Known problems fixed in GtkAda 2.24.2 - KA07-026 Text alignment in Gtk_Plot_Canvas Problem: Under Windows, when displaying text in a Gtk_Plot_Canvas, the base line for digits is not aligned with the base line for text. Workaround: No known workaround. Known problems fixed in GtkAda 2.24.0 - K726-004 Support for dead keys under Windows Problem: Under windows, the dead keys for acute accent and diaeresis, followed by a space, should produce respectively an apostrophe and double quotes. Workaround: No known workaround. - K718-021 X11 resources leak in Gtk.Extra.Plot Problem: The Gtk_Plot widget causes X11 resources leak every time the plot size is changed or the axis are modified. Workaround: No known workaround. Known problems fixed in GtkAda 2.22.0 - JC10-011 Gtkada.MDI gives focus when raising a window Problem: When selecting a floating window via the /Window menu, there were a number of cases where the window was not properly raised (depending on your window manager and system). The MDI will now additionally give the text focus to that window. Workaround: Call Raise_Child manually to make sure the window was raised - JC09-041 Gtk.Widget.Get_Snapshot fails and causes crashes Problem: Calling Gtk.Widget.Get_Snapshot causes memory corruption and potentially crashes. Workaround: Fix the binding to Get_Snapshot: parameter Clip_Rect should be a Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle_Access rather than a Gtk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle.