SCHEMA express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM Package; USE FROM record_and_class; USE FROM discriminated_type; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM express_dictionary_queries; USE FROM cheddar_domains; USE FROM cheddar_dtd; CONSTANT source_licence : STRING := '' + '------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '-- This source file was automatically generated by Platypus\n' + '-- see\n' + '-- \n' + '-- Any modification of this file will be lost. \n' + '-- Please see the "platypus" directory instead : it contains the Cheddar''s\n' + '-- model and its meta-model. \n' + '------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \n' + '------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '-- Cheddar is a free real time scheduling tool.\n' + '-- This program provides services to automatically check temporal constraints\n' + '-- of real time tasks.\n' + '--\n' + '-- Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Frank Singhoff\n' + '-- Cheddar is developed by the LAB-STICC Team, University of Brest\n' + '--\n' + '-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n' + '-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n' + '-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n' + '-- (at your option) any later version.\n' + '--\n' + '-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n' + '-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n' + '-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n' + '-- GNU General Public License for more details.\n' + '--\n' + '-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n' + '-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n' + '-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n' + '--\n' + '--\n' + '-- Contact :\n' + '-- To post to this mailing list, you must be subscribed\n' + '-- (see http// for details)\n' + '--\n' + '------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' + '------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'; xml_id_name : STRING := 'cheddar_private_id'; END_CONSTANT; FUNCTION is_of_generated_concept_kind ( c : dictionary_instance ) : BOOLEAN; RETURN ( ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( c ) ) OR ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_ENTITY' IN TYPEOF ( c ) ) OR ( 'PACKAGE.PACKAGE_ALIAS' IN TYPEOF ( c ) ) OR ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.CHEDDAR_FUNCTION_PTR' IN TYPEOF ( c ) ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION all_ada_packages : SET OF ADA_Package; LOCAL insts : SET OF GENERIC := allModelInstances; END_LOCAL; RETURN ( QUERY ( i <* insts | 'PACKAGE.ADA_PACKAGE' IN TYPEOF ( i ) ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_package_named ( name : STRING ) : ada_package; LOCAL packages : SET OF ADA_Package := all_ada_packages; key : STRING := Lowerize ( name ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( packages ) TO HIINDEX ( packages ); ALIAS curr FOR packages [ no]; IF ( Lowerize ( ) = key ) THEN RETURN ( curr ); END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( ? ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION package_ada_classes ( pkg : ada_package ) : LIST OF ada_class; LOCAL cls_list : LIST OF ada_class := [ ]; END_LOCAL; ALIAS entities FOR pkg.entities; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN cls_list := cls_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; RETURN ( cls_list ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION all_ada_classes : LIST OF ada_entity; LOCAL cls_list : LIST OF ada_class := [ ]; all_pkgs : LIST OF ada_package := SetToList ( all_ada_packages ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( all_pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( all_pkgs ); cls_list := cls_list + package_ada_classes ( all_pkgs [ no] ); END_REPEAT; RETURN ( cls_list ); END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE prepare_root_ada_classes; LOCAL clslist : LIST OF ada_class := all_ada_classes; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( clslist ) TO HIINDEX ( clslist ); ALIAS curr FOR clslist [ no]; IF SIZEOF ( curr.supertypes ) = 0 THEN IF ( NOT has_attribute_named ( curr, xml_id_name ) ) THEN add_xml_id_to_ada_class ( curr ); END_IF; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; END_PROCEDURE; FUNCTION all_ada_records : LIST OF ada_entity; LOCAL cls_list : LIST OF ada_class := [ ]; all_pkgs : LIST OF ada_package := SetToList ( all_ada_packages ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( all_pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( all_pkgs ); ALIAS entities FOR all_pkgs [ no].entities; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.RECORD' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN cls_list := cls_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( cls_list ); END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE generate_all_into ( dir : STRING ); (*# MultiByteFileStream defaultToLF #*) prepare_root_ada_classes; all_packages_code_into ( true, dir, 'Platypus2Cheddar' ); all_packages_code_into ( false, dir, 'Platypus2Cheddar' ); dtds_into ( dir ); END_PROCEDURE; PROCEDURE generate_all; generate_all_into ( '' ); END_PROCEDURE; FUNCTION all_ada_discriminated_types : LIST OF ada_entity; LOCAL dt_list : LIST OF discriminated_type := [ ]; all_pkgs : LIST OF ada_package := SetToList ( all_ada_packages ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( all_pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( all_pkgs ); ALIAS entities FOR all_pkgs [ no].entities; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); IF ( 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN dt_list := dt_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( dt_list ); END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE add_xml_id_to_ada_class ( VAR cls : ada_class ); LOCAL idtype : cheddar_xml_id_type := entity_instance ( ? ) || sdai_instance ( ) || dictionary_instance ( ) || simple_type ( ) || string_type ( ?, false ) || cheddar_xml_id_type ( ); idattr : explicit_attribute := entity_instance ( cls ) || sdai_instance ( ) || dictionary_instance ( ) || attribute ( xml_id_name, cls, idtype, ? ) || explicit_attribute ( false ); END_LOCAL; idtype.owner := idattr; INSERT ( cls.attributes, idattr, 0 ); END_PROCEDURE; FUNCTION package_records ( pkg : ada_package ) : LIST OF record; LOCAL rec_list : LIST OF record := [ ]; END_LOCAL; ALIAS entities FOR pkg.entities; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.RECORD' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN rec_list := rec_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; RETURN ( rec_list ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION package_discriminated_types ( pkg : ada_package ) : LIST OF discriminated_type; LOCAL dt_list : LIST OF discriminated_type := [ ]; END_LOCAL; ALIAS entities FOR pkg.entities; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); IF ( 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN dt_list := dt_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; RETURN ( dt_list ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_named ( name : STRING ) : ada_entity; LOCAL entities : LIST OF ADA_Entity := all_ada_entities; key : STRING := Lowerize ( name ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); ALIAS curr FOR entities [ no]; IF ( Lowerize ( ) = key ) THEN RETURN ( curr ); END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( ? ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION all_ada_entities : LIST OF ada_entity; LOCAL ent_list : LIST OF ada_entity := [ ]; all_pkgs : LIST OF ada_package := SetToList ( all_ada_packages ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( all_pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( all_pkgs ); ALIAS entities FOR all_pkgs [ no].entities; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( entities ) TO HIINDEX ( entities ); IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.RECORD' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN ent_list := ent_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN ent_list := ent_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; IF ( 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( entities [ noi] ) ) THEN ent_list := ent_list + entities [ noi]; END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( ent_list ); END_FUNCTION; PROCEDURE dtds_Into ( dir : STRING ); LOCAL roots : LIST OF root_dtd_element := root_dtds; path : STRING; END_LOCAL; (*# MultiByteFileStream defaultToLF #*) prepare_root_ada_classes; IF ( EXISTS ( dir ) ) THEN path := dir; ELSE path := '.'; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( roots ) TO HIINDEX ( roots ); ALIAS curr FOR roots [ no]; WriteFile ( path + '/' + curr.tag + '.dtd', curr.dtd_code ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; END_PROCEDURE; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA cheddar_dtd; USE FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM express_dictionary_queries; USE FROM record_and_class; USE FROM cheddar_domains; USE FROM package; USE FROM discriminated_type; ENTITY dtd_element ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE; owner : OPTIONAL dtd_element; tag : STRING; DERIVE dtd_code : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; ENTITY composite_dtd_element ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE SUBTYPE OF ( dtd_element ); DERIVE subs : LIST OF dtd_element := [ ]; END_ENTITY; ENTITY root_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( composite_dtd_element ); DERIVE packages : LIST OF ada_package := xml_packages_with_tag ( SELF.tag ); SELF\composite_dtd_element.subs : LIST OF package_dtd_element := compute_root_sub_elements ( SELF ); SELF\dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := compute_root_dtd_code ( SELF ); declared_domains : LIST OF dtd_element := get_declared_entity_domains ( subs ); referenced_entities : LIST OF dtd_element := get_referenced_entity_domains ( subs ); implicit_domains : LIST OF entity_ref_dtd_element := compute_implicit_domains ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY package_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( composite_dtd_element ); package : ada_package; DERIVE SELF\dtd_element.tag : STRING := lowerize ( ); SELF\composite_dtd_element.subs : LIST OF dtd_element := compute_package_sub_elements ( SELF ); SELF\dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := compute_package_dtd_code ( SELF ); attributes : LIST OF attribute_dtd_element := compute_package_attribute_dtd_elements ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY entity_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( composite_dtd_element ); domain : ada_entity; DERIVE SELF\dtd_element.tag : STRING := lowerize ( ); SELF\composite_dtd_element.subs : LIST OF dtd_element := compute_entity_sub_elements ( SELF ); SELF\dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := compute_entity_dtd_code ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_class_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( entity_dtd_element ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY record_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( entity_dtd_element ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY discriminated_type_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( entity_dtd_element ); DERIVE SELF\entity_dtd_element.subs : LIST OF dtd_element := compute_discriminated_type_sub_elements ( SELF ); SELF\entity_dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := compute_discriminated_type_code ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY attribute_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( dtd_element ); attribute : attribute; domain : domain_dtd_element; DERIVE SELF\dtd_element.tag : STRING := lowerize ( ); SELF\dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := domain.dtd_code; END_ENTITY; ENTITY domain_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( dtd_element ); domain : entity_instance; DERIVE as_collection_element_dtd_code_tail : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; ENTITY simple_domain_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( domain_dtd_element ); DERIVE SELF\dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := '\n'; SELF\domain_dtd_element.as_collection_element_dtd_code_tail : STRING := '(#PCDATA)>\n'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY collection_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( domain_dtd_element ); element_domain : domain_dtd_element; DERIVE SELF\dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := '\n'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY record_ref_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( entity_ref_dtd_element ); DERIVE SELF\entity_ref_dtd_element.infered_element : entity_dtd_element := dtd_element ( ?, ? ) || composite_dtd_element || entity_dtd_element ( domain ) || record_dtd_element; SELF\domain_dtd_element.as_collection_element_dtd_code_tail : STRING := '(' + lowerize ( ) + ')*>\n'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_class_ref_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( entity_ref_dtd_element ); DERIVE SELF\entity_ref_dtd_element.infered_element : entity_dtd_element := dtd_element ( ?, ? ) || composite_dtd_element || entity_dtd_element ( domain ) || ada_class_dtd_element; SELF\entity_ref_dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := '\n' + '\n'; SELF\entity_ref_dtd_element.as_collection_element_dtd_code_tail : STRING := ' EMPTY>\n' + '\n'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY discriminated_type_ref_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( entity_ref_dtd_element ); DERIVE SELF\entity_ref_dtd_element.infered_element : entity_dtd_element := dtd_element ( ?, ? ) || composite_dtd_element || entity_dtd_element ( domain ) || discriminated_type_dtd_element; SELF\domain_dtd_element.as_collection_element_dtd_code_tail : STRING := '(' + lowerize ( ) + ')*>\n'; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION compute_root_dtd_code ( r : root_dtd_element ) : STRING; LOCAL s : STRING := ''; code : STRING; lines : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; licence : STRING := string_replace ( source_licence, '--', ' ' ); pkgs : LIST OF package_dtd_element := r.subs; attributes : LIST OF attribute_dtd_element := [ ]; acode : STRING; previous : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; implicits : LIST OF dtd_element := r.implicit_domains; infered : LIST OF entity_dtd_element := [ ]; el : entity_dtd_element; infered_attributes : LIST OF attribute_dtd_element := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( implicits ) TO HIINDEX ( implicits ); el := implicits [ no].infered_element; infered := infered + el; infered_attributes := infered_attributes + el.subs; END_REPEAT; s := s + '\n\n' + '\n\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( pkgs ); code := pkgs [ no].dtd_code; previous := previous + LinesFromString ( code ); s := s + code; END_REPEAT; s := s + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( infered ) TO HIINDEX ( infered ); acode := infered [ no].dtd_code; IF ( NOT ( acode IN previous ) ) THEN s := s + acode; previous := previous + acode; END_IF; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( pkgs ); attributes := attributes + compute_package_attribute_dtd_elements ( pkgs [ no] ); END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( attributes ); acode := attributes [ no].dtd_code; IF ( NOT ( acode IN previous ) ) THEN s := s + attributes [ no].dtd_code; previous := previous + acode; END_IF; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( infered_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( infered_attributes ); acode := infered_attributes [ no].dtd_code; IF ( NOT ( acode IN previous ) ) THEN s := s + acode; previous := previous + acode; END_IF; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( s ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION root_dtds : LIST OF root_dtd_element; LOCAL xml_pkgs : LIST OF ada_package := xml_packages; root_names : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; result : LIST OF root_dtd_element := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( xml_pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( xml_pkgs ); ALIAS curr_pkg FOR xml_pkgs [ no]; root_names := root_names + curr_pkg.xml_root_tags; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; root_names := SetToList ( ListToSet ( root_names ) ); REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( root_names ) TO HIINDEX ( root_names ); result := result + composite_dtd_element ( ) || root_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( ?, root_names [ no] ); END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_root_sub_elements ( e : root_dtd_element ) : LIST OF package_dtd_element; LOCAL result : LIST OF package_dtd_element := [ ]; END_LOCAL; ALIAS packages FOR e.packages; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( packages ) TO HIINDEX ( packages ); result := result + ( dtd_element ( e, ? ) || composite_dtd_element || package_dtd_element ( packages [ no] ) ); END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_package_attribute_dtd_elements ( p : package_dtd_element ) : LIST OF attribute_dtd_element; LOCAL subs : LIST OF dtd_element := p.subs; r : LIST OF attribute_dtd_element := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( subs ) TO HIINDEX ( subs ); r := r + subs [ no].subs; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( r ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_package_dtd_code ( p : package_dtd_element ) : STRING; LOCAL subs : LIST OF dtd_element := p.subs; s : STRING := ''; END_LOCAL; IF ( SIZEOF ( subs ) > 0 ) THEN s := s + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( subs ) TO HIINDEX ( subs ); s := s + subs [ no].dtd_code; END_REPEAT; s := s + '\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( s ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_package_sub_elements ( e : package_dtd_element ) : LIST OF dtd_element; LOCAL result : LIST OF dtd_element := [ ]; classes : LIST OF ada_entity := package_ada_classes ( e.package ); records : LIST OF ada_entity := package_records ( e.package ); discrims : LIST OF discriminated_type := package_discriminated_types ( e.package ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( classes ) TO HIINDEX ( classes ); ALIAS curr FOR classes [ no]; result := result + ( dtd_element ( e, ? ) || composite_dtd_element || entity_dtd_element ( curr ) || ada_class_dtd_element ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( records ) TO HIINDEX ( records ); ALIAS curr FOR records [ no]; result := result + ( dtd_element ( e, ? ) || composite_dtd_element || entity_dtd_element ( curr ) || record_dtd_element ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( discrims ) TO HIINDEX ( discrims ); ALIAS curr FOR discrims [ no]; result := result + ( dtd_element ( e, ? ) || composite_dtd_element || entity_dtd_element ( curr ) || discriminated_type_dtd_element ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_entity_dtd_code ( ent : entity_dtd_element ) : STRING; LOCAL s : STRING := ''; l : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; subs : LIST OF dtd_element := ent.subs; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( subs ) TO HIINDEX ( subs ); ALIAS curr FOR subs [ no]; l := l + curr.tag; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; s := '\n'; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( ent.domain ) ) THEN s := s + '\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( s ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_attribute_dtd_list_from_attribute_list ( owner : dtd_element; attrs : LIST OF explicit_attribute ) : LIST OF dtd_element; LOCAL result : LIST OF dtd_element := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( attrs ); ALIAS curr FOR attrs [ no]; IF ( lowerize ( ) <> lowerize ( xml_id_name ) ) THEN result := result + compute_attribute_dtd_element ( owner, curr ); END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_entity_sub_elements ( e : entity_dtd_element ) : LIST OF dtd_element; LOCAL attrs : LIST OF explicit_attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( e.domain ); result : LIST OF dtd_element := compute_attribute_dtd_list_from_attribute_list ( e, attrs ); END_LOCAL; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_discriminated_type_code ( ent : discriminated_type_dtd_element ) : STRING; LOCAL s : STRING := ''; l : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; subs : LIST OF dtd_element := ent.subs; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( subs ) TO HIINDEX ( subs ); ALIAS curr FOR subs [ no]; l := l + curr.tag; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; s := '\n'; RETURN ( s ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_discriminated_type_sub_elements ( e : discriminated_type_dtd_element ) : LIST OF dtd_element; LOCAL attrs : LIST OF explicit_attribute := discriminated_type_attributes ( e.domain ); result : LIST OF dtd_element := compute_attribute_dtd_list_from_attribute_list ( e, attrs ); END_LOCAL; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_attribute_dtd_element ( owner : dtd_element; a : attribute ) : attribute_dtd_element; LOCAL domain : entity_instance := ( basic_ada_domain ( a.domain ) ).handled; result : attribute_dtd_element; END_LOCAL; result := ( dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || attribute_dtd_element ( a, ? ) ); result.domain := compute_domain_dtd_element ( result, domain ); RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_domain_dtd_element ( owner : dtd_element; domain : entity_instance ) : domain_dtd_element; LOCAL sub_domain : entity_instance; element_domain : entity_instance; result : domain_dtd_element; END_LOCAL; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.DICTIONARY_INSTANCE_REFERENCE' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN RETURN ( compute_domain_dtd_element ( owner, domain.ref ) ); ELSE IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN RETURN ( simple_domain_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ) ); ELSE IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN RETURN ( simple_domain_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ) ); ELSE IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.CHEDDAR_PRIORITY_RANGE' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN RETURN ( simple_domain_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ) ); ELSE IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.RECORD' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN RETURN ( record_ref_dtd_element ( ) || entity_ref_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ) ); ELSE IF ( 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN RETURN ( discriminated_type_ref_dtd_element ( ) || entity_ref_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ) ); ELSE IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN RETURN ( ada_class_ref_dtd_element ( ) || entity_ref_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ) ); ELSE IF ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.DEFINED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( domain ) ) THEN sub_domain := basic_ada_domain ( domain.domain ); IF ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.AGGREGATION_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( sub_domain ) ) THEN element_domain := basic_ada_domain ( sub_domain.element_type ); result := collection_dtd_element ( ? ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ); result.element_domain := compute_domain_dtd_element ( result, element_domain ); RETURN ( result ); END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; println ( domain ); RETURN ( unknown_domain_dtd_element ( ) || dtd_element ( owner, ? ) || domain_dtd_element ( domain ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION xml_packages : LIST OF ada_package; RETURN ( QUERY ( p <* SetToList ( all_ada_packages ) | SIZEOF ( p.xml_root_tags ) > 0 ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION get_referenced_entity_domains ( pkgs : LIST OF package_dtd_element ) : LIST OF entity_ref_dtd_element; LOCAL attributes : LIST OF attribute_dtd_element := [ ]; domains : LIST OF entity_ref_dtd_element := [ ]; names : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; curr : domain_dtd_element; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( pkgs ); attributes := attributes + compute_package_attribute_dtd_elements ( pkgs [ no] ); END_REPEAT; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( attributes ); curr := ?; ALIAS dom FOR attributes [ noi].domain; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DTD.ENTITY_REF_DTD_ELEMENT' IN TYPEOF ( dom ) ) THEN curr := dom; END_IF; IF ( ( 'CHEDDAR_DTD.COLLECTION_DTD_ELEMENT' IN TYPEOF ( dom ) ) AND ( 'CHEDDAR_DTD.ENTITY_REF_DTD_ELEMENT' IN TYPEOF ( dom.element_domain ) ) ) THEN curr := dom.element_domain; END_IF; IF ( EXISTS ( curr ) ) THEN IF ( NOT ( lowerize ( ) IN names ) ) THEN domains := domains + curr; names := names + lowerize ( ); END_IF; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( domains ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION get_declared_entity_domains ( pkgs : LIST OF package_dtd_element ) : LIST OF dtd_element; LOCAL result : LIST OF dtd_element := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( pkgs ); result := result + pkgs [ no].subs; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION compute_implicit_domains ( r : root_dtd_element ) : LIST OF entity_ref_dtd_element; LOCAL refed : LIST OF entity_ref_dtd_element := r.referenced_entities; decl : LIST OF dtd_element := r.declared_domains; decl_domain : LIST OF entity_instance := [ ]; not_declared : LIST OF entity_ref_dtd_element := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( decl ) TO HIINDEX ( decl ); ALIAS curr FOR decl [ no]; decl_domain := decl_domain + curr.domain; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( refed ) TO HIINDEX ( refed ); ALIAS curr FOR refed [ no]; IF ( NOT ( curr.domain IN decl_domain ) ) AND ( NOT ( curr IN not_declared ) ) THEN not_declared := not_declared + curr; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( not_declared ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY unknown_domain_dtd_element SUBTYPE OF ( domain_dtd_element ); DERIVE SELF\dtd_element.dtd_code : STRING := '\n'; SELF\domain_dtd_element.as_collection_element_dtd_code_tail : STRING := 'ANY>\n'; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION xml_packages_with_tag ( tag : STRING ) : LIST OF ada_package; RETURN ( QUERY ( p <* xml_packages | tag IN p.xml_root_tags ) ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA ada_interface; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM package; ENTITY ada_interface; prefix : STRING; suffix : OPTIONAL STRING; with_it : BOOLEAN; use_it : BOOLEAN; DERIVE full_name : STRING := ada_interface_path ( SELF ); declaration : STRING := ada_interface_declaration ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; FUNCTION ada_interface_path ( i : ada_interface ) : STRING; LOCAL name : STRING := i.prefix; END_LOCAL; IF EXISTS ( i.suffix ) THEN name := name + '.' + i.suffix; END_IF; RETURN ( name ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_interface_declaration ( int : ada_interface ) : STRING; LOCAL s : STRING := ''; name : STRING := ada_interface_path ( int ); END_LOCAL; IF ( int.with_it ) THEN s := s + 'with ' + name + ';\n'; END_IF; IF ( int.use_it ) THEN s := s + 'use ' + name + ';\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( s ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_interfaces_code ( from_pkg : ada_package; l : LIST OF ada_interface ) : STRING; LOCAL found : SET OF STRING := [ ]; with_suffix : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; with_prefix_only : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; cleaned : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; inserted : BOOLEAN; s : STRING := ''; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( l ) TO HIINDEX ( l ); ALIAS curr FOR l [ no]; IF ( NOT EXISTS ( from_pkg ) ) OR ( upperize ( ) <> upperize ( curr.prefix ) ) THEN IF NOT ( upperize ( curr.full_name ) IN found ) THEN found := found + upperize ( curr.full_name ); cleaned := cleaned + curr; END_IF; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cleaned ) TO HIINDEX ( cleaned ); ALIAS curr FOR cleaned [ no]; IF ( EXISTS ( curr.suffix ) ) THEN with_suffix := with_suffix + curr; ELSE with_prefix_only := with_prefix_only + curr; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; cleaned := [ ]; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( with_prefix_only ) TO HIINDEX ( with_prefix_only ); cleaned := cleaned + with_prefix_only [ no]; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( with_suffix ) TO HIINDEX ( with_suffix ); ALIAS curr FOR with_suffix [ no]; inserted := false; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( cleaned ) TO HIINDEX ( cleaned ); ALIAS curri FOR cleaned [ noi]; IF ( upperize ( curr.prefix ) = upperize ( curri.prefix ) ) THEN INSERT ( cleaned, curr, noi ); inserted := true; ESCAPE; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF ( inserted = false ) THEN cleaned := cleaned + curr; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cleaned ) TO HIINDEX ( cleaned ); ALIAS curr FOR cleaned [ no]; s := s + curr.declaration + '\n'; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( s ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA xml_io; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM record_and_class; USE FROM discriminated_type; USE FROM ada_interface; USE FROM package; FUNCTION xml_architecture_io_ads_package_code : STRING; LOCAL test : STRING := ''; code : STRING := ''; pkgs : LIST OF ada_package := SetToList ( all_ada_packages ); allcls : LIST OF ada_class := all_ada_classes; allrecs : LIST OF ada_class := all_ada_records; alldts : LIST OF discriminated_type := all_ada_discriminated_types; interfaces : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'Sax', 'Readers', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Networks', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Sax', 'Exceptions', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Sax', 'Locators', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Sax', 'Attributes', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Unicode', 'CES', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Unicode', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'xml_generic_parsers', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada', 'Text_IO', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada', 'Strings.Unbounded', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Strings', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Unbounded_Strings', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Ada', 'Numerics.Aux', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'call_framework_interface', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Debug', ?, true, true ) ]; END_LOCAL; code := source_licence + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( pkgs ); interfaces := interfaces + ada_interface ( pkgs [ no].name, ?, true, true ); interfaces := interfaces + ada_package_interface ( pkgs [ no], true ); END_REPEAT; code := source_licence + ada_interfaces_code ( ?, interfaces ); code := code + 'package xml_architecture_io is\n\n' + '-- Attributes of the discriminated types\n\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( alldts ) TO HIINDEX ( alldts ); code := code + alldts [ no].xml_io_record_code + '\n'; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\nprocedure Start_Element(' + '\n Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser;' + '\n ref : in out unbounded_string;' + '\n id : in out unbounded_string;' + '\n Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";' + '\n Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";' + '\n Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";' + '\n Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class);\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( alldts ) TO HIINDEX ( alldts ); test := discriminated_type_xml_start_element_code ( alldts [ no] ); IF ( test > '' ) THEN code := code + '\nprocedure Start_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + alldts [ no].name + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tAtts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class);\n'; END_IF; code := code + '\nprocedure End_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + alldts [ no].name + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "");\n'; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( alldts ) TO HIINDEX ( alldts ); code := code + '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : out ' + alldts [ no].name + '_io);'; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\n\n' + '-- Attributes of the parsed entities\n\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allrecs ) TO HIINDEX ( allrecs ); code := code + allrecs [ no].xml_io_record_code + '\n'; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allrecs ) TO HIINDEX ( allrecs ); code := code + '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : out ' + allrecs [ no].name + '_io);'; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allrecs ) TO HIINDEX ( allrecs ); test := ada_entity_xml_start_element_code ( allrecs [ no] ); IF ( test > '' ) THEN code := code + '\nprocedure Start_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + allrecs [ no].name + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tAtts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class);\n'; END_IF; code := code + '\nprocedure End_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + allrecs [ no].name + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "");\n'; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allcls ) TO HIINDEX ( allcls ); code := code + allcls [ no].xml_io_record_code + '\n'; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allcls ) TO HIINDEX ( allcls ); code := code + '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : out ' + allcls [ no].name + '_io);'; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allcls ) TO HIINDEX ( allcls ); test := ada_entity_xml_start_element_code ( allcls [ no] ); IF ( test > '' ) THEN code := code + '\nprocedure Start_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + allcls [ no].name + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tAtts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class);\n'; END_IF; code := code + '\nprocedure End_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + allcls [ no].name + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "");\n'; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\n\nend xml_architecture_io;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION xml_architecture_io_adb_package_code : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; allcls : LIST OF ada_class := all_ada_classes; allrecs : LIST OF record := all_ada_records; allents : LIST OF ada_entity := allcls + allrecs; strtab : LIST OF STRING := [ ]; alldts : LIST OF discriminated_type := all_ada_discriminated_types; END_LOCAL; code := source_licence + '\n'; code := code + 'package body xml_architecture_io is\n\n'; code := code + '\n'; code := code + '\nprocedure Start_Element(' + '\n Handler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser;' + '\n ref : in out unbounded_string;' + '\n id : in out unbounded_string;' + '\n Namespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";' + '\n Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";' + '\n Qname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";' + '\n Atts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class) is' + '\nbegin' + '\n if Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then' + '\n if (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "' + Lowerize ( allents [ LOINDEX ( allents ) ].name ) + '")'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allents ) + 1 TO HIINDEX ( allents ); code := code + '\n\t\t\t OR (To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "' + Lowerize ( allents [ no].name ) + '")'; END_REPEAT; code := code + ' then' + '\n for J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop' + '\n if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "id" then' + '\n id := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J));' + '\n end if;' + '\n if To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then' + '\n ref := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J));' + '\n end if;' + '\n end loop;' + '\n end if;' + '\n end if;' + '\nend Start_Element;\n\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( alldts ) TO HIINDEX ( alldts ); code := code + discriminated_type_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( alldts [ no] ); code := code + discriminated_type_xml_start_element_code ( alldts [ no] ); code := code + discriminated_type_xml_end_element_code ( alldts [ no] ); END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allrecs ) TO HIINDEX ( allrecs ); code := code + ada_entity_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( allrecs [ no] ); code := code + ada_entity_xml_start_element_code ( allrecs [ no] ); code := code + ada_entity_xml_end_element_code ( allrecs [ no] ); END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( allcls ) TO HIINDEX ( allcls ); code := code + ada_entity_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( allcls [ no] ); code := code + ada_entity_xml_start_element_code ( allcls [ no] ); code := code + ada_entity_xml_end_element_code ( allcls [ no] ); END_REPEAT; code := code + 'end xml_architecture_io;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA cheddar_domains; USE FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM ada_interface; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM platypus_expressions_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM express_dictionary_queries; CONSTANT std_io_interfaces : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'standards_io', ?, true, true ) ]; END_CONSTANT; ENTITY pragma_convention; convention : STRING; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_type SUBTYPE OF ( defined_type ); DERIVE ada_ident : STRING := name; ada_ref_ident : STRING := name; init_value : STRING := ?; dependencies : LIST OF dictionary_instance := dependencies_of ( SELF.owner, SELF.domain.handled ); refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := false; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION dependencies_of ( o : context_definition; t : dictionary_instance ) : LIST OF dictionary_instance; LOCAL r : LIST OF dictionary_instance := [ ]; END_LOCAL; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.AGGREGATION_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( t ) ) THEN r := r + dependencies_of ( o, t.element_type.handled ); ELSE IF ( is_of_generated_concept_kind ( t ) ) THEN IF ( t.owner = o ) THEN r := r + t.dependencies + t; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; RETURN ( r ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY cheddar_defined_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_type ); DERIVE ads_interface_list : LIST OF ada_interface := cheddar_defined_type_interfaces_list ( SELF, true ); adb_interface_list : LIST OF ada_interface := cheddar_defined_type_interfaces_list ( SELF, false ); SELF\defined_type.accepted : entity_instance := SELF.accept_cheddar_defined_type; ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; ENTITY constrained_array_type SUBTYPE OF ( cheddar_defined_type ); min_idx : STRING; max_idx : OPTIONAL STRING; interfaces : LIST OF ada_interface; DERIVE adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := interfaces; adb_code : STRING := ''; ads_code : STRING := constrained_array_type_ads_code ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; FUNCTION constrained_array_type_ads_code ( a : constrained_array_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; END_LOCAL; code := 'type ' + a.ada_ident + ' is Array ( '; IF ( EXISTS ( a.max_idx ) ) THEN code := code + a.min_idx + ' .. ' + a.max_idx; ELSE code := code + a.min_idx; END_IF; ALIAS etype FOR a.domain.element_type.handled; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( etype ) ) THEN code := code + ' ) of ' + etype.ptr_type + ';\n'; ELSE code := code + ' ) of ' + etype.ada_ident + ';\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION cheddar_defined_type_interfaces_list ( r : cheddar_defined_type; ads : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF ada_interface; LOCAL result : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; END_LOCAL; IF ( ads ) THEN result := result + ada_interface (, ?, true, true ); END_IF; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY cheddar_entity_definition SUBTYPE OF ( entity_definition ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING :=; ada_ref_ident : STRING :=; init_value : STRING := ?; ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; ENTITY unmapped_type_reference; ref : entity_instance; DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := ( basic_ada_domain ( SELF.ref ) ).ads_interfaces_list; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := ( basic_ada_domain ( SELF.ref ) ).adb_interfaces_list; ada_ident : STRING :=; ada_ref_ident : STRING :=; init_value : STRING := ( basic_ada_domain ( SELF.ref ) ).init_value; ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := false; END_ENTITY; ENTITY unmapped_entity_definition; DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING :=; ada_ref_ident : STRING :=; init_value : STRING := ?; ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; ENTITY basic_ada_type_getter; DERIVE accept_string_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_unbounded_string_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ) || dictionary_instance ( ) ); accept_integer_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_natural_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ) || dictionary_instance ( ) ); accept_real_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_double_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ) || dictionary_instance ( ) ); accept_boolean_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_boolean_type ( ) || ada_primitive_type ( ) || dictionary_instance ( ) ); accept_enumeration_type : dictionary_instance := SELF\enumeration_type; accept_ada_enumeration : dictionary_instance := SELF; accept_attribute_reference : dictionary_instance := ( ada_attribute_reference ( ) || ada_named_type_reference ( ) || SELF\attribute_reference ); accept_defined_type_reference : dictionary_instance := basic_ada_domain ( SELF\defined_type_reference.ref ); accept_defined_type : dictionary_instance := unmapped_type_reference ( SELF.domain ) || SELF; accept_ada_range : dictionary_instance := SELF; accept_ada_class_reference : dictionary_instance := SELF; accept_ada_record_reference : dictionary_instance := SELF; accept_entity_definition_reference : dictionary_instance := ( unmapped_type_reference ( SELF.ref ) || SELF\entity_definition_reference ); accept_entity_definition : dictionary_instance := ( unmapped_entity_definition ( ) || SELF\entity_definition ); accept_cheddar_defined_type : dictionary_instance := ( SELF ); accept_list_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_list_type ( ) || SELF\list_type ); accept_array_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_array_type ( ) || SELF\array_type ); accept_set_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_set_type ( ) || SELF\set_type ); accept_bag_type : dictionary_instance := ( ada_bag_type ( ) || SELF\bag_type ); accept_explicit_type_reference : dictionary_instance := SELF; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION basic_ada_domain ( d : dictionary_instance ) : entity_instance; RETURN ( ( d || basic_ada_type_getter ( ) ).accepted ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY ada_primitive_type SUBTYPE OF ( entity_definition ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; put_prefix : STRING := ''; refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := false; END_ENTITY; ENTITY cheddar_primitive_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_primitive_type ); END_ENTITY; (* ? cheddar_law_type ? *) ENTITY cheddar_law_type SUBTYPE OF ( cheddar_primitive_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_primitive_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'Expression', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Expression', ?, false, true ) ]; SELF\ada_primitive_type.adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'law_type'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := ?; END_ENTITY; ENTITY cheddar_priority_range SUBTYPE OF ( cheddar_defined_type ); DERIVE ads_code : STRING := ' -- Definition of priority range. We choose the most current value : -- 256 priority levels (from 0 to 255) -- Zero is the lowest priority level Type Priority_Range is new Natural range 0 .. 255; package Priority_Io is new Text_IO.Integer_IO (Priority_Range); use Priority_Io; '; adb_code : STRING := ''; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'Framework_Config', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Framework_Config', 'Priority_Io', false, true ) ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; SELF\ada_type.ada_ident : STRING := 'Priority_Range'; SELF\ada_type.ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; SELF\ada_type.init_value : STRING := '0'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_natural_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_primitive_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_primitive_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces + [ ada_interface ( 'standards_io', 'natural_io', false, true ) ]; SELF\ada_primitive_type.adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'Natural'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := '0'; SELF\ada_primitive_type.put_prefix : STRING := 'standards_io.natural_io.'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_unbounded_string_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_primitive_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_primitive_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings', 'unbounded.text_io', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Unbounded_Strings', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Convert_Strings', ?, true, false ), ada_interface ( 'Convert_Unbounded_Strings', ?, true, false ) ]; SELF\ada_primitive_type.adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'Text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'Unbounded_String'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := 'empty_string'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY cheddar_xml_id_type SUBTYPE OF ( string_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_unbounded_string_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'ada.strings', 'unbounded.text_io', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Unbounded_Strings', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Convert_Strings', ?, true, false ), ada_interface ( 'Convert_Unbounded_Strings', ?, true, false ), ada_interface ( 'id_generators', ?, true, true ) ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'call_framework', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'id_generators', ?, true, true ) ]; ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; put_prefix : STRING := ''; refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := false; SELF\ada_unbounded_string_type.init_value : STRING := 'generate_id'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_boolean_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_primitive_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_primitive_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces + [ ada_interface ( 'standards_io', 'boolean_io', false, true ) ]; SELF\ada_primitive_type.adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'Boolean'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := 'false'; SELF\ada_primitive_type.put_prefix : STRING := 'standards_io.boolean_io.'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_real_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_primitive_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_primitive_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces + [ ada_interface ( 'Ada', 'Numerics.Aux', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'standards_io', 'float_io', false, true ) ]; SELF\ada_primitive_type.adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'Float'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := '0.0'; SELF\ada_primitive_type.put_prefix : STRING := 'standards_io.float_io.'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_double_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_primitive_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_primitive_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces + [ ada_interface ( 'Ada', 'Numerics.Aux', true, true ), ada_interface ( 'standards_io', 'double_io', false, true ) ]; SELF\ada_primitive_type.adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'Double'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := '0.0'; SELF\ada_primitive_type.put_prefix : STRING := 'standards_io.double_io.'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_integer_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_primitive_type ); DERIVE SELF\ada_primitive_type.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces + [ ada_interface ( 'standards_io', 'integer_io', false, true ) ]; SELF\ada_primitive_type.adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'Integer'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := '0'; SELF\ada_primitive_type.put_prefix : STRING := 'standards_io.integer_io.'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_named_type_reference SUBTYPE OF ( entity_instance ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING :=; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_record_reference SUBTYPE OF ( ada_named_type_reference ); DERIVE SELF\entity_definition_reference.accepted : entity_instance := SELF.accept_ada_record_reference; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_class_reference SUBTYPE OF ( ada_named_type_reference ); DERIVE SELF\entity_definition_reference.accepted : entity_instance := SELF.accept_ada_class_reference; SELF\ada_named_type_reference.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface (, ?, true, true ) ]; SELF\ada_named_type_reference.ada_ident : STRING := + '_Ptr'; init_value : STRING := 'initialize'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_primitive_class_reference SUBTYPE OF ( ada_class_reference ); pointed_type_name : STRING; package_name : STRING; DERIVE SELF\ada_class_reference.ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( package_name, ?, true, true ) ]; SELF\ada_class_reference.ada_ident : STRING := pointed_type_name + '_Ptr'; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_attribute_reference SUBTYPE OF ( ada_named_type_reference ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_array_type SUBTYPE OF ( array_type ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING := ?; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := ?; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_list_type SUBTYPE OF ( list_type ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'list'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; init_value : STRING := ?; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_set_type SUBTYPE OF ( set_type ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'set'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_bag_type SUBTYPE OF ( bag_type ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := std_io_interfaces; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING := 'bag'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; END_ENTITY; ENTITY ada_enumeration SUBTYPE OF ( ada_type ); convertion : OPTIONAL STRING; DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'Convert_Strings', ?, true, false ), ada_interface ( 'Convert_Unbounded_Strings', ?, true, false ), ada_interface ( 'text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'ada.strings', 'unbounded', true, true ) ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'primitive_xml_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; ads_code : STRING := enumeration_ads_code ( SELF ); adb_code : STRING := enumeration_adb_code ( SELF ); SELF\ada_type.ada_ident : STRING := name; SELF\ada_type.ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; SELF\ada_type.init_value : STRING := NVL ( convertion, domain.elements [ 1 ] ); io_type_name : STRING := SELF.ada_ident + '_io'; full_io_type_name : STRING := + '.' + SELF.io_type_name; SELF\defined_type.accepted : entity_instance := SELF.accept_ada_enumeration; ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION enumeration_ads_code ( e : ada_enumeration ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; convert_type : STRING := NVL ( e.convertion, e.domain.elements [ LOINDEX ( e.domain.elements ) ] ); END_LOCAL; code := 'type ' + + ' is (\n\t' + StringAggregateConcatSeparatedBy ( e.domain.elements, ',\n\t' ) + ');\n'; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.PRAGMA_CONVENTION' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN code := code + 'pragma convention (' + e.convention + ', ' + + ');\n'; END_IF; code := code + '\n' + 'procedure To_' + + ' is\n' + 'new Convert_Strings(' + + ', ' + convert_type + ');\n' + 'procedure To_' + + ' is\n' + 'new Convert_Unbounded_Strings(' + + ', ' + convert_type + ');\n' + 'function XML_String (obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String (obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'package ' + + '_io is new text_io.enumeration_io(' + + ');\n' + 'use ' + + '_io;\n\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY basic_ada_type_value_format SUBTYPE OF ( dictionary_instance ); val : expression; basic_ada_type : OPTIONAL dictionary_instance; DERIVE formated : STRING := basic_ada_expression_value_string ( SELF.val ); END_ENTITY; FUNCTION basic_ada_expression_value_string ( e : expression ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; END_LOCAL; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_EXPRESSIONS_SCHEMA.IDENTIFIER' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN RETURN ( ); END_IF; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_EXPRESSIONS_SCHEMA.INTEGER_LITERAL' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN RETURN ( FORMAT ( e.val, 'I' ) ); END_IF; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_EXPRESSIONS_SCHEMA.TRUE_CONSTANT' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN RETURN ( 'True' ); END_IF; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_EXPRESSIONS_SCHEMA.FALSE_CONSTANT' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN RETURN ( 'False' ); END_IF; IF ( 'PLATYPUS_EXPRESSIONS_SCHEMA.BINARY_EXPRESSION' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN RETURN ( '(' + basic_ada_expression_value_string ( e.left_expr ) + ' ' + e.op_string + ' ' + basic_ada_expression_value_string ( e.right_expr ) + ')' ); END_IF; RETURN ( 'null' ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION enumeration_adb_code ( e : ada_enumeration ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n' + ' return to_unbounded_string(' + + '''image (obj) );\n' + 'end XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String (obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\traise xml_ref_string_error;\n' + '\treturn to_unbounded_string("");\n' + 'end XML_Ref_String;\n\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY range_type SUBTYPE OF ( defined_type ); lower : STRING; upper : STRING; lower_constant : OPTIONAL STRING; upper_constant : OPTIONAL STRING; DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_ident : STRING := name; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; ads_code : STRING := range_type_ads_code ( SELF ); adb_code : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION range_type_ads_code ( rt : range_type ) : STRING; LOCAL r : STRING := 'type ' + rt.ada_ident + ' is Range ' + rt.lower + ' .. ' + rt.upper + ';\n'; END_LOCAL; IF ( EXISTS ( rt.lower_constant ) ) THEN r := r + rt.lower_constant + ' : constant ' + rt.ada_ident + ' := ' + rt.ada_ident + '''First;\n'; END_IF; IF ( EXISTS ( rt.upper_constant ) ) THEN r := r + rt.upper_constant + ' : constant ' + rt.ada_ident + ' := ' + rt.ada_ident + '''Last;\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( r ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY explicit_type_reference SUBTYPE OF ( defined_type ); used_name : OPTIONAL STRING; interfaces : LIST OF ada_interface; DERIVE SELF\defined_type.accepted : entity_instance := SELF.accept_explicit_type_reference; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := SELF.interfaces; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface (, ?, true, true ) ] + interfaces; ada_ident : STRING :=; ptr_type : STRING := SELF.ada_ident + '_Ptr'; ada_ref_ident : STRING := NVL ( SELF.used_name, ); init_value : STRING := ?; ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := string_ends_with ( SELF.ada_ref_ident, '_Ptr' ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY in_scope_attribute; DERIVE init_code : STRING := in_scope_attribute_init_code ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; FUNCTION in_scope_attribute_init_code ( a : in_scope_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; END_LOCAL; ALIAS domain FOR a.domain.handled; IF ( domain.refed_by_pointer ) THEN code := code + '\n\tif obj.' + + ' /= null then\n' + '\t\tFree (obj.' + + ' );\n' + '\tend if;\n' + '\tobj.' + + ' := new ' + + ';\n' + '\tInitialize(obj.' + + '.all);\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION domain_interfaces_list ( ada_domain : entity_instance; ads : BOOLEAN; pkg : schema_definition ) : LIST OF ada_interface; LOCAL result : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; END_LOCAL; ALIAS h FOR ada_domain.handled; IF ads THEN result := result + ada_domain.ads_interfaces_list; ELSE result := result + ada_domain.adb_interfaces_list; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( h ) ) THEN IF ( <> ) THEN result := result + ada_interface (, ?, true, false ); result := result + ada_interface ( h.full_io_type_name, ?, false, true ); END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( h ) ) OR ( 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( h ) ) THEN IF ads THEN result := result + h.ads_interfaces_list; ELSE result := result + h.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; END_IF; END_ALIAS; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA cheddar_constants; USE FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM cheddar_domains; USE FROM ada_interface; USE FROM express_dictionary_queries; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; ENTITY ada_constant SUBTYPE OF ( constant_definition ); final : BOOLEAN; other_initializer : OPTIONAL STRING; DERIVE ads_code : STRING := ada_constant_ads_code ( SELF ); adb_code : STRING := ''; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := ada_constant_interfaces_list ( SELF, true ); adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION do_comments_with ( src : STRING ) : STRING; (*# " comments " | r s | r := ''. s := self src val. s linesDo: [:l | r := r , '--', l, String cr]. self return: (PltStringLiteral val: r) #*) (*# " comments " | r s | r := ''. s := self src. s linesDo: [:l | r := r , '--', l, String cr]. ^ self return: r #*) END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_constant_ads_code ( c : ada_constant ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; remarks : LIST OF remark := remarks_for ( c ); rem : STRING; domain : dictionary_instance := basic_ada_domain ( c.domain ); END_LOCAL; IF ( SIZEOF ( remarks ) > 0 ) THEN REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( remarks ) TO HIINDEX ( remarks ); rem := clean_remark_text_of ( remarks [ no] ); rem := do_comments_with ( rem ); code := code + rem; END_REPEAT; END_IF; code := code + + ' : '; IF THEN code := code + 'constant '; END_IF; code := code + domain.ada_ref_ident; IF NOT EXISTS ( c.other_initializer ) THEN code := code + ' := ' + basic_ada_type_value_format ( c.initializer, ? ).formated + ';'; ELSE IF c.other_initializer > '' THEN code := code + ' := ' + c.other_initializer; END_IF; code := code + ';'; END_IF; code := code + '\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_constant_interfaces_list ( r : ada_constant; ads : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF ada_interface; LOCAL result : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_domain : entity_instance; END_LOCAL; ada_domain := basic_ada_domain ( r.domain ); result := domain_interfaces_list ( ada_domain, ads, r.owner ); RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA record_and_class; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM platypus_environment_schema; USE FROM platypus_expressions_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM express_dictionary_queries; USE FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM cheddar_domains; USE FROM discriminated_type; USE FROM ada_interface; FUNCTION is_generic_object ( e : entity_instance ) : BOOLEAN; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN RETURN ( inherits_from_entity_named ( e, 'generic_object' ) ); END_IF; RETURN ( false ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION is_named_object ( e : entity_instance ) : BOOLEAN; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN RETURN ( inherits_from_entity_named ( e, 'named_object' ) ); END_IF; RETURN ( false ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY ada_entity ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE SUBTYPE OF ( entity_definition ); DERIVE refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := false; ada_ident : STRING := name; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident; ptr_type : STRING := name + '_Ptr'; explicit_attributes : LIST OF explicit_attribute := QUERY ( a <* attributes | 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.EXPLICIT_ATTRIBUTE' IN TYPEOF ( a ) ); derived_attributes : LIST OF explicit_attribute := QUERY ( a <* attributes | 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.DERIVED_ATTRIBUTE' IN TYPEOF ( a ) ); put_prefix : STRING := ''; dependencies : LIST OF dictionary_instance := dependencies_of_ada_entity ( SELF.owner, SELF ); xml_writer_code : STRING := ?; xml_io_record_code : STRING := ?; html_tag : STRING := Lowerize ( ); END_ENTITY; FUNCTION dependencies_of_ada_entity ( o : context_definition; t : ada_entity ) : LIST OF dictionary_instance; LOCAL r : LIST OF dictionary_instance := [ ]; attrs : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( t ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( attrs ); r := r + dependencies_of ( o, attrs [ no].domain.handled ); END_REPEAT; r := r + t; RETURN ( r ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY ada_class SUBTYPE OF ( ada_entity ); is_private : BOOLEAN; DERIVE SELF\ada_entity.refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := true; ads_pre_def : STRING := 'type ' + + '; type ' + SELF.ptr_type + ' is access all ' + + '''Class;'; ads_code : STRING := ada_class_ads_code ( SELF, is_private ); adb_code : STRING := ada_class_adb_code ( SELF ); init_value : STRING := ?; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := ada_entity_interfaces_list ( SELF, true ); adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := ada_entity_interfaces_list ( SELF, false ); SELF\ada_entity.ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ptr_type; SELF\ada_entity.xml_writer_code : STRING := ada_class_xml_writer_code ( SELF ); SELF\ada_entity.xml_io_record_code : STRING := ada_class_xml_io_record_code ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY record SUBTYPE OF ( ada_entity ); DERIVE ads_code : STRING := record_ads_code ( SELF ); adb_code : STRING := record_adb_code ( SELF ); ads_pre_def : STRING := 'type ' + + '; type ' + SELF.ptr_type + ' is access all ' + + ';'; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := ada_entity_interfaces_list ( SELF, true ); adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := ada_entity_interfaces_list ( SELF, false ); SELF\ada_entity.xml_writer_code : STRING := record_xml_writer_code ( SELF ); SELF\ada_entity.xml_io_record_code : STRING := record_xml_io_record_code ( SELF ); END_ENTITY; FUNCTION ada_class_ads_code ( cip : ada_class; with_private : BOOLEAN ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING; abstr : STRING := ''; local_sup : entity_definition := local_root_supertype_of ( cip ); END_LOCAL; result := '\n' + '-- --------= ' + + ' =--------\n\n'; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS supref FOR cip.supertypes [ 1 ].ref; result := result + 'type ' + + ' is ' + abstr + 'new ' + supref.ada_ident + ' with '; END_ALIAS; ELSE result := result + 'type ' + + ' is ' + abstr + 'new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with '; END_IF; IF ( with_private ) THEN result := result + 'private;\n'; ELSE result := result + ada_class_attributes_ads_code ( cip ); END_IF; result := result + '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : in out ' + + ');\n' + 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + + ');\n' + 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ');\n'; result := result + 'procedure Put_Name(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ');\n'; result := result + 'procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ' + + '; result : in out Unbounded_String);\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String;\n'; IF ( is_named_object ( cip ) ) THEN result := result + 'function Get_Name (obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'function Get_Name (obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String;\n'; END_IF; result := result + 'function Copy(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return ' + local_sup.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'function Copy(obj : in ' + + ') return ' + local_sup.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'function type_of(obj : in ' + + ') return unbounded_string_list;\n' + 'function type_of(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return unbounded_string_list;\n' + 'procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (' + + '''Class, ' + cip.ptr_type + ');\n'; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_adb_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := '\n' + '-- --------= ' + + ' =--------\n' + ada_class_initialize_code ( cip ) + '\n' + ada_class_copy_code ( cip ) + '\n' + ada_class_put_code ( cip ) + '\n'; IF ( is_named_object ( cip ) ) THEN code := code + ada_class_get_name_code ( cip ) + '\n'; END_IF; code := code + ada_class_typeof_code ( cip ) + '\n' + ada_class_xml_writer_code ( cip ) + '\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_xml_writer_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; contents : STRING := ''; sub : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := '\nprocedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ' + + '; result : in out Unbounded_String) is \nbegin\n'; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS sup FOR cip.supertypes [ LOINDEX ( cip.supertypes ) ].handled; contents := contents + '\tBuild_Attributes_XML_String(' + + '(obj), result);\n'; END_ALIAS; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; sub := explicit_attribute_xml_writer_code ( 'obj', attr ); IF sub > '' THEN contents := contents + sub + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF contents = '' THEN contents := '\tnull;\n'; END_IF; code := code + contents + 'end Build_Attributes_XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + '\tresult : Unbounded_String;\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tresult := to_unbounded_string("<' + cip.html_tag + ' id=""") & obj.' + xml_id_name + ' & to_unbounded_string(""" >");\n' + '\tBuild_Attributes_XML_String(obj, result);\n' + '\tresult := result & to_unbounded_string("");\n' + '\treturn (result);\n' + 'end XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n' + ' if obj /= null then\n' + ' return XML_String(obj.all);\n' + ' else\n' + ' return Empty_String;\n' + ' end if;\n' + 'end XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + '\tresult : Unbounded_String;\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tresult := to_unbounded_string("<' + cip.html_tag + ' ref=""") & obj.' + xml_id_name + ' & to_unbounded_string(""" />");\n' + '\treturn (result);\n' + 'end XML_Ref_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\treturn XML_Ref_String(obj.all);\n' + 'end XML_Ref_String;\n\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION record_xml_writer_code ( cip : record ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; acode : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := '\nprocedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ' + + '; result : in out Unbounded_String) is \nbegin\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; acode := explicit_attribute_xml_writer_code ( 'obj', attr ); IF ( acode > '' ) THEN code := code + acode + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; code := code + 'end Build_Attributes_XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + '\tresult : Unbounded_String;\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tresult := to_unbounded_string("<' + cip.html_tag + '>");\n' + '\tBuild_Attributes_XML_String(obj, result);\n' + '\tresult := result & to_unbounded_string("");\n' + '\treturn (result);\n' + 'end XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n' + ' if obj /= null then\n' + ' return XML_String(obj.all);\n' + ' else\n' + ' return Empty_String;\n' + ' end if;\n' + 'end XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + '\tresult : Unbounded_String;\n' + 'begin\n' + ' raise xml_ref_string_error;\n' + ' return to_unbounded_string("");\n' + 'end XML_Ref_String;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_initialize_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; innerCode : STRING := ''; attrs : LIST OF attribute; init : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : in out ' + + ') is \nbegin\n'; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS sup FOR cip.supertypes [ LOINDEX ( cip.supertypes ) ].handled; innerCode := innerCode + '\tinitialize(' + + '(obj));\n'; END_ALIAS; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; init := explicit_attribute_initialize ( attr ); IF ( EXISTS ( init ) AND ( init > '' ) ) THEN innerCode := innerCode + '\t' + init + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.derived_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.derived_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.derived_attributes [ no]; init := derived_attribute_initialize ( attr ); IF ( EXISTS ( init ) AND ( init > '' ) ) THEN innerCode := innerCode + '\t' + init + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF innerCode = '' THEN innerCode := '\tnull;\n'; END_IF; code := code + innerCode + 'end Initialize;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION explicit_attribute_initialize ( attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL domain : dictionary_instance := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); init : STRING := domain.init_value; END_LOCAL; IF ( = xml_id_name ) THEN RETURN ( 'generate_id( framework_id, obj.' + + ' );' ); END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.IN_SCOPE_ATTRIBUTE' IN TYPEOF ( attr ) ) THEN RETURN ( attr.init_code ); END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.CHEDDAR_PRIMITIVE_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN init := domain.handled.init_value; END_IF; IF NOT ( EXISTS ( init ) ) THEN RETURN ( ? ); ELSE IF init <> 'initialize' THEN RETURN ( 'obj.' + + ' := ' + init + ';' ); ELSE IF ( domain.handled.refed_by_pointer ) THEN RETURN ( 'initialize( obj.' + + '.all);' ); ELSE RETURN ( 'initialize( obj.' + + ');' ); END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION derived_attribute_initialize ( attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; val : STRING; key : STRING := upperize ( ); END_LOCAL; IF ( EXISTS ( attr.redeclaring ) ) THEN IF SIZEOF ( QUERY ( a <* inherited_explicit_attributes ( attr.owner ) | upperize ( ) = key ) ) > 0 THEN val := basic_ada_type_value_format ( attr.assign, ? ).formated; code := 'obj.' + + ' := ' + val + ';'; END_IF; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_typeof_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; sups : LIST OF entity_definition := all_supertypes_of ( cip ); END_LOCAL; code := 'function type_of ( obj : in ' + + ' ) return unbounded_string_list is\n' + '\tlist : unbounded_string_list;\n' + '\ts : unbounded_string_ptr;\n' + 'begin\n' + '\t' + 'Initialize(list);\n' + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( sups ) TO HIINDEX ( sups ); ALIAS curr FOR sups [ no]; code := code + '\t' + 's := new unbounded_string;\n' + '\t' + 's.all := to_unbounded_string("' + upperize ( ) + '.' + upperize ( ) + '");\n' + '\t' + 'Add (list, s);\n' + '\n'; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\treturn list;\nend type_of;\n\n' + 'function type_of ( obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ' ) return unbounded_string_list is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\treturn type_of(obj.all);\n' + 'end type_of;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_copy_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; v : STRING := 'New_' +; local_sup : entity_definition := local_root_supertype_of ( cip ); END_LOCAL; code := 'function Copy ( obj : in ' + + ' ) return ' + local_sup.ptr_type + ' is\n' + '\t' + v + ' : ' + cip.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'begin\n' + '\t' + v + ' := new ' + + '''(obj);\n'; IF local_sup.ptr_type <> cip.ptr_type THEN code := code + '\treturn ' + local_sup.ptr_type + '(' + v + ');\n'; ELSE code := code + '\treturn (' + v + ');\n'; END_IF; code := code + 'end Copy;\n\n' + 'function Copy ( obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ' ) return ' + local_sup.ptr_type + ' is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\treturn copy(obj.all);\n' + 'end Copy;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_put_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; acode : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + + ') is \nbegin\n'; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS sup FOR cip.supertypes [ LOINDEX ( cip.supertypes ) ].handled; code := code + '\tput(' + + '(obj));\n'; END_ALIAS; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; acode := explicit_attribute_put ( attr ); IF ( acode > '' ) THEN code := code + '\t' + acode + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; code := code + 'end Put;\n \n' + 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tPut(Obj.All);\n' + 'end Put;\n \n'; code := code + 'procedure Put_Name ( obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ') is\n' + 'begin\n'; IF ( has_inherited_attribute_named ( cip, 'name' ) ) THEN code := code + '\tPut ( To_String ( Obj.Name ) );\n'; ELSE code := code + '\tPut ( To_String ( Obj.' + xml_id_name + ' ) );\n'; END_IF; code := code + 'end Put_Name;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_get_name_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := 'function Get_Name (obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n'; IF ( has_inherited_attribute_named ( cip, 'name' ) ) THEN code := code + ' return;\n'; ELSE code := code + ' return obj.' + xml_id_name + ';\n'; END_IF; code := code + 'end Get_Name;\n\n' + 'function Get_Name (obj : in ' + + '_ptr) return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n'; IF ( has_inherited_attribute_named ( cip, 'name' ) ) THEN code := code + ' return;\n'; ELSE code := code + ' return obj.' + xml_id_name + ';\n'; END_IF; code := code + 'end Get_Name;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_attributes_ads_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING; domain : entity_instance; END_LOCAL; IF SIZEOF ( cip.explicit_attributes ) = 0 THEN result := 'null record;\n'; ELSE result := '\nrecord\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; domain := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) OR ( 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN result := result + ' ' + + ' : ' + domain.handled.ptr_type + ';\n'; ELSE result := result + ' ' + + ' : ' + domain.ada_ref_ident + ';\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; result := result + 'end record;\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_interfaces_list ( r : ada_entity; ads : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF ada_interface; LOCAL result : LIST OF ada_interface := entity_definition_interfaces_list ( r, ads ); END_LOCAL; IF ads THEN IF 'PACKAGE.ADA_PACKAGE' IN TYPEOF ( r.owner ) THEN result := result + ada_interface (, ?, true, true ); END_IF; IF ( SIZEOF ( r.supertypes ) > 0 ) THEN ALIAS supref FOR r.supertypes [ 1 ].ref; IF 'PACKAGE.ADA_PACKAGE' IN TYPEOF ( supref.owner ) THEN result := result + ada_interface (, ?, true, true ); END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_IF; result := result + ada_interface ( 'Ada.Finalization', ?, true, false ); result := result + ada_interface ( 'unbounded_strings', ?, true, true ); result := result + ada_interface ( 'ada.strings', 'unbounded', true, true ); result := result + ada_interface ( 'unbounded_strings', 'Unbounded_String_List_Package', false, true ); result := result + ada_interface ( 'Unchecked_Deallocation', ?, true, false ); result := result + ada_interface ( 'Primitive_XML_Strings', ?, true, true ); ELSE IF ( has_attribute_named ( r, xml_id_name ) ) THEN result := result + ada_interface ( 'framework', ?, true, true ); result := result + ada_interface ( 'id_generators', ?, true, true ); END_IF; END_IF; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION entity_definition_interfaces_list ( r : entity_definition; ads : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF ada_interface; LOCAL result : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ada_domain : entity_instance; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( r.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( r.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS curr FOR r.explicit_attributes [ no]; ada_domain := basic_ada_domain ( curr.domain ); result := result + domain_interfaces_list ( ada_domain, ads, r.owner ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION record_ads_code ( rec : record ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING; domain : entity_instance; END_LOCAL; result := '\n' + '-- --------= ' + + ' =--------\n\n' + 'type ' + + ' is\nrecord\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( rec.attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( rec.attributes ); result := result + ' ' + rec.attributes [ no].name + ' : '; domain := basic_ada_domain ( rec.attributes [ no].domain ); IF ( domain.handled.refed_by_pointer ) THEN result := result + domain.handled.ptr_type + ';\n'; ELSE result := result + domain.ada_ref_ident + ';\n'; END_IF; END_REPEAT; result := result + 'end record;\n\n' + 'procedure Initialize(obj : out ' + + ');\n' + 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + + ');\n' + 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + rec.ptr_type + ');\n' + 'function Copy(obj : in ' + rec.ptr_type + ') return ' + rec.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'function Copy(obj : in ' + + ') return ' + rec.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'procedure Build_Attributes_XML_String(obj : in ' + + '; result : in out Unbounded_String);\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + rec.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (' + + ', ' + rec.ptr_type + ');\n'; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION record_initialize_code ( rec : record ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; innerCode : STRING := ''; attrs : LIST OF attribute; init : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : out ' + + ') is \nbegin\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( rec.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( rec.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR rec.explicit_attributes [ no]; init := explicit_attribute_initialize ( attr ); IF ( EXISTS ( init ) AND ( init > '' ) ) THEN innerCode := innerCode + '\t' + init + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF innerCode = '' THEN innerCode := '\tnull;\n'; END_IF; code := code + innerCode + 'end Initialize;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION record_adb_code ( rec : record ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := '\n' + '-- --------= ' + + ' =--------\n' + record_initialize_code ( rec ) + '\n' + record_put_code ( rec ) + '\n' + record_xml_writer_code ( rec ) + '\n' + record_copy_code ( rec ) + '\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION record_put_code ( rec : record ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; acode : STRING; END_LOCAL; code := 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + + ') is \nbegin\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( rec.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( rec.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR rec.explicit_attributes [ no]; acode := explicit_attribute_put ( attr ); IF ( acode > '' ) THEN code := code + '\t' + acode + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; code := code + 'end Put;\n \n' + 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + rec.ptr_type + ') is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tPut(Obj.All);\n' + 'end Put;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION explicit_attribute_put ( attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; prfx : STRING := ''; domain : entity_instance := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); END_LOCAL; code := 'put("' + + ': "); '; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.CHEDDAR_FUNCTION_PTR' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN RETURN ( '' ); END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN prfx := domain.handled.put_prefix; END_IF; IF ( domain.handled.refed_by_pointer ) THEN code := code + 'if obj.' + + ' /= null then ' + prfx + 'put(obj.' + + '.all' + '); else put("null"); end if;'; ELSE code := code + prfx + 'put(obj.' + + '); '; END_IF; code := code + 'put ( "; " );'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION explicit_attribute_xml_writer_code ( prefix : STRING; attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; domain : entity_instance := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); tag : STRING := Lowerize ( ); END_LOCAL; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.CHEDDAR_FUNCTION_PTR' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN RETURN ( '' ); END_IF; IF ( = xml_id_name ) THEN RETURN ( '' ); END_IF; IF ( is_generic_object ( domain.handled ) ) THEN (* code := '\tresult := result & XML_Ref_String (' + prefix + '.' + + ' );'; *) code := '\tresult := result & to_unbounded_string("<' + + ' ref=""") & ' + prefix + '.' + + '.' + xml_id_name + ' & to_unbounded_string(""" />");'; ELSE code := '\tif (XML_String(' + prefix + '.' + + ') /= Empty_String) then\n' + '\t\tresult := result & to_unbounded_string("<' + tag + '>") & XML_String(' + prefix + '.' + + ') & to_unbounded_string("");\n\tend if;'; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY cheddar_function_ptr SUBTYPE OF ( entity_definition ); arguments : STRING; returns : STRING; DERIVE ads_interface_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interface_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ads_code : STRING := 'Type ' + + ' is access function (' + SELF.arguments + ') return ' + SELF.returns + ';'; adb_code : STRING := ''; dependencies : LIST OF dictionary_instance := [ SELF ]; refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := false; ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION record_copy_code ( cip : record ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; v : STRING := 'New_' +; END_LOCAL; code := 'function Copy ( obj : in ' + + ' ) return ' + cip.ptr_type + ' is\n' + '\t' + v + ' : ' + cip.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'begin\n' + '\t' + v + ' := new ' + + '''(obj);\n'; code := code + '\treturn (' + v + ');\n'; code := code + 'end Copy;\n\n' + 'function Copy ( obj : in ' + cip.ptr_type + ' ) return ' + cip.ptr_type + ' is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\treturn copy(obj.all);\n' + 'end Copy;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_class_xml_io_record_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; RETURN ( '\ntype ' + + '_io is record' + ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_code ( cip ) + '\nend record;' ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; attrcode : STRING; END_LOCAL; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS sup FOR cip.supertypes [ LOINDEX ( cip.supertypes ) ].handled; code := code + ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_code ( sup ); END_ALIAS; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; attrcode := explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_code ( attr ); code := code + attrcode; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF ( code = '' ) THEN code := '\tnull;'; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_code ( attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; domain : entity_instance := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); init : STRING := domain.init_value; END_LOCAL; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.RECORD' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN RETURN ( ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_code ( domain.handled ) ); END_IF; IF ( NOT is_generic_object ( domain.handled ) ) THEN IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) OR ( EXISTS ( init ) ) THEN IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN code := '\t' + + ' : ' + domain.ada_ref_ident + ';'; ELSE IF ( init = 'empty_string' ) THEN code := '\t' + + ' : Unbounded_String;'; ELSE IF ( lowerize ( init ) = 'false' ) THEN code := '\t' + + ' : Boolean;'; ELSE IF ( init = '0' ) THEN code := '\t' + + ' : Integer;'; ELSE code := '\t' + + ' : Double;'; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; ELSE code := '\t' + + ' : Unbounded_String;'; END_IF; IF ( code > '' ) THEN code := '\n' + code; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION record_xml_io_record_code ( rec : record ) : STRING; RETURN ( '\ntype ' + + '_io is record' + ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_code ( rec ) + '\nend record;\n' ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( cip ); END_LOCAL; IF ( code = '' ) THEN code := '\tnull;'; END_IF; RETURN ( '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : out ' + + '_io) is \nbegin ' + code + '\nend Initialize;\n' ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; s : STRING; END_LOCAL; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS sup FOR cip.supertypes [ LOINDEX ( cip.supertypes ) ].handled; code := code + ada_entity_attributes_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( sup ); END_ALIAS; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; s := explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( attr ); IF ( s > '' ) THEN code := code + '\n' + s; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; domain : entity_instance := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); init : STRING := domain.init_value; END_LOCAL; IF ( NOT is_generic_object ( domain.handled ) ) THEN IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN code := '\tobj.' + + ' := ' + domain.ada_ref_ident + '''first;'; ELSE IF ( EXISTS ( init ) ) THEN code := '\tobj.' + + ' := ' + init + ';'; END_IF; END_IF; ELSE code := '\tobj.' + + ' := empty_string;'; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_xml_start_element_code ( cip : ada_entity ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; END_LOCAL; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.RECORD' IN TYPEOF ( cip ) ) THEN code := '\nprocedure Start_Element(\n' + '\tHandler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tAtts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class) is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tif To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "' + cip.html_tag + '" then\n' + '\t\tinitialize(obj);\n' + '\tend if;\n' + 'end Start_Element;\n'; ELSE code := ada_entity_attributes_xml_start_element_code ( cip ); IF ( code > '' ) THEN code := '\nprocedure Start_Element(\n' + '\tHandler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tAtts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class) is \nbegin\n' + '\tif Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then' + code + '\n' + '\tend if;\n' + 'end Start_Element;\n'; END_IF; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_attributes_xml_start_element_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; s : STRING; END_LOCAL; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS sup FOR cip.supertypes [ LOINDEX ( cip.supertypes ) ].handled; code := code + ada_entity_attributes_xml_start_element_code ( sup ); END_ALIAS; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; s := explicit_attribute_xml_start_element_code ( attr ); IF ( s > '' ) THEN code := code + s; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION explicit_attribute_xml_end_element_code ( attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; domain : entity_instance := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); init : STRING := domain.init_value; io_domain : STRING; END_LOCAL; IF ( NOT is_generic_object ( domain.handled ) ) THEN IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) OR ( EXISTS ( init ) ) THEN IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN io_domain := domain.ada_ident; ELSE IF ( init = 'empty_string' ) THEN io_domain := 'String'; ELSE IF ( lowerize ( init ) = 'false' ) THEN io_domain := 'Boolean'; ELSE IF ( init = '0' ) THEN io_domain := 'Integer'; ELSE io_domain := 'Double'; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; IF init = 'empty_string' THEN code := '\n\tif To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "' + lowerize ( ) + '" then\n' + '\t\tobj.' + + ' := handler.Parameter_List (1);\n' + '\tend if;'; ELSE code := '\n\tif To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "' + lowerize ( ) + '" then\n' + '\t\tTo_' + io_domain + ' (handler.Parameter_List (1), obj.' + + ', Handler.Ok);\n' + '\t\tif not Handler.Ok then\n' + '\t\t\tPut_Line ("Warning : Error on data type From " & To_String (Handler.Locator));\n' + '\t\tend if;\n' + '\tend if;'; END_IF; END_IF; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION explicit_attribute_xml_start_element_code ( attr : explicit_attribute ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; domain : entity_instance := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); sub_domain : entity_instance; element_domain : entity_instance; END_LOCAL; IF ( is_generic_object ( domain.handled ) ) THEN code := '\n\t\tif To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "' + lowerize ( ) + '" then\n' + '\t\t\tfor J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop\n' + '\t\t\t\tif To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then\n' + '\t\t\t\t\tobj.' + + ' := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J));\n' + '\t\t\t\tend if;\n' + '\t\t\tend loop;\n' + '\t\tend if;'; ELSE (* IF ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.DEFINED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN sub_domain := basic_ada_domain ( domain.domain ); IF ( 'PLATYPUS_DICTIONARY_SCHEMA.AGGREGATION_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( sub_domain ) ) THEN element_domain := basic_ada_domain ( sub_domain.element_type ); code := '\n\t\tif To_String (To_Lower (Qname)) = "' + Lowerize ( ) + '" then\n' + '\t\t\tfor J in 0 .. Get_Length (Atts) - 1 loop\n' + '\t\t\t\tif To_String (To_Lower (Get_Qname (Atts, J))) = "ref" then\n' + '\t\t\t\t\tobj.core := To_Unbounded_String (Get_Value (Atts, J));\n' + '\t\t\t\tend if;\n' + '\t\t\tend loop;\n' + '\t\tend if;'; END_IF; END_IF; *) END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_xml_end_element_code ( cip : ada_entity ) : STRING; RETURN ( '\nprocedure End_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is \nbegin\n' + ada_entity_attributes_xml_end_element_code ( cip ) + '\nend End_Element;\n' ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_entity_attributes_xml_end_element_code ( cip : ada_class ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; s : STRING; END_LOCAL; IF SIZEOF ( cip.supertypes ) > 0 THEN ALIAS sup FOR cip.supertypes [ LOINDEX ( cip.supertypes ) ].handled; code := code + ada_entity_attributes_xml_end_element_code ( sup ); END_ALIAS; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( cip.explicit_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR cip.explicit_attributes [ no]; s := explicit_attribute_xml_end_element_code ( attr ); IF ( s > '' ) THEN code := code + '\n' + s; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF ( code = '' ) THEN code := '\tnull;\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA package; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM express_dictionary_queries; USE FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM record_and_class; USE FROM cheddar_domains; USE FROM ada_interface; USE FROM cheddar_constants; USE FROM xml_io; ENTITY ada_package SUBTYPE OF ( schema_definition ); ads_interface : LIST OF ada_interface; adb_interface : LIST OF ada_interface; xml_root_tags : LIST OF STRING; DERIVE infered_ads_interfaces : LIST OF ada_interface := ada_package_interface ( SELF, true ); ads_head : STRING := source_licence + '\n' + ada_interfaces_code ( SELF, ada_package_interface ( SELF, true ) ); adb_head : STRING := source_licence + '\n' + ada_interfaces_code ( SELF, ada_package_interface ( SELF, false ) ); ads_code : STRING := ads_head + '\n\nPackage ' + name + ' is \n \n' + ada_package_ads_code ( SELF ) + '\nEnd ' + name + ';'; adb_code : STRING := adb_head + '\n\nPackage Body ' + name + ' is \n \n' + ada_package_adb_code ( SELF ) + '\nEnd ' + name + ';'; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION ada_package_adb_code ( pkg : ada_package ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING; END_LOCAL; result := ada_package_concepts_list_code ( pkg, pkg.types, false ) + ada_package_concepts_list_code ( pkg, pkg.entities, false ); RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_package_ads_code ( pkg : ada_package ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING; classes : LIST OF ada_class := QUERY ( e <* pkg.entities | 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ); const_list : LIST OF ada_constant := QUERY ( e <* pkg.constants | 'CHEDDAR_CONSTANTS.ADA_CONSTANT' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ); private_classes : LIST OF ada_class := QUERY ( e <* classes | e.is_private ); generic_packages : LIST OF generic_package_instanciation := QUERY ( e <* pkg.entities | 'PACKAGE.GENERIC_PACKAGE_INSTANCIATION' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ); head_generic_packages : LIST OF generic_package_instanciation := QUERY ( e <* generic_packages | e.before_entities = true); tail_generic_packages : LIST OF generic_package_instanciation := QUERY ( e <* generic_packages | e.before_entities = false); constrained_arrays : LIST OF defined_type; entities : LIST OF dictionary_instance := pkg.entities - generic_packages; END_LOCAL; constrained_arrays := QUERY ( t <* pkg.types | 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.CONSTRAINED_ARRAY_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( t ) ); result := ada_package_concepts_list_code ( pkg, ( ( pkg.types - constrained_arrays ) + head_generic_packages + entities ) + constrained_arrays + tail_generic_packages , true ); REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( const_list ) TO HIINDEX ( const_list ); result := result + const_list [ no].ads_code + '\n'; END_REPEAT; IF SIZEOF ( private_classes ) > 0 THEN result := result + '\n\nprivate\n \n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( private_classes ) TO HIINDEX ( private_classes ); ALIAS supref FOR private_classes [ no].supertypes [ 1 ].ref; result := result + '\ntype ' + private_classes [ no].name + ' is new ' + supref.ada_ident + ' with\n' + ada_class_attributes_ads_code ( private_classes [ no] ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; END_IF; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_package_interface ( pkg : ada_package; ads : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF ada_interface; LOCAL ads_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'Ada.Strings.Unbounded', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'Framework_Config', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'id_generators', ?, true, true ) ]; adb_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( 'Text_io', ?, true, true ), ada_interface ( 'unbounded_strings', ?, true, true ) ]; wul : LIST OF ada_interface; result : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; defs : LIST OF dictionary_instance := pkg.entities + pkg.types + pkg.constants; pkgKey : STRING := upperize ( ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( pkg.interface ) TO HIINDEX ( pkg.interface ); ALIAS curr FOR pkg.interface [ no]; IF ( 'PACKAGE.ADA_PACKAGE' IN TYPEOF ( curr.native_schema ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + ADA_INTERFACE (, ?, true, true ); END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( defs ) TO HIINDEX ( defs ); ALIAS e FOR defs [ no]; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.CHEDDAR_DEFINED_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + e.ads_interfaces_list; adb_list := adb_list + e.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.EXPLICIT_TYPE_REFERENCE' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + e.ads_interfaces_list; adb_list := adb_list + e.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_CONSTANTS.ADA_CONSTANT' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + e.ads_interfaces_list; adb_list := adb_list + e.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_ENTITY' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + e.ads_interfaces_list; adb_list := adb_list + e.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.ADA_ENUMERATION' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + e.ads_interfaces_list; adb_list := adb_list + e.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; IF ( 'CHEDDAR_DOMAINS.CONSTRAINED_ARRAY_TYPE' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + e.ads_interfaces_list; adb_list := adb_list + e.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; IF ( 'PACKAGE.GENERIC_PACKAGE_INSTANCIATION' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ) THEN ads_list := ads_list + e.ads_interfaces_list; adb_list := adb_list + e.adb_interfaces_list; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF ads THEN wul := ads_list + pkg.ads_interface; ELSE wul := adb_list + pkg.adb_interface; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( wul ) TO HIINDEX ( wul ); ALIAS curr FOR wul [ no]; IF ( upperize ( curr.prefix ) <> pkgKey ) THEN result := result + curr; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION all_packages_code ( ads : BOOLEAN ) : STRING; RETURN ( all_packages_code_into ( ads, ?, ? ) ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION concept_in_list ( c : dictionary_instance; l : LIST OF dictionary_instance ) : BOOLEAN; LOCAL key : STRING := upperize ( ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( l ) TO HIINDEX ( l ); IF ( upperize ( l [ no].name ) = key ) THEN RETURN ( true ); END_IF; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( false ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION concept_list_local_dependencies ( sch : schema_definition; l : LIST OF dictionary_instance ) : LIST OF dictionary_instance; LOCAL wl : LIST OF dictionary_instance := [ ]; r : LIST OF dictionary_instance := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( l ) TO HIINDEX ( l ); ALIAS c FOR l [ no]; IF ( is_of_generated_concept_kind ( c ) ) THEN wl := c.dependencies; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( wl ) TO HIINDEX ( wl ); IF ( NOT ( concept_in_list ( wl [ noi], r ) ) ) THEN r := r + wl [ noi]; END_IF; END_REPEAT; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( r ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_package_concepts_list_code ( p : ada_package; concepts : LIST OF dictionary_instance; ads : BOOLEAN ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING := ''; code : STRING := ''; tmp : STRING; END_LOCAL; IF ads THEN REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( concepts ) TO HIINDEX ( concepts ); ALIAS c FOR concepts [ no]; IF ( is_of_generated_concept_kind ( c ) ) THEN tmp := c.ads_pre_def; IF ( tmp > '' ) THEN code := code + tmp + '\n'; END_IF; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; END_IF; IF ( code > '' ) THEN result := code + '\n\n'; END_IF; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( concepts ) TO HIINDEX ( concepts ); ALIAS c FOR concepts [ no]; IF ( is_of_generated_concept_kind ( c ) ) THEN IF ads THEN code := c.ads_code; ELSE code := c.adb_code; END_IF; result := result + code; IF ( code > '' ) THEN result := result + '\n'; END_IF; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION ada_package_class_typeof_list ( pkg : ada_package ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING := ''; classes : LIST OF ada_class := QUERY ( e <* pkg.entities | 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( e ) ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( classes ) TO HIINDEX ( classes ); ALIAS curr FOR classes [ no]; result := result + + '('; result := result + StringAggregateConcatSeparatedBy ( TYPEOF ( curr ), ',' ); result := result + ')\n'; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY package_alias; package_name : STRING; attribute_name : STRING; DERIVE ptr_type : STRING := + '_Ptr'; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface (, ?, true, true ) ]; ads_code : STRING := 'subtype ' + + ' is ' + package_name + '.' + attribute_name + ';\n' + 'subtype ' + SELF.ptr_type + ' is ' + package_name + '.' + attribute_name + '_Ptr;\n'; adb_code : STRING := ''; init_value : STRING := ?; dependencies : LIST OF dictionary_instance := [ SELF ]; ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ptr_type; refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := true; ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; ENTITY generic_package_instanciation SUBTYPE OF ( ada_entity ); generic_package_name : STRING; parameters : LIST OF STRING; interfaces : LIST OF ada_interface; before_entities : BOOLEAN; DERIVE aliases : LIST OF cheddar_defined_type := generic_package_aliases ( SELF ); ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ada_interface ( SELF.generic_package_name, ?, true, false ), ada_interface (,, false, true ), ada_interface ( 'Unchecked_Deallocation', ?, true, false ) ] + interfaces; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ads_code : STRING := 'package ' + ada_ident + ' is new ' + generic_package_name + '(' + StringAggregateConcatSeparatedBy ( parameters, ', ' ) + ');\n' + 'use ' + ada_ident + ';\n' + generic_package_instanciation_attributes_ads_code ( SELF ); adb_code : STRING := ''; ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION generic_package_aliases ( e : generic_package_instanciation ) : LIST OF cheddar_defined_type; LOCAL aliases : LIST OF entity_instance := [ ]; attrname : STRING; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( e.attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( e.attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR e.attributes [ no]; ALIAS an FOR; IF ( an [ LENGTH ( an ) ] = '_' ) THEN attrname := an [ 1 : LENGTH ( an ) - 1 ]; ELSE attrname := an; END_IF; END_ALIAS; aliases := aliases + ( ada_type ( ) || attr.domain || package_alias (, attrname ) ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( aliases ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION generic_package_instanciation_attributes_ads_code ( e : generic_package_instanciation ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING := ''; aliases : LIST OF cheddar_defined_type := e.aliases; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( aliases ) TO HIINDEX ( aliases ); ALIAS attr FOR e.aliases [ no]; result := result + attr.ads_code; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION all_packages_code_into ( ads : BOOLEAN; dir : STRING; targetName : STRING ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; body : STRING; pkgs : LIST OF ADA_Package := SetToList ( all_ada_packages ); targetPath : STRING; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( pkgs ) TO HIINDEX ( pkgs ); IF ads THEN body := pkgs [ no].ads_code; ELSE body := pkgs [ no].adb_code; END_IF; IF ( body > '' ) THEN code := code + body + '\n\n'; END_IF; END_REPEAT; IF ads THEN code := code + xml_architecture_io_ads_package_code; ELSE code := code + xml_architecture_io_adb_package_code; END_IF; IF ( EXISTS ( dir ) ) THEN targetPath := dir; ELSE targetPath := '.'; END_IF; IF ( EXISTS ( targetName ) ) THEN targetPath := targetPath + '/' + targetName; ELSE targetPath := targetPath + '/' + 'Platypus2Cheddar'; END_IF; IF ads THEN WriteFile ( targetPath + '.ads', code ); ELSE WriteFile ( targetPath + '.adb', code ); END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA; SCHEMA discriminated_type; USE FROM platypus_dictionary_schema; USE FROM express_toolsbox_functions; USE FROM express_dictionary_queries; USE FROM express2cheddar_facade; USE FROM record_and_class; USE FROM cheddar_domains; USE FROM ada_interface; ENTITY discriminated_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_entity ); DERIVE SELF\ada_entity.refed_by_pointer : BOOLEAN := false; discriminant : attribute := ( QUERY ( attr <* attributes | 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE_DISCRIMINANT' IN TYPEOF ( attr ) ) ) [ 1 ]; union_attr : attribute := ( QUERY ( attr <* attributes | 'DISCRIMINATED_TYPE.DISCRIMINATED_TYPE_UNION' IN TYPEOF ( attr ) ) ) [ 1 ]; ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := discriminated_Type_interfaces_list ( SELF, true ); adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := discriminated_Type_interfaces_list ( SELF, false ); translated_attributes : LIST OF explicit_attribute := explicit_attributes - discriminant - union_attr; SELF\ada_entity.ada_ident : STRING := name; SELF\ada_entity.ada_ref_ident : STRING := SELF.ada_ident + '_Ptr'; SELF\ada_entity.xml_io_record_code : STRING := discriminated_type_xml_io_record_code ( SELF ); tail_attributes : LIST OF attribute := discriminated_type_tails_attributes ( SELF ); ads_code : STRING := discriminated_type_ads_code ( SELF ); adb_code : STRING := discriminated_type_adb_code ( SELF ); ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION discriminated_type_attributes ( d : discriminated_type ) : LIST OF attribute; LOCAL other_attrs : LIST OF attribute := [ d.discriminant] + d.translated_attributes; tail_attrs : LIST OF explicit_attribute := discriminated_type_tails_attributes ( d ); attrs : LIST OF attribute := other_attrs + tail_attrs; END_LOCAL; RETURN ( attrs ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_interfaces_list ( r : discriminated_type; ads : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF ada_interface; RETURN ( ada_entity_interfaces_list ( r, ads ) ); END_FUNCTION; ENTITY discriminated_type_discriminant SUBTYPE OF ( explicit_attribute ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY discriminated_type_union SUBTYPE OF ( explicit_attribute ); END_ENTITY; ENTITY discriminated_type_union_element_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_entity ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; union_ads_code : STRING := discriminated_type_union_element_case_code ( SELF ); ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; ENTITY discriminated_type_union_type SUBTYPE OF ( ada_entity ); DERIVE ads_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := discriminated_type_union_type_interfaces_list ( SELF, true ); adb_interfaces_list : LIST OF ada_interface := discriminated_type_union_type_interfaces_list ( SELF, false ); ads_code : STRING := ''; adb_code : STRING := ''; union_ads_code : STRING := discriminated_type_union_case_code ( SELF ); all_attributes : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( SELF ); ads_pre_def : STRING := ''; END_ENTITY; FUNCTION discriminated_type_union_type_interfaces_list ( d : discriminated_type_union_type; isAds : BOOLEAN ) : LIST OF ada_interface; LOCAL l : LIST OF ada_interface := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( d.attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( d.attributes ); ALIAS curr FOR d.attributes [ no]; l := l + entity_definition_interfaces_list ( curr.domain.handled, isAds ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( l ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_adb_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING; acode : STRING; discrim_attr : attribute := typ.discriminant; union_attr : attribute := typ.union_attr; union_type : defined_type := union_attr.domain.handled; union_attributes : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( union_type ); transl_attrs : LIST OF attribute := typ.translated_attributes; v : STRING := 'New_' +; END_LOCAL; code := 'procedure Initialize (obj : out ' + + '_Ptr) is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tobj := NULL;\n' + 'end Initialize;\n \n' + 'procedure Put(obj : in ' + + '_Ptr) is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\tif (obj /= NULL) then\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( transl_attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( transl_attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR transl_attrs [ no]; acode := explicit_attribute_put ( attr ); IF ( acode > '' ) THEN code := code + '\t\t' + acode + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\t\t' + explicit_attribute_put ( discrim_attr ) + '\n' + '\t\tput ( "value: " );\n' + '\t\tcase obj.' + + ' is \n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( union_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( union_attributes ); ALIAS union_attr FOR union_attributes [ no]; ALIAS ada_domain FOR basic_ada_domain ( union_attr.domain ).handled; ALIAS element_attributes FOR inherited_explicit_attributes ( ada_domain ); code := code + '\t\t\twhen ' + + ' => \n'; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( element_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( element_attributes ); ALIAS element_attr FOR element_attributes [ noi]; acode := explicit_attribute_put ( element_attr ); IF ( acode > '' ) THEN code := code + '\t\t\t\t' + acode + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; END_ALIAS; END_ALIAS; code := code + '\n'; END_REPEAT; (*APL*) code := code + '\t\tend case;\n\tend if;\n\tNew_Line;\nend Put;\n\n' + 'function Copy ( obj : in ' + + ' ) return ' + typ.ptr_type + ' is\n' + '\t' + v + ' : ' + typ.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'begin\n' + '\t' + v + ' := new ' + + '''(obj);\n' + '\treturn (' + v + ');\n' + 'end Copy;\n\n' + 'function Copy ( obj : in ' + typ.ptr_type + ' ) return ' + typ.ptr_type + ' is\n' + 'begin\n' + '\treturn copy(obj.all);\n' + 'end Copy;\n\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + '\tresult : Unbounded_String;\n' + 'begin\n' + ' result := to_unbounded_string("<' + typ.html_tag + '>");\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( transl_attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( transl_attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR transl_attrs [ no]; acode := explicit_attribute_xml_writer_code ( 'obj', attr ); IF ( acode > '' ) THEN code := code + '\t\t' + acode + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; code := code + explicit_attribute_xml_writer_code ( 'obj', discrim_attr ) + '\n\n' + '\tcase obj.' + + ' is \n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( union_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( union_attributes ); ALIAS union_attr FOR union_attributes [ no]; ALIAS ada_domain FOR basic_ada_domain ( union_attr.domain ).handled; ALIAS element_attributes FOR inherited_explicit_attributes ( ada_domain ); code := code + '\t\twhen ' + + ' => \n'; REPEAT noi := LOINDEX ( element_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( element_attributes ); ALIAS element_attr FOR element_attributes [ noi]; acode := explicit_attribute_xml_writer_code ( 'obj', element_attr ); IF ( acode > '' ) THEN code := code + '\t\t' + acode + '\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; END_ALIAS; END_ALIAS; END_ALIAS; code := code + '\n'; END_REPEAT; (*APL*) code := code + '\tend case;\n' + '\tresult := result & to_unbounded_string("");\n' + '\treturn (result);\n' + 'end XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + '_Ptr) return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n' + ' return XML_String(obj.all);\n' + 'end XML_String;\n\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String is\n' + '\tresult : Unbounded_String;\n' + 'begin\n' + ' raise xml_ref_string_error;\n' + ' return to_unbounded_string("");\n' + 'end XML_Ref_String;\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + + '_Ptr) return Unbounded_String is\n' + 'begin\n' + ' return XML_Ref_String(obj.all);\n' + 'end XML_Ref_String;\n\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_ads_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; LOCAL result : STRING; discrim_attr : attribute := typ.discriminant; discrim_type : entity_instance := discrim_attr.domain.handled; union_attr : attribute := typ.union_attr; union_type : defined_type := union_attr.domain.handled; union_selections : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( union_type ); domain : entity_instance; transl_attrs : LIST OF attribute := typ.translated_attributes; END_LOCAL; result := 'type ' + + ' (' + + ' : ' + + ' ) is record\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( transl_attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( transl_attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR transl_attrs [ no]; domain := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN result := result + '\t' + + ' : ' + domain.handled.ptr_type + ';\n'; ELSE result := result + '\t' + + ' : ' + domain.ada_ref_ident + ';\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; result := result + '\tcase ' + + ' is \n' + union_type.union_ads_code + '\tend case;\nend record;\n\n' + 'type ' + typ.ptr_type + ' is access all ' + + ';\n' + '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : out ' + typ.ptr_type + ');\n' + '\nprocedure Put(obj : in ' + typ.ptr_type + ');\n' + 'function Copy(obj : in ' + typ.ptr_type + ') return ' + typ.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'function Copy(obj : in ' + + ') return ' + typ.ptr_type + ';\n' + 'function XML_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + '\nfunction XML_String(obj : in ' + typ.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + 'procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (' + + ', ' + typ.ptr_type + ');\n' + 'function XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + + ') return Unbounded_String;\n' + '\nfunction XML_Ref_String(obj : in ' + typ.ptr_type + ') return Unbounded_String;\n'; RETURN ( result ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_union_case_code ( u : discriminated_type_union_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; all_attributes : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( u ); END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( all_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( all_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR all_attributes [ no]; ALIAS ada_domain FOR basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ).handled; code := code + '\t\twhen ' + + ' => \n ' + ada_domain.union_ads_code; END_ALIAS; END_ALIAS; code := code + '\n'; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_union_element_case_code ( u : discriminated_type_union_element_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; all_attributes : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( u ); domain : entity_instance; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( all_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( all_attributes ); ALIAS attr FOR all_attributes [ no]; domain := basic_ada_domain ( attr.domain ); IF ( 'RECORD_AND_CLASS.ADA_CLASS' IN TYPEOF ( domain.handled ) ) THEN code := code + '\t\t\t' + + ' : ' + domain.handled.ptr_type + ';\n'; ELSE code := code + '\t\t\t' + + ' : ' + domain.ada_ref_ident + ';\n'; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_xml_io_record_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; discrim_attr : attribute := typ.discriminant; discrim_type : entity_instance := discrim_attr.domain.handled; union_attr : attribute := typ.union_attr; union_type : defined_type := union_attr.domain.handled; union_attributes : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( union_type ); tails_attrs : LIST OF attribute := typ.tail_attributes; transl_attrs : LIST OF attribute := typ.translated_attributes; END_LOCAL; code := '\ntype ' + + '_io is record' + '\n\t' + + ' : ' + + ';'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( transl_attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( transl_attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR transl_attrs [ no]; code := code + explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_code ( attr ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( tails_attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( tails_attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR tails_attrs [ no]; code := code + explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_code ( attr ); END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; code := code + '\nend record;\n'; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_tails_attributes ( typ : discriminated_type ) : LIST OF attribute; LOCAL union_attr : attribute := typ.union_attr; union_type : defined_type := union_attr.domain.handled; union_attributes : LIST OF attribute := inherited_explicit_attributes ( union_type ); found : LIST OF attribute := [ ]; END_LOCAL; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( union_attributes ) TO HIINDEX ( union_attributes ); ALIAS curr FOR union_attributes [ no]; ALIAS handled FOR curr.domain.handled; found := found + inherited_explicit_attributes ( handled ); END_ALIAS; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( found ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_xml_end_element_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; RETURN ( '\nprocedure End_Element(\n' + '\tHandler : in out Xml_generic_parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "") is \nbegin\n' + discriminated_type_attributes_xml_end_element_code ( typ ) + '\nend End_Element;\n' ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_xml_start_element_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := discriminated_type_attributes_xml_start_element_code ( typ ); END_LOCAL; IF ( code > '' ) THEN code := '\nprocedure Start_Element(\n' + '\tHandler: in out Xml_Generic_Parser;\n' + '\tobj : in out ' + + '_io;\n' + '\tNamespace_Uri : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tLocal_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tQname : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence := "";\n' + '\tAtts : Sax.Attributes.Attributes''Class) is \nbegin\n' + '\tif Get_Length (Atts) > 0 then' + code + '\n' + '\tend if;\n' + 'end Start_Element;\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_attributes_xml_end_element_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; s : STRING; discrim_attr : attribute := typ.discriminant; attrs : LIST OF Attribute := typ.tail_attributes + typ.translated_attributes; END_LOCAL; code := code + explicit_attribute_xml_end_element_code ( discrim_attr ) + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR attrs [ no]; s := explicit_attribute_xml_end_element_code ( attr ); IF ( s > '' ) THEN code := code + '\n' + s; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; IF ( code = '' ) THEN code := '\tnull;\n'; END_IF; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_attributes_xml_start_element_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; s : STRING; discrim_attr : attribute := typ.discriminant; attrs : LIST OF Attribute := typ.tail_attributes + typ.translated_attributes; END_LOCAL; code := explicit_attribute_xml_start_element_code ( discrim_attr ); REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR attrs [ no]; s := explicit_attribute_xml_start_element_code ( attr ); IF ( s > '' ) THEN code := code + '\n' + s; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_attributes_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; LOCAL code : STRING := ''; s : STRING; discrim_attr : attribute := typ.discriminant; attrs : LIST OF Attribute := typ.tail_attributes + typ.translated_attributes; END_LOCAL; code := code + explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( discrim_attr ) + '\n'; REPEAT no := LOINDEX ( attrs ) TO HIINDEX ( attrs ); ALIAS attr FOR attrs [ no]; s := explicit_attribute_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( attr ); IF ( s > '' ) THEN code := code + '\n' + s; END_IF; END_ALIAS; END_REPEAT; RETURN ( code ); END_FUNCTION; FUNCTION discriminated_type_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( typ : discriminated_type ) : STRING; RETURN ( '\nprocedure Initialize(obj : out ' + + '_io) is \nbegin ' + discriminated_type_attributes_xml_io_record_initialize_code ( typ ) + '\nend Initialize;\n' ); END_FUNCTION; END_SCHEMA;