----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet -- -- Copyright (C) 2000-2011, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public -- -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- -- General Public License for more details. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public -- -- License along with this library; if not, write to the -- -- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, -- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This widget provides completion functionality for Gtk.Gentry.Gtk_Entry. -- -- "Completion functionality" means that when the user modifies the text in -- the entry, GtkEntryCompletion checks which rows in the model match the -- current content of the entry, and displays a list of matches. By default, -- the matching is done by comparing the entry text case-insensitively against -- the text column of the model (see Set_Text_Column), but this can be -- overridden with a custom match function (see Set_Match_Func). -- -- When the user selects a completion, the content of the entry is updated. -- By default, the content of the entry is replaced by the text column of the -- model, but this can be overridden by connecting to the ::match-selected -- signal and updating the entry in the signal handler. Note that you should -- return TRUE from the signal handler to suppress the default behaviour. -- -- To add completion functionality to an entry, use Gtk.Entry.Set_Completion. -- -- In addition to regular completion matches, which will be inserted into the -- entry when they are selected, GtkEntryCompletion also allows to display -- "actions" in the popup window. Their appearance is similar to menuitems, to -- differentiate them clearly from completion strings. When an action is -- selected, the ::action-activated signal is emitted. -- -- -- Numeric/Text Data Entry pragma Warnings (Off, "*is already use-visible*"); with Glib; use Glib; with Glib.Object; use Glib.Object; with Glib.Properties; use Glib.Properties; with Glib.Types; use Glib.Types; with Gtk.Buildable; use Gtk.Buildable; with Gtk.Cell_Layout; use Gtk.Cell_Layout; with Gtk.Tree_Model; use Gtk.Tree_Model; with Gtk.Widget; use Gtk.Widget; with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings; package Gtk.Entry_Completion is type Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record is new GObject_Record with null record; type Gtk_Entry_Completion is access all Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class; type C_Gtk_Entry_Completion_Match_Func is access function (Completion : System.Address; Key : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; Iter : Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Iter; Data : System.Address) return Boolean; pragma Convention (C, C_Gtk_Entry_Completion_Match_Func); ------------------ -- Constructors -- ------------------ procedure Gtk_New (Completion : out Gtk_Entry_Completion); procedure Initialize (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class); -- Creates a new Gtk.Entry_Completion.Gtk_Entry_Completion object. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 function Get_Type return Glib.GType; pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_entry_completion_get_type"); ------------- -- Methods -- ------------- procedure Complete (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record); -- Requests a completion operation, or in other words a refiltering of the -- current list with completions, using the current key. The completion -- list view will be updated accordingly. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 procedure Delete_Action (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Index : Gint); -- Deletes the action at Index_ from Completion's action list. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- "index_": The index of the item to Delete. function Get_Completion_Prefix (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return UTF8_String; -- Get the original text entered by the user that triggered the completion -- or null if there's no completion ongoing. -- Since: gtk+ 2.12 -- Returns the prefix for the current completion function Get_Entry (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget; -- Gets the entry Completion has been attached to. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- Returns The entry Completion has been attached to. function Get_Inline_Completion (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Boolean; procedure Set_Inline_Completion (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Inline_Completion : Boolean); -- Sets whether the common prefix of the possible completions should be -- automatically inserted in the entry. -- Since: gtk+ 2.6 -- "inline_completion": True to do inline completion function Get_Inline_Selection (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Boolean; procedure Set_Inline_Selection (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Inline_Selection : Boolean); -- Sets whether it is possible to cycle through the possible completions -- inside the entry. -- Since: gtk+ 2.12 -- "inline_selection": True to do inline selection function Get_Minimum_Key_Length (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Gint; procedure Set_Minimum_Key_Length (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Length : Gint); -- Requires the length of the search key for Completion to be at least -- length. This is useful for long lists, where completing using a small -- key takes a lot of time and will come up with meaningless results anyway -- (ie, a too large dataset). -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- "length": The minimum length of the key in order to start completing. function Get_Model (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model; procedure Set_Model (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Model : access Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model_Record'Class); -- Sets the model for a Gtk.Entry_Completion.Gtk_Entry_Completion. If -- Completion already has a model set, it will remove it before setting the -- new model. If model is null, then it will unset the model. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- "model": The Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model. function Get_Popup_Completion (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Boolean; procedure Set_Popup_Completion (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Popup_Completion : Boolean); -- Sets whether the completions should be presented in a popup window. -- Since: gtk+ 2.6 -- "popup_completion": True to do popup completion function Get_Popup_Set_Width (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Boolean; procedure Set_Popup_Set_Width (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Popup_Set_Width : Boolean); -- Sets whether the completion popup window will be resized to be the same -- width as the entry. -- Since: gtk+ 2.8 -- "popup_set_width": True to make the width of the popup the same as the -- entry function Get_Popup_Single_Match (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Boolean; procedure Set_Popup_Single_Match (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Popup_Single_Match : Boolean); -- Sets whether the completion popup window will appear even if there is -- only a single match. You may want to set this to False if you are using -- inline -- completion. -- Since: gtk+ 2.8 -- "popup_single_match": True if the popup should appear even for a single -- match function Get_Text_Column (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record) return Gint; procedure Set_Text_Column (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Column : Gint); -- completion list with just strings. This function will set up Completion -- to have a list displaying all (and just) strings in the completion list, -- and to get those strings from Column in the model of Completion. This -- functions creates and adds a Gtk.Cellrenderertext.Gtk_Cellrenderertext -- for the selected column. If you need to set the text column, but don't -- want the cell renderer, use g_object_set to set the ::text_column -- property directly. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- "column": The column in the model of Completion to get strings from. procedure Insert_Action_Markup (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Index : Gint; Markup : UTF8_String); -- Inserts an action in Completion's action item list at position Index_ -- with markup Markup. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- "index_": The index of the item to insert. -- "markup": Markup of the item to insert. procedure Insert_Action_Text (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Index : Gint; Text : UTF8_String); -- Inserts an action in Completion's action item list at position Index_ -- with text Text. If you want the action item to have markup, use -- Gtk.Entry_Completion.Insert_Action_Markup. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- "index_": The index of the item to insert. -- "text": Text of the item to insert. procedure Insert_Prefix (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record); -- Requests a prefix insertion. -- Since: gtk+ 2.6 procedure Set_Match_Func (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Func : C_Gtk_Entry_Completion_Match_Func; Func_Data : System.Address; Func_Notify : Glib.G_Destroy_Notify_Address); -- Sets the match function for Completion to be Func. The match function -- is used to determine if a row should or should not be in the completion -- list. -- Since: gtk+ 2.4 -- "func": The C_Gtk_Entry_Completion_Match_Func to use. -- "func_data": The user data for Func. -- "func_notify": Destroy notifier for Func_Data. ---------------------- -- GtkAda additions -- ---------------------- generic type Data_Type (<>) is private; package Match_Functions is type Gtk_Entry_Completion_Match_Func is access function (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class; Key : String; Iter : Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Iter; User_Data : Data_Type) return Boolean; type Destroy_Notify is access procedure (Data : in out Data_Type); procedure Set_Match_Func (Completion : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record; Func : Gtk_Entry_Completion_Match_Func; Func_Data : Data_Type; Func_Notify : Destroy_Notify); -- Sets the match function for completion to be Func. The match function -- is used to determine if a row should or should not be in the -- completion list. end Match_Functions; ---------------- -- Interfaces -- ---------------- -- This class implements several interfaces. See Glib.Types -- -- - "Buildable" -- -- - "CellLayout" package Implements_Buildable is new Glib.Types.Implements (Gtk.Buildable.Gtk_Buildable, Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record, Gtk_Entry_Completion); function "+" (Widget : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class) return Gtk.Buildable.Gtk_Buildable renames Implements_Buildable.To_Interface; function "-" (Interf : Gtk.Buildable.Gtk_Buildable) return Gtk_Entry_Completion renames Implements_Buildable.To_Object; package Implements_CellLayout is new Glib.Types.Implements (Gtk.Cell_Layout.Gtk_Cell_Layout, Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record, Gtk_Entry_Completion); function "+" (Widget : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class) return Gtk.Cell_Layout.Gtk_Cell_Layout renames Implements_CellLayout.To_Interface; function "-" (Interf : Gtk.Cell_Layout.Gtk_Cell_Layout) return Gtk_Entry_Completion renames Implements_CellLayout.To_Object; ---------------- -- Properties -- ---------------- -- The following properties are defined for this widget. See -- Glib.Properties for more information on properties) -- -- Name: Inline_Completion_Property -- Type: Boolean -- Flags: read-write -- Determines whether the common prefix of the possible completions should -- be inserted automatically in the entry. Note that this requires -- text-column to be set, even if you are using a custom match function. -- -- Name: Inline_Selection_Property -- Type: Boolean -- Flags: read-write -- Determines whether the possible completions on the popup will appear in -- the entry as you navigate through them. -- -- Name: Minimum_Key_Length_Property -- Type: Gint -- Flags: read-write -- -- Name: Model_Property -- Type: Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model -- Flags: read-write -- -- Name: Popup_Completion_Property -- Type: Boolean -- Flags: read-write -- Determines whether the possible completions should be shown in a popup -- window. -- -- Name: Popup_Set_Width_Property -- Type: Boolean -- Flags: read-write -- Determines whether the completions popup window will be resized to the -- width of the entry. -- -- Name: Popup_Single_Match_Property -- Type: Boolean -- Flags: read-write -- Determines whether the completions popup window will shown for a single -- possible completion. You probably want to set this to False if you are -- using inline -- completion. -- -- Name: Text_Column_Property -- Type: Gint -- Flags: read-write -- The column of the model containing the strings. Note that the strings -- must be UTF-8. Inline_Completion_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean; Inline_Selection_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean; Minimum_Key_Length_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int; Model_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object; Popup_Completion_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean; Popup_Set_Width_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean; Popup_Single_Match_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean; Text_Column_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int; ------------- -- Signals -- ------------- -- The following new signals are defined for this widget: -- -- "action-activated" -- procedure Handler -- (Self : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class; -- Index : Gint); -- -- "index": the index of the activated action -- Gets emitted when an action is activated. -- -- "cursor-on-match" -- function Handler -- (Self : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class; -- Model : Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model; -- Iter : TreeIter) return Boolean; -- -- "model": the Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model containing the matches -- -- "iter": a GtkTreeIter positioned at the selected match -- Gets emitted when a match from the cursor is on a match of the list.The -- default behaviour is to replace the contents of the entry with the -- contents of the text column in the row pointed to by Iter. -- Returns True if the signal has been handled -- -- "insert-prefix" -- function Handler -- (Self : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class; -- Prefix : UTF8_String) return Boolean; -- -- "prefix": the common prefix of all possible completions -- Gets emitted when the inline autocompletion is triggered. The default -- behaviour is to make the entry display the whole prefix and select the -- newly inserted part. Applications may connect to this signal in order to -- insert only a smaller part of the Prefix into the entry - e.g. the entry -- used in the Gtk.File_Chooser.Gtk_File_Chooser inserts only the part of -- the prefix up to the next '/'. -- Returns True if the signal has been handled -- -- "match-selected" -- function Handler -- (Self : access Gtk_Entry_Completion_Record'Class; -- Model : Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model; -- Iter : TreeIter) return Boolean; -- -- "model": the Gtk.Tree_Model.Gtk_Tree_Model containing the matches -- -- "iter": a GtkTreeIter positioned at the selected match -- Gets emitted when a match from the list is selected. The default -- behaviour is to replace the contents of the entry with the contents of -- the text column in the row pointed to by Iter. -- Returns True if the signal has been handled Signal_Action_Activated : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "action-activated"; Signal_Cursor_On_Match : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "cursor-on-match"; Signal_Insert_Prefix : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "insert-prefix"; Signal_Match_Selected : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "match-selected"; private Inline_Completion_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean := Glib.Properties.Build ("inline-completion"); Inline_Selection_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean := Glib.Properties.Build ("inline-selection"); Minimum_Key_Length_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int := Glib.Properties.Build ("minimum-key-length"); Model_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object := Glib.Properties.Build ("model"); Popup_Completion_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean := Glib.Properties.Build ("popup-completion"); Popup_Set_Width_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean := Glib.Properties.Build ("popup-set-width"); Popup_Single_Match_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean := Glib.Properties.Build ("popup-single-match"); Text_Column_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int := Glib.Properties.Build ("text-column"); end Gtk.Entry_Completion;