------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XML/Ada - An XML suite for Ada95 -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2003-2012, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_05; with Unicode; use Unicode; with Unicode.CES; use Unicode.CES; with Sax.Locators; use Sax.Locators; with Sax.Utils; use Sax.Utils; with Sax.Readers; use Sax.Readers; with Sax.Symbols; use Sax.Symbols; with Schema.Simple_Types; use Schema.Simple_Types; with Schema.Validators; use Schema.Validators; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Schema.Schema_Readers; use Schema.Schema_Readers; with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations; package body Schema.Readers is use Schema_State_Machines, Schema_State_Machines_PP; use Schema_State_Machines_Matchers; procedure Print is new Schema_State_Machines_Matchers.Debug_Print (Schema_State_Machines_PP.Node_Label); procedure Internal_Characters (Handler : access Validating_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence); -- Store Ch in the current sequence of characters. This is needed to -- collapse multiple calls to Characters and Ignorable_Whitespace into a -- single string, for validation purposes. procedure Validate_Current_Characters (Handler : access Validating_Reader'Class; Loc : Location); -- Validate the current set of characters procedure Reset (Parser : in out Validating_Reader); -- Reset the state of the parser so that we can parse other documents. -- This doesn't reset the grammar procedure Hook_Start_Element (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Elem : Element_Access; Atts : in out Sax_Attribute_List); procedure Hook_End_Element (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Elem : Element_Access); procedure Hook_Characters (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence); procedure Hook_Ignorable_Whitespace (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence); procedure Hook_Notation_Decl (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence); -- See for the corresponding primitive operations. These provide the -- necessary validation hooks. ----------------- -- Set_Grammar -- ----------------- procedure Set_Grammar (Reader : in out Validating_Reader; Grammar : Schema.Validators.XML_Grammar) is use Symbol_Table_Pointers; begin if Debug then Debug_Output ("Set_Grammar"); end if; if Grammar /= No_Grammar then if Get (Get_Symbol_Table (Reader)) = null then if Debug then Debug_Output ("Set reader's symbol table from grammar"); end if; Set_Symbol_Table (Reader, Get_Symbol_Table (Grammar)); elsif Get_Symbol_Table (Grammar) = Symbol_Table_Pointers.Null_Pointer then if Debug then Debug_Output ("Set grammar's symbol table from reader"); end if; Set_Symbol_Table (Grammar, Get_Symbol_Table (Reader)); elsif Get_Symbol_Table (Reader) /= Get_Symbol_Table (Grammar) then raise XML_Fatal_Error with "The grammar and the reader must use the same symbol table"; end if; end if; Reader.Grammar := Grammar; end Set_Grammar; ---------------------- -- Set_Symbol_Table -- ---------------------- overriding procedure Set_Symbol_Table (Parser : in out Validating_Reader; Symbols : Sax.Utils.Symbol_Table) is use Symbol_Table_Pointers; begin if Parser.Grammar /= No_Grammar and then Get_Symbol_Table (Parser.Grammar) /= Symbols then raise XML_Fatal_Error with "The grammar and the reader must use the same symbol table"; end if; if Symbols /= Get_Symbol_Table (Parser) then Parser.Xmlns := No_Symbol; -- Will force another lookup next time Set_Symbol_Table (Sax_Reader (Parser), Symbols); end if; end Set_Symbol_Table; ----------------- -- Get_Grammar -- ----------------- function Get_Grammar (Reader : Validating_Reader) return Schema.Validators.XML_Grammar is begin return Reader.Grammar; end Get_Grammar; --------------------- -- To_Absolute_URI -- --------------------- function To_Absolute_URI (Handler : Validating_Reader; URI : Symbol) return Symbol is U : constant Cst_Byte_Sequence_Access := Get (URI); begin if URI = Empty_String then return URI; elsif U (U'First) /= '/' and then U (U'First) /= '\' then return Find_Symbol (Handler, Dir_Name (Get (Handler.Current_Location.System_Id).all) & U.all); else return URI; end if; end To_Absolute_URI; -------------------- -- Parse_Grammars -- -------------------- procedure Parse_Grammars (Handler : access Validating_Reader'Class; Schema_Location : Symbol; Do_Create_NFA : Boolean) is URI : Symbol := No_Symbol; procedure Callback (Ch : Byte_Sequence); procedure Callback (Ch : Byte_Sequence) is begin if URI = No_Symbol then URI := Find_Symbol (Handler.all, Ch); else Parse_Grammar (Handler, URI => URI, Xsd_File => Find_Symbol (Handler.all, Ch), Do_Create_NFA => Do_Create_NFA); URI := No_Symbol; end if; end Callback; procedure For_Each is new For_Each_Item (Callback); begin For_Each (Get (Schema_Location).all); end Parse_Grammars; --------------------------------- -- Validate_Current_Characters -- --------------------------------- procedure Validate_Current_Characters (Handler : access Validating_Reader'Class; Loc : Location) is Is_Empty : Boolean; Whitespace : Whitespace_Restriction := Preserve; NFA : constant Schema_NFA_Access := Get_NFA (Handler.Grammar); S : State; Descr : access Type_Descr; Fixed : Symbol := No_Symbol; Default : Symbol := No_Symbol; Data : State_Data; Ty : Type_Index; Is_Equal : Boolean; begin if Debug then Print (Handler.Matcher, Dump_Compact, "Validate_Current_Char: "); end if; -- Handling of nil elements if Handler.Is_Nil then if Handler.Characters_Count /= 0 then Validation_Error (Handler, "No character content allowed because the element is 'nilled'", Loc); end if; return; -- Content is always considered valid end if; -- Check all active states to find our whitespace normalization rules, -- and whether elements have fixed values. Note that the fixed value -- is attached to an state with a nested state (ie the state -- representing the element itself). declare Iter : Active_State_Iterator := For_Each_Active_State (Handler.Matcher, Ignore_If_Nested => True, Ignore_If_Default => True); begin loop S := Current (Handler.Matcher, Iter); exit when S = No_State; Data := Current_Data (Handler.Matcher, Iter); if Fixed = No_Symbol then Fixed := Data.Fixed; -- Get the "fixed" value from the element -- (if it has a complexType) if Fixed = No_Symbol and then Has_Parent (Iter) then Fixed := Current_Data (Handler.Matcher, Parent (Iter)).Fixed; end if; end if; if Default = No_Symbol then Default := Data.Default; if Default = No_Symbol and then Has_Parent (Iter) then Default := Current_Data (Handler.Matcher, Parent (Iter)).Default; end if; end if; -- Unless we have a type if Data.Simple /= No_Type_Index then Descr := Get_Type_Descr (NFA, Data.Simple); if Descr.Simple_Content /= No_Simple_Type_Index then Whitespace := Get_Simple_Type (Get_NFA (Handler.Grammar), Descr.Simple_Content) .Whitespace; end if; end if; Next (Handler.Matcher, Iter); end loop; end; Is_Empty := Handler.Characters_Count = 0; if not Is_Empty then if Debug then Debug_Output ("Normalize whitespace: " & Whitespace'Img); end if; Normalize_Whitespace (Whitespace, Handler.Characters.all, Handler.Characters_Count); end if; -- in 3.3.1: if the element is empty, the "fixed" value -- should be used for it, just as for "default" -- Characters (Handler.all, Get (Get_Fixed (Handler)).all); if Is_Empty and then Fixed /= No_Symbol then Internal_Characters (Handler, Get (Fixed).all); Is_Empty := Handler.Characters_Count = 0; if Debug then Debug_Output ("Substitute fixed value for empty characters:" & Get (Fixed).all); end if; end if; -- If still empty, use the default value if Is_Empty and then Default /= No_Symbol then Internal_Characters (Handler, Get (Default).all); Is_Empty := Handler.Characters_Count = 0; if Debug then Debug_Output ("Substitute default value for empty characters:" & Get (Default).all); end if; end if; declare Iter : Active_State_Iterator := For_Each_Active_State (Handler.Matcher, Ignore_If_Nested => True, Ignore_If_Default => True); begin loop S := Current (Handler.Matcher, Iter); exit when S = No_State; Ty := Current_Data (Handler.Matcher, Iter).Simple; if Ty /= No_Type_Index then Descr := Get_Type_Descr (NFA, Ty); if Descr.Simple_Content /= No_Simple_Type_Index then if Debug and not Is_Empty then Debug_Output ("Validate characters (" & To_QName (Descr.Name) & "): " & Handler.Characters (1 .. Handler.Characters_Count) & "--"); end if; if Handler.Characters_Count = 0 then Validate_Simple_Type (Handler, Descr.Simple_Content, "", Loc => Loc); else Validate_Simple_Type (Handler, Descr.Simple_Content, Handler.Characters (1 .. Handler.Characters_Count), Loc => Loc); end if; elsif not Descr.Mixed and then not Is_Empty then if Debug then Debug_Output ("No character data for " & To_QName (Descr.Name) & S'Img); Debug_Output ("Got " & Handler.Characters (1 .. Integer'Min (20, Handler.Characters_Count)) & "--"); end if; Validation_Error (Handler, "No character data allowed by content model", Loc); end if; -- We now know we have a valid character content, and we need -- to check it is equal to the fixed value. We also know that -- fixed matches the type, since it was checked when the XSD -- was parsed. if Fixed /= No_Symbol then if Debug then Debug_Output ("Element has fixed value: """ & Get (Fixed).all & '"'); end if; if Descr.Simple_Content /= No_Simple_Type_Index then Is_Equal := Equal (Reader => Handler, Simple_Type => Descr.Simple_Content, Ch1 => Fixed, Ch2 => Handler.Characters (1 .. Handler.Characters_Count)); else Is_Equal := Get (Fixed).all = Handler.Characters (1 .. Handler.Characters_Count); end if; if not Is_Equal then Validation_Error (Handler, "Invalid character content (fixed to """ & Get (Fixed).all & """)"); end if; end if; end if; Next (Handler.Matcher, Iter); end loop; end; Handler.Characters_Count := 0; end Validate_Current_Characters; ------------------------ -- Hook_Notation_Decl -- ------------------------ procedure Hook_Notation_Decl (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is pragma Unreferenced (Public_Id, System_Id); H : constant Validating_Reader_Access := Validating_Reader_Access (Handler); begin Add_Notation (Get_NFA (H.Grammar), Find_Symbol (H.all, Name)); end Hook_Notation_Decl; ------------------------ -- Hook_Start_Element -- ------------------------ procedure Hook_Start_Element (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Elem : Element_Access; Atts : in out Sax_Attribute_List) is H : constant Validating_Reader_Access := Validating_Reader_Access (Handler); No_Index : constant Integer := Get_Index (Atts, H.XML_Instance_URI, H.No_Namespace_Schema_Location); Location_Index : constant Integer := Get_Index (Atts, H.XML_Instance_URI, H.Schema_Location); NFA : constant Schema_NFA_Access := Get_NFA (H.Grammar); procedure Compute_Type_From_Attribute (Result_Index : out Type_Index; Result : out Type_Descr_Access); -- If xsi:type was specified, verify that the given type is a valid -- substitution for the original type in the NFA, and replace the -- current nested automaton with the one for the type. The replacement -- does not affect the NFA itself, but the NFA_Matcher, so is only -- temporary and does not affect over running matchers. -- -- Return the first state in the nested NFA to represent that type procedure Replace_State (Check_Substitution : Boolean; Nested_Start : State; Simple : Type_Index); -- Replace the current most nested NFA with [Nested_Start], to override -- the type. This might mean replacing a nested NFA or a state data, -- depending on whether we have a simpleType or complexType function Simple_Type_Data (Iter : Active_State_Iterator) return State_Data; -- return the simpleType data for the current state. This is either -- queries from the current state itself, or from its superstate if -- we are currently on the first state of the nested NFA. ---------------------- -- Simple_Type_Data -- ---------------------- function Simple_Type_Data (Iter : Active_State_Iterator) return State_Data is S : constant State := Current (H.Matcher, Iter); begin if Has_Parent (Iter) and then Get_Start_State (NFA.Get_Nested (Current (H.Matcher, Parent (Iter)))) = S then return Current_Data (H.Matcher, Parent (Iter)); else return Current_Data (H.Matcher, Iter); end if; end Simple_Type_Data; ------------------- -- Replace_State -- ------------------- procedure Replace_State (Check_Substitution : Boolean; Nested_Start : State; Simple : Type_Index) is S : State := No_State; Data : State_Data; Iter : Active_State_Iterator := For_Each_Active_State (H.Matcher, Ignore_If_Default => True, Ignore_If_Nested => True); Internal_New_Nested : State := Nested_Start; begin loop S := Current (H.Matcher, Iter); exit when S = No_State; Data := Current_Data (H.Matcher, Iter); if Check_Substitution then Check_Substitution_Group_OK (H, Simple, Data.Simple, Loc => H.Current_Location, Element_Block => Simple_Type_Data (Iter).Block); end if; if Nested_Start = No_State then -- Need to modify the nested NFA too: if we replaced a -- complexType ("anyType" for instance) with a simple type, -- we should no longer accept any element. -- However, if we simply disable all states in the nested -- NFA, that doesn't work either, since we will not accept -- the "close element" for the simpleType. But we cannot -- modify the NFA either, which should remain static. if Debug then Debug_Output ("Override state data" & Current (H.Matcher, Iter)'Img & " to type" & Simple'Img); end if; Override_Data (H.Matcher, Iter, State_Data' (Simple => Simple, Nillable => Data.Nillable, Fixed => Data.Fixed, Default => Data.Default, Block => Data.Block)); Internal_New_Nested := NFA.Simple_Nested; if Debug then Debug_Output ("Will replace nested complexType, to accept "); end if; end if; if Internal_New_Nested /= No_State then -- If we are on the first state of the parent, that means -- we just entered the parent (which is the element having -- the xsi:type). So we substitute the nested NFA *for the -- parent*. if Has_Parent (Iter) then if Get_Start_State (NFA.Get_Nested (Current (H.Matcher, Parent (Iter)))) = S then if Debug then Debug_Output ("Replacing nested NFA"); end if; Replace_State (H.Matcher, Iter, Internal_New_Nested); end if; end if; end if; Next (H.Matcher, Iter); end loop; if Debug then Print (H.Matcher, Dump_Compact, "After substitution:"); end if; end Replace_State; --------------------------------- -- Compute_Type_From_Attribute -- --------------------------------- procedure Compute_Type_From_Attribute (Result_Index : out Type_Index; Result : out Type_Descr_Access) is Xsi_Type_Index : constant Integer := Get_Index (Atts, H.XML_Instance_URI, H.Typ); TRef : Global_Reference; begin if Xsi_Type_Index = -1 then Result_Index := No_Type_Index; Result := null; else declare Qname : constant Byte_Sequence := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Get (Get_Value (Atts, Xsi_Type_Index)).all, Ada.Strings.Both); Separator : constant Integer := Split_Qname (Qname); Prefix : Symbol; NS : XML_NS; Typ : Qualified_Name; begin Prefix := Find_Symbol (H.all, Qname (Qname'First .. Separator - 1)); Get_Namespace_From_Prefix (H.all, Prefix, NS); Typ := (NS => Get_URI (NS), Local => Find_Symbol (H.all, Qname (Separator + 1 .. Qname'Last))); if Debug then Debug_Output ("Getting element definition from type attribute: " & To_QName (Typ)); end if; TRef := Reference_HTables.Get (Get_References (H.Grammar).all, (Typ, Ref_Type)); if TRef = No_Global_Reference then Validation_Error (H, "Unknown type " & To_QName (Typ)); end if; Result_Index := TRef.Typ; Result := Type_Descr_Access (Get_Type_Descr (NFA, TRef.Typ)); Replace_State (Check_Substitution => True, Nested_Start => Result.Complex_Content, Simple => TRef.Typ); end; end if; end Compute_Type_From_Attribute; Success : Boolean; Nil_Index : Integer := -1; Nillable : Boolean := False; S : State; Through_Any : Boolean; Through_Process : Process_Contents_Type; TRef : Global_Reference; Xsi_Descr : Type_Descr_Access; Xsi_Index : Type_Index; Had_Matcher : constant Boolean := Is_Initialized (H.Matcher); Element_QName : constant Qualified_Name := (NS => Get_URI (Get_NS (Elem)), Local => Get_Local_Name (Elem)); begin if Debug then Output_Seen ("Start_Element: " & To_QName (Element_QName) & " " & To_String (H.Current_Location)); end if; -- We should get the location of the enclosing element Validate_Current_Characters (H, Loc => Start_Tag_Location (Elem)); -- Get the name of the grammar to use from the element's attributes if No_Index /= -1 then Parse_Grammar (H, URI => Empty_String, Xsd_File => Get_Value (Atts, No_Index), Do_Create_NFA => True); end if; if Location_Index /= -1 then Parse_Grammars (H, Get_Value (Atts, Location_Index), Do_Create_NFA => True); end if; -- If we have an inline schema, we must check that the target NS -- is not used yet if Element_QName = (NS => H.XML_Schema_URI, Local => H.S_Schema) and then Had_Matcher then -- ??? Would need to include the contents into the NFA -- ??? And check that no element from the same namespace was seen Validation_Error (H, "Inline schema not supported", Except => XML_Not_Implemented'Identity); end if; if H.Grammar = No_Grammar then return; -- Always valid, since we have no grammar anyway end if; -- Create the NFA matcher now if not done yet. This has to be done after -- we have seen the toplevel element, which might result in parsing -- additional grammars, and finding the target NS if not Had_Matcher then if Debug then Debug_Output ("Creating NFA matcher"); end if; H.Matcher.Start_Match (On => Get_NFA (H.Grammar), Start_At => Start_State); end if; Do_Match (Matcher => H.Matcher, Sym => (Closing => False, Name => Element_QName), Success => Success, Through_Any => Through_Any, Through_Process => Through_Process); if Debug then Print (H.Matcher, Dump_Compact, "After: "); end if; if not Had_Matcher and not Success then -- Seeing the toplevel is never incorrect. We just need to find -- out what its type would be, and use this for the matcher declare Descr : Type_Descr_Access; Index : Type_Index; begin Compute_Type_From_Attribute (Index, Descr); if Descr = null then Validation_Error (H, "No type found for " & To_QName (Element_QName)); elsif Descr.Complex_Content /= No_State then H.Matcher.Start_Match (On => Get_NFA (H.Grammar), Start_At => Descr.Complex_Content); else -- Just expect a "close". The current active state, however, -- ends up with no state data, and we need to set it to the -- appropriate simpleType. Can't use Replace_State for this. H.Matcher.Start_Match (Get_NFA (H.Grammar), Start_At => NFA.Simple_Nested); declare Iter : constant Active_State_Iterator := For_Each_Active_State (H.Matcher, Ignore_If_Default => False, Ignore_If_Nested => True); Data : State_Data; begin Data := Current_Data (H.Matcher, Iter); Override_Data (H.Matcher, Iter, State_Data' (Simple => Index, Nillable => Data.Nillable, Fixed => Data.Fixed, Default => Data.Default, Block => Data.Block)); end; end if; end; elsif not Success then Validation_Error (H, "Unexpected element """ & To_QName (Element_QName) & """: expecting """ & Expected (H.Matcher) & '"'); end if; -- If we have a xsi:type attribute, modify the NFA to use that type Compute_Type_From_Attribute (Xsi_Index, Xsi_Descr); -- If the element matched a , we might have to look it up to get -- its type. However, if a type was given through xsi:type, this is -- not needed since we already have a type. if Through_Any and then Xsi_Descr = null then case Through_Process is when Process_Skip => -- Need to lookup the element to see whether it is nillable. -- Apparently, this aspect must be checked. -- Apart from that, this case is already handled in the NFA, -- and the state is setup as ur-Type TRef := Reference_HTables.Get (Get_References (H.Grammar).all, (Element_QName, Ref_Element)); if TRef /= No_Global_Reference then Nillable := NFA.Get_Data (TRef.Element).Nillable; if Debug then Debug_Output ("Getting nillable status from schema" & " even though we are in a "); end if; end if; when Process_Lax => TRef := Reference_HTables.Get (Get_References (H.Grammar).all, (Element_QName, Ref_Element)); when Process_Strict => -- Find the definition for this element, if possible TRef := Reference_HTables.Get (Get_References (H.Grammar).all, (Element_QName, Ref_Element)); if TRef = No_Global_Reference then Validation_Error (H, "No definition found for " & To_QName (Element_QName)); end if; end case; if Through_Process /= Process_Skip and then TRef /= No_Global_Reference then -- Replace the current most nested state in the machine with the -- new type if Debug then Debug_Output ("Found valid declaration for " & To_QName (Element_QName)); end if; Replace_State (Check_Substitution => False, Nested_Start => Get_Start_State (NFA.Get_Nested (TRef.Element)), Simple => NFA.Get_Data (TRef.Element).Simple); end if; else Through_Process := Process_Strict; end if; -- Validate the attributes declare Iter : Active_State_Iterator := For_Each_Active_State (H.Matcher, Ignore_If_Nested => True, Ignore_If_Default => True); Data : State_Data; Fixed : Symbol := No_Symbol; begin loop S := Current (H.Matcher, Iter); exit when S = No_State; -- The list of valid attributes is attached to the type, that is -- to the nested NFA. Data := Simple_Type_Data (Iter); if Fixed = No_Symbol then Fixed := Data.Fixed; end if; if Debug then Debug_Output ("Checking attributes for state" & S'Img & " type_index=" & Data.Simple'Img); end if; Nillable := Nillable or Data.Nillable; -- otherwise with have a type if Data.Simple /= No_Type_Index then -- Check whether the actual type is abstract. This cannot be -- checked when the grammar is created because of -- substitutionGroup and xsi:type declare Descr : constant access Type_Descr := NFA.Get_Type_Descr (Data.Simple); begin if Descr.Is_Abstract then if Descr.Name /= No_Qualified_Name then Validation_Error (H, "Type " & To_QName (Descr.Name) & " is abstract"); else Validation_Error (H, "Type is abstract"); end if; end if; Validate_Attributes (Get_NFA (H.Grammar), Descr, H, Atts, Is_Nil => Nil_Index); end; else if Debug then Debug_Output ("A , all attributes are valid"); end if; Nil_Index := Get_Index (Atts, H.XML_Instance_URI, H.Nil); end if; Next (H.Matcher, Iter); end loop; if Through_Process = Process_Skip then -- In this case, we do not want to check the contents. Even if -- xsi:nil="true" was specified, we still need to accept when -- contents was provided. H.Is_Nil := False; else if Nil_Index /= -1 then if not Nillable then Validation_Error (H, "Element cannot be nil"); end if; H.Is_Nil := Get_Value_As_Boolean (Atts, Nil_Index); else H.Is_Nil := False; end if; if H.Is_Nil then if Fixed /= No_Symbol then Validation_Error (H, "Element cannot be nilled because" & " a fixed value is defined for it"); end if; if Debug then Debug_Output ("Element is nil, should we replace nested NFA"); end if; Replace_State (Check_Substitution => False, Nested_Start => NFA.Simple_Nested, Simple => Data.Simple); end if; end if; end; end Hook_Start_Element; ---------------------- -- Hook_End_Element -- ---------------------- procedure Hook_End_Element (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Elem : Element_Access) is H : constant Validating_Reader_Access := Validating_Reader_Access (Handler); Success : Boolean; Through_Any : Boolean; Through_Process : Process_Contents_Type; begin if Debug then Output_Seen ("End_Element: " & To_QName (Elem) & " " & To_String (H.Current_Location)); end if; Validate_Current_Characters (H, Loc => Start_Tag_End_Location (Elem)); Do_Match (H.Matcher, Sym => (Closing => True, Name => (NS => Get_URI (Get_NS (Elem)), Local => Get_Local_Name (Elem))), Success => Success, Through_Any => Through_Any, Through_Process => Through_Process); if Debug then Print (H.Matcher, Dump_Compact, "After end element: "); end if; if not Success then Validation_Error (H, "Unexpected end of sequence, expecting """ & Expected (H.Matcher) & '"'); end if; -- We know the parent wasn't nil, since the child was accepted H.Is_Nil := False; end Hook_End_Element; ------------------------- -- Internal_Characters -- ------------------------- procedure Internal_Characters (Handler : access Validating_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is Tmp : Byte_Sequence_Access; Max : constant Natural := Handler.Characters_Count + Ch'Length; begin -- Preserve the characters, but avoid allocating every time. We -- therefore reuse the buffer as much as possible, and only extend it -- when needed. if Handler.Characters = null then Handler.Characters_Count := Ch'Length; Handler.Characters := new String (1 .. Ch'Length); Handler.Characters.all := Ch; elsif Max <= Handler.Characters'Last then Handler.Characters (Handler.Characters_Count + 1 .. Max) := Ch; Handler.Characters_Count := Max; else Tmp := new String (1 .. Max); Tmp (1 .. Handler.Characters_Count) := Handler.Characters (1 .. Handler.Characters_Count); Tmp (Handler.Characters_Count + 1 .. Max) := Ch; Handler.Characters_Count := Max; Free (Handler.Characters); Handler.Characters := Tmp; end if; end Internal_Characters; --------------------- -- Hook_Characters -- --------------------- procedure Hook_Characters (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is begin Internal_Characters (Validating_Reader_Access (Handler), Ch); end Hook_Characters; ------------------------------- -- Hook_Ignorable_Whitespace -- ------------------------------- procedure Hook_Ignorable_Whitespace (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is H : constant Validating_Reader_Access := Validating_Reader_Access (Handler); NFA : constant Schema_NFA_Access := Get_NFA (H.Grammar); S : State; Descr : access Type_Descr; Iter : Active_State_Iterator := For_Each_Active_State (H.Matcher, Ignore_If_Nested => True, Ignore_If_Default => True); begin loop S := Current (H.Matcher, Iter); exit when S = No_State; Descr := Get_Type_Descr (NFA, Current_Data (H.Matcher, Iter).Simple); if Descr.Simple_Content /= No_Simple_Type_Index or else Descr.Mixed then Internal_Characters (H, Ch); return; end if; Next (H.Matcher, Iter); end loop; end Hook_Ignorable_Whitespace; ----------- -- Reset -- ----------- procedure Reset (Parser : in out Validating_Reader) is begin -- Save current location, for retrieval by Get_Error_Message Free (Parser.Id_Table); Free (Parser.Matcher); Free (Parser.Characters); Parser.Characters_Count := 0; end Reset; ----------- -- Parse -- ----------- overriding procedure Parse (Parser : in out Validating_Reader; Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class) is begin if Debug then Output_Action ("Parsing XML file " & Input_Sources.Get_System_Id (Input)); end if; Initialize_Symbols (Parser); Initialize_Grammar (Parser); if Get_Feature (Parser, Schema_Validation_Feature) then Set_Hooks (Parser, Start_Element => Hook_Start_Element'Access, End_Element => Hook_End_Element'Access, Characters => Hook_Characters'Access, Whitespace => Hook_Ignorable_Whitespace'Access, Notation_Decl => Hook_Notation_Decl'Access); Free (Parser.Matcher); else Set_Hooks (Parser, Start_Element => null, End_Element => null, Characters => null, Whitespace => null, Doc_Locator => null); end if; -- Not a dispatching call Parse (Schema.Validators.Abstract_Validation_Reader (Parser), Input); if not In_Final (Parser.Matcher) then Validation_Error (Parser'Access, "Unexpected end of file: expecting " & Expected (Parser.Matcher)); end if; Reset (Parser); exception when others => Reset (Parser); raise; end Parse; ------------------------------- -- Get_Namespace_From_Prefix -- ------------------------------- procedure Get_Namespace_From_Prefix (Handler : in out Validating_Reader; Prefix : Symbol; NS : out Sax.Utils.XML_NS) is begin Find_NS (Parser => Handler, Prefix => Prefix, NS => NS); if Get_URI (NS) = Empty_String then NS := No_XML_NS; end if; end Get_Namespace_From_Prefix; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Reader : in out Validating_Reader_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Validating_Reader'Class, Validating_Reader_Access); begin if Reader /= null then Free (Reader.all); Unchecked_Free (Reader); end if; end Free; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- overriding procedure Free (Reader : in out Validating_Reader) is begin Free (Schema.Validators.Abstract_Validation_Reader (Reader)); end Free; end Schema.Readers;