with Gtk.Window; use Gtk.Window; with Gtk.Box; use Gtk.Box; with Gtk.Frame; use Gtk.Frame; with Power_GNU; use Power_GNU; with Gtk.Status_Bar; use Gtk.Status_Bar; with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; package Powergnu_Pkg is Max_Image : constant := 1024; -- Maximum number of images in a presentation type Image_Array is array (1 .. Max_Image) of String_Access; type Powergnu_Record is new Gtk_Window_Record with record Win : Gtk_Window; Images : Image_Array; Current_Image : Natural := 0; Num_Images : Natural := 0; Context : Context_Id; Vbox1 : Gtk_Vbox; Main_Frame : Gtk_Frame; Drawing_Area : Image_Drawing; Statusbar1 : Gtk_Status_Bar; end record; type Powergnu_Access is access all Powergnu_Record'Class; procedure Gtk_New (Powergnu : out Powergnu_Access); procedure Initialize (Powergnu : access Powergnu_Record'Class); Powergnu : Powergnu_Access; end Powergnu_Pkg;