AFLEX - AYACC ------------- *** This software was developed by the Arcadia project *** at the University of California, Irvine. What did I do in this release : - I have prepared the src directories (alex/src and ayacc/src) for GNAT. To compile aflex just do a 'gnatmake aflex' into the aflex/src directory. To compile ayacc just do a 'gnatmake ayacc' into the ayacc/src directory. - I have made changes in aflex to make it handle characters with code > 127. In fact aflex was only 7bits compliant, and any characters outside this set was raising a Constraint_Error into the generated program. This was an anoying problem I encountered with the TG (Test Driver Generator) by Andre Spiegel. If you recompile TG with this version of aflex you'll be able to put characters with code > 127 into your .ts script. Pascal.