""" Docgen plugin to generate the GtkAda Reference Manual. Invoke with: gps -Pgenerate_docs.gpr --load=python:docgen_gtkada.py """ import GPS, re, os import shutil class ScreenshotTagHandler (GPS.DocgenTagHandler): """Handling for screenshots""" def __init__ (self): GPS.DocgenTagHandler.__init__ ( self, "screenshot", on_match = self.on_match, on_start=self.on_start, on_exit=self.on_exit) def on_start (self, docgen): self.pictureslist = {} def on_match (self, docgen, attrs, value, entity_name, entity_href): file = docgen.get_current_file() srcdir = os.path.normpath (GPS.Project.root().file().directory()) fullfile = os.path.join (srcdir, value.strip()) screenshot_found = False for extension in ["", ".png", ".jpg"]: if os.path.exists(fullfile + extension): pict = value.strip() + extension screenshot_found = True break if not screenshot_found: GPS.Console ("Messages").write ("could not find screenshot %s\n" % (fullfile)) return "" docdir = os.path.join (docgen.get_doc_dir ().name(), "screenshots") if not os.path.exists (docdir): os.mkdir(docdir) shutil.copy (os.path.join(srcdir,pict), docdir) img = """%s""" % (pict, pict) self.pictureslist[entity_name] = [entity_href, img] return """


""" % (img) def on_exit (self, docgen): if len (self.pictureslist) == 0: return # first print the right-side box containing the group index content="" content += """
""" content += """
""" content += """
""" content += """


""" content += """
    """ n = 0 for pict in sorted(self.pictureslist.keys()): content += """
  • %s
  • """ % (n, pict) n += 1 content += """
""" content += """
""" content += """
Widget Screenshots
""" n = 0 for pict in sorted(self.pictureslist.keys()): content += """


""" % (n, pict, self.pictureslist[pict][0], self.pictureslist[pict][1]) n += 1 content += """
""" docgen.generate_index_file ("Widget Screenshots", "screenshots.html", content); class ExampleTagHandler (GPS.DocgenTagHandler): """Handling for tags""" def __init__ (self): GPS.DocgenTagHandler.__init__ ( self, "example", on_match = self.on_match) def on_match (self, docgen, attrs, value, entity_name, entity_href): return """
""" % value def on_gps_start (hook): # Disable launching of browser on exit GPS.Preference ("Doc-Spawn-Browser").set(False) GPS.Docgen.register_tag_handler (ScreenshotTagHandler ()) GPS.Docgen.register_tag_handler (ExampleTagHandler ()) GPS.Docgen.register_css (GPS.File ("gtkada.css")) GPS.Docgen.register_main_index (GPS.File ("gtkada_rm/groups.html")) GPS.Project.root().generate_doc (True) GPS.Timeout (500, wait_doc) def wait_doc(timeout): txt = GPS.Console("Messages").get_text() if txt.find("Documentation generated") == -1: return True else: # Log the output in log.txt f=open("log.txt", "w") f.write(GPS.Console ("Messages").get_text()) f.close() GPS.exit() GPS.Hook ("gps_started").add (on_gps_start)