------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XML/Ada - An XML suite for Ada95 -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2004-2012, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_05; with Input_Sources; with Sax.Symbols; with Sax.Utils; with Unicode.CES; with Schema.Validators; package Schema.Readers is type Validating_Reader is new Schema.Validators.Abstract_Validation_Reader with private; type Validating_Reader_Access is access all Validating_Reader'Class; -- To get full validation of an XML document, you must derive from this -- type. You must also enable the Validation_Feature feature, through a -- call to Set_Feature. -- If you override the Parse method in your code, you must call -- Parse (Validating_Reader (Your_Reader), Input); -- and not Parse (Reader (Your_Reader), Input) to get validation. -- -- In case of validation error, the exception XML_Validation_Error is -- raised, and you can get the error message by calling Get_Error_Message. -- -- In most cases, the reader will find by itself what variable should be -- used, from the contents of the XML file: -- It uses the attribute of the nodes to find out what grammar, for -- instance from the following XML extract: -- -- or -- -- -- The second variant associates a specific grammar with each of the -- namespaces found in the document. procedure Set_Grammar (Reader : in out Validating_Reader; Grammar : Schema.Validators.XML_Grammar); function Get_Grammar (Reader : Validating_Reader) return Schema.Validators.XML_Grammar; -- Sets the grammar to use to validate the document. -- When parsing a XSD files, the grammar should contain the schema for XSD -- as defined by the W3C norm (although this will be automatically -- initialized in this case, so calling Set_Grammar is optional). Multiple -- XSD files can be parsed, and the result will be added to the same -- Grammar. Get_Grammar can be used to retrieve the resulting grammar after -- parsing all the XSD files. -- -- On the other hand, when parsing XML files, Grammar must have been -- initialized (in general through a call to Schema.Schema_Readers.Parse). -- If Set_Grammar is not called, no validation takes place. -- -- If a symbol table was set for this reader, the grammar must have been -- created with the same symbol table. overriding procedure Set_Symbol_Table (Parser : in out Validating_Reader; Symbols : Sax.Utils.Symbol_Table); -- Override the symbol table. If a grammar was already set for this parser, -- the symbol table must be the same as in the grammar. function To_Absolute_URI (Handler : Validating_Reader; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; -- Convert a URI read in the input stream of Handler to an absolute URI. -- This is used for instance to find the location of a schema file,... procedure Parse_Grammars (Handler : access Validating_Reader'Class; Schema_Location : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Do_Create_NFA : Boolean); -- Parse multiple grammars, as defined by the "schemaLocation" attribute procedure Get_Namespace_From_Prefix (Handler : in out Validating_Reader; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; NS : out Sax.Utils.XML_NS); -- Get the namespace associated with a given prefix, in the current -- context. -- The caller must not modify the return value. -- Returns No_XML_NS if the prefix is not defined overriding procedure Free (Reader : in out Validating_Reader); procedure Free (Reader : in out Validating_Reader_Access); -- Free the memory used by Reader overriding procedure Parse (Parser : in out Validating_Reader; Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class); -- Override inherited method. private type Validating_Reader is new Schema.Validators.Abstract_Validation_Reader with record Matcher : Schema.Validators.Schema_NFA_Matcher; Characters : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence_Access; Characters_Count : Natural := 0; -- The current stream of characters we have seen. We need to collapse -- adjacent characters, so that we can validate the full contents of a -- tag at once, and not by parts. Is_Nil : Boolean := False; -- Whether the current element is "xsi:nil". -- We do not need a stack here, since a nil element cannot have -- children anyway. end record; end Schema.Readers;