------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XML/Ada - An XML suite for Ada95 -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001-2012, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Unicode.CES; use Unicode.CES; with Unicode.CES.Utf32; use Unicode.CES.Utf32; with Unicode.CES.Utf16; use Unicode.CES.Utf16; with Unicode.CES.Utf8; use Unicode.CES.Utf8; with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; with GNAT.Regpat; use GNAT.Regpat; with GNAT.Sockets; use GNAT.Sockets; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams; package body Input_Sources.Http is Debug : constant Boolean := False; ---------- -- Open -- ---------- procedure Open (Hostname : String; Port : Positive := 80; Filename : String; Input : out Http_Input) is Length : Natural; BOM : Bom_Type; Socket : Socket_Type; Addr : Sock_Addr_Type; Channel : Stream_Access; Image_Port : constant String := Positive'Image (Port); HTTP_Token_OK : constant String := "HTTP/1\.\d \d\d\d (OK|FOUND)"; Content_Length_Token : constant String := "CONTENT-LENGTH: "; -- These must be upper-cased. Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. 2048); Buffer_Last : Stream_Element_Count := 0; Index : Stream_Element_Count := Buffer'First; function Parse_Header return Natural; -- Parse the headers of the http message, and return the length of the -- message. procedure Update_Buffer; -- Read the next stream of bytes from the socket function Get_Char return Character; -- Return the next character from the buffer procedure Send (Str : String); -- Send a request to the server -------------- -- Get_Char -- -------------- function Get_Char return Character is begin if Index >= Buffer_Last then Update_Buffer; end if; if Index >= Buffer_Last then return ASCII.NUL; else Index := Index + 1; return Character'Val (Buffer (Index - 1)); end if; end Get_Char; ------------------- -- Update_Buffer -- ------------------- procedure Update_Buffer is begin GNAT.Sockets.Receive_Socket (Socket, Buffer, Buffer_Last); if Debug then Put ("< "); for B in Buffer'First .. Buffer_Last loop Put (Character'Val (Buffer (B))); end loop; New_Line; end if; Index := Buffer'First; end Update_Buffer; ------------------ -- Parse_Header -- ------------------ function Parse_Header return Natural is Line : String (1 .. 2048); Line_Index : Natural; Length : Natural := 0; C : Character; Ok : Boolean := False; Token : constant Pattern_Matcher := Compile (HTTP_Token_OK); begin loop Line_Index := Line'First; loop C := Get_Char; exit when C = ASCII.LF or else C = ASCII.NUL; Line (Line_Index) := To_Upper (C); Line_Index := Line_Index + 1; exit when Line_Index > Line'Last; end loop; if Line_Index > Line'First and then Line (Line_Index - 1) = ASCII.CR then Line_Index := Line_Index - 1; end if; exit when Line_Index = Line'First; if Match (Token, Line (Line'First .. Line_Index - 1)) then Ok := True; elsif Line_Index > Content_Length_Token'Length and then Line (1 .. Content_Length_Token'Length) = Content_Length_Token then begin Length := Natural'Value (Line (Content_Length_Token'Length + 1 .. Line_Index - 1)); exception when others => Length := 0; end; end if; end loop; if Ok then return Length; else return 0; end if; end Parse_Header; ---------- -- Send -- ---------- procedure Send (Str : String) is begin if Debug then Put_Line ("> " & Str); end if; String'Write (Channel, Str); end Send; begin if Debug then Put_Line ("Hostname: " & Hostname); Put_Line ("Port: " & Integer'Image (Port)); Put_Line ("File: " & Filename); end if; Addr := (GNAT.Sockets.Family_Inet, Addresses (Get_Host_By_Name (Hostname), 1), Port_Type (Port)); Create_Socket (Socket); Set_Socket_Option (Socket, Socket_Level, (Reuse_Address, True)); Set_Socket_Option (Socket, Option => (Receive_Buffer, 3000)); Connect_Socket (Socket, Addr); Channel := Stream (Socket); Send ("GET http://" & Hostname & ":" & Image_Port (Image_Port'First + 1 .. Image_Port'Last) & "/" & Filename & " HTTP/1.0" & ASCII.LF); Send ("" & ASCII.LF); Length := Parse_Header; if Length = 0 then Put_Line ("Nothing to read"); raise Http_Error; end if; Input.Buffer := new String (1 .. Length - 1); Input.Index := 1; for A in 1 .. Length - 1 loop Input.Buffer (A) := Get_Char; end loop; Read_Bom (Input.Buffer.all, Input.Prolog_Size, BOM); case BOM is when Utf32_LE => Set_Encoding (Input, Utf32_LE_Encoding); when Utf32_BE => Set_Encoding (Input, Utf32_BE_Encoding); when Utf16_LE => Set_Encoding (Input, Utf16_LE_Encoding); when Utf16_BE => Set_Encoding (Input, Utf16_BE_Encoding); when others => Set_Encoding (Input, Utf8_Encoding); end case; Input.Index := Input.Buffer'First + Input.Prolog_Size; Close_Socket (Socket); end Open; ---------- -- Open -- ---------- procedure Open (URL : String; Input : out Http_Input) is Host_Start, Host_End : Natural; Port : Integer := 80; File_Start : Integer; begin if URL'Length > 6 and then URL (URL'First .. URL'First + 6) = "http://" then Host_Start := URL'First + 7; Host_End := Host_Start; while Host_End <= URL'Last and then URL (Host_End) /= '/' and then URL (Host_End) /= ':' loop Host_End := Host_End + 1; end loop; if Host_End > URL'Last then -- Invalid URL Put_Line ("Invalid URL"); raise Http_Error; end if; if URL (Host_End) = ':' then File_Start := Host_End + 1; while File_Start <= URL'Last and then URL (File_Start) /= '/' loop File_Start := File_Start + 1; end loop; if File_Start > URL'Last then -- Invalid URL Put_Line ("Invalid URL"); raise Http_Error; end if; begin Port := Integer'Value (URL (Host_End + 1 .. File_Start - 1)); exception when others => Port := 80; end; File_Start := File_Start + 1; else File_Start := Host_End + 1; end if; Open (Hostname => URL (Host_Start .. Host_End - 1), Port => Port, Filename => URL (File_Start .. URL'Last), Input => Input); else -- Invalid URL Put_Line ("Invalid URL"); raise Http_Error; end if; end Open; ----------- -- Close -- ----------- procedure Close (Input : in out Http_Input) is begin Input_Sources.Close (Input_Source (Input)); Free (Input.Buffer); Input.Index := Natural'Last; end Close; --------------- -- Next_Char -- --------------- procedure Next_Char (From : in out Http_Input; C : out Unicode.Unicode_Char) is begin From.Es.Read (From.Buffer.all, From.Index, C); C := From.Cs.To_Unicode (C); exception -- The whole page has been fully loaded in the Open step. -- Hence if the buffer ends with an Incomplete_Encoding, this -- is a fatale error. when Incomplete_Encoding => raise Invalid_Encoding; end Next_Char; --------- -- Eof -- --------- function Eof (From : Http_Input) return Boolean is begin return From.Buffer = null or else From.Index > From.Buffer'Length; end Eof; begin pragma Warnings (Off); GNAT.Sockets.Initialize; pragma Warnings (On); end Input_Sources.Http;