----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File: mupreint.adb; see specification (mupreint.ads) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- to-do/bug symbol: !!! -- with Text_IO; use Text_IO; -- <--- still here for debugging purposes package body Multi_precision_integers is -- package IIO is new Integer_IO(integer); use IIO; -- <--- for debugging DEBUG: constant Boolean:= True; Internal_error: exception; Not_done: exception; type compar is (smaller, equal, greater); function Min(a,b:index_int) return index_int is begin if ab then return a; else return b; end if; end; procedure Test( m: multi_int; test_last: boolean:= true ) is last_nz: index_int:= 0; Negative_block, Overflown_block, Last_index_has_zero, Field_last_outside_range, Field_last_is_negative: exception; begin if m.zero then return; end if; -- 0, nothing to test if m.last_used > m.n then raise Field_last_outside_range; end if; if m.last_used < 0 then raise Field_last_is_negative; end if; for i in 0 .. m.last_used loop if m.blk(i) < 0 then raise Negative_block; end if; if not (m.blk(i) in block) then raise Overflown_block; end if; if m.blk(i) /= 0 then last_nz:= i; end if; end loop; if test_last and then 0 < last_nz and then last_nz < m.last_used then raise Last_index_has_zero; end if; end Test; -- Another names (because of randomness in DEC Ada trace-back's line numbers) procedure Testarossa( m: multi_int ) is begin Test(m); end; procedure Testaverde( m: multi_int ) is begin Test(m); end; procedure Testazzuro( m: multi_int ) is begin Test(m); end; procedure Reduce_last_nonzero( n: in out multi_int ) is old_last: index_int:= n.last_used; begin if DEBUG then Test(n, test_last=> false); end if; if n.zero then return; end if; -- Avoid de-zeroing (with bad block) !! n.zero:= True; n.last_used:= 0; for i in 0 .. old_last loop if n.blk(i) /= 0 then n.zero:= False; n.last_used:= i; -- NB: can be 0 end if; end loop; end Reduce_last_nonzero; function Compare_absolute (i1,i2: multi_int) return compar is l1, l2: index_int; begin -- On ne compare que ABS(i1) et ABS(i2) l1:= i1.last_used; l2:= i2.last_used; if l1 > l2 then -- i1 a plus de blocs non nuls return greater; elsif l1 < l2 then -- i1 a moins de blocs non nuls return smaller; else -- i1 et i2 ont le meme nb de blocs for i in reverse 0 .. l1 loop -- on parcourt du + signifiant au - if i1.blk(i) > i2.blk(i) then -- <> de i1 plus grand return greater; elsif i1.blk(i) < i2.blk(i) then -- <> de i1 plus petit return smaller; end if; -- M\^emes chiffres -> au suivant! end loop; -- Bon, les 2 nombres sont egaux! return equal; end if; end Compare_absolute; ----- Informations, conversions function Multi(small: basic_int) return multi_int is abss: basic_int:= ABS(small); reste: basic_int; negs: boolean:= small < 0; Conversion_overflow : exception; begin if abss<= maxblock then return ( n=> 0, -- 1 bloc suffit blk=> (0=> abss), -- le bloc contient le nombre neg=> negs, zero=> small = 0, last_used=> 0 ); else reste:= abss / cardblock; if reste <= maxblock then return ( n=> 1, -- il faut 2 blocs blk=> (0=> abss MOD cardblock, -- bloc 0 1=> reste), -- bloc 1 neg=> negs, zero=> false, last_used=> 1 ); else if reste / cardblock > maxblock then Raise Conversion_overflow; end if; return ( n=> 2, -- il faut 3 blocs (e.g. 31 bits 15+15+1) blk=> (0=> abss MOD cardblock, -- bloc 0 1=> reste MOD cardblock, -- bloc 1 2=> reste / cardblock), -- bloc 2 neg=> negs, zero=> false, last_used=> 2 ); end if; end if; end; procedure Fill(what: out multi_int; with_smaller:multi_int) is l: constant index_int:= with_smaller.last_used; begin if DEBUG then Test(with_smaller); end if; if what.n < l then raise Array_too_small; -- contenant trop petit end if; what.blk( 0 .. l ):= with_smaller.blk( 0 .. l ); -- copie what.neg:= with_smaller.neg; what.zero:= with_smaller.zero; what.last_used:= l; end; --------------------------- ----- Unary operators ----- --------------------------- function "+" (i: multi_int) return multi_int is begin return i; end; procedure Opp(i: in out multi_int) is begin i.neg:= NOT i.neg; -- -0 possible end Opp; function "-" (i: multi_int) return multi_int is res: multi_int(i.n):= i; -- copy + stack :-( begin Opp(res); return res; end "-"; procedure Abso(i: in out multi_int) is begin i.neg:= False; end Abso; function "Abs" (i: multi_int) return multi_int is abs_i: multi_int(i.n):= i; -- copy + stack :-( begin if DEBUG then Test(i); end if; abs_i.neg:= False; return abs_i; end "Abs"; function Sign(i: multi_int) return basic_int is begin if i.zero then return 0; elsif i.neg then return -1; else return +1; end if; end Sign; function Even(i: multi_int) return boolean is begin return i.zero or else i.blk(0) MOD 2 = 0; end Even; function Odd (i: multi_int) return boolean is begin return (NOT i.zero) and then i.blk(0) MOD 2 = 1; end Odd; ---------------------------- ----- Binary operators ----- ---------------------------- -- Internal algorithm to add two numbers AS POSITIVE ( > 0 ) ! procedure Add_absolute(i1,i2: in multi_int; i3: out multi_int) is l1: constant index_int:= i1.last_used; l2: constant index_int:= i2.last_used; min_ind: constant index_int:= Min( l1, l2 ); max_ind: constant index_int:= Max( l1, l2 ); retenue_finale, s: basic_int:= 0; begin if DEBUG then Test(i1); Test(i2); end if; -- (1) On additionne sur le <> for ind in 0 .. min_ind loop s:= i1.blk(ind) + i2.blk(ind) + s / cardblock; -- (retenue) i3.blk(ind):= s MOD cardblock; end loop; -- (2) On poursuit au besoin si i1 a plus de blocs... if l1 > min_ind then for ind in min_ind+1 .. max_ind loop s:= i1.blk(ind) + s / cardblock; -- (retenue) i3.blk(ind):= s MOD cardblock; end loop; -- ... ou bien si i2 en a plus. elsif l2 > min_ind then for ind in min_ind+1 .. max_ind loop s:= i2.blk(ind) + s / cardblock; -- (retenue) i3.blk(ind):= s MOD cardblock; end loop; end if; -- (3) Il peut rester une retenue retenue_finale:= s / cardblock; if retenue_finale /= 0 then i3.blk(max_ind+1):= retenue_finale; i3.last_used:= max_ind+1; else i3.last_used:= max_ind; end if; -- (4) i3 = i1+i2 > 0 i3.neg:= False; i3.zero:= False; end Add_absolute; -- Internal algorithm to substract two numbers AS POSITIVE ( > 0 ) ! procedure Sub_absolute(i1,i2: in multi_int; i3: in out multi_int; sgn: out boolean) is l1: constant index_int:= i1.last_used; l2: constant index_int:= i2.last_used; min_ind: constant index_int:= Min( l1, l2 ); max_ind: constant index_int:= Max( l1, l2 ); ai, bi, s: basic_int; begin if DEBUG then Test(i1); Test(i2); end if; i3.last_used:= 0; i3.zero:= true; s:= 0; -- (1) Soustraction avec retenue for ind in 0 .. max_ind loop if ind <= l1 then ai:= i1.blk(ind); else ai:= 0; end if; if ind <= l2 then bi:= i2.blk(ind) + s; else bi:= s; end if; if ai < bi then ai:= ai + cardblock; s:= 1; else s:= 0; end if; i3.blk(ind):= ai-bi; if ai-bi /= 0 then -- au passage, on corrige .last_used et .zero i3.last_used:= ind; i3.zero:= False; end if; end loop; -- (2) Traitement de la derni\`ere retenue if s = 0 then i3.neg := False; sgn := False; else i3.neg := True; sgn := True; i3.last_used:= 0; s:= 1; -- on fait "9-chaque chiffre" et on ajoute 1 au tout (s=retenue) for i in 0 .. max_ind loop s:= maxblock - i3.blk(i) + s; i3.blk(i):= s MOD cardblock; if i3.blk(i) /= 0 then i3.last_used:= i; end if; s:= s / cardblock; end loop; end if; end Sub_absolute; procedure Add(i1,i2: in multi_int; i3: in out multi_int) is sgn: Boolean; begin -- (1) Les cas o\`u i1 ou i2 = 0 if i1.zero and i2.zero then i3.zero:= True; elsif i1.zero then Fill( i3, i2 ); elsif i2.zero then Fill( i3, i1 ); -- (2) Maintenant: i1 /= 0 et i2 /= 0; on regarde les signes -- (2.1) Facile: i1 et i2 de m\^eme signe elsif i1.neg = i2.neg then Add_absolute( i1,i2, i3 ); -- On fait comme si i1>0 et i2>0 i3.neg:= i1.neg; -- et on met le bon signe -- (2.2) i1 < 0, i2 > 0, donc i3 = i2 - abs(i1) elsif i1.neg and not i2.neg then Sub_absolute( i2,i1, i3, sgn); -- (2.3) i1 > 0, i2 < 0, donc i3 = i1 - abs(i2) elsif i2.neg and not i1.neg then Sub_absolute( i1,i2, i3, sgn ); end if; end Add; function "+" (i1,i2: multi_int) return multi_int is somme: multi_int( Max(i1.n, i2.n) + 1 ); begin Add( i1,i2, somme ); return somme; end "+"; procedure Sub(i1,i2: in multi_int; i3: in out multi_int) is sgn: Boolean; begin -- (1) Les cas o\`u i1 ou i2 = 0 if i1.zero and i2.zero then i3.zero:= True; elsif i1.zero then Fill( i3, i2 ); i3.neg:= NOT i2.neg; elsif i2.zero then Fill( i3, i1 ); -- (2) Maintenant: i1 /= 0 et i2 /= 0; on regarde les signes -- (2.1) Facile: i1 et i2 de m\^eme signe elsif i1.neg = i2.neg then Sub_absolute( i1,i2, i3, sgn ); -- On fait comme si i1>0 et i2>0 if i1.neg then -- et on met le bon signe i3.neg:= NOT sgn; else i3.neg:= sgn; end if; -- (2.2) i1 < 0, i2 > 0, donc i3 = i1-i2 = - (abs(i1) + abs(i2)) elsif i1.neg and not i2.neg then Add_absolute( i1,i2, i3 ); i3.neg:= True; -- (2.3) i1 > 0, i2 < 0, donc i3 = i1-i2 = i1 + (-i2) = i1 + abs(i2) elsif i2.neg and not i1.neg then Add_absolute( i1,i2, i3 ); end if; end Sub; function "-" (i1,i2: multi_int) return multi_int is somme: multi_int( Max(i1.n, i2.n) + 1 ); begin Sub( i1,i2, somme ); return somme; end "-"; function "+" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return multi_int is begin return i1 + Multi(i2); end; function "+" (i1: basic_int; i2: multi_int) return multi_int is begin return Multi(i1) + i2; end; function "-" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return multi_int is begin return i1 - Multi(i2); end; function "-" (i1: basic_int; i2: multi_int) return multi_int is begin return Multi(i1) - i2; end; procedure Multiply(i1,i2: in multi_int; i3: in out multi_int) is l1: index_int:= i1.last_used; l2: index_int:= i2.last_used; d,s : long_basic_int; k : index_int; res : block_array( i3.blk'range ); -- res: buffer to avoid problems with Multiply(i,j,i) or Multiply(j,i,i) begin if DEBUG then Test(i1); Test(i2); end if; if i1.zero or i2.zero then i3.zero:= True; Return; end if; for k in res'range loop res(k):= 0; end loop; i3.zero:= False; i3.last_used:= i3.n; for j in 0..l1 loop d:= 0; k:= j; for i in 0..(l2+1) loop if i <= l2 then d:= d / cardblock + long_basic_int(i1.blk(j)) * long_basic_int(i2.blk(i)); else d:= d / cardblock; end if; s:= long_basic_int(res(k)) + d MOD cardblock; res(k):= block(s MOD cardblock); -- somme res(k+1):= res(k+1) + block(s / cardblock); -- retenue k:= k + 1; end loop; end loop; i3.blk:= res; Reduce_last_nonzero( i3 ); i3.neg:= i1.neg /= i2.neg; end Multiply; function "*" (i1,i2: multi_int) return multi_int is begin if i1.zero or i2.zero then return Multi(0); else declare prod: multi_int(i1.last_used+i2.last_used+2); begin Multiply( i1,i2, prod ); Return prod; end; end if; end; function "*" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return multi_int is begin return i1 * Multi(i2); end; function "*" (i1: basic_int; i2: multi_int) return multi_int is begin return Multi(i1) * i2; end; ----- Begin of DIVISION part ----- -- Interne: Division et reste en 1 coup procedure Div_Rem(a,b: long_basic_int; q,r: in out long_basic_int) is Conflict_with_REM: exception; begin q:= a / b; r:= a - b*q; if DEBUG and then r /= (a rem b) then Raise Conflict_with_REM; end if; end; procedure Divide_absolute_normalized ( u: in out multi_int; v: in multi_int; q: in out multi_int ) is qi: index_int := q.n; v1: long_basic_int := long_basic_int(v.blk(v.last_used )); v2: long_basic_int := long_basic_int(v.blk(v.last_used-1)); udigits : block_array renames u.blk; vdigits : block_array renames v.blk; vlast : index_int := v.last_used; v1L : long_basic_int := long_basic_int(v1); guess : long_basic_int ; comparand : long_basic_int ; function Divide_subtract ( ustart: index_int ) return block is ui : index_int := ustart; carry : long_basic_int := 0; begin if guess = 0 then return 0; end if; -- On soustrait (le chiffre du quotient) * diviseur au dividende for vi in 0 .. vlast loop declare prod: long_basic_int:= long_basic_int(vdigits(vi)) * guess + carry; bpro: block := block(prod MOD cardblock); diff: basic_int := udigits(ui) - bpro; begin if diff < 0 then udigits(ui) := diff + cardblock; carry := (prod / cardblock) + 1; else udigits(ui) := diff; carry := (prod / cardblock); end if; ui:= ui + 1; end; end loop; if carry = 0 then return block(guess MOD cardblock); end if; declare diff: basic_int := udigits(ui) - basic_int(carry MOD cardblock); begin if diff < 0 then udigits(ui) := diff + cardblock; -- carry generated else udigits(ui) := diff; return block(guess MOD cardblock); end if; end; -- Carry was generated declare icarry: basic_int := 0; begin ui := ustart; for vi in 0 .. vlast loop declare sum: basic_int := vdigits(vi) + udigits(ui) + icarry; begin udigits(ui) := sum MOD cardblock; ui:= ui + 1; icarry := sum / cardblock; end; end loop; if icarry = 1 then udigits(ui) := (udigits(ui)+1) MOD cardblock; end if; end; return block( (guess-1) MOD cardblock ); end Divide_subtract; begin -- Divide_absolute_normalized for i in q.blk'range loop q.blk(i):= 0; end loop; q.last_used:= q.n; q.zero:= True; for j in reverse vlast+1 .. u.last_used loop declare uj : long_basic_int := long_basic_int(udigits(j)); uj1: long_basic_int := long_basic_int(udigits(j-1)); uj2: long_basic_int := long_basic_int(udigits(j-2)); ujL: long_basic_int; rmL: long_basic_int; begin -- if uj = v1 then -- Code BigInt suspect (resultat faux) -- guess := cardblock-1; -- comparand := uj1 * cardblock + uj2 + v1; -- Code du cas general, adapte au fait que uj=v1=v1L -- -- ujL / uj = cardblock, donc... -- guess := cardblock; -- -- ujL rem uj = uj1 -- comparand := (uj1 * cardblock) + uj2; -- else -- cas general ujL := uj * cardblock + uj1; Div_Rem( ujL, v1L, guess, rmL ); comparand := (rmL * cardblock) + uj2; -- end if; while comparand < v2 * guess loop guess:= guess - 1; comparand:= comparand + v1L * cardblock; exit when comparand > cardblock * cardblock; end loop; q.blk(qi) := Divide_subtract( j - vlast - 1 ); if DEBUG and then NOT (q.blk(qi) in block) then raise Internal_error; end if; if q.zero and then q.blk(qi) /= 0 then -- n'arrive que 0 ou 1 fois q.zero:= false; q.last_used:= qi; end if; qi:= qi - 1; end; end loop; -- j if DEBUG then Test(q); end if; end Divide_absolute_normalized; -- Calculate u/v procedure Divide_absolute ( u,v: in multi_int; q,r: in out multi_int ) is shift: integer:= 0; v1: block:= v.blk(v.last_used); v1_zero: exception; u_work: multi_int(u.last_used+2); procedure Normalization ( source: in multi_int; target: in out multi_int ) is carry: integer:= 0; tl: constant index_int:= target.last_used; to_left_factor : constant integer:= 2 ** shift; to_right_factor : constant integer:= cardblock / to_left_factor; blk: block; no_room_for_carry: exception; begin for i in 0 .. source.last_used loop blk:= source.blk(i); target.blk(i) := ((blk MOD to_right_factor) * to_left_factor) + carry; carry := blk / to_right_factor; end loop; -- tabuler les MOD et / pour faire AND et shift !!! if source.last_used < tl then target.blk(source.last_used+1):= carry; end if; for i in source.last_used+2 .. tl loop target.blk(i):= 0; end loop; end Normalization; procedure Unnormalization ( m: in out multi_int) is carry: integer:= 0; to_right_factor : constant integer:= 2 ** shift; to_left_factor : constant integer:= cardblock / to_right_factor; blk: block; begin for i in reverse 0 .. m.last_used loop blk:= m.blk(i); m.blk(i) := (blk / to_right_factor) + carry; carry := (blk MOD to_right_factor) * to_left_factor; end loop; end Unnormalization; begin -- Calculate shift needed to normalize if v1=0 then raise v1_zero; end if; u_work.last_used:= u_work.n; u_work.zero:= false; while v1 < cardblock/2 loop shift:= shift + 1; v1:= v1 * 2; end loop; if shift = 0 then -- no shift needed u_work.blk( 0 .. u.last_used ):= u.blk( 0 .. u.last_used ); u_work.blk( u.last_used+1 .. u_work.last_used):= (0,0); Divide_absolute_normalized( u_work,v, q ); else declare -- shift needed v_work: multi_int(v.last_used); begin v_work.last_used:= v_work.n; Normalization( u, u_work ); Normalization( v, v_work ); Reduce_last_nonzero( v_work ); Divide_absolute_normalized( u_work,v_work, q ); Unnormalization( u_work ); end; end if; u_work.neg:= false; -- check friendly q.neg:= false; -- check friendly Reduce_last_nonzero( u_work ); Fill( r, u_work ); end Divide_absolute; procedure Divide_absolute ( u: in multi_int; v: in basic_int; q: in out multi_int; r: in out basic_int ) is lr: long_basic_int:= 0; ln: long_basic_int; lv: long_basic_int:= long_basic_int(v); Quotient_constraint_error: exception; last_u_nz: constant index_int:= u.last_used; u_zero: constant boolean:= u.zero; -- in case u and q are the same variables begin if q.n < last_u_nz then raise Quotient_constraint_error; end if; q.last_used:= 0; q.neg:= false; q.zero:= True; if u_zero then r:= 0; else for i in reverse 0 .. last_u_nz loop ln:= long_basic_int(u.blk(i)) + lr * cardblock; lr:= ln MOD lv; q.blk(i):= block(ln / lv); if q.zero and then q.blk(i)/= 0 then q.last_used:= i; q.zero:= False; end if; end loop; r:= basic_int(lr); end if; end Divide_absolute; procedure Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem (i1n,i2n: in boolean; qn,rn: out boolean) is begin -- Invariant: i1= i2*q+r on cherche (pos) = (pos)*(pos)+(pos) if i1n and i2n then -- i1<0; i2<0 (-i1) = (-i2) * q + (-r) qn:= False; -- Quotient > 0 -- rn:= True; -- Reste < 0 elsif i1n then -- i1<0; i2>0 (-i1) = i2 *(-q) + (-r) qn:= True; -- Quotient < 0 -- rn:= True; -- Reste < 0 elsif i2n then -- i1>0; i2<0 i1 = (-i2) *(-q) + r qn:= True; -- Quotient < 0 -- rn:= False; -- Reste > 0 else -- i1>0; i2>0 i1 = i2 * q + r qn:= False; -- Quotient > 0 -- rn:= False; -- Reste > 0 end if; -- on observe que... "(A rem B) has the sign of A " ARM 4.5.5 -- en effet on peut mettre: rn:= i1n; end Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem; procedure Div_Rem (i1: in multi_int; i2: in basic_int; q : in out multi_int; r: in out basic_int) is Division_by_zero: exception; i1_neg: constant boolean:= i1.neg; -- in case i1 and q are the same variables rneg: boolean; begin if DEBUG then Test(i1); end if; if i2=0 then Raise Division_by_zero; end if; Divide_absolute( i1, Abs(i2), q,r ); Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem( i1_neg,i2<0, q.neg, rneg ); if rneg then r:= -r; end if; end Div_Rem; procedure Div_Rem (i1,i2: in multi_int; q,r: in out multi_int) is Division_by_zero: exception; Remainder_constraint_error: exception; l1: constant index_int:= i1.last_used; l2: constant index_int:= i2.last_used; begin if DEBUG then Test(i1); Test(i2); end if; if i2.zero then Raise Division_by_zero; end if; if l2 = 0 then if l1 = 0 then -- On a affaire a une ridicule division d'entiers q.blk(0):= i1.blk(0) / i2.blk(0); r.blk(0):= i1.blk(0) - i2.blk(0)*q.blk(0); q.blk(0):= Abs(q.blk(0)); -- signes mis a la sortie... q.zero:= q.blk(0) = 0; q.last_used:= 0; else -- multi / entier Div_Rem ( i1, i2.blk(0), q, r.blk(0) ); end if; r.blk(0):= Abs(r.blk(0)); -- signes mis a la sortie... r.zero:= r.blk(0) = 0; r.last_used:= 0; else -- multi / multi case Compare_absolute(i2 , i1) is when greater => q.zero:= True; -- q:= 0; q.last_used:= 0; q.neg:= false; Fill( r, i1 ); -- r:= i1, q:=0 car i1 = 0 * i2 (>i1 en v.abs) + r Return; when equal => Fill( q, Multi(1) ); Fill( r, Multi(0) ); when smaller => -- cas <>: diviseur < dividende if l2 > r.n then Raise Remainder_constraint_error; end if; Divide_absolute( i1,i2, q,r ); if DEBUG then Testazzuro(i1); Testaverde(i2); end if; Reduce_last_nonzero( r ); if DEBUG then Test(q); Testarossa(r); end if; end case; end if; Solve_signs_for_Div_Rem( i1.neg,i2.neg, q.neg,r.neg ); end Div_Rem; function "/" (i1,i2: multi_int) return multi_int is q: multi_int(Max(0,i1.last_used - i2.last_used + 1)); r: multi_int(Max(i1.last_used,i2.last_used) + 2); begin Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r); return q; end "/"; function "/" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return multi_int is q: multi_int(i1.last_used + 1); r: basic_int; begin Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r); return q; end "/"; function "Rem" (i1,i2: multi_int) return multi_int is q: multi_int(Max(0,i1.last_used - i2.last_used + 1)); r: multi_int(Max(i1.last_used,i2.last_used) + 2); begin Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r); return r; end "Rem"; function "Rem" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return multi_int is begin return i1 Rem Multi(i2); end "Rem"; function "Rem" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return basic_int is q: multi_int(i1.last_used + 1); r: basic_int; begin Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r); return r; end "Rem"; function "Mod" (i1,i2: multi_int) return multi_int is q: multi_int(Max(0,i1.last_used - i2.last_used + 1)); r: multi_int(Max(i1.last_used,i2.last_used) + 2); begin -- Ada RM, 4.5.5 Multiplying Operators -- (8) -- The signed integer modulus operator is defined such that -- the result of A mod B has the sign of B and an absolute value -- less than the absolute value of B; in addition, for some signed -- integer value N, this result satisfies the relation: -- (9) A = B*N + (A mod B) Div_Rem(i1,i2, q,r); if r.zero or else i2.neg = r.neg then -- (A rem B) est nul ou return r; -- a le meme signe que B, donc (A mod B) = (A rem B) else -- signe opposes return i2+r; -- alors (B + (A rem B)) est le bon candidat end if; end "Mod"; function "Mod" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return multi_int is begin return i1 Mod Multi(i2); end "Mod"; function "Mod" (i1: multi_int; i2: basic_int) return basic_int is r: basic_int:= i1 Rem i2; begin if r=0 or else (i2<0) = (r<0) then -- (A rem B) est nul ou return r; -- a le meme signe que B, donc (A mod B) = (A rem B) else -- signe opposes return i2+r; -- alors (B + (A rem B)) est le bon candidat end if; end "Mod"; ----- End of DIVISION part ------ ----- Begin of POWER part ------- procedure Power (i: multi_int; n: Natural; ipn: out multi_int) is begin case n is when 0 => Fill( ipn, Multi(1) ); -- the i**0 = 1 case when 1 => Fill( ipn, i); -- the i**1 = i case when others => declare nn: natural:= n-1; i0, ii: multi_int((1+i.last_used) * index_int(n)+2); begin Fill(i0, i); Fill(ii, i0 ); while nn > 0 loop if nn MOD 2 = 0 then -- x^(2 c) = (x^2) ^c Mult(i0,i0, i0); nn:= nn / 2; else Mult(i0,ii, ii); nn:= nn - 1; end if; end loop; Fill( ipn, ii); end; end case; end Power; function "**" (i: multi_int; n: Natural) return multi_int is ipn: multi_int((1+i.last_used) * index_int(n)+2); begin Power(i,n,ipn); return ipn; end "**"; ----- End of POWER part --------- function Equal (i1,i2: multi_int) return boolean is begin if i1.zero and then i2.zero then return True; end if; if i1.zero = i2.zero and then i1.neg = i2.neg and then i1.last_used = i2.last_used then Return i1.blk(0..i1.last_used) = i2.blk(0..i2.last_used); else Return False; end if; end Equal; function ">" (i1,i2: multi_int) return Boolean is begin -- (1) Cas \'evident o\`u: i1 <= i2 if (i1.zero or i1.neg) and then -- i1 <= 0 et (i2.zero or not i2.neg) then -- i2 >= 0 return False; end if; -- (2.1) Cas \'evident o\`u: i1 > i2 if ((not i1.zero) and not i1.neg) and then -- i1 > 0 et (i2.zero or i2.neg) then -- i2 <= 0 return True; end if; -- (2.2) Cas \'evident o\`u: i1 > i2 if (i1.zero or not i1.neg) and then -- i1 >= 0 et ((not i2.zero) and i2.neg) then -- i2 < 0 return True; end if; -- Cas faciles resolus: -- i1 > i2 - 0 + ------------------- -- - # F F -- 0 T F F -- + T T # -- On a les cas avec "#", o\`u i1 et i2 ont le meme signe if i1.neg then Return NOT (Compare_absolute (i1,i2) = greater); else Return (Compare_absolute (i1,i2) = greater); end if; end ">"; function "<" (i1,i2: multi_int) return Boolean is begin return i2>i1; end; function ">=" (i1,i2: multi_int) return Boolean is begin return not (i2>i1); end; function "<=" (i1,i2: multi_int) return Boolean is begin return not (i1>i2); end; begin if 2*bitsblock >= long_basic_int'size then raise constraint_error; -- long_basic_int type is too small ! end if; if bitsblock >= basic_int'size then raise constraint_error; -- basic_int type is too small ! end if; end Multi_precision_integers;