----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001-2010, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public -- -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- -- General Public License for more details. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public -- -- License along with this library; if not, write to the -- -- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, -- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- These functions provide an applications programmer with default -- images and buttons for toolbars, menu pixmaps, etc. -- -- See the function Gtk.Widget.Render_Icon for a convenience function that -- converts a stock icon to an actual pixmap/pixbuf. -- -- 2.16.6 with Gdk.Types; with Gtkada.Types; package Gtk.Stock is type Gtk_Stock_Item is record Stock_Id : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr; Label : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr; Modifier : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type; Keyval : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type; Translation_Domain : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr; end record; pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Stock_Item); type Gtk_Stock_Item_Access is access all Gtk_Stock_Item; pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Stock_Item_Access); type Gtk_Stock_Item_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Gtk_Stock_Item; procedure Gtk_New (Item : out Gtk_Stock_Item; Stock_Id : String; Label : UTF8_String; Modifier : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type; Keyval : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type; Translation_Domain : String); -- Create a new stock item. procedure Add (Item : Gtk_Stock_Item); -- Register Item. -- If an item already exists with the same stock ID as one of the items, -- the old item gets replaced. The stock item is copied, so GtkAda does -- not hold any pointer into item and item can be freed. Use -- Add_Static if item is persistent and GtkAda need not copy the array. procedure Add (Items : Gtk_Stock_Item_Array); -- Register each of the stock items in Items. procedure Add_Static (Item : Gtk_Stock_Item); -- Same as Add, but do not copy Item, so Item must persist until -- application exit. procedure Add_Static (Items : Gtk_Stock_Item_Array); -- Same as Add, but do not copy Items, so Items must persist until -- application exit. procedure Lookup (Stock_Id : String; Item : out Gtk_Stock_Item; Success : out Boolean); -- Fill Item with the registered values for Stock_Id. -- Success if set to True of Stock_Id was known. procedure Free (Item : in out Gtk_Stock_Item); -- Free memory allocated in Item. -- Stock IDs (not all are stock items; some are images only) Stock_Dialog_Authentication : aliased constant String := "gtk-dialog-authentication"; Stock_Dialog_Info : aliased constant String := "gtk-dialog-info"; Stock_Dialog_Warning : aliased constant String := "gtk-dialog-warning"; Stock_Dialog_Error : aliased constant String := "gtk-dialog-error"; Stock_Dialog_Question : aliased constant String := "gtk-dialog-question"; Stock_Dnd : aliased constant String := "gtk-dnd"; Stock_Dnd_Multiple : aliased constant String := "gtk-dnd-multiple"; Stock_About : aliased constant String := "gtk-about"; Stock_Add : aliased constant String := "gtk-add"; Stock_Apply : aliased constant String := "gtk-apply"; Stock_Bold : aliased constant String := "gtk-bold"; Stock_Cancel : aliased constant String := "gtk-cancel"; Stock_Caps_Lock_Warning : aliased constant String := "gtk-caps-lock-warning"; Stock_Cdrom : aliased constant String := "gtk-cdrom"; Stock_Clear : aliased constant String := "gtk-clear"; Stock_Close : aliased constant String := "gtk-close"; Stock_Color_Picker : aliased constant String := "gtk-color-picker"; Stock_Convert : aliased constant String := "gtk-convert"; Stock_Connect : aliased constant String := "gtk-connect"; Stock_Copy : aliased constant String := "gtk-copy"; Stock_Cut : aliased constant String := "gtk-cut"; Stock_Delete : aliased constant String := "gtk-delete"; Stock_Directory : aliased constant String := "gtk-directory"; Stock_Discard : aliased constant String := "gtk-discard"; Stock_Disconnect : aliased constant String := "gtk-disconnect"; Stock_Edit : aliased constant String := "gtk-edit"; Stock_Execute : aliased constant String := "gtk-execute"; Stock_File : aliased constant String := "gtk-file"; Stock_Find : aliased constant String := "gtk-find"; Stock_Find_And_Replace : aliased constant String := "gtk-find-and-replace"; Stock_Floppy : aliased constant String := "gtk-floppy"; Stock_Fullscreen : aliased constant String := "gtk-fullscreen"; Stock_Goto_Bottom : aliased constant String := "gtk-goto-bottom"; Stock_Goto_First : aliased constant String := "gtk-goto-first"; Stock_Goto_Last : aliased constant String := "gtk-goto-last"; Stock_Goto_Top : aliased constant String := "gtk-goto-top"; Stock_Go_Back : aliased constant String := "gtk-go-back"; Stock_Go_Down : aliased constant String := "gtk-go-down"; Stock_Go_Forward : aliased constant String := "gtk-go-forward"; Stock_Go_Up : aliased constant String := "gtk-go-up"; Stock_Harddisk : aliased constant String := "gtk-harddisk"; Stock_Help : aliased constant String := "gtk-help"; Stock_Home : aliased constant String := "gtk-home"; Stock_Index : aliased constant String := "gtk-index"; Stock_Indent : aliased constant String := "gtk-indent"; Stock_Info : aliased constant String := "gtk-info"; Stock_Unindent : aliased constant String := "gtk-unindent"; Stock_Italic : aliased constant String := "gtk-italic"; Stock_Jump_To : aliased constant String := "gtk-jump-to"; Stock_Justify_Center : aliased constant String := "gtk-justify-center"; Stock_Justify_Fill : aliased constant String := "gtk-justify-fill"; Stock_Justify_Left : aliased constant String := "gtk-justify-left"; Stock_Justify_Right : aliased constant String := "gtk-justify-right"; Stock_Leave_Fullscreen : aliased constant String := "gtk-leave-fullscreen"; Stock_Missing_Image : aliased constant String := "gtk-missing-image"; Stock_Media_Forward : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-forward"; Stock_Media_Next : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-next"; Stock_Media_Pause : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-pause"; Stock_Media_Play : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-play"; Stock_Media_Previous : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-previous"; Stock_Media_Record : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-record"; Stock_Media_Rewind : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-rewind"; Stock_Media_Stop : aliased constant String := "gtk-media-stop"; Stock_Network : aliased constant String := "gtk-network"; Stock_New : aliased constant String := "gtk-new"; Stock_No : aliased constant String := "gtk-no"; Stock_Ok : aliased constant String := "gtk-ok"; Stock_Open : aliased constant String := "gtk-open"; Stock_Orientation_Portrait : aliased constant String := "gtk-orientation-portrait"; Stock_Orientation_Landscape : aliased constant String := "gtk-orientation-landscape"; Stock_Orientation_Reverse_Landscape : aliased constant String := "gtk-orientation-reverse-landscape"; Stock_Orientation_Reverse_Portrait : aliased constant String := "gtk-orientation-reverse-portrait"; Stock_Page_Setup : aliased constant String := "gtk-page-setup"; Stock_Paste : aliased constant String := "gtk-paste"; Stock_Preferences : aliased constant String := "gtk-preferences"; Stock_Print : aliased constant String := "gtk-print"; Stock_Print_Error : aliased constant String := "gtk-print-error"; Stock_Print_Paused : aliased constant String := "gtk-print-paused"; Stock_Print_Preview : aliased constant String := "gtk-print-preview"; Stock_Print_Report : aliased constant String := "gtk-print-report"; Stock_Print_Warning : aliased constant String := "gtk-print-warning"; Stock_Properties : aliased constant String := "gtk-properties"; Stock_Quit : aliased constant String := "gtk-quit"; Stock_Redo : aliased constant String := "gtk-redo"; Stock_Refresh : aliased constant String := "gtk-refresh"; Stock_Remove : aliased constant String := "gtk-remove"; Stock_Revert_To_Saved : aliased constant String := "gtk-revert-to-saved"; Stock_Save : aliased constant String := "gtk-save"; Stock_Save_As : aliased constant String := "gtk-save-as"; Stock_Select_All : aliased constant String := "gtk-select-all"; Stock_Select_Color : aliased constant String := "gtk-select-color"; Stock_Select_Font : aliased constant String := "gtk-select-font"; Stock_Sort_Ascending : aliased constant String := "gtk-sort-ascending"; Stock_Sort_Descending : aliased constant String := "gtk-sort-descending"; Stock_Spell_Check : aliased constant String := "gtk-spell-check"; Stock_Stop : aliased constant String := "gtk-stop"; Stock_Strikethrough : aliased constant String := "gtk-strikethrough"; Stock_Undelete : aliased constant String := "gtk-undelete"; Stock_Underline : aliased constant String := "gtk-underline"; Stock_Undo : aliased constant String := "gtk-undo"; Stock_Yes : aliased constant String := "gtk-yes"; Stock_Zoom_100 : aliased constant String := "gtk-zoom-100"; Stock_Zoom_Fit : aliased constant String := "gtk-zoom-fit"; Stock_Zoom_In : aliased constant String := "gtk-zoom-in"; Stock_Zoom_Out : aliased constant String := "gtk-zoom-out"; -- No binding: gtk_stock_list_ids -- No binding: gtk_stock_item_free -- No binding: gtk_stock_item_copy -- No binding: gtk_stock_set_translate_func end Gtk.Stock;