with Ayacc_File_Names, Text_IO, Source_File, Str_pack; use Ayacc_File_Names, Text_IO; package body Error_Report_File is -- -- TITLE: package body Error_Report_File -- Output the code which allows users to see what the error token was. -- This is for non-correctable errors. -- Also in this package: The declaration of user actions for correctable -- (continuable) errors. -- -- LANGUAGE: -- Ada -- -- PERSONNEL: -- AUTHOR: Benjamin Hurwitz -- DATE: Jul 27 1990 -- -- OVERVIEW: -- Parse the last section of the .y file, looking for -- %report_continuable_error and the related procedures. From these, -- generate procedure bodies which will be called from yyparse when -- there is an error which has been corrected. Since the errors get -- corrected, yyerror does not get called. -- max_line_length : constant integer := 370; The_File : File_Type; -- Where the error report goes Text : String(1..max_line_length); -- Current line from source file Length : Natural := 1; -- and its length -- types of lines found in the continuable error report section type user_defined_thing is (with_thing, use_thing, init_thing, report_thing, finish_thing, line_thing, eof_thing); -- -- TITLE: -- Get Next Thing : Classify a line of text from the user defined error -- report section of the .y file -- -- OVERVIEW: -- Read one line of the .y file, classifying it. -- In the case of a %use or %with line, set the global variables Text and -- Length to the tail of the line after the %use or %with. -- ................................................... procedure get_next_thing(thing : in out user_defined_thing) is use str_pack; with_string : constant string := "%WITH"; use_string : constant string := "%USE"; init_string : constant string := "%INITIALIZE_ERROR_REPORT"; finish_string: constant string:= "%TERMINATE_ERROR_REPORT"; report_string: constant string:= "%REPORT_ERROR"; temp : STR(max_line_length); begin if thing = eof_thing or else Source_File.is_end_of_file then thing := eof_thing; return; end if; Source_File.Read_Line(Text, Length); if length >= use_string'length then assign(text(1..use_string'length), temp); if value_of(upper_case(temp)) = use_string then thing := use_thing; length := length - use_string'length; text(1..length) := text((use_string'length + 1).. length + use_string'length); return; end if; end if; if length >= with_string'length then assign(text(1..with_string'length), temp); if Value_of(upper_case(temp)) = with_string then thing := with_thing; length := length - with_string'length; text(1..length) := text((with_string'length + 1).. length + with_string'length); return; end if; end if; if length >= init_string'length then assign(text(1..init_string'length), temp); if Value_of(str_pack.upper_case(temp)) = init_string then thing := init_thing; return; end if; end if; if length >= finish_string'length then assign(text(1..finish_string'length), temp); if value_of(str_pack.upper_case(temp)) = finish_string then thing := finish_thing; return; end if; end if; if length >= report_string'length then assign(text(1..report_string'length), temp); if value_of(str_pack.upper_case(temp)) = report_string then thing := report_thing; return; end if; end if; thing := line_thing; end get_next_thing; -- -- TITLE: procedure Write_Line -- Write out a line to the Error Report generated ada file. -- -- OVERVIEW: -- -- ................................................... procedure Write_Line(S: in String) is begin Put_Line(The_File, S); end Write_Line; -- -- TITLE: -- Write the body of one of the user-defined procedures -- -- OVERVIEW: -- If User is True it means the user is defining the procedure body. So -- copy it from the source file. Otherwise provide a null body. -- ................................................... procedure write_thing(user : in boolean; thing : in out user_defined_thing) is begin if user then loop get_next_thing(thing); exit when thing /= line_thing; Write_Line(Text(1..length)); end loop; else Write_Line("begin"); Write_Line(" null;"); Write_Line("end;"); end if; Write_Line(""); end write_thing; -- -- TITLE: -- Write the error report initialization function -- -- OVERVIEW: -- Write the header & then then body -- ................................................... procedure write_init(user : in boolean; thing : in out user_defined_thing) is begin Write_Line("procedure Initialize_User_Error_Report is"); write_thing(user, thing); end write_init; -- -- TITLE: -- Write the error report completion function -- -- OVERVIEW: -- Write the header & then then body -- ................................................... procedure write_finish(user : in boolean; thing : in out user_defined_thing) is begin Write_Line("procedure Terminate_User_Error_Report is"); write_thing(user, thing); end write_finish; -- -- TITLE: -- Write the error report function -- -- OVERVIEW: -- Write out the header with signature and then the body. -- ................................................... procedure write_report(user : in boolean; thing : in out user_defined_thing) is begin Write_Line("procedure Report_Continuable_Error "); Write_Line(" (Line_Number : in Natural;"); Write_Line(" Offset : in Natural;"); Write_Line(" Finish : in Natural;"); Write_Line(" Message : in String;"); Write_Line(" Error : in Boolean) is"); write_thing(user, thing); end write_report; -- -- TITLE: procedure Write_File -- Create & open the Error_Report file, dump its contents. -- -- PERSONNEL: -- AUTHOR: Benjamin Hurwitz -- DATE: Mar 11 1990 -- -- OVERVIEW: -- The file being created will be used to report errors which yyparse -- encounters. Some of them it can correct, and some it cannot. -- There are different mechanisms for reporting each of these. There -- is default reporting of corrected errors; messages are written -- into the .lis file (Put, Put_Line). Also, -- the user can define his/her own error reporting of correctable errors -- in the last section of the .y file. If so, we here construct the -- error report file so as to use these procedures. -- Also in this package are variables and routines to -- manipulate error information which the user can call from yyerror, -- the procedure called when a non-correctable error is encountered. -- The things generated which vary with runs of Ayacc is the names -- of the Ada units, the packages With'ed and Used by the generated -- error report package body and the bodies of the user-defined error report -- routines for continuable errors. -- -- NOTES: -- This procedure is exported from the package. -- -- SUBPROGRAM BODY: -- procedure Write_File is current_thing : user_defined_thing := line_thing; wrote_init : boolean := false; wrote_finish : boolean := false; wrote_report : boolean := false; begin Create(The_File, Out_File, Get_Error_Report_File_Name); Write_Line("package " & Error_Report_Unit_Name & " is"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" Syntax_Error : Exception;"); Write_Line(" Syntax_Warning : Exception;"); Write_Line(" Total_Errors : Natural := 0; -- number of syntax errors found." ); Write_Line(" Total_Warnings : Natural := 0; -- number of syntax warnings found." ); Write_Line(" "); Write_Line(" procedure Report_Continuable_Error(Line_Number : in Natural;"); Write_Line(" Offset : in Natural;"); Write_Line(" Finish : in Natural;"); Write_Line(" Message : in String;"); Write_Line(" Error : in Boolean);"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Initialize_Output;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Finish_Output;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Put(S: in String);"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Put(C: in Character);"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Put_Line(S: in String);"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line("end " & Error_Report_Unit_Name & ";"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(""); Write_Line("with Text_IO;"); -- Get %with's & %use's from source file loop get_next_thing(current_thing); if current_thing = with_thing then Write_Line("With " & text(1..length)); elsif current_thing = use_thing then Write_Line("Use " & text(1..length)); elsif current_thing = line_thing then null; else exit; end if; end loop; Write_Line(""); Write_Line("package body " & Error_Report_Unit_Name & " is"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" The_File : Text_io.File_Type;"); Write_Line(""); -- Get user declarations of error reporting procedures from source file while(current_thing /= eof_thing) loop if current_thing = init_thing then Write_init(true, current_thing); wrote_init := true; elsif current_thing = finish_thing then Write_finish(true, current_thing); wrote_finish := true; elsif current_thing = report_thing then Write_report(true, current_thing); wrote_report := true; else get_next_thing(current_thing); end if; end loop; if not wrote_init then Write_init(false, current_thing); end if; if not wrote_finish then Write_finish(false, current_thing); end if; if not wrote_report then Write_report(false, current_thing); end if; Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Initialize_Output is"); Write_Line(" begin"); Write_Line(" Text_io.Create(The_File, Text_io.Out_File, " & '"' & Get_Listing_File_Name & '"' & ");"); Write_Line(" initialize_user_error_report;"); Write_Line(" end Initialize_Output;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Finish_Output is"); Write_Line(" begin"); Write_Line(" Text_io.Close(The_File);"); Write_Line(" terminate_user_error_report;"); Write_Line(" end Finish_Output;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Put(S: in String) is"); Write_Line(" begin"); Write_Line(" Text_io.put(The_File, S);"); Write_Line(" end Put;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Put(C: in Character) is"); Write_Line(" begin"); Write_Line(" Text_io.put(The_File, C);"); Write_Line(" end Put;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(" procedure Put_Line(S: in String) is"); Write_Line(" begin"); Write_Line(" Text_io.put_Line(The_File, S);"); Write_Line(" end Put_Line;"); Write_Line(""); Write_Line(""); Write_Line("end " & Error_Report_Unit_Name & ";"); Close(The_File); end Write_File; -- ................................................... begin null; end Error_Report_File;