------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Cheddar is a GNU GPL real time scheduling analysis tool. -- This program provides services to automatically check performances -- of real time architectures. -- -- Copyright (C) 2002-2010, by Frank Singhoff, Alain Plantec, Jerome Legrand -- -- The Cheddar project was started in 2002 by -- the LISyC Team, University of Western Britanny. -- -- Since 2008, Ellidiss technologies also contributes to the development of -- Cheddar and provides industrial support. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- -- -- Contact : cheddar@listes.univ-brest.fr -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Last update : -- $Rev: 523 $ -- $Date: 2012-09-26 14:09:39 +0100 (Wed, 26 Sep 2012) $ -- $Author: fotsing $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with Version; use Version; package body Translate.English_Labels is procedure Initialize is begin ---------------------------------------------------- -- Menu and sub menu titles ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Root_Title (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cheddar : a free real time scheduling simulator"); Lb_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("File"); Lb_New (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("New"); Lb_Open_Xml (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Open XML project"); Lb_Save_Xml (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Save XML project"); Lb_Save_As_Xml (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Save XML project as "); Lb_Open (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Open"); Lb_Save (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Save"); Lb_Save_As (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Save as "); Lb_Aadl (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("AADL"); Lb_Import_Aadl (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("AADL project import"); Lb_Export_Aadl (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("AADL project export"); Lb_export_arinc653_tsp (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Export ARINC653 TSP"); Lb_Aadl_Options (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("AADL options"); Lb_Other_Aadl_Options (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Other AADL options"); Lb_Export_Cheddar_Property_Sets (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Export Cheddar Property Sets"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Standard_Properties_Set (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Export Aadl Standard Properties Set"); Lb_Exit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Exit"); Lb_Edit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Edit"); Lb_Edit_Scheduler (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Edit a scheduler"); Lb_Parametric (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("User-defined"); Lb_Tools (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Tools"); Lb_Compute_Buffer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer analysis with feasibility tests"); Lb_Draw_Buffer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer analysis from scheduling simulation"); Lb_Clear (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Clear work space"); Lb_Scheduling_Simulation (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling simulation"); Lb_Scheduling_Feasibility (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling feasibility"); Lb_Customized_Scheduling_Simulation (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Customized scheduling simulation"); Lb_Customized_Feasibility_Tests (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Customized scheduling feasibility"); Lb_Compute_And_Display (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute and Display"); Lb_Compute_And_Update (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute and Update tasks"); Lb_Compute_And_Display_One_Step (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute and Display : one step "); Lb_Compute_And_Update_One_Step (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute and Update tasks : one step "); Lb_Memory_Requirement_Analysis (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Address space Memory Footprint Analysis"); Lb_Check_And_Update_Address_Space (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Check and update Address space"); Lb_Check_Address_Space (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Check Address Space "); Lb_Help (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Help"); Lb_Manual (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Manual"); Lb_Ref (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling references"); Lb_About (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("About Cheddar"); Lb_About_Text (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cheddar ") & Cheddar_Version & unbounded_lf & Cheddar_svn_version & unbounded_lf & unbounded_lf & To_Unbounded_String ("Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool.") & unbounded_lf & To_Unbounded_String ("Cheddar is distributed under the GNU GPL license."); Lb_About_Text (English) := Lb_About_Text (English) & unbounded_lf & unbounded_lf & To_Unbounded_String ("Cheddar is maintened by the Lab-STICC Team, CNRS UMR 6285, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.") & unbounded_lf & unbounded_lf & To_Unbounded_String( "See : http:://beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar for more details") & unbounded_lf; ---------------------------------------------------- -- Update model ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_add (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Add"); lb_delete (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Delete"); Lb_Update (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update"); Lb_Update_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update tasks"); Lb_Update_Address_Space (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update address spaces"); lb_update_core_unit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update core units"); Lb_Update_Processor (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update processors"); Lb_Update_Resource (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update resources"); Lb_Update_Message (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update messages"); Lb_Update_Buffer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update buffers"); Lb_Update_Event_Analyzer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update event analyzers"); Lb_Update_Network (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Update networks"); ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Errors on messages/tasks/processors/resources/buffers ------------------------------------------------------------ Lb_core_unit_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Core unit not found"); Lb_cache_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache not found"); Lb_Dependency_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Dependency not found"); Lb_Resource_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource not found"); Lb_Message_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Message not found"); Lb_Task_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task not found"); Lb_Task_group_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task group not found"); Lb_Address_Space_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Address space not found"); Lb_Processor_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor not found"); Lb_Buffer_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer not found"); Lb_Event_Analyzer_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event analyzer not found"); Lb_deployment_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("deployment not found"); Lb_Define_Task_groups_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a task group before"); Lb_Define_Tasks_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a task before"); Lb_Define_Address_Spaces_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define an address space before"); Lb_Define_core_units_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a core unit before"); Lb_Define_Processors_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a processor before"); Lb_Define_Messages_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a message before"); Lb_Define_Resources_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a resource before"); Lb_Define_Buffers_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a buffer before"); Lb_Define_Event_Analyzers_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define an event analyzer before"); Lb_Define_deployments_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a deployment before"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_core_units (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more core units"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_sections (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more sections"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Networks (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more networks"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Task_groups (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more task groups"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Tasks (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more tasks"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Address_Spaces (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more address spaces"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Processors (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more processors"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Resources (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more resources"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Buffers (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more buffers"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Messages (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more messages"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Event_Analyzers (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more event analyzers"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_deployments (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not define more deployments"); ---------------------------------------------------- -- I/O Errors and messages ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Open_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Open file"); Lb_Save_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Save file"); Lb_Not_Saved_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Warning : the file is not saved"); Lb_Can_Not_Open_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not open file"); Lb_Can_Not_Read_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not read file"); Lb_Can_Not_Save_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not save file"); Lb_File_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("File name"); Lb_Open_Project (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Open project"); Lb_Save_Project (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Save project"); Lb_Not_Saved_Project (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Warning : the project is not saved"); Lb_Can_Not_Open_Project (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not open project files"); Lb_Can_Not_Save_Project (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not save project files"); Lb_Select_File (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("File selection"); lb_entity_referenced_elsewhere (English) := To_Unbounded_String(" Cannot proceed : entity referenced elsewhere "); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Widget text fields ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Select_Line_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a Lign Before "); -- -- deployments widgets -- Lb_deployment(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("deployment "); Lb_deployment_name(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("deployment name "); Lb_can_not_be_empty(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("can not be empty"); Lb_sink_set(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource set "); Lb_source_set(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Consumer set "); -- -- Event analyzer widgets -- Lb_Event_Analyzer_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event analyzer name"); Lb_Event_Analyzer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event analyzer"); Lb_Run_Event_Analyzers (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Run event analyzers"); -- -- Processors and core unit widgets -- lb_speed (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Speed"); Lb_Parametric_File_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("User-defined file name"); Lb_Select_core_unit_First (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a core unit first"); Lb_Select_Processor_First (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a processor first"); Lb_File_Name_Control (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid file name with the selected scheduler"); Lb_Only_On_Parametric (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Only permitted on user-defined scheduler"); Lb_Read (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Read"); Lb_Quantum_Control (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid quantum with selected scheduler"); lb_core_unit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Core Unit "); lb_core_unit_id (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Core Unit id"); lb_core_unit_name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Core unit name"); Lb_Processor (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor "); Lb_Processor_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor name"); Lb_Processor_id (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor id"); Lb_Scheduler (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduler"); Lb_Option (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Option"); Lb_Preemptive (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Preemptive"); Lb_Not_Preemptive (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Not preemptive"); Lb_Invalid_Identifier (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid identifier"); lb_automaton (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Automaton"); Lb_core_units_name_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Core Units Name is Mandatory"); Lb_address_space_name_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Address Space Name is Mandatory"); Lb_network_name_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Network Name is Mandatory"); Lb_buffer_name_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer Name is Mandatory"); Lb_task_name_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task Name is Mandatory"); Lb_Policy_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Policy Type is Mandatory"); Lb_task_type_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task type is Mandatory"); lb_create_only_one_core_unit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("With only one core unit, select monocore and no migration"); Lb_processor_name_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Processor Name is Mandatory"); Lb_scheduler_type_Mandatory (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduler Type is Mandatory"); Lb_network_type_Mandatory (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Network Type is Mandatory"); Lb_preemptive_type_Mandatory (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Pre-emptive Type is Mandatory"); Lb_processor_type_Mandatory (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Processor Type is Mandatory"); Lb_migration_type_Mandatory (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Migration Type is Mandatory"); lb_Migration_Type_Not_Allow_With_Several_Cores (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Migration Type not allowed with several cores"); lb_Processor_Type_Not_Allow_With_Several_Cores (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Processor Type not allowed with several cores"); Lb_priority_Mandatory (English):= To_Unbounded_String ("Priority is Mandatory"); Lb_core_with_same_scheduler (English) := To_Unbounded_String("All cores of a processor must have the same scheduler."); Lb_multicore_with_hierarchical_not_allowed(English) := To_Unbounded_String("Multicore processors not allowed with hierarchical scheduling."); -- -- Cache Block -- Lb_Cache_Block_Id (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cache Block Id"); Lb_Cache_Block (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cache Block"); Lb_Cache_Block_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cache Block name"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Cache_Blocks (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cannot define more Cache Block"); -- -- Cache -- Lb_Cache_Id (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache Id"); Lb_Cache (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache"); Lb_Cache_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache name"); Lb_Cache_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache size"); Lb_Number_Of_Block (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Number of block"); Lb_Line_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Line size"); Lb_Associativity (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Associativity"); Lb_Hit_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Hit time"); Lb_Miss_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Miss time"); Lb_Miss_Rate (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Miss rate"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Caches (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cannot define more caches"); -- -- Cache_Access_Profile -- Lb_Cache_Access_Profile_Id (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache Access Profile Id"); Lb_Cache_Access_Profile (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache Access Profile"); Lb_Cache_Access_Profile_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cache Access Profile name"); Lb_UCBs (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("UCBs"); Lb_UCBs_Nb_Entries (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Number of UCBs"); Lb_ECBs (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("ECBs"); Lb_ECBs_Nb_Entries (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Number of ECBs"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_Cache_Access_Profiles (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cannot define more Cache Access Profile"); Lb_Cache_Access_Profile_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cache Access Profile not found"); Lb_Compute_Cache_Access_Profile (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Compute Cache Access Profile"); Lb_Compute_Cache_Access_Profile_Method (English) := To_Unbounded_String("with UCB and ECB analysis"); Lb_Cache_Access_Profile_Must_Be_Defined (English) := To_Unbounded_String("ERROR: Cache Access Profiles of all tasks must be defined/computed before performing scheduling simulation with CRPD"); -- -- Address space widgets -- Lb_Address_Space_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Address space name"); Lb_Address_Space_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Address space id"); Lb_Address_Space (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Address space"); Lb_Invalid_Scheduler (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid scheduler"); Lb_Select_Address_Space_First (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select an address space first"); Lb_Text_Memory_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Text memory size"); Lb_Heap_Memory_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Heap memory size"); Lb_Data_Memory_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data memory size"); Lb_Stack_Memory_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Stack memory size"); Lb_Text (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Text"); Lb_Heap (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Heap"); Lb_Data (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Data"); Lb_Stack (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Stack"); Lb_require_same_Scheduler_on_all_address_space(english) := to_unbounded_string( "Require the same scheduler on all address space"); -- -- Labels related to sections -- Lb_Task_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Section name"); Lb_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Section"); -- -- Tasks widgets -- Lb_Task_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task name"); Lb_Task_Group_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task group name"); Lb_Task_id (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task id"); Lb_Task_Group_id (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task group id"); Lb_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task"); Lb_Task_Group (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task Group"); Lb_Task_Type (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task type"); Lb_Capacity (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Capacity"); Lb_Criticality (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Criticality"); Lb_Deadline (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Deadline"); Lb_Period (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Period"); Lb_Jitter (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Jitter"); Lb_Priority (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Priority"); Lb_Policy (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Policy"); Lb_Policy_Control (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid policy with the selected priority level"); Lb_Start_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Start time"); Lb_Offset_Val (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Offset val."); Lb_Offset_Act (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Offset act."); Lb_Offsets (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Offsets"); Lb_Activations (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Activations"); Lb_Activation (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Activation"); Lb_Values (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Values"); Lb_Value (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Value"); Lb_User_Defined_Parameter (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("User's defined parameters"); Lb_Rule_For_Parametric_Only (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Activation rule only with user-defined task"); Lb_Main (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Main page"); Lb_Can_Not_Modify (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not be modified"); Lb_No_Period (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("does not have period"); Lb_Require_Period (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("requires period"); Lb_Require_Activation_Rule (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("requires activation rule"); Lb_Have_To_Be_On_The_Same_Processor (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("have to be on the same processor"); Lb_Select_Task_First (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a task first"); Lb_Seed (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Seed"); Lb_Predictable (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Predictable"); Lb_Unpredictable (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Unpredictable"); Lb_Task_Not_Permitted (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Operation not permitted with the selected task"); Lb_Activation_Rule (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Activation rule"); lb_context_switch_overhead (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Context switch overhead"); lb_Every(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Every"); -- -- Messages widgets -- Lb_Response_Time_Message (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Response time"); Lb_Communication_Time_Message (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Communication time"); Lb_Message_id (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Message id"); Lb_Message_Type (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Message type"); Lb_Message (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Message"); Lb_Message_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Message name"); -- -- Buffers widgets -- Lb_Buffer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer"); Lb_Buffer_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer name"); Lb_Buffer_id(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer id"); Lb_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Size"); Lb_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Time"); Lb_Timeout (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Timeout"); Lb_Select_Buffer_First (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a buffer first"); Lb_Utilization_Level (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Utilization factor"); Lb_Bound_Buffer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Bound on buffers"); Lb_Role_Type (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Type"); Lb_Role (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Role"); Lb_Role_Consumer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Consumer"); Lb_Role_Producer (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Producer"); Lb_Buffer_Information (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer information "); Lb_Buffer_List (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer list "); Lb_Role_List (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Tasks using the buffer "); Lb_Queueing_System (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Queueing system "); Lb_duplicated_buffer_role(English) := To_Unbounded_String (" Duplicated buffer role "); -- -- Resources widgets -- Lb_Resource_id(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource id"); Lb_Resource_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource name"); Lb_Resource (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource"); Lb_Select_Resource_First (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a resource first"); Lb_Update_Resource_Control (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid selected task"); Lb_Resource_Filter (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a Resource"); Lb_Cpu_Filter (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a processor"); lb_address (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Address"); Lb_State (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("State"); Lb_Protocol (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Protocol"); Lb_Modify (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Modify"); Lb_Used_Protocol (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Used Protocol : "); Lb_Resource_State (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource State (Integer) : "); Lb_Task_Begin (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Begin"); Lb_Task_End (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("End"); Lb_Resources (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resources"); Lb_Resource_Affect (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource shared by tasks "); Lb_Resource_Information (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Resource information "); Lb_Invalid_Protocol (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" Invalid shared resource protocol "); Lb_can_not_add_more_task_for_this_resource (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" Can not add more task for this resource "); Lb_duplicated_critical_section(English) := To_Unbounded_String (" Duplicated critical section "); -- -- Networks Widgets -- Lb_Select_network_First (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a network first"); Lb_Only_On_Parametric_Network (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Only on parametric network"); Lb_Network (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Network"); Lb_Network_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Network name"); Lb_Network_Type (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Network type"); Lb_Networks_List (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("List networks"); Lb_View_Networks_Type (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Type"); Lb_Define_Networks_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Define a network before"); Lb_Delete_Network (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Delete a network"); Lb_Network_Not_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Network not found"); -- -- Dependency graph widgets -- Lb_New_Buffer_Role (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("New buffer role"); Lb_Disp1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Layout 1"); Lb_Disp2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Layout 2"); Lb_Disp3 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Layout 3"); Lb_Create (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Create"); Lb_Select (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select"); Lb_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Name"); Lb_Select_Row_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select a row before"); Lb_Precedencies (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Precedencies"); Lb_dependencies(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Dependencies"); Lb_Arrow (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Arrow"); Lb_New_Item (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("New item"); Lb_Graph_View (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Precedencies graph"); Lb_Choose_Item (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Choose an item"); -- -- Duplicate widget -- Lb_Duplicate (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Duplicate"); Lb_Old (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Old"); Lb_Object (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Object"); -- -- Time line selection widget -- Lb_Select_Time_Line (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select time lines"); Lb_Type (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Type"); Lb_To_Display (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("To Display"); Lb_Can_Not_Display_So_Much_Time_Line (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Can not display so much time line"); Lb_Select_At_Least_One_Time_Line (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select at least one time line"); -- -- System entity checks -- Lb_are_unconsistent(English) := To_Unbounded_String (" are unconsistent"); -- -- AADL options widget -- Lb_Aadl_Process_Second_Import_Pass (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Process the second AADL import pass which binds software components to hardware components" ); Lb_Aadl_Process_Third_Import_Pass (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Process the third AADL import pass which build component relationships (i.e. connections)" ); Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_To_Precedencies (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform event port to task precedencies"); Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_To_Buffers_Messages (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform event port to buffers and messages"); Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_Data_To_Precedencies (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform event data port to task precedencies"); Lb_Import_Aadl_Event_Data_To_Buffers_Messages (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform event data port to buffers and messages"); Lb_Aadl_Debug (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Activate AADL Debug switch"); Lb_Import_Aadl_System_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Include system/sub-system name in Cheddar's features name"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Event (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform task precedencies to event port connections"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Event_Data (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform task precedencies to event data port connections"); Lb_Export_Aadl_Precedencies_To_Properties (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Transform task precedencies to Cheddar's properties"); -- -- Others ... -- Lb_Advanced (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Advanced"); Lb_Cancel (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cancel"); Lb_Warning (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Warning : "); Lb_See (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("see "); Lb_Equation (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("equation "); Lb_Theorem (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("theorem "); Lb_Lemma (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("lemma "); Lb_less_than (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("less than "); Lb_greater_than (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("greater than "); Lb_less_or_equal_than (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("less or equal than "); Lb_greater_or_equal_than (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("greater or equal than "); Lb_Divisible (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("divisible by"); Lb_Close (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Close"); Lb_And (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("and "); Lb_Continue (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Do you want to continue ?"); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Event table services ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Export_Event_Table (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Export event table"); Lb_Import_Event_Table (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Import event table"); Lb_Event_Table_Services (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event table services"); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_And_Generate_Event_Table (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute scheduling and generate event table"); Lb_Run_Analysis_On_Event_Table (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Run analysis on event table"); Lb_Draw_Time_Line_From_Event_Table (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Draw time line from event table"); Lb_Display_Event_Table (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Display event table"); Lb_Automatically_Export_Event_Table (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Automatically export of event table"); Lb_Event_Table_File_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Event table file name"); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Options ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Seed_Options (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Seed options :"); Lb_Task_Specific (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task specific seed"); Lb_All_Predictable (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Predictable for all tasks"); Lb_All_Unpredictable (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Unpredictable for all tasks"); Lb_Max_time_line_to_display (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Max time line to display "); Lb_Time_Line_Between_Time_Axis(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Time Line Between Time Axis"); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Data controls ---------------------------------------------------- Lb_Invalid_Priority (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Invalid priority value"); Lb_Mandatory (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" is mandatory"); Lb_Already_Defined (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" already defined"); Lb_Must_Be (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" must be "); Lb_Must_Be_Numeric (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" must be numeric"); Lb_Parameter (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Parameter "); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Parametric scheduler messages ---------------------------------------------------- -- -- Parser and parametric simulation error -- Lb_Parametric_File_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("User-defined file error"); Lb_Type_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Type error"); Lb_Statement_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Statement error"); Lb_Variable_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Variable error"); Lb_Syntax_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Parsing error"); Lb_Identifier_Already_Exists (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Undeclared identifier"); Lb_Variable_Declaration_Have_To_Be_Done_In_Start_Section (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Variable Declaration Have To Be Done In Start Section"); Lb_Undeclared_Identifier (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Undeclared Identifier"); Lb_Identifier (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Identifier"); Lb_Integer_Conversion_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Integer conversion error"); Lb_Double_Conversion_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Double conversion error"); Lb_Index_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Table index error"); Lb_Uncompatible_Type_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Uncompatible types"); Lb_Can_Not_Edit_To_Parametric_Object (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Cannot edit two user-defined objects at the same time"); Lb_Identifier_Already_Declared (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Identifier Already Declared"); Lb_Operation_Not_Permitted (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Operation not permitted "); Lb_Variable_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Left and Right Variables should have the same array size"); ---------------------------------------------------- -- Logic messages/errors (scheduling, buffer -- and blocking time) ---------------------------------------------------- -- -- Shared resources logic -- Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("All resources have to use the same protocol."); Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Protocol error : shared resources use protocol which does not work with the selected scheduler." ); Lb_Compute_Blocking_Error3 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Can not compute worst case blocking time with such shared resource protocol."); Lb_Deadlock_Detection (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Looking for deadlock from simulation "); Lb_Priority_Inversion_Detection (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Looking for priority inversion from simulation "); Lb_Simulation_Deadlock (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Deadlock from simulation "); Lb_Simulation_Priority_Inversion (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Priority inversion from simulation "); Lb_Deadlock_At_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Deadlock at time"); Lb_No_Deadlock_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- No deadlock found in the last simulation."); Lb_No_Priority_Inversion_Found (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- No priority inversion found in the last simulation."); Lb_Has_Priority_Inversion (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" has a priority inversion on the resource "); Lb_From_The_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" from the time "); Lb_To_The_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" to the time "); Lb_Worst_Case_Blocking_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Worst Case blocking time "); Lb_Blocking_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Blocking time "); Lb_Simulation_Blocking_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Blocking time from simulation"); Lb_Blocking_Time_Inject_Success (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Task blocking times are updated."); Lb_Blocking_Time_Inject_Failed (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Task blocking times are not updated."); Lb_Ceiling_Priority(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Ceiling Priority "); Lb_Ceiling_Priority_Inject_Success (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Ceiling Priority times are updated."); Lb_Ceiling_Priority_Inject_Failed (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Ceiling Priority times are not updated."); -- -- Scheduling logic -- Lb_Pb_Strict_Constraints (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- None strict constraints : can not apply the feasibility test on processor utilization factor." ); Lb_Pb_Sched_Unknown (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Invalid scheduler : can not apply the feasibility test on processor utilization factor." ); Lb_feasibility_test_by_name(english) := To_Unbounded_String ("Apply a feasibility test"); Lb_Select_Almost_One_Feasilibity_Test (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Select almost one feasibility test"); Lb_Feasibility_Number1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("1) Feasibility test based on the processor utilization factor : ") ; Lb_Feasibility_Number2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("2) Feasibility test based on worst case response time for periodic tasks : "); Lb_Compute_Scheduling (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute scheduling"); Lb_Generate_Events (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Generate events"); Lb_Para (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("with a Parametric scheduler, "); Lb_Edf (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("with EDF, "); Lb_Rm (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("with RM, "); Lb_Muf (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("with MUF, "); Lb_D_Over (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("with D-Over, "); Lb_Dm (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("with DM, "); Lb_Llf (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("with LLF, "); Lb_Run_Simulation_On_One_Processor_Only (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Schedule all processors"); Lb_Run_Feasibility_Tests_On_One_Processor_Only (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" Feasibility on all processors"); Lb_Worst_Case (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Worst case"); Lb_Best_Case (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Best case"); Lb_Average_Case (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Average case"); Lb_Curve (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Graph"); Lb_Simulation_warning (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Simulation warning : "); Lb_Simulation_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Simulation error : "); Lb_Priorities_Error1(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Tasks must be periodic : can not set priorities."); Lb_Priorities_Error2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Processor without tasks : can not set priorities."); Lb_Priorities_Error_OPA (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Task set is not feasible under any priority orders: can not set priorities according to OPA."); Lb_Priorities_Error_OPA_CRPD (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Task set is not feasible under any priority orders with chosen CRPD Interference computation solution."); Lb_Set_Priorities_Dm (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Set priorities according to Deadline Monotonic"); Lb_Set_Priorities_Rm (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Set priorities according to Rate Monotonic"); Lb_Set_Priorities_Audsley_OPA (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Set priorities according to Audsley OPA"); Lb_Set_Priorities_OPA_CRPD_PT (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Set priorities according to Audsley OPA with CRPD (OPA_CRPD-PT solution)"); Lb_Set_Priorities_OPA_CRPD_PT_Simplified (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Set priorities according to Audsley OPA with CRPD (OPA_CRPD-PT-Simplified solution)"); Lb_Set_Priorities_OPA_CRPD_Tree (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Set priorities according to Audsley OPA with CRPD (OPA_CRPD-Tree solution)"); Lb_Set_Priorities (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Set priorities"); Lb_Scheduling_Options (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling options"); Lb_Schedule_According_To (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling according to : "); Lb_Unit_Of_Times (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" unit of time "); Lb_Draw_From (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Draw from"); Lb_Draw_To (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Draw upto"); Lb_Schedule_To (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Schedule from 0 to"); Lb_Schedule_Time_Line_Too_Large (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" Can not compute a so large time line "); Lb_Draw_Time_Line_Too_Large (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" Can not draw more than 1500 unit of times "); Lb_Periodic_Situation (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" in periodic case"); Lb_Scheduling (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Scheduling"); Lb_Free_Unit_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" units of time are unused in the hyperperiod."); Lb_Utilization_With_Period (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Processor utilization factor with period is "); Lb_Utilization_With_Deadline (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Processor utilization factor with deadline is "); Lb_Utilization_Bound1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- In the preemptive case, "); Lb_Utilization_Bound11 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- In the non preemptive case, "); Lb_Sched_Explanation1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "the task set is schedulable because the processor utilization factor "); Lb_Sched_Explanation12 (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" is equal or less than "); Lb_Sched_Explanation2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "the task set is not schedulable because the processor utilization factor "); Lb_Sched_Explanation3 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "we can not prove that the task set is schedulable because the processor utilization factor " ); Lb_Sched_Explanation22 (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" is more than "); Lb_Sched_Explanation5 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("the task set is schedulable because for each task "); Lb_Sched_Explanation52 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("the utilization factor is equal or less than the bound "); Lb_Sched_Explanation6 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("the task set is not schedulable because "); Lb_Sched_Explanation62 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "one or many tasks doesn't/don't satisfy the processor utilization factor feasibility test" ); Lb_Sched_Explanation7 (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" List of tasks not schedulable : "); Lb_Sched_Explanation8 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("we can not prove that tasks are schedulable because "); Lb_Sched_Explanation81 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "one or many tasks doesn't/don't satisfy the processor utilization factor feasibility test" ); Lb_Sched_Explanation82 (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" List of concerned tasks : "); Lb_No_Deadline_Missed_In_The_Computed_Scheduling (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- No deadline missed in the computed scheduling : the task set is schedulable if you computed the scheduling on the feasibility interval." ); Lb_Cannot_Say_If_Deadline_will_be_Missed_In_The_Computed_Scheduling (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- One or several tasks did not complete their execution." ); Lb_No_Deadline_Will_Be_Missed_Task_Are_Schedulable (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- All task deadlines will be met : the task set is schedulable."); Lb_Deadline_Will_Be_Missed_Task_Are_Not_Schedulable (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Some task deadlines will be missed : the task set is not schedulable."); Lb_Worst_Case_Task_Response_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Worst Case task response time"); Lb_Task_Response_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task response time"); Lb_Task_Response_Time_From_Simulation (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task response time computed from simulation"); Lb_Scheduling_Period (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- The hyperperiod is"); Lb_Number_Of_Preemption (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Number of preemptions"); Lb_Number_Of_Context_Switch (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Number of context switches"); Lb_Priorities (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Updated priorities :"); Lb_Partition_General_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("With General Task"); Lb_Partition_Best_Fit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("With Best Fit"); Lb_Partition_Next_Fit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("With Next Fit"); Lb_Partition_First_Fit (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("With First Fit"); Lb_Partition_Small_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("With Small Task"); Lb_Partition (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Partition "); Lb_Partitioning_Result (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Task assignement after partitioning "); Lb_Partition_Error1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Can not do partitioning : all processors must have the same scheduler."); Lb_Partition_Error2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Can not do partitioning : you must define more processors."); Lb_Partition_Error3 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Can not do partitioning : invalid scheduler."); Lb_Partition_Error4 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Can not do partitioning : tasks must be periodic."); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task model error : can not apply the selected scheduler with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must be periodic : can not compute hyperperiod with this task set. "); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_3 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task model error : can not compute hyperperiod with this task set. "); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_4 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must have period equal to deadline : can not compute worst case response time with this task set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_5 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must be periodic : can not compute worst case response time with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_6 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task model error : can not compute worst case response time with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_7 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Processor utilization exceeded : can not compute worst case response time with this task set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_8 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Internal Error : can not compute worst case response time with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_9 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must be periodic : can not compute bound on processor utilization factor with period on this task set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_10 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task model error : can not compute processor utilization factor with period. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_11 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Several tasks have same priority level : can not apply the selected scheduler with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_12 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task with non zero start time : can not compute worst case response time with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_13 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task with non zero offset : can not compute worst case response time with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_14 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task must have period equal to deadline : can not apply the selected scheduler with this task set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_15 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task must be periodic : can not apply the selected scheduler with this task set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_18 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Invalid scheduler : can not compute worst case response time with this scheduler. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_19 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Invalid scheduler : can not compute bound on processor utilization factor. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_21 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must have deadline > 0 : can not compute processor utilization factor with deadline on this task set. " ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_22 (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Can not compute a so large scheduling simulation."); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_23 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task with non zero start time : can not compute processor utilization factor with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_24 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task with non zero offset : can not compute processor utilization factor test with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_25 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task groups are not transaction : can not compute worst case response time with this task set." ); Lb_Compute_Scheduling_Error_26 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task groups transactions have no task : can not compute worst case response time with this task set." ); Lb_Check_Deadline (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" missed its deadline (deadline = "); Lb_Check_absolute_Deadline (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" missed its deadline (absolute deadline = "); Lb_Periodic (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Periodic task "); Lb_Frame (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Frame "); Lb_Aperiodic (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Aperiodic task "); Lb_Poisson_Process_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Poisson process task "); Lb_Sporadic_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Sporadic task "); Lb_Parametric_Task (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("User-defined task "); Lb_Completion_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String (" ; completion time = "); lb_task_is_not_over_response_time_is_not_computed (English) := To_Unbounded_String( " response time not computed since the task did not run all its capacity"); Lb_Computation_time_exceeded(English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Computation exceeded exception : unable to perform analysis with this task set."); -- -- Buffer logic -- Lb_Schedule_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute a scheduling before"); Lb_Buffer_Utilization (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Buffer utilization factor : "); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Data flow constraint not respected : can not compute buffer bound with this task set. " ); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must be periodic : can not compute buffer bound with this task set. ") ; Lb_Harmonic (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Harmonic"); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_3 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Task model error : can not compute bound with several consumers. "); Lb_Compute_Buffer_Error_4 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Queueing system error : can not compute performance criterion with such queueing system. " ); Lb_Maximum_Buffer_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Maximum number of messages in the buffer : "); Lb_Average_Buffer_Size (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Average number of messages in the buffer : "); Lb_Maximum_Waiting_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Maximum message waiting time : "); Lb_Average_Waiting_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Average message waiting time : "); -- -- Dependencies logic -- Lb_Chetto (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Applying Chetto/Blazewicz rules"); Lb_Chetto_Deadline (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Chetto/Blazewicz modifications on deadlines"); Lb_Chetto_Priority (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Chetto/Blazewicz modifications on priorities"); Lb_Jitter_From_Response_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("End to end worst case response time"); Lb_Jitter_From_Response_Time_One_Step (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute one step"); Lb_Jitter_From_Response_Time_All_Steps (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute all steps"); Lb_Deadlines_Are_Updated (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Deadlines are updated."); Lb_Priorities_Are_Updated (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Priorities are updated."); Lb_Jitters_Are_Updated (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("- Jitters are updated."); Lb_Precedencies_Period_Error (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Can not schedule with precedencies : task precedencies required that tasks have the same period." ); Lb_holistique_Error1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must have the same period when related with precedencies : can not apply holistique end to end worst case response time on this task set." ); Lb_holistique_Error2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must have the same type when related with precedencies : can not apply holistique end to end worst case response time on this task set." ); Lb_Chetto_Error1 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Can not apply Chetto/Blazewicz parameter modifications : the dependency graph has to be acyclic." ); Lb_Chetto_Error2 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks must have the same period : can not apply Chetto/Blazewicz method on this task set." ); Lb_Chetto_Error3 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Tasks model error : can not apply Chetto/Blazewicz method on this task set as tasks of the graph have different types " ); Lb_Chetto_Error4 (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "- Can not apply Chetto/Blazewicz deadline modifications : deadlines of some tasks are too short. " ); Lb_Select_Precedence_Sink_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Precedence Sink Before " ); Lb_Select_Precedence_Source_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Precedence Source Before " ); Lb_Select_buffer_dependency_task_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Buffer Dependency Task Before " ); Lb_Select_buffer_dependency_object_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Buffer Dependency Object Before " ); Lb_Select_Buffer_Orientation_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Buffer Orientation Before " ); Lb_Select_communication_orientation_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Communication Orientation Before " ); Lb_Select_communication_dependency_object_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Communication Dependency Object Before " ); Lb_Select_communication_dependency_task_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select Communication Dependency Task Before " ); Lb_Select_time_triggered_communication_sink_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select time triggered communication sink Before " ); Lb_Select_time_triggered_communication_source_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select time triggered communication source Before " ); Lb_Select_timing_property_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select timing property Before " ); Lb_Select_resource_dependency_resource_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select resource dependency resource Before " ); Lb_Select_resource_dependency_task_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select resource dependency task Before " ); Lb_Select_black_board_dependent_task_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select black board dependent task Before " ); Lb_Select_black_board_dependency_object_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select black board dependency object Before " ); Lb_Select_dependency_type_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select dependency type Before " ); Lb_Select_black_board_orientation_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Select black board orientation Before " ); Lb_Add_Precedence_Dependency_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Add Precedence Dependency Before " ); Lb_Add_Queuing_Buffer_Dependency_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Add Queuing Buffer Dependency Before " ); Lb_Add_Communication_Dependency_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Add Communication Dependency Before " ); Lb_Add_Time_Triggered_Dependency_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Add Time Triggered Dependency Before " ); Lb_Add_Resource_Dependency_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Add Resource Dependency Before " ); Lb_Add_Black_Board_Buffer_Dependency_Before (English) := To_Unbounded_String( "Add Black Board Buffer Dependency Before " ); -- -- Random tools -- Lb_Random (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Random"); Lb_Compute_Response_Time_Density (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Compute response time density"); Lb_Response_Time_Density (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("Response time density"); Lb_Response_Time (English) := To_Unbounded_String ("response time"); -- -- CFG -- Lb_CFG (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG"); Lb_CFG_Id (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Id"); Lb_CFG_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Name"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_CFG (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cannot defind more CFG"); -- -- CFG_Node -- Lb_CFG_Node (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Node"); Lb_CFG_Node_Id (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Basic Block Id"); Lb_CFG_Node_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Node Name"); Lb_Previous_Nodes (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Previous CFG Nodes"); Lb_Next_Nodes (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Next CFG Nodes"); Lb_Instruction_Offset (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Instruction Offset"); Lb_Instruction_Capacity (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Instruction Capacity"); Lb_Data_Offset (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Data Offset"); Lb_Data_Capacity (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Data Capacity"); Lb_CFG_Node_Type (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Node Type"); Lb_Can_Not_Define_More_CFG_Node (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cannot define more cfg nodes"); -- -- CFG_Edge -- Lb_CFG_Edge_Id (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Edge Id"); Lb_CFG_Edge (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Edge"); Lb_CFG_Edge_Name (English) := To_Unbounded_String("CFG Edge Name"); LB_Can_Not_Define_More_CFG_Edge (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cannot define more cfg edges"); -- -- OPA, OPA_CRPD Requirement -- Lb_Offset_Must_Be_Defined_For_OPA (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Task offsets must be defined before performing Audsley's OPA"); Lb_Cache_Access_Profile_Must_Be_Defined_For_OPA (English) := To_Unbounded_String("Cache Access Profiles of all tasks must be defined/computed before performing Audsley's OPA"); -- -- WCRT+CRPD -- Lb_WCRT_CRPD_Preemptive_Only (English) := To_Unbounded_String("WCRT analysis + CRPD only applied to preemptive scheduler"); end Initialize; end Translate.English_Labels;