Index of new symbols in 2.14


g_get_user_special_dir, function in Miscellaneous Utility Functions


g_hash_table_get_keys, function in Hash Tables
g_hash_table_get_values, function in Hash Tables


G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_GROUP, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_CATEGORIES, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_COMMENT, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_EXEC, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_GENERIC_NAME, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_HIDDEN, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_ICON, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_MIME_TYPE, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NAME, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NOT_SHOW_IN, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_NO_DISPLAY, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_ONLY_SHOW_IN, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_PATH, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_STARTUP_NOTIFY, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_STARTUP_WM_CLASS, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TERMINAL, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TRY_EXEC, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_TYPE, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_URL, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_KEY_VERSION, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_TYPE_APPLICATION, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_TYPE_DIRECTORY, macro in Key-value file parser
G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_TYPE_LINK, macro in Key-value file parser
g_key_file_load_from_dirs, function in Key-value file parser


GMatchInfo, struct in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_expand_references, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_fetch, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_fetch_all, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_fetch_named, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_fetch_named_pos, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_fetch_pos, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_free, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_get_match_count, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_get_regex, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_get_string, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_is_partial_match, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_matches, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_match_info_next, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
G_MAXSSIZE, macro in Limits of Basic Types
G_MINSSIZE, macro in Limits of Basic Types


g_once_init_enter, function in Threads
g_once_init_leave, function in Threads
g_option_context_get_help, function in Commandline option parser


g_queue_clear, function in Double-ended Queues
g_queue_init, function in Double-ended Queues
G_QUEUE_INIT, macro in Double-ended Queues


GRegex, struct in Perl-compatible regular expressions
GRegexCompileFlags, enum in Perl-compatible regular expressions
GRegexError, enum in Perl-compatible regular expressions
GRegexEvalCallback, user_function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
GRegexMatchFlags, enum in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_check_replacement, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_escape_string, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_get_capture_count, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_get_max_backref, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_get_pattern, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_get_string_number, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_match, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_match_all, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_match_all_full, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_match_full, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_match_simple, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_new, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_ref, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_replace, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_replace_eval, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_replace_literal, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_split, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_split_full, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_split_simple, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions
g_regex_unref, function in Perl-compatible regular expressions


g_sequence_append, function in Sequences
g_sequence_foreach, function in Sequences
g_sequence_foreach_range, function in Sequences
g_sequence_free, function in Sequences
g_sequence_get, function in Sequences
g_sequence_get_begin_iter, function in Sequences
g_sequence_get_end_iter, function in Sequences
g_sequence_get_iter_at_pos, function in Sequences
g_sequence_get_length, function in Sequences
g_sequence_insert_before, function in Sequences
g_sequence_insert_sorted, function in Sequences
g_sequence_insert_sorted_iter, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_compare, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_get_position, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_get_sequence, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_is_begin, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_is_end, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_move, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_next, function in Sequences
g_sequence_iter_prev, function in Sequences
g_sequence_move, function in Sequences
g_sequence_move_range, function in Sequences
g_sequence_new, function in Sequences
g_sequence_prepend, function in Sequences
g_sequence_range_get_midpoint, function in Sequences
g_sequence_remove, function in Sequences
g_sequence_remove_range, function in Sequences
g_sequence_search, function in Sequences
g_sequence_search_iter, function in Sequences
g_sequence_set, function in Sequences
g_sequence_sort, function in Sequences
g_sequence_sort_changed, function in Sequences
g_sequence_sort_changed_iter, function in Sequences
g_sequence_sort_iter, function in Sequences
g_sequence_swap, function in Sequences
g_slice_copy, function in Memory Slices
g_slice_dup, macro in Memory Slices
g_string_append_vprintf, function in Strings
g_string_chunk_clear, function in String Chunks
g_string_overwrite, function in Strings
g_string_overwrite_len, function in Strings
g_string_vprintf, function in Strings


g_timeout_add_seconds, function in The Main Event Loop
g_timeout_add_seconds_full, function in The Main Event Loop
g_timeout_source_new_seconds, function in The Main Event Loop


g_unichar_combining_class, function in Unicode Manipulation
g_unichar_get_script, function in Unicode Manipulation
g_unichar_ismark, function in Unicode Manipulation
g_unichar_iszerowidth, function in Unicode Manipulation
GUserDirectory, enum in Miscellaneous Utility Functions