//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This package was automatically generated from EXPRESS (ISO STEP 10303 part11) // by a java generator build with the meta CASE tool Platypus // (alain.plantec@univ-brest.fr) // // Please, be aware that any hand-made updating of this file can be lost!!. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package CheddarBridge; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import step.core.*; class NetworkStepRW extends Named_ObjectStepRW { public step.core.StepCoreObject coreObject() { return new Network(); } public String entityName() { return Network.EntityName(); } public Networks_Type getNetworkType(StepCoreRepository repo, StepInternalRepresentation si) throws Exception { ArrayList values = si.getValues(); StepValue stepVal = values.get( 2); return Networks_Type.fromString((String) convertedStepValue(repo, stepVal)); } public void initializeCoreObject(StepCoreRepository repo, step.core.StepCoreObject coreObj, StepGenericInstance si) throws Exception { super.initializeCoreObject(repo, coreObj, si); Network obj = (Network) coreObj; obj.setNetworkType(getNetworkType(repo, (StepInternalRepresentation) si)); } public StepGenericInstance genericInstance(StepCoreRepository crepo, step.core.StepCoreObject coreObj) throws Exception { StepInternalRepresentation si = (StepInternalRepresentation) super.genericInstance(crepo, coreObj); Network obj = (Network) coreObj; si.add(stepValueOf(crepo, obj.getNetworkType())); return si; } }