------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XML/Ada - An XML suite for Ada95 -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001-2012, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_2005; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Input_Sources; with Interfaces; with Sax.Locators; with Sax.Exceptions; with Sax.Attributes; with Sax.Models; with Sax.Symbols; with Sax.Utils; use Sax.Utils; with Unicode; with Unicode.CES; with Sax.HTable; pragma Elaborate_All (Sax.HTable); package Sax.Readers is type Sax_Reader is tagged private; type Sax_Reader_Access is access all Sax_Reader'Class; -- This package defines two types of XML readers: Reader is the historic -- type; Sax_Reader was added later on. -- These two readers differ by the type of parameters to their callbacks. -- The callbacks of Sax_Reader require less string copying and memory -- allocations, so are therefore more efficient. On the other hand, they -- do not pass strings directly (for the name of the elements for instance) -- but symbols (basically, naturals that can be converted to a string -- through calls to Get_Symbol below). -- New code is encouraged to extend Sax_Reader rather than Reader. procedure Parse (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class); -- Parse an XML stream, and calls the appropriate SAX callbacks for each -- event. -- To parse a stream, you must therefore extend the Reader or Sax_Reader -- class, and override any of the callbacks (see "Content Handlers" below). -- You then call Parse. -- This is not re-entrant: you can not call Parse with the same Parser -- argument in one of the SAX callbacks. This has undefined behavior. procedure Set_Symbol_Table (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Symbols : Symbol_Table); -- Symbols is the symbol table to use. Most of the time, it should be left -- to null, but you might want to share it with other parsers for -- efficiency (in which case you will need to provide a task-safe version -- of the symbol table). -- If Symbols is null (or this subprogram is not called) a symbol table -- will be created just for that parser and discarded along with the parser -- -- This subprogram must be called before calling Parse. procedure Set_XML_Version (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; XML : XML_Versions := XML_1_0_Fifth_Edition); function Get_XML_Version (Parser : Sax_Reader) return XML_Versions; -- Set the XML version to accept. procedure Set_Feature (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Name : String; Value : Boolean); function Get_Feature (Parser : Sax_Reader; Name : String) return Boolean; -- Set or lookup the value of a feature -- Name is a fully qualified URI, see below in "Recognized features" for -- more information. procedure Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Use_Basename : Boolean := True); function Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages (Parser : Sax_Reader) return Boolean; -- Indicates whether error messages will include only the base name of -- files, or the full file names. In the latter case, the error message -- itself might be incomplete, since the message attached to an Ada -- exception is limited to 200 characters. -- For backward compatibility, the default is to show full file names. ------------------------- -- Recognized features -- ------------------------- -- The two strings below reference the two default features that are -- recognized by all parsers. Namespace_Feature : constant String := "http://www.xml.org/sax/features/namespace"; -- Controls general namespace processing. If it is true (the default), -- namespace URIs will be used in events. -- If False, colons (':') are allowed in tag names, and not considered -- as namespace identifiers. -- In fact, this is only given for full compatibility with the SAX -- standard. As authorized in the standard, this parser will always -- report URIs to the Start_Element and End_Element callbacks. -- -- Default is True. Namespace_Prefixes_Feature : constant String := "http://www.xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes"; -- Controls the reporting of qNames and namespace attributes (xmlns*) to -- the application. -- When this is False (the default), qNames may optionaly be reported, -- and namespace attributes must not be reported. -- Summary of the above two features: -- 1: Namespace names -- 2: Start/endPrefixMapping -- 3: qNames -- 4: xmlns* attributes -- namespaces namespace-prefixes 1 2 3 4 -- true false YES YES unknown NO -- true true YES YES YES YES -- false false (ILLEGAL COMBINATION) -- false true unknown unknown YES YES -- -- Default is False. Validation_Feature : constant String := "http://www.xml.org/sax/features/validation"; -- If True (not the default), a number of additional tests are performed -- while parsing the document, most notably that the document matches -- the DTD (internal and external subset). -- In such a case, the DTD must be present. -- -- XML/Ada doesn't currently support validating against a DTD. Schema_Validation_Feature : constant String := "http://www.adacore.com/sax/features/schema_validation"; -- If True (not the default), XML/Ada will attempt to validate the XML -- document against an XML schema. However, your reader must also extend -- the Schema.Readers.Validating_Reader class (see comments in that -- package). External_General_Entities_Feature : constant String := "http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities"; -- If True, include all external general text entities. -- If False, these are not included, and will be reported with -- Content_Handlers.Skipped_Entity. -- -- Default is True External_Parameter_Entities_Feature : constant String := "http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities"; -- If True, include all external parameter entities, including the -- external DTD subset. Parameter entities are the ones defined in DTDs -- and whose name starts with '%' Parameter_Entities_Feature : constant String := "http://xml.org/sax/features/lexical-handler/parameter-entities"; -- True if the SAX parser will reports parameter entities through its -- Lexical_Handler. Test_Valid_Chars_Feature : constant String := "http://www.adacore.com/sax/features/test_valid_chars"; -- True if the SAX parser will check for each character read from the -- input streams whether it is valid. This might slow done the parser, -- but will provide better validation. -- This is False by default. ------------------- -- Error handler -- ------------------- -- The following functions are defined in the Error_Handler interface -- in the SAX standard. procedure Warning (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Except : Sax.Exceptions.Sax_Parse_Exception'Class) is null; -- Receive notification of a warning. -- This method is used to report conditions that are not errors or fatal -- errors. -- The SAX parser must continue to provide normal parsing events after -- invoking this method. -- Default action is to do nothing. procedure Error (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Except : Sax.Exceptions.Sax_Parse_Exception'Class) is null; -- Receive notification of a recoverable error. -- For example, a validating parser would use this callback to report the -- violation of a validity constraint. The default behaviour is to take no -- Action. -- The SAX parser must continue to provide normal parsing events after -- invoking this method. If the application cannot do so, then the parser -- should report a fatal error. -- Default action is to do nothing. procedure Fatal_Error (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Except : Sax.Exceptions.Sax_Parse_Exception'Class); -- Receive notification of a non-recoverable error. -- For example, a parser would use this callback to report the violation -- of a well-Formedness constraint. -- The application must assume that the document is unusable after the -- parser has invoked this method. Thus, a Program_Error will be raised -- if your callback returns. You should always raise an exception. -- Default action is to raise an exception Fatal_Error; ---------------- -- Attributes -- ---------------- -- Although there is a more complete attributes API in the package -- Sax.Attributes, the following types are used for those more efficient -- callbacks. The following attributes do not require any memory allocation -- however they are only valid while the parser has not been destroyed. type Sax_Attribute is private; type Sax_Attribute_List is private; -- A lighter weight version of attributes than Attributes, -- based on symbols. function Get_Index (List : Sax_Attribute_List; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) return Integer; function Get_Index (Handler : Sax_Reader'Class; List : Sax_Attribute_List; URI : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) return Integer; -- Return the index of the attribute within the list, or -1 if not found. -- The first version is more efficient. The idea is that the symbols can be -- computed once when the parsing starts, and then reused. They are much -- faster to compare than strings. -- The second version is provided to help transitions. -- -- A more efficient approach is to traverse the list of attributes only -- once and store the values in your own record, rather than traverse the -- list of attributes every time you need to access a value: -- -- Name : Qualified_Name; -- for J in 1 .. Get_Length (List) loop -- Name := Get_Qualified_Name (List, J); -- if Name.NS = Empty_String and then Name.Local = ... then -- ...; -- elsif ... then -- ... -- end if; -- end loop; procedure Set_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Val : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); function Get_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; -- Returns No_Symbol if Index is negative. -- Use Get (Get_Value (List, Index)).all to retrive the strings value -- (or in Ada05 dotted notation: Get_Value (List, Index).Get.all function Get_Location (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Locators.Location; -- Return the start location for this attribute function Get_Non_Normalized_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; function Get_Value_As_Boolean (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Default : Boolean := False) return Boolean; pragma Inline (Get_Value, Get_Non_Normalized_Value, Get_Value_As_Boolean); -- Return the value of the corresponding attribute. -- [Default] is returned if the attribute does not exist procedure Set_Normalized_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Value : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); pragma Inline (Set_Normalized_Value); -- Set the normalized value of the attribute function Get_Type (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Attributes.Attribute_Type; procedure Set_Type (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Typ : Sax.Attributes.Attribute_Type); pragma Inline (Get_Type, Set_Type); -- Return the type of the attribute function Get_Length (List : Sax_Attribute_List) return Natural; pragma Inline (Get_Length); -- Return the number of attributes in the list type Qualified_Name is record NS : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Local : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; end record; No_Qualified_Name : constant Qualified_Name := (Sax.Symbols.No_Symbol, Sax.Symbols.No_Symbol); function Get_Prefix (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; function Get_Name (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Qualified_Name; function Get_Qname (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; -- Using the prefix pragma Inline (Get_Prefix, Get_Name, Get_QName); -- Return the various name components of the attribute ---------------------- -- Content Handlers -- ---------------------- -- The following functions are defined in the Content_Handler interface -- in the SAX standard. -- The default for all the subprograms below is to do nothing, unless -- otherwise specified. procedure Set_Document_Locator (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Loc : in out Sax.Locators.Locator) is null; -- Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document events. -- SAX parsers are strongly encouraged but not required to give this -- information. This callback will always be called before any other. -- Note that [Loc] is only valid within the call to [Parse], and will be -- free on exit, so should no longer be referenced. -- In practice, this callback (mandated by the standard), is not so very -- useful and direct calls to [Locator] below should be preferred. function Current_Location (Handler : Sax_Reader) return Sax.Locators.Location; pragma Inline (Current_Location); -- Return the current location in the stream (or [No_Location] if parsing -- has finished or not started). procedure Start_Document (Handler : in out Sax_Reader) is null; -- Receive notification of the beginning of a document. -- This callback is called only once by the parser, before any other -- function in this interface except Set_Document_Locator. procedure End_Document (Handler : in out Sax_Reader) is null; -- Receive notification of the end of a document. -- This callback will be called only once once it has reached the end of -- the input stream. It won't be called if a Fatal_Error is raised, it is -- your responsability to call the callback yourself in this case. procedure Start_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is null; -- Begin the scope of a prefix-URI mapping. -- This callback is not necessarily for normal namespace processing, since -- the SAX parser will automatically substitute prefixes for elements and -- attributes if XML_Readers.Namespace_Feature is set to True. -- However, there are cases where the automatic replacement can not be -- safely done, and in this case this callback is invoked. -- It is not garanteed that calls to End_Prefix_Mapping will occur in the -- same order (or the reverse one) as Start_Prefix_Mapping. procedure End_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is null; -- End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping. -- This will always occur after the corresponding End_Element event. procedure Start_Element (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; NS : Sax.Utils.XML_NS; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Atts : Sax_Attribute_List) is null; -- Receive notification of the beginning of an element. -- There will always be a matching call to End_Element, even for empty -- elements. -- Up to three name components can be given for each element, depending -- on the value of the XML_Reader features. -- - Namespace_URI and Local_Name are required when Namespace_Feature is -- True, but are optional if False. If one is specified, both must be. -- - Qname (qualified name) is required if Namespace_Prefixes_Feature is -- True, and optional if False. This is basically of the form "Ns:Name" -- The attribute list will only contain attributes with explicit values. It -- will contain attributes used for namespace declaration (xmlns*) only if -- Namespace_Prefixes_Feature is True. -- -- For users of older versions of XML/Ada, the old profile of Start_Element -- is still available if you derive from the "Reader" type (below) instead -- of "Sax_Reader". We do encourage you to transition to the new profiles -- at your convenience, though, because they provide greater efficiency, -- mostly by limiting the number of string comparison and allocations. procedure End_Element (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; NS : Sax.Utils.XML_NS; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is null; -- Receive notification of the end of an element. procedure Characters (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Receives notification of character data. -- XML parsers may return all contiguous character data in a single chunk, -- or they may split them into several chunks. However, all of the -- characters in any single event must come from the same external entity -- so that the Locator provides useful information -- -- Note that some parsers will report (and validating parsers must) report -- whitespace between elements using the Ignorable_Whitespace event. procedure Ignorable_Whitespace (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content (ie -- for elements whose xml:space attribute is not set to 'preserve', see -- XML specifications 2.10) -- If there is only white spaces between two tags, they are reported via -- this callback. -- SAX parsers may return all contiguous whitespace in a single chunk, or -- they may split it into several chunks. procedure Processing_Instruction (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Target : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Data : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Receive notification of a processing instruction. -- A SAX parser must never report an XML declaration (, 2.8 in -- XML specifications) or a text declaration (, 4.3.1 in XML -- specifications) using this method. procedure Skipped_Entity (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is null; -- Receive notification of a skipped entity. -- The Parser will invoke this method once for each entity -- skipped. Non-validating processors may skip entities if they have not -- seen the declarations (because, for example, the entity was declared in -- an external DTD subset). All processors may skip external Entities, -- depending on the value of External_General_Entities_Feature and -- External_Parameter_Entities_Feature. -- -- Name is the name of the skipped entity. If it is a parameter entity, -- the name will begin with '%', and if it is the external DTD subset, -- it will be the string "[dtd]". ------------------ -- DTD Handlers -- ------------------ -- The following functions are defined in the DTD_Handler interface -- in the SAX standard. procedure Unparsed_Entity_Decl (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Notation_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event. -- This is for entities like "" procedure Notation_Decl (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Receive notification of a notation declaration event. -- At least one of publicId and systemId must be non-null. If a system -- identifier is present, and it is a URL, the SAX parser must resolve it -- fully before passing it to the application through this event. -- There is no guarantee that the notation declaration will be reported -- before any unparsed entities that use it. --------------------- -- Entity Resolver -- --------------------- -- The following functions are defined in the Entity_Resolver interface -- in the SAX standard. function Resolve_Entity (Handler : Sax_Reader; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) return Input_Sources.Input_Source_Access; -- Allow the application to resolve external entities. -- The parser will call this method before opening any external entity -- except the top-level document entity. Such entities include the external -- DTD subset and external parameter entities referenced within the DTD (in -- either case, only if the parser reads external parameter entities), and -- external general entities referenced within the document element (if the -- parser reads external general entities). The application may request -- that the parser locate the entity itself, that it use an alternative -- URI, or that it use data provided by the application (as a character or -- byte input stream). -- Application writers can use this method to redirect external system -- identifiers to secure and/or local URIs, to look up public identifiers -- in a catalogue, or to read an entity from a database or other input -- source (including, for example, a dialog box). Neither XML nor SAX -- specifies a preferred policy for using public or system IDs to resolve -- resources. However, SAX specifies how to interpret any InputSource -- returned by this method, and that if none is returned, then the system -- ID will be dereferenced as a URL. -- -- If the returned value is null, the standard algorithm is used. Otherwise -- the returend value is automatically freed by the parser when no longer -- needed. -- -- Calls to this subprogram are nested within Start_Entity/End_Entity. --------------------- -- Lexical Handler -- --------------------- -- The following functions are defined in the Lexical_Handler interface -- in the extended SAX standard. This is not part of the standard itself, -- but rather part of the extension for it. -- Note that the SAX standard indicates that such extended handlers should -- be set through properties, but this is not necessary in this -- implementation where you simply have to override the following -- subprograms. procedure Comment (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Report an XML comment anywhere in the document. -- Default behavior is to do nothing. procedure Start_Cdata (Handler : in out Sax_Reader) is null; -- Report the start of a CData section. -- The content of the section is reported through the usual Characters -- event, this only acts as the boundary. procedure End_Cdata (Handler : in out Sax_Reader) is null; -- Report the end of a CData section procedure Start_Entity (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is null; -- Report the beginning of some internal and external XML entities. -- Check the feature Parameter_Entities_Feature to know if the handler -- will report these events. procedure End_Entity (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is null; -- Report the end of an entity procedure Start_DTD (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is null; -- Report the start of DTD declarations, if any. -- All events reported to a Decl_Handler are reported between a Start_DTD -- and an End_DTD event. -- Public_Id and System_Id might be the empty string if none was declared. -- The events following Start_DTD (and before the matching End_DTD) are -- assumed to be part of the internal subset of the DTD, unless they -- appear between a Start_Entity and End_Entity events (with "[dtd]" for -- the name). procedure End_DTD (Handler : in out Sax_Reader) is null; -- Report the end of a DTD section ------------------ -- Decl Handler -- ------------------ -- The following functions are defined in the Decl_Handler interface -- in the extended SAX standard. This is not part of the standard itself, -- but rather part of the extension for it. procedure Internal_Entity_Decl (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Value : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Report an internal entity declaration. -- This is for notations in the DTD, where the value is -- specified directly as a string. -- Only the effective (first) declaration for each entity will be reported. -- All parameter entities in the value will be expanded, but general -- entities will not. -- For Parameter entities, Name will start with '%' procedure External_Entity_Decl (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Report a parsed external entity declaration, ie when their value is -- not defined as a string. procedure Element_Decl (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Model : Sax.Models.Content_Model) is null; -- Report an element type declaration. -- Model represents the content model for this element. If you need to keep -- a copy of it, you must Ref it, and Unref it when you no longer need the -- copy, for proper memory management. -- The model is normalized so that all parameter entities are fully -- resolved and all whitespace is removed,and includes the enclosing -- parentheses. procedure Attribute_Decl (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Ename : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Aname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Typ : Sax.Attributes.Attribute_Type; Content : Sax.Models.Content_Model; Value_Default : Sax.Attributes.Default_Declaration; Value : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- Report an attribute type declaration. -- Only the first declaration for an attribute will be reported. -- If Typ is Notation or Enumeration, then Content will contain the -- description model for the attribute. Otherwise Content is null. -- If you need to keep a copy of Content, you must Ref it, and Unref it -- when you are done using it. -- Value_Default represents the attribute default requirements -- ("#IMPLIED", "#REQUIRED", or "#FIXED"). -- Value is a string representing the attribute's default value, or "" -- if there is none XML_Fatal_Error : exception; ------------------- -- Misc services -- ------------------- function Prefix_From_Qname (Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) return Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; -- Return the prefix part of Qname, or the empty string if no explicit -- prefix is defined. ----------- -- Hooks -- ----------- -- A parser will call some hooks before it calls the primitive operations -- like Start_Element,... -- These hooks are meant for internal use only at this point, since it is -- cleaner for the user to simply extend the primitive operation. -- These are currently used to plug in an XML validator while limiting the -- dependencies between the SAX and Schema modules. type Hook_Data is abstract tagged null record; type Hook_Data_Access is access all Hook_Data'Class; procedure Free (Data : in out Hook_Data) is abstract; -- Free the memory associated with the data type Element is private; type Element_Access is access Element; function To_QName (Namespace_URI, Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) return Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; function To_QName (Elem : Element_Access) return Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; -- Return the qualified name "{namespace_uri}local_name" function Start_Tag_Location (Elem : Element_Access) return Sax.Locators.Location; function Start_Tag_End_Location (Elem : Element_Access) return Sax.Locators.Location; -- The location for the start of the element (start tag and end tag). function Get_NS (Elem : Element_Access) return XML_NS; function Get_Local_Name (Elem : Element_Access) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; pragma Inline (Get_NS, Get_Local_Name); -- Return the name and local name of the element procedure Initialize_Symbols (Parser : in out Sax_Reader); -- Initialize the symbol table with some predefined symbols function Find_Symbol (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Str : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; function Get_Symbol_Table (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Symbol_Table; -- Manipulation of symbols procedure Find_NS (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; NS : out XML_NS; Include_Default_NS : Boolean := True); -- Search the namespace associated with a given prefix in the scope of -- Elem or its parents. Use the empty string to get the default namespace. -- Fatal_Error is raised if no such namespace was found (and null is -- returned, in case Fatal_Error didn't raise an exception) -- The default namespace is not resolved if Include_Default_NS is False. -- Returns No_XML_NS if the namespace is not defined procedure Find_NS_From_URI (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; NS : out XML_NS); -- Return the XML_NS for URI. There could be several, and the most recent -- one is returned (that is with the prefix that was defined last in the -- current context. -- Returns No_XML_NS if the namespace is not defined type Start_Element_Hook is access procedure (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Element : Element_Access; Atts : in out Sax_Attribute_List); -- This hook should take the opportunity of normalizing attribute values -- if necessary (basic normalization is already done by the SAX parser, -- but based on information extracted from schemas, further normalization -- might be needed). -- The list of attributes Atts has not been checked, and thus some of the -- attributes might have wrong values, or some attributes might be missing. -- This hook is really intended for validating parsers to do their own -- checks in any case. Standard applications should override Start_Element. type End_Element_Hook is access procedure (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Elem : Element_Access); type Characters_Hook is access procedure (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence); type Whitespace_Hook is access procedure (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Ch : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence); type Set_Doc_Locator_Hook is access procedure (Handler : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Loc : in out Sax.Locators.Locator); type Notation_Decl_Hook is access procedure (Handler : access Sax_Reader'Class; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence); function Get_Hooks_Data (Handler : Sax_Reader) return Hook_Data_Access; -- Return the hook data that was set through Set_Hooks. This could be null procedure Set_Hooks (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Data : Hook_Data_Access := null; Start_Element : Start_Element_Hook := null; End_Element : End_Element_Hook := null; Characters : Characters_Hook := null; Whitespace : Whitespace_Hook := null; Doc_Locator : Set_Doc_Locator_Hook := null; Notation_Decl : Notation_Decl_Hook := null); -- Set a list of hooks to be called before calling the usual primitive -- operations. These override hooks that were defined previously. -- Data will be passed to each of the hook. It is automatically -- deallocated when no longer needed by the parser (ie the next call to -- Set_Hooks or when the parser itself is freed). procedure Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String); -- Raises an error ------------ -- Reader -- ------------ type Reader is new Sax_Reader with private; type Reader_Access is access all Reader'Class; -- This is the old type that was provided by this package procedure Start_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Reader; Prefix : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; URI : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; procedure End_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Reader; Prefix : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; procedure Start_Element (Handler : in out Reader; Namespace_URI : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes'Class) is null; procedure End_Element (Handler : in out Reader; Namespace_URI : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := ""; Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is null; procedure Skipped_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; procedure Start_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; procedure End_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) is null; -- See documentation for similarly named callbacks for Sax_Reader. -- These subprograms require extra processing and are less efficient than -- the above subprograms overriding procedure Start_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Reader; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); overriding procedure End_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Reader; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); overriding procedure Start_Element (Handler : in out Reader; NS : Sax.Utils.XML_NS; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Atts : Sax_Attribute_List); overriding procedure End_Element (Handler : in out Reader; NS : Sax.Utils.XML_NS; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); overriding procedure Skipped_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); overriding procedure Start_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); overriding procedure End_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol); -- See inherited documentation private type Parser_Hooks is record Data : Hook_Data_Access := null; Start_Element : Start_Element_Hook := null; End_Element : End_Element_Hook := null; Characters : Characters_Hook := null; Whitespace : Whitespace_Hook := null; Doc_Locator : Set_Doc_Locator_Hook := null; Notation_Decl : Notation_Decl_Hook := null; end record; Entities_Table_Size : constant := 50; -- Size of the hash-table used to store entities. -- This is not a hard limit on the number of entities that can be defined. -- However, if this number is too small with regards to the number of -- entities, there will be conflicts in the hash-table that will slow -- down the lookup. Default_Atts_Table_Size : constant := 50; -- Size of the hash-table used to store the default attributes function Hash (Str : String) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32; -- Compute hash function for given String -------------- -- Entities -- -------------- -- We need to memorize all the declared entities, so as to do the -- substitution ourselves. type Entity_Entry is record Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Value : Sax.Symbols.Symbol := Sax.Symbols.No_Symbol; Public : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; External : Boolean; -- Whether the entity references an external document Unparsed : Boolean; -- Whether we have an unparsed entity (ie using a NOTATION) External_Declaration : Boolean; -- Whether the entity was defined in the external subset Already_Read : Boolean := False; -- True if the value of the entity was already read. This is used to -- detect entities referencing themselves. end record; type Entity_Entry_Access is access Entity_Entry; procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Entity_Entry, Entity_Entry_Access); function Get_Key (Entity : Entity_Entry_Access) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; package Entity_Table is new Sax.HTable (Element => Entity_Entry_Access, Empty_Element => null, Free => Free, Key => Sax.Symbols.Symbol, Get_Key => Get_Key, Hash => Sax.Symbols.Hash, Equal => Sax.Symbols."="); type Entity_Input_Source; type Entity_Input_Source_Access is access Entity_Input_Source; type Entity_Input_Source is record External : Boolean; Next : Entity_Input_Source_Access; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; -- Name of the entity Handle_Strings : Boolean := True; -- True if " and ' should be recognized as special characters. -- This is used so that a string started in one stream isn't terminated -- in another entity or stream. System_Id : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Public_Id : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; -- Uniq System_Id for each input source Input : Input_Sources.Input_Source_Access; Save_Loc : Sax.Locators.Location; end record; type Parser_State is record Name : String (1 .. 3); -- Name of the state (debugging purposes) Ignore_Special : Boolean := False; -- True if special characters should be ignored (as is the case in -- strings). ??? Could be ignored, duplicates Greater_Special, -- Less_Special, .. Detect_End_Of_PI : Boolean := False; -- Whether ?> should be reported as end of PI Greater_Special : Boolean := False; -- Whether > is considered a special character Less_Special : Boolean := False; -- Should be true if < should be reported separately. Note that in that -- case it won't even be associated with the following character if -- it is '!', '?',... Expand_Param_Entities : Boolean := False; -- True if %...; param entities should be recognized, as is the case in -- the DTD Expand_Entities : Boolean := True; -- True if &...; should be recognized Report_Character_Ref : Boolean := False; -- True if character references &#...; should be reported as a single -- token, with their replacement character stored in the buffer. -- Ignored if Expand_Character_Ref is True. Expand_Character_Ref : Boolean := True; -- True if character references &#...; should be recognized and -- expanded In_DTD : Boolean := False; -- True if we are parsing the DTD, and '['. ']' and ') of Sax_Attribute; type Sax_Attribute_Array_Access is access all Sax_Attribute_Array; -- A list of attributes. type Sax_Attribute_List is record Count : Natural := 0; List : Sax_Attribute_Array_Access; end record; type Attributes_Entry is record Element_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Attributes : Sax_Attribute_Array_Access; end record; Null_Attribute : constant Attributes_Entry := (Sax.Symbols.No_Symbol, null); procedure Free (Att : in out Attributes_Entry); function Get_Key (Att : Attributes_Entry) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; package Attributes_Table is new Sax.HTable (Element => Attributes_Entry, Empty_Element => Null_Attribute, Free => Free, Key => Sax.Symbols.Symbol, Get_Key => Get_Key, Hash => Sax.Symbols.Hash, Equal => Sax.Symbols."="); type Notation_Entry is record Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Declaration_Seen : Boolean; end record; Null_Notation : constant Notation_Entry := (Sax.Symbols.No_Symbol, False); procedure Free (Notation : in out Notation_Entry); function Get_Key (Notation : Notation_Entry) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol; package Notations_Table is new Sax.HTable (Element => Notation_Entry, Empty_Element => Null_Notation, Free => Free, Key => Sax.Symbols.Symbol, Get_Key => Get_Key, Hash => Sax.Symbols.Hash, Equal => Sax.Symbols."="); -- For notations, we simply store whether they have been defined or not, -- and then only for validating parsers type Sax_Reader is tagged record Buffer_Length : Natural := 0; Buffer : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence_Access; Attributes : Sax_Attribute_List; -- List of attributes for the current element. This array is to limit -- the number of memory allocations, by reusing it for each element. Locator : Sax.Locators.Locator; Current_Node : Element_Access; Public_Id : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; System_Id : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; -- The initial file we were parsing. Symbols : Symbol_Table; Lt_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol := Sax.Symbols.No_Symbol; Gt_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Amp_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Apos_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Quot_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Xmlns_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Namespaces_URI_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Xml_Sequence : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Symbol_Percent : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Symbol_Ampersand : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; -- The symbol table, and a few predefined symbols Inputs : Entity_Input_Source_Access; -- Entities and parameter entities are processed inline (if we -- temporarily substitute the input stream with the replacement text -- for the entity). -- When Inputs is null, the characters are read from the input stream -- given in the call to Parser. Close_Inputs : Entity_Input_Source_Access; -- List of entities to be closed at the next call to Next_Token Default_Atts : Attributes_Table.HTable (Default_Atts_Table_Size); -- This table contains the list of default attributes defined for -- each element in the DTD. Index is the name of the elements. -- Note that the namespaces haven't been resolved for these default -- attributes, since in some cases the namespace itself could be defined -- as a default attribute. Notations : Notations_Table.HTable (Default_Atts_Table_Size); -- List of notations defined in the XML document. This is left empty -- if the parser isn't configured to do validation. Entities : Entity_Table.HTable (Entities_Table_Size); DTD_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol := Sax.Symbols.No_Symbol; -- Name of the DTD, and also name of the root element (in case we have -- a validating parser). This is left to null for non-validating -- parsers. Default_Namespaces : XML_NS; -- All the namespaces defined by default Num_Toplevel_Elements : Natural; -- Number of elements at the toplevel Element_Id : Natural := 0; -- Id of the current element. All elements created will have a -- different Id Hooks : Parser_Hooks; -- Hooks to be called before the primitive operations XML_Version : XML_Versions := XML_1_0_Fifth_Edition; Standalone_Document : Boolean := False; -- Whether the document is specified as "standalone" in the XML -- prolog Lookup_Char : Unicode.Unicode_Char := Unicode.Unicode_Char'Last; -- We can have a single forward lookup character, which is used to speed -- the parsing. Last_Read : Unicode.Unicode_Char; Last_Read_Is_Valid : Boolean := True; -- Whether Last_Read is was actualy read, or whether it was set to null -- because we encountered the end of an input stream. -- (For instance, when an entity is parsed, its contents always ends -- with ASCII.NUL and Last_Read_Is_Valid is set to False. State : Parser_State; In_External_Entity : Boolean; -- Whether we are parsing an external entity Previous_Char_Was_CR : Boolean; -- True if the previous character read from the stream was a -- Carriage_Return (needed since XML parsers must convert these to -- one single Line_Feed). Ignore_State_Special : Boolean; -- If True, ignore the State.Ignore_Special flag in the next call -- to Next_Token. This is used for handling of special characters -- withing strings. Basename_In_Messages : Boolean := False; -- If True, error messages are output with simple basenames for the -- files. This is required in a lot of cases because the message -- attached to an Ada exception is limited to 200 characters. Feature_Namespace : Boolean := True; Feature_Namespace_Prefixes : Boolean := False; Feature_External_General_Entities : Boolean := True; Feature_External_Parameter_Entities : Boolean := True; Feature_Validation : Boolean := False; Feature_Test_Valid_Chars : Boolean := False; Feature_Schema_Validation : Boolean := True; end record; type Reader is new Sax_Reader with null record; end Sax.Readers;