------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real-time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check schedulability and -- other performance criteria of real-time architecture models. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand, -- Hai Nam Tran, Stephane Rubini -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- Frank Singhoff, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale -- -- Cheddar has been published in the "Agence de Protection des Programmes/France" in 2008. -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- The full list of contributors and sponsors can be found in AUTHORS.txt and SPONSORS.txt -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Last update : -- $Rev$ -- $Date$ -- $Author: singhoff $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; with Ocarina.Analyzer.Queries; use Ocarina.Analyzer.Queries; with Ocarina.Configuration; with Ocarina.AADL.Parser; with Ocarina.AADL.Printer; with Ocarina.Analyzer; use Ocarina.Analyzer; with Ocarina.AADL; use Ocarina.AADL; with Types; use Types; with Ocarina.Debug; use Ocarina.Debug; with Ocarina.Entities; use Ocarina.Entities; with Ocarina.Entities.Components; use Ocarina.Entities.Components; with Ocarina.Entities.Properties; use Ocarina.Entities.Properties; with Ocarina.Entities.Components.Connections; use Ocarina.Entities.Components.Connections; with Ocarina.Nutils; use Ocarina.Nutils; with Ocarina.Nodes; use Ocarina.Nodes; with Ocarina.AADL_Values; use Ocarina.AADL_Values; with Ocarina.AADL.Printer.Properties; use Ocarina.AADL.Printer.Properties; with Ocarina.AADL.Printer.Components.Connections; use Ocarina.AADL.Printer.Components.Connections; with Ocarina.AADL.Printer.Components; use Ocarina.AADL.Printer.Components; with Ocarina.Parser; with Ocarina.Printer; use Ocarina.Printer; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; pragma warnings (Off); with Ada.Numerics.Aux; use Ada.Numerics.Aux; pragma warnings (On); with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with framework_config; use framework_config; with offsets; use offsets; use offsets.offsets_table_package; with parameters; use parameters; use parameters.user_defined_parameters_table_package; with debug; use debug; with aadl_config; use aadl_config; with resources; use resources; use resources.resource_accesses; with resource_set; use resource_set; use resource_set.generic_resource_set; with message_set; use message_set; use message_set.generic_message_set; with event_analyzer_set; use event_analyzer_set; use event_analyzer_set.generic_event_analyzer_set; with tasks; use tasks; with task_set; use task_set; use task_set.generic_task_set; with address_spaces; use address_spaces; with address_space_set; use address_space_set; use address_space_set.generic_address_space_set; with buffers; use buffers; use buffers.buffer_roles_package; with buffer_set; use buffer_set; use buffer_set.generic_buffer_set; with task_dependencies; use task_dependencies; with time_unit_events; use time_unit_events; use time_unit_events.time_unit_package; with multiprocessor_services_interface; use multiprocessor_services_interface; use multiprocessor_services_interface.scheduling_result_per_processor_package; with queueing_systems; use queueing_systems; with GNAT.Current_Exception; use GNAT.Current_Exception; with scheduler_interface; use scheduler_interface; with io_tools; use io_tools; with translate; use translate; with aadl_parser_interface; use aadl_parser_interface; use aadl_parser_interface.processor_binding_package; with processors; use processors; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with core_units; use core_units; use core_units.core_units_table_package; with memories; use memories; use memories.memories_table_package; package body aadl_parsers is -- Set to False means we have to reset Ocarina before -- re-initialize it. -- first_aadl_parsing : Boolean := True; type pass_number_type is new Integer range 1 .. 3; critical_section_list : unbounded_string_list; -- Look for an AADL file from a set of directory and load it into -- Ocarina. -- function load_aadl_file_from_directory (root : node_id; file_name : Unbounded_String; dir_list : unbounded_string_list) return node_id is a_dir : unbounded_string_ptr; list_ite : unbounded_string_iterator; begin if not is_empty (dir_list) then reset_head_iterator (dir_list, list_ite); loop current_element (dir_list, a_dir, list_ite); put_debug ("Try to load AADL file " & a_dir.all & GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator & file_name); if can_be_read (a_dir.all & Directory_Separator & file_name) then put_debug ("Load AADL file " & a_dir.all & Directory_Separator & file_name); return Ocarina.AADL.Parser.Process (To_String (a_dir.all & Directory_Separator & file_name), root); end if; if is_tail_element (dir_list, list_ite) then exit; end if; next_element (dir_list, list_ite); end loop; end if; if can_be_read (file_name) then put_debug ("Load AADL file " & file_name); return Ocarina.AADL.Parser.Process (To_String (file_name), root); else put_debug ("CAN NOT Load AADL file " & file_name); end if; return root; end load_aadl_file_from_directory; function load_aadl_file_from_directory (root : node_id; file_name : String; dir_list : unbounded_string_list) return node_id is begin return load_aadl_file_from_directory (root, To_Unbounded_String (file_name), dir_list); end load_aadl_file_from_directory; -- Information retrieved from the AADL parser -- dummy_identifier : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("__missing_cheddar_aadl_cpu_identifier__"); name : Unbounded_String; deadline : Integer; start_time : Integer; blocking_time : Integer; criticality : Integer; state : Integer; address : Integer; size : Integer; period : Integer; capacity : Integer; context_switch_overhead : Integer; cpu_name : Unbounded_String; address_space_name : Unbounded_String; jitter : Integer; policy : policies; task_type : tasks_type; seed : Integer; predictable : Boolean; quantum : Integer; priority : Integer; priority_assignment : priority_assignment_type; a_scheduler : schedulers_type; a_network : Unbounded_String; protocol : resources_type; is_preemptive : preemptives_type; text_memory_size : Integer; text_memory_address_start : Integer; heap_memory_size : Integer; data_memory_size : Integer; stack_memory_size : Integer; parametric_file_name : Unbounded_String; automaton_name : Unbounded_String; roles : buffer_roles_table; a_role : buffer_role; offset : offsets_table; a_task_list_entry : critical_section; a_task_list : resource_accesses_table; param : user_defined_parameters_table; task1 : generic_task_ptr; ok : Boolean; cpu_bindings : processor_binding_table; procedure initialize_parsed_data is begin state := 0; size := 0; address := 0; task_type := aperiodic_type; policy := sched_fifo; is_preemptive := preemptive; seed := 0; predictable := True; priority := 1; priority_assignment := automatic_assignment; name := To_Unbounded_String (""); deadline := 0; period := 0; start_time := 0; criticality := 0; blocking_time := 0; capacity := 0; context_switch_overhead := 0; jitter := 0; quantum := 0; a_scheduler := no_scheduling_protocol; text_memory_size := 0; text_memory_address_start := -1; heap_memory_size := 0; data_memory_size := 0; stack_memory_size := 0; protocol := no_protocol; state := 1; a_network := To_Unbounded_String (""); parametric_file_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); cpu_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); address_space_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); parametric_file_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); automaton_name := To_Unbounded_String (""); initialize (a_task_list_entry); initialize (a_task_list); initialize (offset); initialize (param); initialize (roles); initialize (a_role); initialize (cpu_bindings); end initialize_parsed_data; procedure initialize_project_parser (handler : in out aadl_project_parser) is begin initialize (handler.parsed_system); initialize_parsed_data; end initialize_project_parser; function get_parsed_system (handler : aadl_project_parser) return system is begin return handler.parsed_system; end get_parsed_system; procedure initialize (handler : in out aadl_project_parser) is begin initialize (handler.parsed_system); initialize_parsed_data; end initialize; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Parse AADL properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure read_property_associations (handler : in out aadl_project_parser; component_type : node_id; component_instance_name : Unbounded_String; path : Unbounded_String; pass : pass_number_type) is -- Display a property (debug only) -- procedure display_property (a_property_node : node_id) is begin if aadl_debug then if pass = 1 then Put ("First"); elsif pass = 2 then Put ("Second"); else Put ("Third"); end if; Put (" pass ; "); Print_Property_Association (a_property_node, Default_Output_Options); end if; end display_property; -- AADL enumeration properties -- procedure read_concurrency_control_protocol_property (a_property_value : node_id) is protocol_string : Unbounded_String; begin protocol_string := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Enumeration_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value))); to_resources_type (to_upper (protocol_string), protocol, ok); if not ok then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Property Concurrency_Control_Protocol should store a valid" & " protocol name"); end if; end read_concurrency_control_protocol_property; procedure read_scheduling_protocol_property (a_property_value : node_id) is scheduler_name : Unbounded_String; begin scheduler_name := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Enumeration_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value)); to_schedulers_type (to_upper (scheduler_name), a_scheduler, ok); if not ok then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Property Scheduling_Protocol should store a valid" & " scheduler name"); end if; end read_scheduling_protocol_property; procedure read_dispatch_protocol_property (a_property_value : node_id) is activation : Unbounded_String; begin activation := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Enumeration_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value))); if activation = "periodic" then task_type := periodic_type; elsif activation = "user_defined" then task_type := parametric_type; elsif activation = "poisson_process" then task_type := poisson_type; elsif activation = "sporadic" then task_type := sporadic_type; elsif activation = "background" then task_type := aperiodic_type; else Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Property Dispatch_Protocol should store" & " Periodic, Sporadic, Background, Poisson_Process" & " or User_Defined"); end if; end read_dispatch_protocol_property; procedure read_posix_scheduling_policy_property (a_property_value : node_id) is policy_string : Unbounded_String; begin policy_string := (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Enumeration_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value))); to_policies (to_upper (policy_string), policy, ok); if not ok then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Property POSIX_Scheduling_Policy should store " & "SCHED_FifO, SCHED_OTHERS or SCHED_RR"); end if; end read_posix_scheduling_policy_property; -- AADLinteger/AADLfloat properties -- procedure read_compute_execution_time_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin capacity := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (Upper_Bound (a_property_value))))); end read_compute_execution_time_property; procedure read_period_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin period := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_period_property; procedure read_context_switch_overhead_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin context_switch_overhead := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_context_switch_overhead_property; procedure read_deadline_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin deadline := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_deadline_property; procedure read_data_concurrency_state_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin state := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_data_concurrency_state_property; procedure read_source_code_size_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin text_memory_size := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_source_code_size_property; procedure read_source_data_size_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin data_memory_size := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_source_data_size_property; procedure read_source_heap_size_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin heap_memory_size := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_source_heap_size_property; procedure read_source_stack_size_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin stack_memory_size := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_source_stack_size_property; procedure read_criticality_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin criticality := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_criticality_property; procedure read_scheduler_quantum_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin quantum := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_scheduler_quantum_property; procedure read_fixed_priority_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin priority := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_fixed_priority_property; procedure read_dispatch_jitter_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin jitter := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_dispatch_jitter_property; procedure read_bound_on_data_blocking_time_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin blocking_time := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_bound_on_data_blocking_time_property; procedure read_dispatch_absolute_time_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin start_time := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_dispatch_absolute_time_property; procedure read_dispatch_seed_value_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin seed := Integer'value (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (Number_Value (a_property_value)))); end read_dispatch_seed_value_property; -- AADL list properties -- procedure read_task_precedencies_property (a_property_node : node_id; a_property_value : node_id) is a_thread1 : generic_task_ptr; a_thread2 : generic_task_ptr; list_head : list_id; list_node : node_id; thread2_name : Unbounded_String; thread1_name : Unbounded_String; begin if not Is_Defined_List_Property (a_property_node, "cheddar_properties::task_precedencies") then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Task_Precedencies property can not be found"); end if; list_head := Ocarina.Analyzer.Queries.Get_List_Property (a_property_node, "cheddar_properties::task_precedencies"); list_node := First_Node (list_head); -- Parse task precedencies now -- while Present (list_node) loop -- Get the two thread names -- if Present (list_node) then thread1_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (list_node)))); thread1_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (thread1_name, 2, Length (thread1_name) - 1)); else Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Task_Precedencies layout error (1)"); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); if Present (list_node) then thread2_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (list_node)))); thread2_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (thread2_name, 2, Length (thread2_name) - 1)); else Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Task_Precedencies layout error (2)"); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); -- Full path thread name -- thread1_name := path & thread1_name; thread2_name := path & thread2_name; begin a_thread1 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, thread1_name); exception when task_not_found => Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Task_Precedencies ; thread " & To_String (thread1_name) & " not found"); when task_set.generic_task_set.empty_set => Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Task_Precedencies ; thread " & To_String (thread1_name) & " not found in empty set"); end; begin a_thread2 := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, thread2_name); exception when task_not_found => Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Task_Precedencies ; thread " & To_String (thread2_name) & " not found"); when task_set.generic_task_set.empty_set => Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Task_Precedencies ; thread " & To_String (thread2_name) & " not found in empty set"); end; -- Add the new task precedency -- add_one_task_dependency_precedence (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, a_thread1, a_thread2); end loop; end read_task_precedencies_property; procedure read_critical_section_property (a_property_node : node_id; a_property_value : node_id) is a_resource : generic_resource_ptr; list_node : node_id; list_head : list_id; cs_start, cs_end, resource_name, thread_name : Unbounded_String; integer_ok : Boolean; integer_cs_start, integer_cs_end : Integer; resource_str_ptr : unbounded_string_ptr; begin if not Is_Defined_List_Property (a_property_node, "cheddar_properties::critical_section") then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Critical_Section property can not be found"); end if; list_head := Ocarina.Analyzer.Queries.Get_List_Property (a_property_node, "cheddar_properties::critical_section"); list_node := First_Node (list_head); -- Parse critical sections now -- while Present (list_node) loop -- Resource name -- if Present (list_node) then resource_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (list_node)))); resource_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (resource_name, 2, Length (resource_name) - 1)); else Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Critical_Section value list " & "should start with a resource name"); end if; -- Thread name -- list_node := Next_Node (list_node); if Present (list_node) then thread_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (list_node)))); thread_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (thread_name, 2, Length (thread_name) - 1)); else Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Critical_Section, Thread name " & "of critical section is missing"); end if; -- Start of the critical section -- list_node := Next_Node (list_node); if Present (list_node) then cs_start := To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (list_node))); cs_start := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (cs_start, 2, Length (cs_start) - 1)); else Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Critical_Section, Start of critical " & "section is missing"); end if; -- End of the critical section -- list_node := Next_Node (list_node); if Present (list_node) then cs_end := To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (list_node))); cs_end := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (cs_end, 2, Length (cs_end) - 1)); else Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cheddar_Properties::Critical_Section, End of critical " & "section is missing"); end if; put_debug ("Critical section : " & To_String (resource_name & thread_name & cs_start & cs_end)); list_node := Next_Node (list_node); -- Parser/add the critical sections -- -- Full path resource name -- resource_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & resource_name; a_resource := search_resource (handler.parsed_system.resources, resource_name); -- Full path thread name -- thread_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & thread_name; to_integer (cs_start, integer_cs_start, integer_ok); if not ok then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, To_String (lb_task_begin (current_language) & lb_must_be_numeric (current_language))); end if; to_integer (cs_end, integer_cs_end, integer_ok); if not integer_ok then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, To_String (lb_task_end (current_language) & lb_must_be_numeric (current_language))); end if; -- Add the new critical section -- a_resource.critical_sections.entries (a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries) .item := thread_name; a_resource.critical_sections.entries (a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries) .data .task_begin := integer_cs_start; a_resource.critical_sections.entries (a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries) .data .task_end := integer_cs_end; a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries := a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries + 1; resource_str_ptr := new Unbounded_String; resource_str_ptr.all := a_resource.name; add (critical_section_list, resource_str_ptr); end loop; end read_critical_section_property; procedure read_source_text_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin parametric_file_name := To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (a_property_value))); parametric_file_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (parametric_file_name, 2, Length (parametric_file_name) - 1)); end read_source_text_property; procedure read_automaton_name_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin automaton_name := To_Unbounded_String (Ocarina.AADL_Values.Image (Value (a_property_value))); automaton_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (automaton_name, 2, Length (automaton_name) - 1)); end read_automaton_name_property; procedure read_actual_processor_binding_property (list_node : node_id; a_property_node : node_id) is a_binding : binding_record_type; applies_to : constant list_id := Applies_To_Prop (list_node); it_node : node_id; begin it_node := First_Node (applies_to); while Present (it_node) loop address_space_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (it_node)))); it_node := Next_Node (it_node); end loop; cpu_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity_Reference (a_property_node))); a_binding.cpu_name := path & cpu_name; a_binding.address_space_name := path & address_space_name; add (cpu_bindings, a_binding); if aadl_debug then Put_Line ("Process/processor binding = " & To_String (a_binding.address_space_name) & "/" & To_String (a_binding.cpu_name)); end if; end read_actual_processor_binding_property; -- AADL boolean properties -- procedure read_dispatch_seed_is_predictable_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin predictable := Get_Boolean_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value); end read_dispatch_seed_is_predictable_property; procedure read_preemptive_scheduler_property (a_property_value : node_id) is begin if Get_Boolean_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value) then is_preemptive := preemptive; else is_preemptive := not_preemptive; end if; end read_preemptive_scheduler_property; -- Main Read property subprogram -- list_node : node_id; property_name : Unbounded_String; user_defined_properties : Unbounded_String; a_property_value : node_id; val : node_id; a_param : parameter_ptr; begin if not Is_Empty (Ocarina.Nodes.Properties (component_type)) then list_node := First_Node (Ocarina.Nodes.Properties (component_type)); while Present (list_node) loop -- The property name -- property_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (Identifier (list_node))))); a_property_value := Compute_Property_Value (Property_Association_Value (list_node)); display_property (list_node); if pass = 1 then -- Scan AADL default properties -- if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("compute_execution_time") then read_compute_execution_time_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("concurrency_control_protocol") then read_concurrency_control_protocol_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("deadline") then read_deadline_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("period") then read_period_property (a_property_value); end if; if (property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("scheduling_protocol")) or (property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::scheduling_protocol")) then read_scheduling_protocol_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::source_text") or property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("source_text") then read_source_text_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::context_switch_overhead") then read_context_switch_overhead_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::automaton_name") then read_automaton_name_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("dispatch_protocol") then read_dispatch_protocol_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("source_code_size") then read_source_code_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("source_data_size") then read_source_data_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("source_heap_size") then read_source_heap_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::criticality") then read_criticality_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("source_stack_size") then read_source_stack_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::source_global_text_size") then read_source_code_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::source_global_data_size") then read_source_data_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::source_global_heap_size") then read_source_heap_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::source_global_stack_size") then read_source_stack_size_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::scheduler_quantum") then read_scheduler_quantum_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::posix_scheduling_policy") then read_posix_scheduling_policy_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::fixed_priority") then read_fixed_priority_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::dispatch_jitter") then read_dispatch_jitter_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::bound_on_data_blocking_time") then read_bound_on_data_blocking_time_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::dispatch_absolute_time") then read_dispatch_absolute_time_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::dispatch_seed_value") then read_dispatch_seed_value_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::dispatch_seed_is_predictable") then read_dispatch_seed_is_predictable_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::preemptive_scheduler") then read_preemptive_scheduler_property (a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::data_concurrency_state") then read_data_concurrency_state_property (a_property_value); end if; -- Scan task user defined properties -- if Length (property_name) > 33 then user_defined_properties := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (property_name, 1, 33)); else user_defined_properties := empty_string; end if; if user_defined_properties = "user_defined_cheddar_properties::" then val := Ocarina.Analyzer.Queries.Get_Value_Of_Property_Association (component_type, Image (Display_Name (Identifier (list_node)))); user_defined_properties := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (property_name, 34, Length (property_name))); -- Find the property value type -- case Get_Type_Of_Property_Value (val, True) is -- AADL float value of a float user defined parameter -- when pt_float | pt_unsigned_float => a_param := new parameter (double_parameter); a_param.double_value := Ada.Numerics.Aux.Double (Get_Float_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value)); a_param.parameter_name := user_defined_properties; add (param, a_param); -- AADL integer value of an integer user defined parameter -- when pt_integer | pt_unsigned_integer => a_param := new parameter (integer_parameter); a_param.integer_value := Integer (Get_Integer_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value)); a_param.parameter_name := user_defined_properties; add (param, a_param); -- AADL boolean value of a boolean user defined parameter -- when pt_boolean => a_param := new parameter (boolean_parameter); a_param.boolean_value := Get_Boolean_Of_Property_Value (a_property_value); a_param.parameter_name := user_defined_properties; add (param, a_param); when others => Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Can not find task user defined parameter type"); end case; end if; end if; if pass = 2 then if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("actual_processor_binding") then read_actual_processor_binding_property (list_node, a_property_value); end if; end if; if pass = 3 then if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::task_precedencies") then read_task_precedencies_property (component_type, a_property_value); end if; if property_name = To_Unbounded_String ("cheddar_properties::critical_section") then read_critical_section_property (component_type, a_property_value); end if; end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; end read_property_associations; ------------------------------------------- -- AADL syntax tree reading sub-programs ------------------------------------------- procedure first_pass (handler : in out aadl_project_parser; root : node_id) is procedure add_data_component (list_node : node_id; identifier_path : Unbounded_String; parent_component_name : Unbounded_String) is begin name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))); add_resource (handler.parsed_system.resources, identifier_path & parent_component_name & "." & name, state, size, address, dummy_identifier, identifier_path & parent_component_name, protocol, a_task_list, priority, priority_assignment); end add_data_component; procedure add_thread_component (list_node : node_id; identifier_path : Unbounded_String; parent_component_name : Unbounded_String) is begin name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))); add_task (my_tasks => handler.parsed_system.tasks, a_task => task1, name => identifier_path & parent_component_name & "." & name, cpu_name => dummy_identifier, core_name => dummy_identifier, address_space_name => identifier_path & parent_component_name, task_type => task_type, start_time => start_time, capacity => capacity, period => period, deadline => deadline, jitter => jitter, blocking_time => blocking_time, priority => priority, criticality => criticality, policy => policy, offset => offset, stack_memory_size => stack_memory_size, text_memory_size => text_memory_size, param => param, parametric_rule_name => parametric_file_name, seed_value => seed, predictable => predictable, context_switch_overhead => context_switch_overhead); end add_thread_component; procedure add_process_component (list_node : node_id; identifier_path : Unbounded_String) is begin name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))); add_address_space (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, identifier_path & name, dummy_identifier, text_memory_size, stack_memory_size, data_memory_size, heap_memory_size, is_preemptive, quantum, parametric_file_name, a_scheduler, automaton_name); end add_process_component; procedure add_processor_component (list_node : node_id; identifier_path : Unbounded_String) is a_core : core_unit_ptr; empty_mem : memories_table; begin name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))); add_core_unit (handler.parsed_system.core_units, a_core, To_Unbounded_String ("core_unit_") & identifier_path & name, is_preemptive, quantum, 0, capacity, period, priority, parametric_file_name, empty_string, a_scheduler, empty_mem, automaton_name); add_processor (handler.parsed_system.processors, identifier_path & name, a_core); end add_processor_component; procedure add_event_analyzers (name : Unbounded_String) is -- A pair of index objects to keep track of the beginning and -- ending of the tokens isolated from the string: -- first : Natural; last : Positive; -- A character set consisting of the "whitespace" characters -- that separate the tokens: -- comma : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set (","); subname, token : Unbounded_String; begin subname := name; loop Find_Token (subname, Set => comma, Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, First => first, Last => last); token := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (subname, first, last)); subname := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (subname, last + 1, Length (subname))); check_event_analyzer (handler.parsed_system.event_analyzers, token, token); add_event_analyzer (handler.parsed_system.event_analyzers, token, token); exit when Length (subname) = 0; end loop; exception when others => Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, Exception_Message); end add_event_analyzers; function find_subcomponents (parent_component : node_id; current_process_name : Unbounded_String; identifier_path : Unbounded_String; level : Integer := 0) return Integer is list_node : node_id; component_number : Integer := 0; cat : byte; cat2 : byte; path : Unbounded_String := identifier_path; a_process_name : Unbounded_String := empty_string; begin if (parent_component /= No_Node) and (Kind (parent_component) = k_component_implementation) then if Subcomponents (parent_component) /= No_List then list_node := First_Node (Subcomponents (parent_component)); while list_node /= No_Node loop component_number := component_number + 1; -- We look for the component type -- if Entity_Ref (list_node) /= No_Node then -- Get the type of the component -- cat := Category (list_node); if aadl_debug then Put_Line ("First pass ; Component name = " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); Put_Line ("First pass ; Component type = " & Get_Name_Of_Entity_Reference (Entity_Ref (list_node))); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_data then -- We do not take into account data declared -- into another data (nested data). -- Get the type of the parent component -- cat2 := Category (parent_component); if component_category'val (cat2) = cc_process then put_debug ("Parsing an AADL data : " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); initialize_parsed_data; read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 1); add_data_component (list_node, identifier_path, current_process_name); end if; end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_thread then put_debug ("Parsing an AADL thread : " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); initialize_parsed_data; read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 1); add_thread_component (list_node, identifier_path, current_process_name); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_process then put_debug ("Parsing an AADL process : " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); initialize_parsed_data; a_process_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))); read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 1); add_process_component (list_node, identifier_path); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_processor then put_debug ("Parsing an AADL processor : " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); initialize_parsed_data; read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 1); add_processor_component (list_node, identifier_path); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_system then put_debug ("Parsing an AADL system : " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); if aadl_import_with_system_name then path := to_lower (identifier_path & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node) & ""); else path := empty_string; end if; initialize_parsed_data; read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), path, 1); if parametric_file_name /= empty_string then add_event_analyzers (parametric_file_name); end if; end if; component_number := component_number + find_subcomponents (Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), a_process_name, path, level + 1); else -- The component has no type ...currently, this -- is not supported. -- Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Find_Processor_Component, AADL component must have " & "a type"); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; end if; return component_number; end find_subcomponents; list_node : node_id := No_Node; global_component_number : Integer := 0; path : Unbounded_String; begin -- Find and create all Cheddar's object sets -- if Ocarina.Nodes.Declarations (root) /= No_List then list_node := First_Node (Ocarina.Nodes.Declarations (root)); while list_node /= No_Node loop if Kind (list_node) = k_component_implementation and then component_category'val (Category (list_node)) = cc_system then put_debug ("Parsing a root AADL system component : " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); -- Read main system properties -- if aadl_import_with_system_name then path := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)) & "."); else path := empty_string; end if; read_property_associations (handler, list_node, to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), path, 1); if parametric_file_name /= empty_string then add_event_analyzers (parametric_file_name); end if; -- Find AADL sub components -- global_component_number := find_subcomponents (list_node, empty_string, to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)) & ".")); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; end first_pass; procedure second_pass (handler : in out aadl_project_parser; root : node_id) is function find_subcomponents (parent_component : node_id; identifier_path : Unbounded_String; level : Integer := 0) return Integer is list_node : node_id; component_number : Integer := 0; cat : byte; path : Unbounded_String := identifier_path; begin if Subcomponents (parent_component) /= No_List then list_node := First_Node (Subcomponents (parent_component)); while list_node /= No_Node loop component_number := component_number + 1; -- We look for the component type -- if (Entity_Ref (list_node) /= No_Node) then -- Get the type of the component -- cat := Category (list_node); if aadl_debug then Put_Line ("Second pass ; Component name = " & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); Put_Line ("Second pass ; Component type = " & Get_Name_Of_Entity_Reference (Entity_Ref (list_node))); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_process then read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 2); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_system then if aadl_import_with_system_name then path := to_lower (identifier_path & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node) & ""); else path := empty_string; end if; read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 2); end if; if (component_category'val (cat) = cc_system) or (component_category'val (cat) = cc_process) then component_number := component_number + find_subcomponents (Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), path, level + 1); end if; else -- The component has no type ... -- Currently, this is not supported -- Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Find_Processor_Component, AADL component must have a type"); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; return component_number; end find_subcomponents; a_buffer : buffer_ptr; my_buffer_iterator : buffers_iterator; a_resource : generic_resource_ptr; my_resource_iterator : resources_iterator; a_task : generic_task_ptr; my_task_iterator : tasks_iterator; an_address_space : address_space_ptr; my_iterator : address_spaces_iterator; list_node : node_id := No_Node; global_component_number : Integer := 0; path : Unbounded_String; begin initialize_parsed_data; -- Find and perform analysis on all global systems -- if Ocarina.Nodes.Declarations (root) /= No_List then list_node := First_Node (Ocarina.Nodes.Declarations (root)); while list_node /= No_Node loop if Kind (list_node) = k_component_implementation and then component_category'val (Category (list_node)) = cc_system then -- Read main system properties -- if aadl_import_with_system_name then path := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)) & "."); else path := empty_string; end if; read_property_associations (handler, list_node, to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), path, 2); -- Find AADL sub components -- global_component_number := find_subcomponents (list_node, to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)) & ".")); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; -- Now, update processor bindings of address spaces -- if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, my_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, an_address_space, my_iterator); -- Find the process name in the table and assign processor -- for i in 0 .. cpu_bindings.nb_entries - 1 loop if cpu_bindings.entries (i).address_space_name = an_address_space.name then an_address_space.cpu_name := cpu_bindings.entries (i).cpu_name; end if; end loop; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, my_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, my_iterator); end loop; end if; -- Check that no address space stays unbinded -- Bind threads, buffers and shared_resources -- if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, my_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, an_address_space, my_iterator); -- Check and bind -- if an_address_space.cpu_name = dummy_identifier then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Process " & To_String (an_address_space.name) & " is not binded to a processor"); end if; if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.tasks) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.tasks, my_task_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.tasks, a_task, my_task_iterator); if a_task.address_space_name = an_address_space.name then a_task.cpu_name := an_address_space.cpu_name; end if; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.tasks, my_task_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.tasks, my_task_iterator); end loop; end if; if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.resources) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_resource_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, a_resource, my_resource_iterator); if a_resource.address_space_name = an_address_space.name then a_resource.cpu_name := an_address_space.cpu_name; end if; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_resource_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_resource_iterator); end loop; end if; if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.buffers) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_buffer_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, a_buffer, my_buffer_iterator); if a_buffer.address_space_name = an_address_space.name then a_buffer.cpu_name := an_address_space.cpu_name; end if; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_buffer_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_buffer_iterator); end loop; end if; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, my_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.address_spaces, my_iterator); end loop; end if; -- Now, check that no task/resource/buffer stays unbinded -- if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.tasks) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.tasks, my_task_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.tasks, a_task, my_task_iterator); if (a_task.cpu_name = dummy_identifier) then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Task " & To_String (a_task.name) & " is not binded to a processor"); end if; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.tasks, my_task_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.tasks, my_task_iterator); end loop; end if; if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.resources) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_resource_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, a_resource, my_resource_iterator); if (a_resource.cpu_name = dummy_identifier) then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Data " & To_String (a_resource.name) & " is not binded to a processor"); end if; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_resource_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_resource_iterator); end loop; end if; if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.buffers) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_buffer_iterator); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, a_buffer, my_buffer_iterator); if (a_buffer.cpu_name = dummy_identifier) then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Buffer " & To_String (a_buffer.name) & " is not binded to a processor"); end if; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_buffer_iterator); next_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_buffer_iterator); end loop; end if; end second_pass; ------------------------------------------- --- Read AADL connections ------------------------------------------- procedure read_connections (handler : in out aadl_project_parser; component_implementation : node_id; component_instance_name : Unbounded_String; path : Unbounded_String) is procedure precedency_connections (a_connection : node_id) is consumer_thread_name : Unbounded_String; producer_thread_name : Unbounded_String; a_consumer_thread : generic_task_ptr; a_producer_thread : generic_task_ptr; -- A pair of index objects to keep track of the beginning and -- ending of the tokens isolated from the string: -- first : Natural; last : Positive; -- A character set consisting of the "whitespace" characters -- that separate the tokens: -- dot : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set ("."); subname : Unbounded_String; begin -- Get thread names -- producer_thread_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (Identifier (Source (a_connection)))))); consumer_thread_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (Identifier (Destination (a_connection)))))); subname := producer_thread_name; Find_Token (subname, Set => dot, Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, First => first, Last => last); producer_thread_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (subname, first, last)); producer_thread_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & producer_thread_name; subname := consumer_thread_name; Find_Token (subname, Set => dot, Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, First => first, Last => last); consumer_thread_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (subname, first, last)); consumer_thread_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & consumer_thread_name; a_consumer_thread := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, consumer_thread_name); a_producer_thread := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, producer_thread_name); add_one_task_dependency_precedence (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, a_consumer_thread, a_producer_thread); end precedency_connections; procedure buffer_connections (a_connection : node_id) is buffer_name : Unbounded_String; consumer_thread_name : Unbounded_String; producer_thread_name : Unbounded_String; a_buffer : buffer_ptr; a_consumer_thread : generic_task_ptr; already_exist : Boolean; a_role : buffer_role; roles : buffer_roles_table; -- A pair of index objects to keep track of the beginning and -- ending of the tokens isolated from the string: -- first : Natural; last : Positive; -- A character set consisting of the "whitespace" characters -- that separate the tokens: -- dot : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set ("."); subname : Unbounded_String; begin -- Get thread names -- producer_thread_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (Identifier (Source (a_connection)))))); consumer_thread_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (Identifier (Destination (a_connection)))))); subname := producer_thread_name; Find_Token (subname, Set => dot, Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, First => first, Last => last); producer_thread_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (subname, first, last)); producer_thread_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & producer_thread_name; subname := consumer_thread_name; Find_Token (subname, Set => dot, Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, First => first, Last => last); consumer_thread_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (subname, first, last)); consumer_thread_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & consumer_thread_name; a_consumer_thread := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, consumer_thread_name); -- Is the buffer already exists ? -- if not, create it. If it already exist, add the new -- producer -- buffer_name := consumer_thread_name & To_Unbounded_String ("_buffer"); begin already_exist := True; a_buffer := search_buffer (handler.parsed_system.buffers, buffer_name); exception when others => already_exist := False; end; if not already_exist then -- Create the buffer -- initialize (roles); initialize (a_role); a_role.the_role := queuing_consumer; a_role.size := 1; a_role.time := 1; add (roles, consumer_thread_name, a_role); add_buffer (handler.parsed_system.buffers, a_buffer, buffer_name, 1, a_consumer_thread.cpu_name, a_consumer_thread.address_space_name, qs_pp1, roles); end if; -- Add the new role (producer) -- initialize (a_role); a_role.the_role := queuing_producer; a_role.size := 1; a_role.time := 1; add (a_buffer.roles, producer_thread_name, a_role); end buffer_connections; procedure shared_resource_connections (a_connection : node_id) is resource_name : Unbounded_String; thread_name : Unbounded_String; already_exist : Boolean; resource_str_ptr : unbounded_string_ptr; list_ite : unbounded_string_iterator; a_resource : generic_resource_ptr; a_thread : generic_task_ptr; begin -- Check that no critical section are already memorized -- If we found no critical section, build a new one from -- the data access connection -- resource_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (Identifier (Source (a_connection)))))); resource_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & resource_name; -- Get resource and thread information -- a_resource := search_resource (handler.parsed_system.resources, resource_name); thread_name := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Image (Display_Name (Identifier (Destination (a_connection)))))); declare -- A pair of index objects to keep track of the beginning and -- ending of the tokens isolated from the string: -- first : Natural; last : Positive; -- A character set consisting of the "whitespace" characters -- that separate the tokens: -- dot : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set ("."); subname : Unbounded_String; begin subname := thread_name; Find_Token (subname, Set => dot, Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, First => first, Last => last); thread_name := To_Unbounded_String (Slice (subname, first, last)); thread_name := path & component_instance_name & "." & thread_name; end; a_thread := search_task (handler.parsed_system.tasks, thread_name); -- Check is some critical section exists -- already_exist := False; if not is_empty (critical_section_list) then reset_head_iterator (critical_section_list, list_ite); loop current_element (critical_section_list, resource_str_ptr, list_ite); if resource_str_ptr.all = resource_name then already_exist := True; exit; end if; if is_tail_element (critical_section_list, list_ite) then exit; end if; next_element (critical_section_list, list_ite); end loop; end if; -- Add the critical section if the critical_section_list -- does not contain it -- if not already_exist then a_resource.critical_sections.entries (a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries) .item := thread_name; a_resource.critical_sections.entries (a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries) .data .task_begin := 1; a_resource.critical_sections.entries (a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries) .data .task_end := a_thread.capacity; a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries := a_resource.critical_sections.nb_entries + 1; end if; end shared_resource_connections; list_node : node_id; cat : connection_type; begin if not Is_Empty (Ocarina.Nodes.Connections (component_implementation)) then list_node := First_Node (Ocarina.Nodes.Connections (component_implementation)); while Present (list_node) loop if aadl_debug then Print_Connection (list_node, Default_Output_Options); end if; cat := Get_Category_Of_Connection (list_node); begin case cat is when ct_data | ct_data_delayed | ct_access_subprogram => null; when ct_event => if aadl_import_event_to_buffers_messages then buffer_connections (list_node); end if; if aadl_import_event_to_precedencies then precedency_connections (list_node); end if; when ct_event_data => if aadl_import_event_data_to_buffers_messages then buffer_connections (list_node); end if; if aadl_import_event_data_to_precedencies then precedency_connections (list_node); end if; when ct_port_group => null; when ct_parameter => null; when ct_access_bus => null; when ct_access_data => shared_resource_connections (list_node); end case; -- Sometimes, the parsing of a connection may fail. -- Most of the time, it means that the AADL component were not -- translated towards Cheddar's component (for several reasons) -- Then, we do not stop the parser : the AADL translation -- should continue ... -- exception when others => put_debug ("Warning : failed to parse an AADL connection"); put_debug (Exception_Name & " : " & Exception_Message); end; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; end read_connections; procedure third_pass (handler : in out aadl_project_parser; root : node_id) is function find_subcomponents (parent_component : node_id; identifier_path : Unbounded_String; level : Integer := 0) return Integer is list_node : node_id; component_number : Integer := 0; cat : byte; path : Unbounded_String := identifier_path; begin if Subcomponents (parent_component) /= No_List then list_node := First_Node (Subcomponents (parent_component)); while list_node /= No_Node loop component_number := component_number + 1; -- We look for the component type -- if Entity_Ref (list_node) /= No_Node then -- Get the type of the component -- cat := Category (list_node); if aadl_debug then Put_Line ("Third pass ; Component name = " & To_String (identifier_path) & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)); Put_Line ("Third pass ; Component type = " & Get_Name_Of_Entity_Reference (Entity_Ref (list_node))); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_process then read_property_associations (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 3); read_connections (handler, Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_system then if aadl_import_with_system_name then path := to_lower (identifier_path & Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node) & ""); else path := empty_string; end if; read_property_associations (handler, list_node, to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), identifier_path, 3); end if; if component_category'val (cat) = cc_system or else component_category'val (cat) = cc_process then component_number := component_number + find_subcomponents (Get_Referenced_Entity (Entity_Ref (list_node)), path, level + 1); end if; else -- The component has no type ... -- Currently, this is not supported -- Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "AADL component must have a type"); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; return component_number; end find_subcomponents; list_node : node_id := No_Node; global_component_number : Integer := 0; path : Unbounded_String; begin initialize_parsed_data; -- Find and perform analysis on all global systems -- if Ocarina.Nodes.Declarations (root) /= No_List then list_node := First_Node (Ocarina.Nodes.Declarations (root)); while list_node /= No_Node loop if Kind (list_node) = k_component_implementation and then component_category'val (Category (list_node)) = cc_system then -- Read main system properties -- if aadl_import_with_system_name then path := to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)) & "."); else path := empty_string; end if; read_property_associations (handler, list_node, to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node))), path, 3); -- Find AADL sub components -- global_component_number := find_subcomponents (list_node, to_lower (To_Unbounded_String (Get_Name_Of_Entity (list_node)) & ".")); end if; list_node := Next_Node (list_node); end loop; end if; end third_pass; ----------- -- Parse -- ----------- procedure parse (handler : in out aadl_project_parser; dir_list : unbounded_string_list; project_file_list : unbounded_string_list) is root : node_id; success : Boolean := False; a_buff : buffer_ptr; my_iterator_buffer : buffers_iterator; a_resource : generic_resource_ptr; my_iterator_resource : resources_iterator; begin -- Ocarina Initialization -- root := No_Node; if not first_aadl_parsing then Ocarina.Configuration.Reset_Modules; Ocarina.Reset; else first_aadl_parsing := False; end if; Ocarina.Initialize; Ocarina.Configuration.Init_Modules; -- Parse AADL property files -- root := load_aadl_file_from_directory (root, "AADL_Properties.aadl", dir_list); root := load_aadl_file_from_directory (root, "AADL_Project.aadl", dir_list); -- If the two files above have not been found, use those of -- Ocarina. -- root := Ocarina.Parser.Parse_Standard_Property_Sets (root); if No (root) then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Cannot parse standard property sets"); end if; root := load_aadl_file_from_directory (root, "Cheddar_Properties.aadl", dir_list); root := load_aadl_file_from_directory (root, "User_Defined_Cheddar_Properties.aadl", dir_list); -- Read and Parse user files from Project_File_List -- declare a_file_name : unbounded_string_ptr; list_ite : unbounded_string_iterator; begin if not is_empty (project_file_list) then reset_head_iterator (project_file_list, list_ite); loop current_element (project_file_list, a_file_name, list_ite); root := load_aadl_file_from_directory (root, a_file_name.all, dir_list); if is_tail_element (project_file_list, list_ite) then exit; end if; next_element (project_file_list, list_ite); end loop; end if; end; -- Run AADL AST analysis -- if root /= No_Node then success := Ocarina.Analyzer.Analyze_Tree (root, Default_Analyzer_Options); if not success then root := No_Node; end if; end if; -- Check that the AADL specification is OK -- if root = No_Node then Raise_Exception (aadl_read_error'identity, "Syntax error in the AADL specification"); else -- First pass : store subcomponents (systems, processor, -- thread and data components) -- initialize (critical_section_list); first_pass (handler, root); if aadl_debug then Put_Line ("End of First pass"); end if; -- Second pass : perform processor and bus bindings -- if aadl_process_second_import_pass then second_pass (handler, root); if aadl_debug then Put_Line ("End of Second pass"); end if; end if; -- Third pass : build components relationships (component -- connections) -- if aadl_process_third_import_pass then -- Set shared resources critical section and task dependencies -- third_pass (handler, root); -- Build buffer's dependencies -- if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.buffers) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_iterator_buffer); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, a_buff, my_iterator_buffer); begin add_all_task_dependencies (handler.parsed_system.dependencies, handler.parsed_system.tasks, a_buff); -- Sometimes, the parsing of a connection may fail. -- Most of the time, it means that the AADL -- components were not translated towards -- Cheddar's components (for several reasons). -- Then, we do not stop the parser : the AADL -- translation -- should continue ... -- exception when others => put_debug ("Warning : fail to translate an AADL " & "connection to a task dependency"); put_debug (Exception_Name & " : " & Exception_Message); end; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_iterator_buffer); next_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_iterator_buffer); end loop; -- Check critical sections of shared resources -- and buffer roles -- if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.buffers) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_iterator_buffer); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, a_buff, my_iterator_buffer); begin check_task_buffer_roles (handler.parsed_system.tasks, a_buff.name, a_buff.roles); -- Sometimes, the parsing of a connection may fail. -- Most of the time, it means that the AADL -- components were not translated towards -- Cheddar's components (for several reasons). -- Then, we do not stop the parser : the AADL -- translation -- should continue ... -- exception when others => put_debug ("Warning : fail to translate an AADL " & "connection to a buffer role "); put_debug (Exception_Name & " : " & Exception_Message); end; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_iterator_buffer); next_element (handler.parsed_system.buffers, my_iterator_buffer); end loop; end if; if not is_empty (handler.parsed_system.resources) then reset_iterator (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_iterator_resource); loop current_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, a_resource, my_iterator_resource); begin check_task_critical_sections (handler.parsed_system.tasks, a_resource.name, a_resource.cpu_name, a_resource.critical_sections); -- Sometimes, the parsing of a connection may fail. -- Most of the time, it means that the AADL -- components were not translated towards -- Cheddar's components (for several reasons). -- Then, we do not stop the parser : the AADL -- translation -- should continue ... -- exception when others => put_debug ("Warning : fail to translate an AADL " & "connection to a critical section "); put_debug (Exception_Name & " : " & Exception_Message); end; exit when is_last_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_iterator_resource); next_element (handler.parsed_system.resources, my_iterator_resource); end loop; end if; end if; -- Free memory -- -- Delete(Critical_Section_List); if aadl_debug then Put_Line ("End of Third pass"); end if; end if; end if; end parse; end aadl_parsers;