for Pango 1.28.4

Basic Pango Interfaces
Rendering — Functions to run the rendering pipeline
Glyph Storage — Structures for storing information about glyphs
Fonts — Structures representing abstract fonts
Text Attributes — Font and other attributes for annotating text
Tab Stops — Structures for storing tab stops
Text Attribute Markup — Simple markup language to encode text with attributes
Layout Objects — High-level layout driver objects
Scripts and Languages — Identifying writing systems and languages
Bidirectional Text — Types and functions to help with handling bidirectional text
Vertical Text — Laying text out in vertical directions
Rendering with Pango
Win32 Fonts and Rendering — Functions for shape engines to manipulate Win32 fonts
FreeType Fonts and Rendering — Functions for shape engines to manipulate FreeType fonts
Xft Fonts and Rendering — Font handling and rendering with the Xft backend
Cairo Rendering — Rendering with the Cairo backend
ATSUI Fonts — Font handling with ATSUI fonts
Deprecated X font backend — Font handling and rendering with the deprecated X font backend
Low Level Functionality
PangoRenderer — Rendering driver base class
PangoFcFontMap — Base fontmap class for Fontconfig-based backends
PangoFcFont — Base font class for Fontconfig-based backends
PangoFcDecoder — Custom font encoding handling
OpenType Font Handling — Obtaining information from OpenType tables
Coverage Maps — Unicode character range coverage storage
Engines — Language-specific and rendering-system-specific processing
PangoEngineLang — Rendering-system independent script engines
PangoEngineShape — Rendering-system dependent script engines
Modules — Support for loadable modules
Miscellaneous Utilities — Various convenience and utility functions
Version Checking — Tools for checking Pango version at compile- and run-time.
Pango Tools
pango-querymodules — Module registration utility
Object Hierarchy
Index of deprecated symbols
Index of new symbols in 1.2
Index of new symbols in 1.4
Index of new symbols in 1.6
Index of new symbols in 1.8
Index of new symbols in 1.10
Index of new symbols in 1.12
Index of new symbols in 1.14
Index of new symbols in 1.16
Index of new symbols in 1.18
Index of new symbols in 1.20
Index of new symbols in 1.22
Index of new symbols in 1.24
Index of new symbols in 1.26
Index of new symbols in 1.26