------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand, -- Hai Nam Tran, Stephane Rubini -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev$ -- $Date$ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Sax.Readers; use Sax.Readers; with Sax.Exceptions; use Sax.Exceptions; with Sax.Locators; use Sax.Locators; with Sax.Attributes; use Sax.Attributes; with Unicode.CES; use Unicode.CES; with Unicode; use Unicode; with offsets; use offsets; use offsets.offsets_table_package; with parameters; use parameters; use parameters.user_defined_parameters_table_package; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with strings; use strings; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with dependencies; use dependencies; with resources; use resources; use resources.resource_accesses; with resource_set; use resource_set; use resource_set.generic_resource_set; with messages; use messages; with message_set; use message_set; use message_set.generic_message_set; with event_analyzer_set; use event_analyzer_set; use event_analyzer_set.generic_event_analyzer_set; with tasks; use tasks; with task_set; use task_set; use task_set.generic_task_set; with address_space_set; use address_space_set; use address_space_set.generic_address_space_set; with buffers; use buffers; use buffers.buffer_roles_package; with buffer_set; use buffer_set; use buffer_set.generic_buffer_set; with processors; use processors; with core_units; use core_units; use core_units.core_units_table_package; with queueing_systems; use queueing_systems; with time_unit_events; use time_unit_events; use time_unit_events.time_unit_package; with scheduling_analysis; use scheduling_analysis; with scheduler_interface; use scheduler_interface; with task_dependencies; use task_dependencies; with network_set; use network_set; with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps; with networks; use networks; with deployment_set; use deployment_set; with objects; use objects; with memories; use memories; use memories.memories_table_package; with framework_config; use framework_config; package body v2_xml_parsers is ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic XML parser ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Status information (store parameters of each tag) -- current_parameter : Integer; max_xml_tag_parameters : constant Natural := 10000; parameter_list : array (1 .. max_xml_tag_parameters) of Unbounded_String; procedure characters (handler : in out xml_generic_parser; ch : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence) is -- A pair of index objects to keep track of the beginning and -- ending of the tokens isolated from the string -- first : Natural; last : Positive; index : Positive; find_first_space : Boolean; -- A character set consisting of the "whitespace" characters -- that separate the tokens: -- whitespace : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set (" "); -- The string to split -- the_line : Unbounded_String; begin -- suppress extra blank and unprintable characters before splitting --parameters -- find_first_space := False; index := ch'first; while index <= ch'last loop if (ch (index) /= ASCII.CR) and (ch (index) /= ASCII.LF) and (ch (index) /= ASCII.HT) then if (ch (index) = ' ') then if (not find_first_space) then the_line := the_line & ch (index); end if; find_first_space := True; else the_line := the_line & ch (index); find_first_space := False; end if; end if; index := index + 1; end loop; -- Remove blank in the beginnning/end of the string -- if Slice (the_line, 1, 1) = " " then the_line := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (the_line, 2, Length (the_line))); end if; if Slice (the_line, Length (the_line), Length (the_line)) = " " then the_line := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (the_line, 1, Length (the_line) - 1)); end if; -- Split parameters -- loop Find_Token (the_line, Set => whitespace, Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, First => first, Last => last); parameter_list (current_parameter) := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (the_line, first, last)); current_parameter := current_parameter + 1; the_line := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (the_line, last + 1, Length (the_line))); exit when Length (the_line) = 0; end loop; end characters; procedure warning (handler : in out xml_generic_parser; except : Sax.Exceptions.sax_parse_exception'class) is begin Put_Line ("Xml warning (" & Get_Message (except) & ", at " & To_String (Get_Location (except)) & ')'); end warning; procedure error (handler : in out xml_generic_parser; except : Sax.Exceptions.sax_parse_exception'class) is begin Put_Line ("Xml parser error (" & Get_Message (except) & ", at " & To_String (Get_Location (except)) & ')'); end error; procedure fatal_error (handler : in out xml_generic_parser; except : Sax.Exceptions.sax_parse_exception'class) is begin Put_Line ("Xml parser fatal error (" & Get_Message (except) & ')'); Fatal_Error (reader (handler), except); end fatal_error; ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- XML project file parser ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Information retrieved from the xml parser -- name : Unbounded_String; x, y : Natural; deadline : Integer; start_time : Integer; blocking_time : Integer; state : Integer; address : Integer; period : Integer; context_switch_overhead : Integer; every : Integer; criticality : Integer; capacity : Integer; cpu_name : Unbounded_String; address_space_name : Unbounded_String; allocation_description : Unbounded_String; jitter : Natural; policy : policies; task_type : tasks_type; parametric_rule : Unbounded_String; automaton_name : Unbounded_String; seed : Integer; predictable : Boolean; quantum : Integer; priority : Integer; priority_assignment : priority_assignment_type; a_scheduler : schedulers_type; a_network : Unbounded_String; a_core : core_unit_ptr; size : Natural; protocol : resources_type; is_preemptive : preemptives_type; file_name : Unbounded_String; response_time : Natural; communication_time : Natural; a_qs : queueing_systems_type; empty_mem : memories_table; text_memory_size : Integer; text_memory_start_address : Integer; heap_memory_size : Integer; data_memory_size : Integer; stack_memory_size : Integer; roles : buffer_roles_table; a_role : buffer_role; offset : offsets_table; a_offset : offset_type; a_task_lists_entry : critical_section; a_task_lists : resource_accesses_table; param : user_defined_parameters_table; a_param : parameter_ptr; --ne pas oublier de gerer ceci des que le name passe .. resource_entities : generic_objects_set; consumer_entities : generic_objects_set; from_type : Unbounded_String; to_type : Unbounded_String; ok : Boolean; -- Initialize all data -- procedure initialize_project_parser (handler : in out xml_project_parser) is begin current_parameter := 1; x := 0; y := 0; state := 0; address := 0; task_type := aperiodic_type; parametric_rule := To_Unbounded_String (""); automaton_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); seed := 0; predictable := True; priority := 1; priority_assignment := automatic_assignment; name := To_Unbounded_String (""); deadline := 0; criticality := 0; period := 0; context_switch_overhead := 0; every := 0; protocol := no_protocol; cpu_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); address_space_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); allocation_description := To_Unbounded_String (""); jitter := 0; initialize (offset); initialize (param); quantum := 0; a_scheduler := no_scheduling_protocol; a_network := To_Unbounded_String (""); is_preemptive := preemptive; file_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); size := 0; initialize (roles); a_role.the_role := queuing_consumer; initialize (a_task_lists_entry); initialize (a_task_lists); text_memory_size := 0; heap_memory_size := 0; data_memory_size := 0; stack_memory_size := 0; a_qs := qs_mm1; end initialize_project_parser; procedure start_document (handler : in out xml_project_parser) is begin initialize_project_parser (handler); initialize (handler.parsed_system); end start_document; procedure start_element (handler : in out xml_project_parser; namespace_uri : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; local_name : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; qname : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; atts : Sax.Attributes.attributes'class) is begin current_parameter := 1; -- Store attributes -- if Get_Length (atts) > 0 then if qname = "scheduler" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "quantum" then to_integer (Get_Value (atts, j), quantum, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "is_preemptive" then to_preemptives_type (Get_Value (atts, j), is_preemptive, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "parametric_file_name" then file_name := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (atts, j)); end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "automaton_name" then automaton_name := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (atts, j)); end if; end loop; else if qname = "task" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "task_type" then to_tasks_type (Get_Value (atts, j), task_type, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "x" then to_natural (Get_Value (atts, j), x, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "y" then to_natural (Get_Value (atts, j), y, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; end loop; else if qname = "event_analyzer" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "parametric_file_name" then file_name := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (atts, j)); end if; end loop; else if qname = "buffer" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "x" then to_natural (Get_Value (atts, j), x, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "y" then to_natural (Get_Value (atts, j), y, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; end loop; else if qname = "message" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "x" then to_natural (Get_Value (atts, j), x, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "y" then to_natural (Get_Value (atts, j), y, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; end loop; else if qname = "buffer_user" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "buffer_role" then if (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "consumer") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "producer") then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; if Get_Value (atts, j) = "consumer" then a_role.the_role := queuing_consumer; else a_role.the_role := queuing_producer; end if; end if; end loop; else if qname = "parameter" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "parameter_type" then if (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "integer") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "double") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "string") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "boolean") then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; if Get_Value (atts, j) = "integer" then a_param := new parameter (integer_parameter); end if; if Get_Value (atts, j) = "boolean" then a_param := new parameter (boolean_parameter); end if; if Get_Value (atts, j) = "string" then a_param := new parameter (string_parameter); end if; if Get_Value (atts, j) = "double" then a_param := new parameter (double_parameter); end if; end if; end loop; else if qname = "dependency" then for j in 0 .. Get_Length (atts) - 1 loop if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "from_type" then if (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "buffer") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "message") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "task") then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; from_type := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (atts, j)); end if; if Get_Qname (atts, j) = "to_type" then if (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "buffer") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "message") and (Get_Value (atts, j) /= "task") then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; to_type := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (atts, j)); end if; end loop; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end start_element; procedure end_element (handler : in out xml_project_parser; namespace_uri : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; local_name : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; qname : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := "") is buff_iterator : buffers_iterator; mess_iterator : messages_iterator; a_buff : buffer_ptr; a_mess : generic_message_ptr; task1, task2 : generic_task_ptr; begin ----------------------------------- -- Element with one parameter ----------------------------------- if qname = "name" then name := parameter_list (1); end if; if qname = "address_space_name" then address_space_name := parameter_list (1); end if; if qname = "allocation_description" then allocation_description := parameter_list (1); end if; if qname = "cpu_name" then cpu_name := parameter_list (1); end if; if qname = "network_link" then a_network := parameter_list (1); end if; if qname = "scheduler" then to_schedulers_type (parameter_list (1), a_scheduler, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "activation_rule" then parametric_rule := parameter_list (1); end if; if qname = "period" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), period, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "context_switch_overhead" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), context_switch_overhead, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "every" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), every, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "size" then to_natural (parameter_list (1), size, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "criticality" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), criticality, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "response_time" then to_natural (parameter_list (1), response_time, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "communication_time" then to_natural (parameter_list (1), communication_time, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "deadline" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), deadline, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "state" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), state, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "seed" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), seed, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "predictable_seed" then to_boolean (parameter_list (1), predictable, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "protocol" then to_resources_type (parameter_list (1), protocol, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "priority_assignment" then to_priority_assignment_type (parameter_list (1), priority_assignment, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "qs" then to_queueing_systems_type (parameter_list (1), a_qs, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "policy" then to_policies (parameter_list (1), policy, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "jitter" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), jitter, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "capacity" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), capacity, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "priority" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), priority, ok); if not ok then priority := 1; Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "start_time" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), start_time, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "blocking_time" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), blocking_time, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "text_memory_size" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), text_memory_size, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; --SR 08/2019 if qname = "text_memory_start_address" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), text_memory_start_address, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; -- if qname = "heap_memory_size" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), heap_memory_size, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "data_memory_size" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), data_memory_size, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if qname = "stack_memory_size" then to_integer (parameter_list (1), stack_memory_size, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; ----------------------------------- -- Element with several parameters ----------------------------------- if qname = "resource_user" then to_natural (parameter_list (2), a_task_lists_entry.task_begin, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; to_natural (parameter_list (3), a_task_lists_entry.task_end, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; add (a_task_lists, parameter_list (1), a_task_lists_entry); end if; if qname = "buffer_user" then to_natural (parameter_list (2), a_role.size, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; to_natural (parameter_list (3), a_role.time, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; add (roles, parameter_list (1), a_role); end if; if qname = "offset" then to_natural (parameter_list (1), a_offset.activation, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; to_natural (parameter_list (2), a_offset.offset_value, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; add (offset, a_offset); end if; if qname = "parameter" then a_param.parameter_name := parameter_list (2); if a_param.type_of_parameter = string_parameter then a_param.string_value := parameter_list (1); end if; if a_param.type_of_parameter = boolean_parameter then to_boolean (parameter_list (1), a_param.boolean_value, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if a_param.type_of_parameter = integer_parameter then to_integer (parameter_list (1), a_param.integer_value, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; if a_param.type_of_parameter = double_parameter then to_double (parameter_list (1), a_param.double_value, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; end if; add (param, a_param); end if; ---------------------------------------- -- End of Element is the end of an objet ---------------------------------------- if qname = "address_space" then add_address_space (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, name, cpu_name, text_memory_size, stack_memory_size, data_memory_size, heap_memory_size, is_preemptive, quantum, file_name, a_scheduler, automaton_name); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "event_analyzer" then add_event_analyzer (handler.parsed_system.event_analyzers, file_name, file_name); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "processor" then add_core_unit (handler.parsed_system.core_units, a_core, To_Unbounded_String ("core_unit_") & name, is_preemptive, quantum, 1, 0, 0, 0, file_name, empty_string, a_scheduler, empty_mem, automaton_name); add_processor (handler.parsed_system.processors, name, a_core); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "buffer" then add_buffer (handler.parsed_system.buffers, a_buff, name, size, cpu_name, address_space_name, a_qs, roles); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "message" then add_message (handler.parsed_system.messages, a_mess, name, size, period, deadline, jitter, param, response_time, communication_time); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "resource" then add_resource (handler.parsed_system.resources, name, state, size, address, cpu_name, address_space_name, protocol, a_task_lists, priority, priority_assignment); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "static_deployment" then add_deployment (handler.parsed_system.deployments, name, resource_entities, consumer_entities, allocation_description); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "dynamic_deployment" then add_deployment (handler.parsed_system.deployments, name, resource_entities, consumer_entities, allocation_description); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "task" then add_task (my_tasks => handler.parsed_system.tasks, a_task => task1, name => name, cpu_name => cpu_name, address_space_name => address_space_name, core_name => empty_string, task_type => task_type, start_time => start_time, capacity => capacity, period => period, deadline => deadline, jitter => jitter, blocking_time => blocking_time, priority => priority, criticality => criticality, policy => policy, offset => offset, stack_memory_size => stack_memory_size, text_memory_size => text_memory_size, param => param, parametric_rule_name => parametric_rule, seed_value => seed, predictable => predictable, context_switch_overhead => context_switch_overhead, every => every); initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "dependency" then if (from_type = To_Unbounded_String ("task")) and (to_type = To_Unbounded_String ("task")) then task1 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, parameter_list (1)); task2 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, parameter_list (2)); add_one_task_dependency_precedence (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, task1, task2); else if (from_type = To_Unbounded_String ("buffer")) or (to_type = To_Unbounded_String ("buffer")) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.buffers, buff_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, a_buff, buff_iterator); if a_buff.name = parameter_list (1) then task2 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, parameter_list (2)); add_one_task_dependency_queueing_buffer (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, task2, a_buff, from_object_to_task); exit; end if; if a_buff.name = parameter_list (2) then task1 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, parameter_list (1)); add_one_task_dependency_queueing_buffer (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, task1, a_buff, from_task_to_object); exit; end if; if is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, buff_iterator) then raise buffer_set.buffer_not_found; end if; next_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, buff_iterator); end loop; else if (from_type = To_Unbounded_String ("message")) or (to_type = To_Unbounded_String ("message")) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.messages, mess_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.messages, a_mess, mess_iterator); if a_mess.name = parameter_list (1) then task2 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, parameter_list (2)); add_one_task_dependency_asynchronous_communication (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, task2, a_mess, from_object_to_task); exit; end if; if a_mess.name = parameter_list (2) then task1 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, parameter_list (1)); add_one_task_dependency_asynchronous_communication (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, task1, a_mess, from_task_to_object); exit; end if; if is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.messages, mess_iterator) then raise message_set.message_not_found; end if; next_element (handler.parsed_system.messages, mess_iterator); end loop; end if; end if; end if; initialize_project_parser (handler); end if; end end_element; function get_parsed_system (handler : in xml_project_parser) return system is begin return handler.parsed_system; end get_parsed_system; ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- XML event table parser ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- processor_name : Unbounded_String; task_name : Unbounded_String; resource_name : Unbounded_String; message_name : Unbounded_String; buffer_name : Unbounded_String; number : Natural; time_value : Natural; new_processor_events : scheduling_result_ptr; new_event : time_unit_event_ptr; function get_parsed_event_table (handler : in xml_event_table_parser) return scheduling_table_ptr is begin return handler.parsed_event_table; end get_parsed_event_table; procedure set_scheduled_system (handler : in out xml_event_table_parser; scheduled_system : in system) is begin handler.scheduled_system := scheduled_system; end set_scheduled_system; procedure initialize_event_table_parser (handler : in out xml_event_table_parser) is begin current_parameter := 1; end initialize_event_table_parser; procedure start_document (handler : in out xml_event_table_parser) is begin initialize_event_table_parser (handler); handler.parsed_event_table := new scheduling_table; end start_document; procedure start_element (handler : in out xml_event_table_parser; namespace_uri : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; local_name : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; qname : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; atts : Sax.Attributes.attributes'class) is begin current_parameter := 1; end start_element; procedure read_time_value (handler : in out xml_event_table_parser) is begin to_natural (parameter_list (1), number, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; time_value := number; end read_time_value; procedure end_element (handler : in out xml_event_table_parser; namespace_uri : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; local_name : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := ""; qname : Unicode.CES.byte_sequence := "") is a_buffer : buffer_ptr; a_message : generic_message_ptr; a_task : generic_task_ptr; a_resource : generic_resource_ptr; a_processor : generic_processor_ptr; begin if qname = "name" then processor_name := parameter_list (1); a_processor := search_processor (handler.scheduled_system.processors, processor_name); new_processor_events := new scheduling_result; new_processor_events.has_error := False; new_processor_events.scheduling_msg := empty_string; new_processor_events.error_msg := empty_string; new_processor_events.result := new scheduling_sequence; add (handler.parsed_event_table.all, a_processor, new_processor_events.all); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "write_to_buffer" then buffer_name := parameter_list (2); task_name := parameter_list (3); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); a_buffer := search_buffer (handler.scheduled_system.buffers, buffer_name); to_natural (parameter_list (4), number, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (write_to_buffer); new_event.write_buffer := a_buffer; new_event.write_task := a_task; new_event.write_size := number; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "read_from_buffer" then buffer_name := parameter_list (2); task_name := parameter_list (3); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); a_buffer := search_buffer (handler.scheduled_system.buffers, buffer_name); to_natural (parameter_list (4), number, ok); if not ok then Put_Line ("Warning : Error on data type. From " & To_String (handler.locator)); end if; read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (read_from_buffer); new_event.read_buffer := a_buffer; new_event.read_task := a_task; new_event.read_size := number; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "send_message" then message_name := parameter_list (2); task_name := parameter_list (3); a_message := search_message (handler.scheduled_system.messages, message_name); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (send_message); new_event.send_task := a_task; new_event.send_message := a_message; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "receive_message" then message_name := parameter_list (2); task_name := parameter_list (3); a_message := search_message (handler.scheduled_system.messages, message_name); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (receive_message); new_event.receive_task := a_task; new_event.receive_message := a_message; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "allocate_resource" then resource_name := parameter_list (2); task_name := parameter_list (3); a_resource := search_resource (handler.scheduled_system.resources, resource_name); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (allocate_resource); new_event.allocate_task := a_task; new_event.allocate_resource := a_resource; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "release_resource" then resource_name := parameter_list (2); task_name := parameter_list (3); a_resource := search_resource (handler.scheduled_system.resources, resource_name); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (release_resource); new_event.release_task := a_task; new_event.release_resource := a_resource; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "wait_for_resource" then resource_name := parameter_list (2); task_name := parameter_list (3); a_resource := search_resource (handler.scheduled_system.resources, resource_name); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (wait_for_resource); new_event.wait_for_resource_task := a_task; new_event.wait_for_resource := a_resource; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "task_activation" then task_name := parameter_list (2); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (task_activation); new_event.activation_task := a_task; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "running_task" then task_name := parameter_list (2); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (running_task); new_event.running_task := a_task; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "start_of_task_capacity" then task_name := parameter_list (2); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (start_of_task_capacity); new_event.start_task := a_task; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; if qname = "end_of_task_capacity" then task_name := parameter_list (2); a_task := search_task (handler.scheduled_system.tasks, task_name); read_time_value (handler); new_event := new time_unit_event (end_of_task_capacity); new_event.end_task := a_task; add (new_processor_events.result.all, time_value, new_event); initialize_event_table_parser (handler); end if; end end_element; end v2_xml_parsers;