Release 1.4a This version is compatible with ayacc 1.1, which supports better error handling in generated parsers. Release 1.3a This version has a revised I/O package, which should eliminate problems that users were having with Standard_Input and Standard_Output not ending up where they thought they should be. Release 1.2a Fixed a few minor bugs, and a major one involving interactive mode (bug reported by Andrew Dunstan.) A variety of new ports were added, see the README files for the individual ports directories for the contributors. A few minor bugs remain, and are listed in the KNOWN_BUGS file. Release 1.1d Fixed a bug which generated illegal package name if a full pathname was given for the input file. aflex /a/b/example.l now generates package names starting with example rather than /a/b/example_dfa.a. (bug reported by Michael Schwartz, Additional system specific files for the Alsys V5 compiler on the SPARCstation are now included. These were donated by Rolf Ebert, Release 1.1c First freely redistributable version of aflex. Release 1.1b A bug in the check for NULL characters in the input was fixed. Before it checked to see if we were exactly at the end of the buffer, the corrected check is to see if we are beyond the end of the buffer. If the file is a multiple of the buffer size the old check failed when everything was okay. Release 1.1 Made interactive mode work as it should (it wasn't stopping at the end of line as it should.) Release 1.0 Fixed a bug in the input buffering algorithm that occurred if character pushback occurred immediately after a new buffer of input was read. Beta 0.3 Add a missing yy_init := true in Open_Input so having the scanner read a new file will work as in alex. Beta 0.2 Fixed nuisance bugs requiring that tstrings and int_io be in the current library. Also add subprograms open_input and create_output for compatibility with alex. Beta 0.1 This version of aflex is based very closely on the C version of flex. By closely following the structure of this program future fixes to flex can be easily integrated into aflex. Since flex is widely used, and will replace the AT&T version of lex in the next Berkeley Unix distribution, it is hoped that this will result in future improvements to the algorithms underlying aflex also.