with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Interpreter; use Interpreter; use Interpreter.Sets_Type_Package; with Expressions; use Expressions; use Expressions.Variables_Type_Package; with Section_Set; use Section_Set; use Section_Set.Package_Generic_Section_Set; package Parser is -- Function to parse a scheduler behavior -- procedure Yyparse; -- Initialize parser Data -- First_file prepars the parser to read the first file. -- Next_file prepars to read all other files -- procedure First_File(A_File_Name : in Unbounded_String); procedure Next_File(A_File_Name : in Unbounded_String); -- Stores the set of sections with their code -- Root_Statement_Pointer : Sections_Set; -- Table to store the list of Variables of -- a parametric scheduler -- Variables_Table : Variables_Table_Type; -- Table to store the list of "set" statements -- in a parametric scheduler -- Sets_Table : Sets_Table_Type; end Parser;