with Gtk.Separator; with Gtk.Enums; package body My_Dialog is procedure Gtk_New (Dialog : out My_Dialog) is begin Dialog := new My_Dialog_Record; Initialize (Dialog); end Gtk_New; procedure Initialize (Dialog : access My_Dialog_Record'Class) is Sep : Gtk.Separator.Gtk_Separator; begin Gtk.Window.Initialize (Dialog, Gtk.Enums.Window_Toplevel); Gtk.Box.Gtk_New_Vbox (Dialog.Vbox, False, 0); Add (Dialog, Dialog.Vbox); Gtk.Box.Show (Dialog.Vbox); Gtk.Box.Gtk_New_Hbox (Dialog.Action_Area, True, 5); Gtk.Box.Set_Border_Width (Dialog.Action_Area, 10); Gtk.Box.Pack_End (Dialog.Vbox, Dialog.Action_Area, False, True, 0); Gtk.Box.Show (Dialog.Action_Area); Gtk.Separator.Gtk_New_Hseparator (Sep); Gtk.Box.Pack_End (Dialog.Vbox, Sep, False, True, 0); Gtk.Separator.Show (Sep); end Initialize; end My_Dialog;