Installing and compiling your programs ====================================== If you have a previous version of GtkAda on your system, we recommend that you move/remove it using e.g. the following command: $ mv /include/gtkada is the prefix you used to configure GtkAda the first time. The default prefix is /usr/local. If you don't have the rights to move these files, then you should at least make sure that your ADA_INCLUDE_PATH and your ADA_OBJECTS_PATH don't include this directory before building GtkAda. To install GtkAda, you first need to install GNU make, glib, pango, atk and gtk+, then do the following: If you are under Windows, you need to use GCC 3.2 (or later) to build the C files, and a unix-like environment (e.g. cygwin or msys) where the paths correspond to real Windows path (for instance by installing cygwin under the root directory). You can use an older GCC version for the Ada files (gnatmake). Under sh: $ (cd src; patch -p0 < ../contrib/gtkada-2.10-win32.diff) $ CC='gcc-3.2 -mms-bitfields' ./configure --prefix= \ --build=i386-pc-mingw32 $ make $ make install On others platforms: $ ./configure --prefix= $ make $ make install This will create (and install) the GtkAda library and then compile the testgtk example. Note that you might have to be root to install GtkAda on your system. You should also modify your PATH variable to include the installation directory, or copy the gtkada-config script somewhere in your path $ setenv PATH :$PATH or $ export PATH=:$PATH Finally, update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include the /lib directory, so that the linker can find the libraries. The other alternative under GNU/Linux if you have root priviledges is to add this 'prefix/lib' directory added in /etc/ld.conf and then run ldconfig. Then, when you want to compile your application, simply use the gtkada-config script: $ gnatmake `gtkada-config` This will automatically submit the correct paths to gnatmake so that the gtk and gtkada libraries are found.