Cheddar has been succesfully compiled on: - Linux 32 bits binary : with GNAT 2012 or 2014 32 bits, with ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32 bits - Windows binary : with GNAT 2014 64 bits, on Windows 10 pro 64 bits - Linux 64 bits binary : with GNAT 2014 64 bits, on ubuntu 16.04.6 x86/64 bits Known issues: ============= 1) Some texts, fonts and pixmaps do not appear in the Cheddar editor : - Please check that your linux installation contains GTK 2.0 libraries - Please also check Cheddar FAQ for font selection with GTK 2.0 2) GNAT 2014 64 bits and gcc ABI compatibility problem on Fedora 24, Mint 18.1 and many other 64 bits linux distributions - cd gnat-2014/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.7.4/ld mv ld ld-orig 3) Missing library in Mint 18.1 and many other 64 bits linux distributions - sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib 4) Ocarina cannot compiled together with Cheddar on Mint 18.1 and many other linux 64 bits distributions