addr.scheduling.scheduler_type /= no_scheduling_protocol) then a_address_space_scheduler := new address_space_scheduler; a_processor := search_processor (sys.processors, current_processor_name); a_address_space_scheduler.scheduler := build_a_scheduler (a_addr, a_processor); a_address_space_scheduler.corresponding_address_space := a_addr; add (table_of_address_space_scheduler (j), entity_scheduler_ptr (a_address_space_scheduler)); end if; exit when is_last_element (sys.address_spaces, iterator2); next_element (sys.address_spaces, iterator2); end loop; end if; ------------------------------------------------ -- Step 3 : initialization of each j processor -- if options.with_dvfs then dvfs_init_voltage_scaling(result.entries (j).item); end if; processor_initialization (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (0).scheduler.all, si, result.entries (j).item.name, tmp_tasks (j), tmp_resources (j), tmp_buffers (j), result.entries (j).data.result, options, last_time, event_to_generate, sys.cache_access_profiles, sys.caches); ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Step 4 : initialization of each core unit of processor j -- for core_id in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (j).nb_entries - 1 loop core_unit_initialization (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all, si, result.entries (j).item.name, tmp_tasks (j), tmp_resources (j), tmp_buffers (j), result.entries (j).data.result, options, last_time, event_to_generate); end loop; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Step 5 : Loading of all text file that may be used by schedulers of processor j -- e.g. user defined scheduler, offline scheduling, ... -- for core_id in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (j).nb_entries - 1 loop begin if get_name (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all) = hierarchical_offline_protocol then read_from_xml_file (partition_sched, sys, table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name); set_event_table (hierarchical_offline_scheduler (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all), partition_sched); end if; if get_name (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all) = automata_user_defined_protocol or get_name (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all) = pipeline_user_defined_protocol then file_content := read_sequential_file (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name); set_string_behavior (user_defined_scheduler (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all), file_content); end if; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Name_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Status_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Mode_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Mode_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Use_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Device_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", End_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Data_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Data_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Layout_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Layout_Error"); when others => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler .parameters .user_defined_scheduler_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language))); end; end loop; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Step 6 : basic initializations that are specific for each scheduler -- for core_id in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (j).nb_entries - 1 loop specific_scheduler_initialization (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id) .scheduler.all, si, result.entries (j).item.name, To_Unbounded_String (""), tmp_tasks (j), table_of_address_space_scheduler (j), tmp_resources (j), tmp_buffers (j), sys.messages, result.entries (j).data.scheduling_msg); end loop; end if; end if; end loop; end initialize_multiprocessor_scheduling; procedure build_multiprocessor_scheduling (sys : in system; result : in out scheduling_table_ptr; event_to_generate : in time_unit_event_type_boolean_table; last_time : in Natural; options : in scheduling_option) is procedure do_election (j : scheduling_table_range; core_id : in scheduler_table_range) is begin -- Preemptive case : if a task has been previously -- elected and if -- it has not ended its work => re-elect it ! -- must_perform_election := True; if (get_preemptive (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id).scheduler.all) = not_preemptive) then if (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id).scheduler .previous_running_task_is_not_completed) then put_debug ("Preemption management : task is not ended ", very_verbose); elected := table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id).scheduler .previously_elected; no_task := False; must_perform_election := False; end if; end if; if must_perform_election then put_debug ("Call Do_Election ", very_verbose); do_election (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id).scheduler.all, si, result.entries (j).data.result, result.entries (j).data.scheduling_msg, current_time (j), result.entries (j).item.name, To_Unbounded_String (""), table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (core_id).scheduler .corresponding_core_unit .name, options, event_to_generate, elected, no_task); end if; end do_election; election_is_completed : Boolean := False; core_id : scheduler_table_range := 0; computed_elected : array (schedulers_table_package.table_range) of Boolean; selected : scheduler_table_range; begin put_debug ("Call Build_Multiprocessor_Scheduling", very_verbose); initialize_multiprocessor_scheduling (sys, result, event_to_generate, last_time, options); if(options.with_anomaly_detection) then scheduling_anomalies_services.initialize(sys); end if; -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Now, we compute the scheduling of the overall architecture -------------------------------------------------------------- while (last_current_time < last_time) loop last_current_time := Natural'last; -- Initialized TCB variables that have to be initiliazed -- for each unit of time -- for i in 0 .. si.number_of_tasks - 1 loop si.tcbs (i).already_run_at_current_time := False; si.tcbs (i).wait_for_a_resource := null; end loop; for j in 0 .. result.nb_entries - 1 loop if (result.entries (j).data.error_msg = empty_string) then if (current_time (j) < last_time) then put_debug ("Build_Multiprocessor_Scheduling : compute scheduling of time " & To_Unbounded_String (Natural'image (current_time (j))), very_verbose); election_is_completed := False; core_id := 0; for k in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (j).nb_entries - 1 loop computed_elected (k) := False; end loop; while (not election_is_completed) loop for k in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (j).nb_entries - 1 loop if computed_elected (k) = False then core_id := k; end if; end loop; do_election (j, core_id); selected := core_id; if not no_task then for k in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (j).nb_entries - 1 loop if (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (k).scheduler .previously_busy = True) and (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (k).scheduler .previously_elected = elected) then selected := k; end if; end loop; end if; computed_elected (selected) := True; election_is_completed := True; for k in 0 .. table_of_core_scheduler (j).nb_entries - 1 loop if computed_elected (k) = False then election_is_completed := False; end if; end loop; -- Update task properties and produce events -- update_task_simulation_data_and_produce_events (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (selected) .scheduler.all, result.entries (j).item.name, si, sys.dependencies, elected, result.entries (j).data.result, current_time (j), last_time, options, event_to_generate); if not no_task then update_task_simulation_data_and_produce_events_when_task_is_run (table_of_core_scheduler (j).entries (selected) .scheduler.all, result.entries (j).item.name, si, sys.dependencies, elected, result.entries (j).data.result, current_time (j), last_time, options, event_to_generate); end if; end loop; current_time (j) := current_time (j) + 1; last_current_time := Natural'min (last_current_time, current_time (j)); end if; end if; end loop; end loop; end build_multiprocessor_scheduling; procedure display_scheduling (sched : in scheduling_table_ptr) is begin Put_Line (""); for i in 0 .. sched.nb_entries - 1 loop for j in 0 .. sched.entries (i).data.result.nb_entries - 1 loop Put (" "); Put (xml_string (sched.entries (i).data.result.entries (j).item)); Put (xml_string (sched.entries (i).data.result.entries (j).data)); Put_Line (" "); end loop; end loop; Put_Line (""); New_Line; New_Line; end display_scheduling; procedure run_an_event_analyzer (sys : in system; sched : in scheduling_table_ptr; an_event_analyzer : in event_analyzer_ptr; result : in out Unbounded_String) is current : generic_statement_ptr; var, var_time, var_type, var_processor, var_message, var_resource, var_task, var_buffer : variables_range; global_sched : array (scheduling_table_range) of scheduling_sequence_ptr; global_sched_index : array (scheduling_table_range) of time_unit_range := (others => 0); global_processor_name : array (scheduling_table_range) of Unbounded_String; global_sched_number : scheduling_table_range := 0; min_time : Natural := 0; current_min_time_processor : scheduling_table_range; ext_event_analyzer : extended_event_analyzer_ptr := extended_event_analyzer_ptr (an_event_analyzer); a_section : computation_section_ptr; begin begin ext_event_analyzer.string_behavior := read_sequential_file (ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name); exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Name_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Status_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Status_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Mode_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Mode_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Use_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Device_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", End_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Data_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Data_Error"); when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Layout_Error => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language)) & ", Layout_Error"); when others => Raise_Exception (parametric_file_error'identity, To_String (lb_file (current_language) & lb_colon & ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name & lb_comma & lb_can_not_open_file (current_language))); end; -- We should check the scheduler behavior syntax ... -- open_input (ext_event_analyzer.string_behavior); parser.first_file (ext_event_analyzer.event_analyzer_source_file_name); create_parametric_variables (parser.variables_table, sys.tasks); parser.yyparse; -- Store syntax tree and compiling information -- begin a_section := computation_section_ptr (search_section (parser.root_statement_pointer, sections.start_type)); ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.start_type) := a_section.first_statement; exception when others => ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.start_type) := null; end; begin a_section := computation_section_ptr (search_section (parser.root_statement_pointer, sections.gather_event_analyzer_type)); ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.gather_event_analyzer_type) := a_section.first_statement; exception when others => ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.gather_event_analyzer_type) := null; end; begin a_section := computation_section_ptr (search_section (parser.root_statement_pointer, sections.display_event_analyzer_type)); ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.display_event_analyzer_type) := a_section.first_statement; exception when others => ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.display_event_analyzer_type) := null; end; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table := parser.variables_table; ext_event_analyzer.sets_table := parser.sets_table; -- Initialize parametric variables which are constant -- initialize_parametric_variables (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, sys.messages, sys.buffers, sys.resources, sys.tasks); -- "nb_processors" -- var := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("nb_processors")); ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var).simulation .integer_value := Integer (get_number_of_elements (sys.processors)); -- "nb_address_spaces" -- var := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("nb_address_spaces")); ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var).simulation .integer_value := Integer (get_number_of_elements (sys.address_spaces)); -- Now : run "start" statements -- current := ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.start_type); dispatch (current, sections.start_type, To_Unbounded_String ("none"), si, ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, result); -- Now : run "event analyzer" statements -- current := ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.gather_event_analyzer_type); -- Find variables before running the simulation -- var_time := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("events.time")); var_type := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("events.type")); var_processor := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("events.processor_name")); var_message := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("events.message_name")); var_resource := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("events.resource_name")); var_task := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("events.task_name")); var_buffer := find_variable (ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, To_Unbounded_String ("events.buffer_name")); -- how many processors scheduling should we run analysis ? -- for i in 0 .. sched.nb_entries - 1 loop if (sched.entries (i).data.error_msg = empty_string) then global_sched (global_sched_number) := sched.entries (i).data.result; global_processor_name (global_sched_number) := sched.entries (i).item.name; global_sched_number := global_sched_number + 1; end if; end loop; -- Now, scan each time unit -- while min_time /= Natural'last loop -- find the smallest time unit -- min_time := Natural'last; for i in 0 .. global_sched_number - 1 loop if global_sched_index (i) < global_sched (i).nb_entries then if global_sched (i).entries (global_sched_index (i)).item < min_time then min_time := global_sched (i).entries (global_sched_index (i)).item; current_min_time_processor := i; end if; end if; end loop; if min_time /= Natural'last then -- "events.time" -- ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_time).simulation .integer_value := Integer (global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .item); -- "events.type" -- ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_type).simulation .string_value := to_lower (global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .type_of_event' img); -- "events.processor_name" -- ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_processor) .simulation .string_value := global_processor_name (current_min_time_processor); -- "events.buffer_name" -- ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_buffer).simulation .string_value := empty_string; -- "events.resource_name" -- ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_resource) .simulation .string_value := empty_string; -- "events.message_name" -- ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_message).simulation .string_value := empty_string; case global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .type_of_event is when start_of_task_capacity => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .start_task .name; when end_of_task_capacity => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .end_task .name; when write_to_buffer => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .write_task .name; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_buffer) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .write_buffer .name; when read_from_buffer => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .read_task .name; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_buffer) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .read_buffer .name; when buffer_overflow => null; when buffer_underflow => null; when running_task => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .running_task .name; when context_switch_overhead => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .switched_task .name; when task_activation => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .activation_task .name; when allocate_resource => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .allocate_task .name; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_resource) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .allocate_resource .name; when release_resource => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .release_task .name; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_resource) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .release_resource .name; when wait_for_resource => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .wait_for_resource_task .name; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_resource) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .wait_for_resource .name; when send_message => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .send_task .name; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_message) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .send_message .name; when receive_message => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .receive_task .name; ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_message) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .receive_message .name; when wait_for_memory => null; when address_space_activation => ext_event_analyzer.variables_table.entries (var_task) .simulation .string_value := global_sched (current_min_time_processor).entries (global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor)) .data .activation_address_space; when preemption => null; end case; -- Do analysis on the current time : run "event_analyzer" --section/statements -- dispatch (current, sections.gather_event_analyzer_type, To_Unbounded_String ("none"), si, ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, result); global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor) := global_sched_index (current_min_time_processor) + 1; end if; end loop; -- The end of the line : run "display_event" section/statements -- current := ext_event_analyzer.root_statement_pointer (sections.display_event_analyzer_type); dispatch (current, sections.display_event_analyzer_type, To_Unbounded_String ("none"), si, ext_event_analyzer.variables_table, result); end run_an_event_analyzer; procedure write_to_xml_file (sched : in scheduling_table_ptr; sys : in system; file_name : in String) is begin write_to_xml_file (sched, sys, To_Unbounded_String (file_name)); end write_to_xml_file; procedure write_to_xml_file (sched : in scheduling_table_ptr; sys : in system; file_name : in Unbounded_String) is into : File_Type; input : file_input; reader : tree_reader; d : document; begin -- Open file and Write XML Header -- Create (into, Mode => Out_File, Name => To_String (file_name)); Put_Line (into, " "); -- Put_Line (Into, ""); -- Put_Line (Into, ""); New_Line (into, 2); Put_Line (into, ""); for i in 0 .. sched.nb_entries - 1 loop for j in 0 .. sched.entries (i).data.result.nb_entries - 1 loop Put (into, ""); write_xml (into, sched.entries (i).data.result.entries (j).item); Put_Line (into, ""); write_xml (into, sched.entries (i).data.result.entries (j).data); end loop; end loop; Put_Line (into, ""); New_Line (into); New_Line (into); Close (into); Open (To_String (file_name), input); Parse (reader, input); d := Get_Tree (reader); Close (input); Create (into, Mode => Out_File, Name => To_String (file_name)); Write (Stream => Stream (into), N => d, Print_Comments => False, Print_XML_Declaration => True, With_URI => False, EOL_Sequence => "" & ASCII.LF, Pretty_Print => True, Encoding => Unicode.Encodings.Get_By_Name ("utf-8"), Collapse_Empty_Nodes => False); Free (reader); Close (into); end write_to_xml_file; procedure read_from_xml_file (sched : in out scheduling_table_ptr; sys : in system; file_name : in Unbounded_String) is read : file_input; my_reader : xml_event_table_parser; name_start : Natural; s : constant String := To_String (file_name); begin -- Base file name should be used as the public Id -- name_start := s'last; while name_start >= s'first and then s (name_start) /= '/' loop name_start := name_start - 1; end loop; Set_Public_Id (read, s (name_start + 1 .. s'last)); Set_System_Id (read, s); Open (s, read); -- xmlns:* attributes will be reported in Start_Element -- Set_Feature (my_reader, Namespace_Prefixes_Feature, False); Set_Feature (my_reader, Validation_Feature, True); set_scheduled_system (my_reader, sys); Parse (my_reader, read); sched := get_parsed_event_table (my_reader); Close (read); exception when XML_Fatal_Error => Close (read); raise xml_read_error; end read_from_xml_file; procedure read_from_xml_file (sched : in out scheduling_table_ptr; sys : in system; file_name : in String) is begin read_from_xml_file (sched, sys, To_Unbounded_String (file_name)); end read_from_xml_file; procedure free (sched : in out scheduling_table_ptr) is procedure free_pointer is new Unchecked_Deallocation (scheduling_table, scheduling_table_ptr); begin if sched /= null then for i in scheduling_table_range loop if sched.entries (i).data.result /= null then free (sched.entries (i).data.result); end if; end loop; free_pointer (sched); end if; end free; end multiprocessor_services;