GTKADA NEW FEATURES LIST ======================== Copyright (c) 2010-2011, AdaCore This file contains a list of new features introduced in GtkAda. An ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD) appears in parentheses after the description line. This date shows the implementation date of the feature. New features in GtkAda 2.22.0 ----------------------------- K506-019 Binding for GtkSpinner A new binding Gtk.Spinner has been added. A Gtk.Spinner is an animated widget that can be used to signal the user that some program activity is occurring. K422-015 Design changes and preparation for Gtk-3 Gtkada.MDI has been slightly changed so that MDI children now have nicer looking menubars. MDI notebooks now contain a close button that allows the user to close tabs that are not in front. The Gtkada.Canvas widget has been completely redesigned to make use of Cairo instead of Gdk. Its API should now be Gtk-3 ready. Added new Cairo bindings: Cairo.PDF, Cairo.Region, Cairo.SVG. Gdk.Window has also been completed with Cairo bindings. New package Gtkada.Style to provide Gtk.Style-like drawing primitives that use Cairo instead of Gdk. K125-039 Glade-3 GUI builder The GUI builder shipped with GtkAda has been upgraded to Glade-3. JC10-012 MDI: short titles also applies to title bars The MDI can be configured so that floating windows use a short title rather than a full title (in particular, for file names, this will generally be the base name rather than full path name). This preference now also applies to title bars for non-floating windows. JB29-030 MDI: support for independent perspectives It is now possible to configure the MDI so that the perspectives do not share the central area (as a result, no window is preserved when switching among perspectives, unless they are explicitly part of the new perspective). JB09-025 High-level API for using Glade-3 and Gtk.Builder A new package Gtkada.Builder has been introduced. This provides a high-level API for developing GtkAda applications using the Glade-3 GUI builder. JA07-018 Bindings to GTK+ printing API In addition to bindings already added as part of J510-028, additional packages have been provided so that full use of the printing API provided by GTK+ is possible. The existing printing example in testgtk has been enhanced to demonstrate how to use the new API.