----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet -- -- Copyright (C) 2000-2011, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public -- -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- -- General Public License for more details. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public -- -- License along with this library; if not, write to the -- -- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, -- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This package provides an interactive canvas, on which the user can put -- items, move them with the mouse, etc. The items can be connected together, -- and the connections remain active while the items are moved. -- -- It also supports scrolling if put in a Gtk_Scrolled_Window. -- The canvas will be scrolled (and the selected items moved) if an item is -- selected and the mouse is dragged on a small area on the side of the canvas -- or even directly outside of the canvas. Scrolling will continue until the -- mouse is either released or moved back inside the canvas. -- -- The scrolling speed will slightly increase over time if the mouse is kept -- outside of the canvas. This makes the canvas much more comfortable to use -- for the user. -- -- All items put in this canvas must inherit from the type Canvas_Item_Record. -- However, it is your responsability, as a programmer, to provide drawing -- routines. In fact, all these items should draw in a pixmap, which is then -- copied automatically to the screen whenever the canvas needs to redraw -- itself. -- -- The items can also react to mouse events: mouse clicks are transmitted to -- the item if the mouse did not move more than a given amount of pixels. -- To decide what their reaction should be, you should override the -- On_Button_Click subprogram. -- -- This canvas is not intended for cases where you want to put hundreds of -- items on the screen. For instance, it does not provide any smart -- double-buffering other than the one provided by gtk+ itself, and thus you -- would get some flicker if there are too many items. -- -- There are three coordinate systems used by widget. All the subprograms -- expect a specific coordinate system as input or output. Here are the three -- systems: -- - World coordinates -- The position of an item is reported in pixels, as if the canvas -- currently had a zoom level of 100%. This is fully independent, at any -- time, from the current zoom level of the canvas. -- Since the canvas is considered to expand ad infinitum, the top-left -- corner doesn't have any specific fixed coordinates. It can be known by -- checking the current lower value of the adjustments (aka scrollbars). -- -- - Canvas coordinates -- This is similar to world coordinates, except these depend on the -- current zoom level of the canvas. This also affect the width and height -- of the objects in the canvas. -- The subprograms To_Canvas_Coordinates and To_World_Coordinates can be -- used to convert lengths from world to canvas coordinates. -- The same behavior as world coordinates applies for the top-left corner. -- All drawing to the screen, in particular for Draw_Background, must be -- done using this coordinate systems -- -- - Item coordinates -- The position of a point is relative to the top-left corner of the -- current item. This corner therefore has coordinates (0, 0). -- This coordinate systems assumes a zoom-level of 100% -- -- Items are selected automatically when they are clicked. If Control is -- pressed at the same time, multiple items can be selected. -- If the background is clicked (and control is not pressed), then all items -- are unselected. -- Pressing and dragging the mouse in the backgroudn draws a virtual box on -- the screen. All the items fully included in this box when it is released -- will be selected (this will replace the current selection if Control was -- not pressed). -- -- -- Drawing -- create_canvas.adb -- gtkada-canvas with Ada.Calendar; with Cairo; with Cairo.Region; with Gdk.Color; with Gdk.Event; with Glib; with Glib.Graphs; with Glib.Main; with Gtk.Adjustment; with Gtk.Drawing_Area; with Pango.Font; with Pango.Layout; package Gtkada.Canvas is type Interactive_Canvas_Record is new Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area_Record with private; type Interactive_Canvas is access all Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; -- A canvas on which items are put. -- Each item can be moved interactively by the user, and links can be -- drawn automatically from an item to another. -- This widget can be inserted directly in a scrolled window to provide -- support for scrolling. type Canvas_Item_Record is abstract new Glib.Graphs.Vertex with private; type Canvas_Item is access all Canvas_Item_Record'Class; -- An item that can be put on the canvas. -- This is an abstract type, as it does not provide any default drawing -- routine. You must override the abstract Draw subprogram. type Canvas_Link_Record is new Glib.Graphs.Edge with private; type Canvas_Link is access all Canvas_Link_Record'Class; type Canvas_Link_Access is access all Canvas_Link_Record; -- A link between two items in the canvas. -- The implementation provided in this package provides links that can -- be either straight links or curved links. -- This type is provided as a tagged type so that you can associated your -- own user data with it. ------------------- -- Customization -- ------------------- -- These are the default configuration values for the canvas. All the -- values can be changed by the Configure subprogram. Default_Annotation_Font : constant String := "Helvetica 8"; -- Font used when displaying link annotation. See Pango.Font for the -- format. Default_Grid_Size : constant := 15; -- Number of pixels between two dots on the grid. -- This is used for both horizontal and vertical orientation. Default_Arc_Link_Offset : constant := 25; -- Distance between two parallel arcs for two links. This is not the exact -- distance, and it only used to compute the control points for the bezier -- curves. Default_Arrow_Angle : constant := 30; -- Half angle for the arrows in degres Default_Arrow_Length : constant := 6; -- Length of the arrows in pixels. Default_Motion_Threshold : constant := 4.0; -- Mimimum motion the mouse must have before we start moving the selected -- item. If the mouse has moved less than that amount of pixels in any -- direction, then the mouse click is considered as being a selection -- only and is transfered to the item itself. -- This is in screen coordinates ---------------- -- Enum types -- ---------------- type Arrow_Type is (No_Arrow, -- the link does not have an arrow Start_Arrow, -- the link has an arrow at its beginning End_Arrow, -- the link has an arrow at the end Both_Arrow -- the link has an arrow on both sides ); -- Indicate whether the links have an arrow or not. ----------------------- -- Creating a canvas -- ----------------------- procedure Gtk_New (Canvas : out Interactive_Canvas; Auto_Layout : Boolean := True); -- Create a new empty Canvas. -- If Auto_Layout is True, then the items are automatically positioned as -- they are put in the canvas, if no coordinates are specified. procedure Initialize (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Auto_Layout : Boolean := True); -- Internal function used to initialize the canvas. procedure Configure (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Grid_Size : Glib.Guint := Default_Grid_Size; Annotation_Font : Pango.Font.Pango_Font_Description := Pango.Font.From_String (Default_Annotation_Font); Arc_Link_Offset : Glib.Gint := Default_Arc_Link_Offset; Arrow_Angle : Glib.Gint := Default_Arrow_Angle; Arrow_Length : Glib.Gint := Default_Arrow_Length; Motion_Threshold : Glib.Gdouble := Default_Motion_Threshold); -- Change the parameters for the canvas. -- A Grid_Size of 0 means than no grid should be drawn in the background of -- canvas. Note that in that case you can never activate Align_On_Grid. -- This setting doesn't apply if you have redefined Draw_Background, which -- may not draw a grid. function Get_Vadj (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) return Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment; -- Return the vertical adjustment associated with Canvas function Get_Hadj (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) return Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment; -- Return the horizontal adjustment associated with Canva procedure Get_Bounding_Box (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Width : out Glib.Gdouble; Height : out Glib.Gdouble); -- Return the size occupied by the items drawn on the canvas. procedure Draw_Area (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Rect : Cairo.Region.Cairo_Rectangle_Int); -- Draw in Canvas the specified area. procedure Draw_All (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context); -- Draws the whole canvas in Cr. Useful to print the canvas on an SVG or -- PNG surface. procedure Draw_Background (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context); -- Draw the background of the canvas. This procedure should be overriden if -- you want to draw something else on the background. It must first clear -- the area on the screen. -- -- The default implementation draws a grid. -- -- An example implementation that draws a background image is shown at the -- end of this file. procedure Draw_Grid (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context); -- Helper function that can be called from Draw_Background. It cannot be -- used directly as Draw_Background, since it doesn't clear the area first. procedure Set_Orthogonal_Links (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Orthogonal : Boolean); -- If Orthogonal is True, then all the links will be drawn only with -- vertical and horizontal lines. This is not applied for the second or -- more link between two items. function Get_Orthogonal_Links (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record) return Boolean; -- Return True if the links are only drawn horizontally and vertically. procedure Align_On_Grid (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Align : Boolean := True); -- Choose whether the items should be aligned on the grid when moved. -- Existing items are not moved even if you set this parameter to True, -- this will only take effect the next time the items are moved. function Get_Align_On_Grid (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record) return Boolean; -- Return True if items are currently aligned on grid. procedure Move_To (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class; X, Y : Glib.Gint := Glib.Gint'First); -- Move the item in the canvas, to world coordinates (X, Y). -- Item is assumed to be already in the canvas. -- If you leave both coordinates X and Y to their default value, then the -- item's location will be automatically computed when you layout the -- canvas (it is your responsability to call Layout). procedure Set_Items (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Items : Glib.Graphs.Graph); -- Set the items and links to display in the canvas from Items. -- All items previously in the canvas are removed, and replaced by the -- vertices in Items. -- Note that the vertices in Items must be in Canvas_Item_Record'Class, and -- the links must be in Canvas_Link_Record'Class. -- If you do not have an automatic layout set up in Canvas, you need to set -- the coordinates of all the vertices by calling Move_To separately. -- -- You mustn't destroy items yourself, this is done automatically when the -- canvas is destroyed. procedure Put (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class; X, Y : Glib.Gint := Glib.Gint'First); -- Add a new item to the canvas, at world coordinates (X, Y). -- The item is added at a specific location. -- If you leave both X and Y to their default value, the item's location -- will be computed automatically when you call Layout on the canvas, -- unless Auto_Layout has been set, in which case the position will be -- computed immediately. function Item_At_Coordinates (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; X, Y : Glib.Gint) return Canvas_Item; -- Return the item at world coordinates (X, Y) which is on top of all -- others. -- null is returned if there is no such item. function Item_At_Coordinates (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Canvas_Item; -- Same as above, but using the canvas coordinates of the event, taking -- into account the current zoom level and current scrolling procedure Item_At_Coordinates (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event; Item : out Canvas_Item; X, Y : out Glib.Gint); -- Same as above, but also returns the coordinates (X, Y) within the item. -- The coordinates are not set if Item is null on exit. procedure Clear (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record); -- Remove all items from the canvas procedure Remove (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class); -- Remove an item and all the links to and from it from the canvas. -- The item itself is not freed, but the links are. -- Nothing is done if the item is not part of the canvas. procedure Item_Updated (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class); -- This should be called when Item has changed the contents of its -- pixmap, and thus the Canvas should be updated. procedure Refresh_Canvas (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record); -- Redraw the whole canvas (both in the double buffer and on the screen). procedure Raise_Item (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class); -- Raise the item so that it is displayed on top of all the others -- The canvas is refreshed as needed to reflect the change. -- Nothing happens if Item is not part of the canvas. procedure Lower_Item (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class); -- Lower the item so that it is displayed below all the others. -- The canvas is refreshed as needed to reflect the change. -- Nothing happens if Item is not part of the canvas. function Is_On_Top (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class) return Boolean; -- Return True if Item is displayed on top of all the others in the canvas. procedure Show_Item (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class); -- Scroll the canvas so that Item is visible. Nothing is done if the item -- is already visible procedure Align_Item (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class; X_Align : Float := 0.5; Y_Align : Float := 0.5); -- Scroll the canvas so that the Item appears at the given location in the -- canvas. If X_Align is 0.0, the item is align on the left. With 0.5, it -- is centered horizontally. If 1.0, it is aligned on the right. function Get_Arrow_Angle (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) return Glib.Gdouble; -- Return the angle of arrows in the canvas. function Get_Arrow_Length (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class) return Glib.Gint; -- Return the length of arrows in the canvas. -------------------------- -- Iterating over items -- -------------------------- type Item_Processor is access function (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class) return Boolean; procedure For_Each_Item (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Execute : Item_Processor; Linked_From_Or_To : Canvas_Item := null); -- Execute an action on each of the items contained in the canvas. -- If Execute returns False, we stop traversing the list of children. -- It is safe to remove the items in Item_Processor. -- -- If Linked_From_Or_To is not null, then only the items linked to this one -- will be processed. It is possible that a given item will be returned -- twice, if it is both linked to and from the item. type Item_Iterator is private; function Start (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Linked_From_Or_To : Canvas_Item := null; Selected_Only : Boolean := False) return Item_Iterator; -- Return the first item in the canvas. -- The same restriction as above applies if Linked_From_Or_To is not null. procedure Next (Iter : in out Item_Iterator); function Next (Iter : Item_Iterator) return Item_Iterator; -- Move the iterator to the next item. -- All items will eventually be returned if you do not add new items during -- the iteration and none are removed. However, it is safe to remove items -- at any time, except the current item function Get (Iter : Item_Iterator) return Canvas_Item; -- Return the item pointed to by the iterator. -- null is returned when there are no more item in the canvas. function Is_Linked_From (Iter : Item_Iterator) return Boolean; -- Return True if there is a link from: -- Get (Iter) -> Linked_From_Or_To -- Linked_From_Or_To is the item passed to Start. False is returned if this -- item was null. ------------- -- Zooming -- ------------- procedure Zoom (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Percent : Glib.Gdouble := 1.0; Length : Duration := 0.0); -- Zoom in or out in the canvas. -- -- Length is the length of the zooming animation. -- -- Note that one possible use for this function is to refresh the canvas -- and emit the "zoomed" signal, which might redraw all the items. This can -- be accomplished by keeping the default 1.0 value for Percent. function Get_Zoom (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record) return Glib.Gdouble; -- Return the current zoom level procedure Get_World_Coordinates (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; X, Y : out Glib.Gdouble; Width : out Glib.Gdouble; Height : out Glib.Gdouble); -- Return the world coordinates of Canvas. --------------------- -- Layout of items -- --------------------- type Layout_Algorithm is access procedure (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Graph : Glib.Graphs.Graph; Force : Boolean; Vertical_Layout : Boolean); -- A general layout algorithm. It should compute the position of all the -- vertices of the graph, and set them directly in the graph itself. -- Note: all the vertices in the graph are of type Canvas_Item_Record'Class -- and you should use that to set the coordinates through a call to -- Move_To. -- -- Algorithms are encouraged to preserve the current layout as much as -- possible, taking into account items that have been moved manually by -- the user, so that the latter can preserver his mental map of the graph. -- However, if Force is set to True, then the whole layout should be -- recomputed as if all items had just been inserted. -- -- Items that have just been inserted in the graph, but whose position has -- never been computed, are set at coordinates (Gint'First, Gint'First). -- Check the result of Get_Coord. -- -- This function doesn't need to align items, this is done automatically by -- the canvas if necessary. procedure Set_Layout_Algorithm (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Algorithm : Layout_Algorithm); -- Set the layout algorithm to use to compute the position of the items. -- Algorithm mustn't be null. procedure Default_Layout_Algorithm (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Graph : Glib.Graphs.Graph; Force : Boolean; Vertical_Layout : Boolean); -- The default algorithm used in the canvas. -- Basically, items are put next to each other, unless there is a link -- between two items. In that case, the second item is put below the first, -- as space allows. procedure Set_Auto_Layout (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Auto_Layout : Boolean); -- If Auto_Layout is true, then every time an item is inserted in the -- canvas, the layout algorithm is called. If set to False, it is the -- responsability of the caller to call Layout below to force a -- recomputation of the layout, preferably after inserting a number of -- items. procedure Set_Layout_Orientation (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Vertical_Layout : Boolean := False); -- Specify the layout orientation to use for this canvas. The setting is -- passed as a parameter to the layout algorithm procedure Layout (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Force : Boolean := False); -- Recompute the layout of the canvas. -- Force can be used to control the layout algorithm, as described above -- for Layout_Algorithm. ----------- -- Links -- ----------- procedure Configure (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record; Arrow : Arrow_Type := End_Arrow; Descr : Glib.UTF8_String := ""); -- Configure a link. -- The link is an oriented bound between two items on the canvas. -- If Descr is not the empty string, it will be displayed in the middle -- of the link, and should indicate what the link means. -- Arrow indicates whether some arrows should be printed as well. function Get_Descr (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record) return Glib.UTF8_String; -- Return the description for the link, or "" if there is none function Get_Arrow_Type (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record) return Arrow_Type; -- Return the location of the arrows on Link procedure Set_Src_Pos (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record; X_Pos, Y_Pos : Glib.Gfloat := 0.5); -- Set the position of the link's attachment in its source item. -- X_Pos and Y_Pos should be given between 0.0 and 1.0 (from left to right -- or top to bottom).. -- By default, all links are considered to be attached to the center of -- items. However, in some cases it is more convenient to attach it to a -- specific part of the item. For instance, you can force a link to always -- start from the top of the item by setting Y_Pos to 0.0. procedure Set_Dest_Pos (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record; X_Pos, Y_Pos : Glib.Gfloat := 0.5); -- Same as Set_Src_Pos for the destination item procedure Get_Src_Pos (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record; X, Y : out Glib.Gfloat); -- Return the attachment position of the link along its source item procedure Get_Dest_Pos (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record; X, Y : out Glib.Gfloat); -- Return the attachment position of the link along its destination item function Has_Link (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; From, To : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class; Name : Glib.UTF8_String := "") return Boolean; -- Test whether there is a link from From to To, with the same name. -- If Name is the empty string "", then no check is done on the name, -- and True if returned if there is any link between the two items. procedure Add_Link (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Link : access Canvas_Link_Record'Class; Src : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class; Dest : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class; Arrow : Arrow_Type := End_Arrow; Descr : Glib.UTF8_String := ""); -- Add Link in the canvas. This connects the two items Src and Dest. -- Simpler procedure to add a standard link. -- This takes care of memory allocation, as well as adding the link to -- the canvas. procedure Remove_Link (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Link : access Canvas_Link_Record'Class); -- Remove a link from the canvas. -- It also destroys the link itself, and free the memory allocated to it. -- Nothing is done if Link does not belong to canvas. type Link_Processor is access function (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Link : access Canvas_Link_Record'Class) return Boolean; procedure For_Each_Link (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Execute : Link_Processor; From, To : Canvas_Item := null); -- Execute an action on each of the links contained in the canvas. -- If Execute returns False, we stop traversing the list of links. -- It is safe to remove the link from the list in Link_Processor. -- -- (From, To) can be used to limit what links are looked for. -- -- ??? Would be nicer to give direct access to the Graph iterators procedure Destroy (Link : in out Canvas_Link_Record); -- Method called every time a link is destroyed. You should override this -- if you define your own link types. -- Note that the link might already have been removed from the canvas -- when this subprogram is called. -- This shouldn't free the link itself, only its fields. ------------------- -- Drawing links -- ------------------- -- Drawing of links can be controlled at several levels: -- - Redefining Update_Links gives control at the canvas level. This can -- be used to implement routing algorithms for the links where the -- routes must be computed before any link is actually drawn (otherwise -- it is better to redefine Draw_Link). It can also be used to control -- in what order the links should be drawn. -- - Redefining Draw_Link gives the opportunity to draw links any way you -- need (several bends, ...). It can be used to control the routing of -- this specific link, for routing algorithms that only rely on the -- items layout and not on other links. Otherwise see Update_Links. -- - Redefining Draw_Straight_Line if slightly lower-level. This is -- called by the default Draw_Link procedure, once the ends of the -- links have been computed. procedure Update_Links (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context; Invert_Mode : Boolean; From_Selection : Boolean); -- Redraw all the links in the canvas, after the items have been laid out. -- -- If From_Selection is true, then only the links to or from one of the -- selected items need to be drawn. procedure Draw_Link (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Link : access Canvas_Link_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context; Edge_Number : Glib.Gint; Show_Annotation : Boolean := True); -- Redraw the link on the canvas. -- Note that this is a primitive procedure of Link, not of Canvas, and thus -- can easily be overrided for specific links. The default version draws -- either straight or arc links (the latter when there are multiple links -- between two given items). -- This function shouldn't be called if one of the two ends of the link is -- invisible. -- -- Cr is the Cairo_Context that is used to draw the link. -- The link is drawn using the current cairo brush, so if you need to -- specify some particular color, you can do it directly in the -- Cairo_Context -- -- Edge_Number indicates the index of link in the list of links that join -- the same source to the same destination. It should be used so that two -- links do not overlap (for instance, the default is to draw the first -- link straight, and the others as arcs). type Item_Side is (East, West, North, South); -- Each side of an item, along its rectangle bounding box procedure Clip_Line (Src : access Canvas_Item_Record; Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; To_X : Glib.Gint; To_Y : Glib.Gint; X_Pos : Glib.Gfloat; Y_Pos : Glib.Gfloat; Side : out Item_Side; X_Out : out Glib.Gint; Y_Out : out Glib.Gint); -- Clip the line that goes from Src at pos (X_Pos, Y_Pos) to (To_X, To_Y) -- in world coordinates. -- The intersection between that line and the border of Rect is returned -- in (X_Out, Y_Out). The result should be in world coordinates. -- X_Pos and Y_Pos have the same meaning as Src_X_Pos and Src_Y_Pos in the -- link record. -- This procedure is called when computing the position for the links -- within the default Draw_Link procedure. The default implementation only -- works with rectangular items. The computed coordinates are then passed -- on directly to Draw_Straight_Line. procedure Draw_Straight_Line (Link : access Canvas_Link_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context; Src_Side : Item_Side; X1, Y1 : Glib.Gdouble; Dest_Side : Item_Side; X2, Y2 : Glib.Gdouble); -- Draw a straight link between two points. This could be overriden if you -- need to draw an something along the link. -- The links goes from (Src, X1, Y1) to (Dest, X2, Y2), in canvas -- coordinates. The coordinates have already been clipped so that they do -- not override the item. --------------- -- Selection -- --------------- procedure Clear_Selection (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record); -- Clear the list of currently selected items. procedure Add_To_Selection (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class); -- Add Item to the selection. This is only meaningful during a drag -- operation (ie during a button press and the matching button -- release). Item will be moved at the same time that the selection is -- moved. -- Item is not added again if it is already in the selection. -- This function can be called from the Button_Click subprogram to force -- moving items. -- This emits the "item_selected" signal. procedure Remove_From_Selection (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class); -- Remove Item from the selection. -- This emits the "item_unselected" signal. procedure Select_All (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record); -- Select all the Item in the canvas. function Is_Selected (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record; Item : access Canvas_Item_Record'Class) return Boolean; -- Return True if the item is currently selected ------------------------ -- Items manipulation -- ------------------------ function Canvas (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record) return Interactive_Canvas; -- Retrieve the canvas this item is attached to, or null if it does not -- belong to a canvas. procedure Selected (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record; Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; Is_Selected : Boolean); -- Called when the item is selected or unselected. -- The default is to do nothing. function Point_In_Item (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record; X, Y : Glib.Gint) return Boolean; -- This function should return True if (X, Y) is inside the item. X and Y -- are in world coordinates. -- This function is meant to be overriden for non-rectangular items, since -- the default behavior works for rectangular items. -- This function is never called for invisible items procedure Set_Screen_Size (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record; Width : Glib.Gint; Height : Glib.Gint); -- Set the size of bounding box for the item in world coordinates. -- The item itself needn't occupy the whole area of this bounding box, -- see Point_In_Item. -- You need to redraw the item, and call Item_Updated to force the canvas -- to refresh the screen. procedure Draw_Selected (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context); -- Draws a selected item. By default, this adds a semi-transparent overlay -- above the item, drawn using the below call to Draw procedure Draw (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context) is abstract; -- This subprogram, that must be overridden, should draw the item on -- Cr. The Item is drawn from coordinates (0,0), and does not need to take -- care of the zoom level. -- If you need to change the contents of the item, you should call -- Item_Updated after having done the drawing. procedure Destroy (Item : in out Canvas_Item_Record); -- Free the memory occupied by the item (not the item itself). You should -- override this function if you define your own widget type, but always -- call the parent's Destroy subprogram. function On_Button_Click (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record; Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button) return Boolean; -- Function called whenever mouse events occured. -- The following mouse events may be received: -- Mouse_Press, -- Motion_Notify -- (only once the mouse is pressed, and On_Button_Click returned True), -- Mouse_Release -- (only once the mouse is pressed, and On_Button_Click returned True), -- Returns whether the event was handled or not. -- -- The coordinates (X, Y) in the Event are relative to the top-left corner -- of Item. function Get_Coord (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record) return Cairo.Region.Cairo_Rectangle_Int; -- Return the coordinates and size of the bounding box for item, in world -- coordinates. -- If the item has never been resized, it initially has a width and height -- of 1. procedure Set_Visibility (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record; Visible : Boolean); -- Set the visibility status of the item. An invisible item will not be -- visible on the screen, and will not take part in the computation of the -- the scrollbars for the canvas. -- The canvas is not refreshed (this is your responsibility to do it after -- you have finished doing all the modifications). function Is_Visible (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record) return Boolean; -- Return True if the item is currently visible function Is_From_Auto_Layout (Item : access Canvas_Item_Record) return Boolean; -- Return True if the current location of the item is the result from the -- auto layout algorithm. -- False is returned if the item was moved manually by the user. -------------------- -- Buffered items -- -------------------- type Buffered_Item_Record is new Canvas_Item_Record with private; type Buffered_Item is access all Buffered_Item_Record'Class; -- A widget that has a double-buffer associated. You should use this one -- when drawing items can take a long time, or you do not want to handle -- the zoom yourself. -- You only need to update the contents of the double pixmap when the -- contents of the item changes, since all the drawing and zooming is -- taken care of automatically. Once the drawing is done, call Item_Updated -- to force the canvas to refresh the screen. -- This buffered_item is meant to handle rectangular items. However, it can -- be used for polygonal items by overriding Draw. The new version should -- set the clip mask for the GC, then call Draw for the buffered item, and -- finally reset the clip mask. The clip mask must take into account the -- current zoom level. function Surface (Item : access Buffered_Item_Record) return Cairo.Cairo_Surface; -- Return the double-buffer. ------------- -- Signals -- ------------- -- -- The following new signals are defined for this widget: -- -- - "background_click" -- procedure Handler (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; -- Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event); -- -- Called every time the user clicks in the background (ie not on an item, -- or On_Button_Click would be called). -- This is called both on Button_Release and Button_Press events. -- The coordinates (X, Y) in the Event are relative to the top-left corner -- of Canvas. -- -- - "item_selected" -- procedure Handler (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; -- Item : Canvas_Item); -- -- Emitted when the user has clicked on an item to select it, ie before any -- drag even has occured. This is a good time to add other items to the -- selection if you need. At thee same time, the primitive operation -- Selected is called for the item. -- -- - "item_unselected" -- procedure Handler (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; -- Item : Canvas_Item); -- -- Emitted when the Item was unselected. At the same time, the primitive -- operation Selected is called for the item. -- -- - "item_moved" -- procedure Handler (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class; -- Item : Canvas_Item); -- -- Emitted when Item has been moved. New coordinates have been assigned to -- Item. However, the canvas hasn't been refreshed yet. This signal might -- be called multiple time when the user finishes a drag action, in case -- there were several selected items. -- -- - "zoomed" -- procedure Handler (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class); -- -- Emitted when the canvas has been zoomed in or out. You do not need to -- redraw the items yourself, since this will be handled by calls to Draw -- -- - "set_scroll_adjustments" -- procedure Handler (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class); -- -- Emitted when the canvas has scrolled. -- -- Signal_Background_Click : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "background_click"; Signal_Item_Selected : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "item_selected"; Signal_Item_Unselected : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "item_unselected"; Signal_Item_Moved : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "item_moved"; Signal_Zoomed : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "zoomed"; Signal_Set_Scroll_Adjustments : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "set_scroll_adjustments"; private type String_Access is access Glib.UTF8_String; type Canvas_Link_Record is new Glib.Graphs.Edge with record Descr : String_Access; Arrow : Arrow_Type := End_Arrow; Src_X_Pos : Glib.Gfloat := 0.5; Src_Y_Pos : Glib.Gfloat := 0.5; Dest_X_Pos : Glib.Gfloat := 0.5; Dest_Y_Pos : Glib.Gfloat := 0.5; -- Position of the link's attachment in each of the src and dest items. end record; type Interactive_Canvas_Record is new Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area_Record with record Children : Glib.Graphs.Graph; World_X, World_Y : Glib.Gdouble; -- The World coordinates at canvas (0,0) Layout : Layout_Algorithm := Default_Layout_Algorithm'Access; Auto_Layout : Boolean := True; Vertical_Layout : Boolean := False; -- The algorithm to use when laying out items on the canvas. World_X_At_Click : Glib.Gdouble; World_Y_At_Click : Glib.Gdouble; -- Coordinates of the last button_press event in the canvas. -- These are world-coordinates, so that even if the canvas is scrolled -- they remain valid Selected_Count : Natural := 0; -- Number of selected items Offset_X_World : Glib.Gint; Offset_Y_World : Glib.Gint; -- How much world-coordinates have we moved the mouse since the last -- button press event ? Mouse_Has_Moved : Boolean; -- True if mouse has moved while the button was clicked. This is used -- to distinguish between item motion and item selection. Background_Press : Boolean; -- True if the mouse press event occured in the background Item_Press : Canvas_Item; -- Points to the canvas item that received the press event Show_Item : Canvas_Item; Show_Canvas_X, Show_Canvas_Y : Glib.Gdouble; -- The item that should be made visible when the canvas is resized. -- This is required since the canvas doesn't necessarily have a size yet -- when Show_Item() is called the first time. Grid_Size : Glib.Guint := Default_Grid_Size; -- The current number of pixels between each dot of the grid. If this -- is strictly below 2, the grid is not drawn. Arc_Link_Offset : Glib.Gint := Default_Arc_Link_Offset; Arrow_Angle : Glib.Gdouble; Arrow_Length : Glib.Gint := Default_Arrow_Length; Motion_Threshold : Glib.Gdouble := Default_Motion_Threshold; Align_On_Grid : Boolean := False; Black_Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color := Gdk.Color.Null_Color; Sel_Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color := Gdk.Color.Null_Color; Annotation_Layout : Pango.Layout.Pango_Layout; -- Layout used to draw the annotations Hadj, Vadj : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment; Scrolling_Timeout_Id : Glib.Main.G_Source_Id := 0; Orthogonal_Links : Boolean := False; -- True if the links should be orthogonal Surround_Box_Scroll : Glib.Gdouble; -- Amount of scrolling for each step while the cursor is left in the -- surrounding box. Zoom : Glib.Gdouble := 1.0; -- Zoom level in percent (100% is normal size) Initial_Zoom : Glib.Gdouble := 1.0; Target_Zoom : Glib.Gdouble := 1.0; Zoom_Duration : Duration := 0.0; Zoom_Start : Ada.Calendar.Time; Zoom_X : Glib.Gdouble := 0.0; Zoom_Y : Glib.Gdouble := 0.0; -- Variables used while smooth-scrolling the canvas Freeze : Boolean := False; end record; type Canvas_Item_Record is abstract new Glib.Graphs.Vertex with record Canvas : Interactive_Canvas := null; Coord : aliased Cairo.Region.Cairo_Rectangle_Int; -- This is the bounding box of the item Visible : Boolean := True; Selected : Boolean := False; From_Auto_Layout : Boolean := True; -- True if the item's current location is the result of the automatic -- layout algorithm. end record; type Buffered_Item_Record is new Canvas_Item_Record with record Pixmap : Cairo.Cairo_Surface := Cairo.Null_Surface; end record; procedure Set_Screen_Size (Item : access Buffered_Item_Record; Width, Height : Glib.Gint); -- See documentation from inherited subprogram procedure Draw (Item : access Buffered_Item_Record; Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context); -- Draw the item's double-buffer onto Dest. procedure Destroy (Item : in out Buffered_Item_Record); -- Free the double-buffer allocated for the item type Item_Iterator is record Vertex : Glib.Graphs.Vertex_Iterator; Edge : Glib.Graphs.Edge_Iterator; Linked_From_Or_To : Canvas_Item; Selected_Only : Boolean; end record; pragma Inline (Get_Arrow_Type); end Gtkada.Canvas; -- -- -- The following example shows a possible Draw_Background procedure, -- -- that draws a background image on the canvas's background. It fully -- -- handles zooming and tiling of the image. Note that drawing a large -- -- image will dramatically slow down the performances. -- -- Bg_Image : constant String := "my_background.png"; -- -- procedure Draw_Background -- (Canvas : access Image_Canvas_Record; -- Cr : Cairo.Cairo_Context) -- is -- Surface : Cairo.Cairo_Surface; -- Background : Cairo.Cairo_Pattern; -- begin -- Surface := Cairo.Png.Create_From_Png (Bg_Image); -- Background := Cairo.Pattern.Create_For_Surface (Surface); -- Cairo.Pattern.Set_Extend (Canvas.Background, Cairo_Extend_Repeat); -- Destroy (Surface); -- Cairo.Save (Cr); -- Cairo.Set_Source (Cr, Canvas.Background); -- Cairo.Paint (Cr); -- Cairo.Restore (Cr); -- end Draw_Background; --