project Shared is type Build_Type is ("Debug", "Production"); Build : Build_Type := external ("BUILD", "Production"); Processors := external ("PROCESSORS", "1"); -- Number of parallel compilations that should be performed type Boolean_Type is ("True", "False"); Build_Gnome : Boolean_Type := external ("GNOME", "True"); Build_Opengl : Boolean_Type := external ("OPENGL", "True"); Build_Extra : Boolean_Type := external ("EXTRA", "True"); for Source_Files use (); package Compiler is case Build is when "Debug" => for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-gnatQ", "-gnatwae", "-gnatay", "-g", "-O1"); when "Production" => for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-gnatQ", "-O2", "-gnatn", "-gnatws"); end case; for Local_Configuration_Pragmas use "src/gnat.adc"; end Compiler; package Builder is for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-m", "-j" & Processors); for Global_Configuration_Pragmas use "src/gnat.adc"; end Builder; package Binder is case Build is when "Debug" => for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-E"); when "Production" => null; end case; end Binder; package IDE is for VCS_Kind use "subversion"; for VCS_Log_Check use "log_check"; for VCS_File_Check use "ci_check"; for Documentation_Dir use "html"; end IDE; end Shared;