Example: - 1. Generate random task set with fixed number of tasks by using UUniFast algorithm. - 2. Perform three priority assignments: Audsley's OPA, OPA_CRPD, RM. - 3. Export the system architecture into xml files. (found in the log folder). - 4. Run scheduling simulation and export event table. (found in the log folder). Compile: - Adjust the text in call_test.adb to a proper directory: Set_Directory("/home/namtran/CHEDDAR_UP/trunk/src/framework_examples/priority_assignment/log/"); - Configure the number of tasks, processor utilization and default scheduling interval in call_test.adb. For example --Configuration for the task generator-------- number_of_task : Integer := 4; processor_utilization : Float := 0.85; ---------------------------------------------- --Configuration for the scheduling simulator-- default_Period : Integer := 10000; ---------------------------------------------- - make priority_assignment Executable file in: - trunk/src/binaries/bin/debug/call_test Note: Currently, CRPDs between each pair of tasks are fixed in order to perform experiments and have an observation on the cache size attributes. The initilization are found in: framework/priority_assignment/priority_assigment-utility. Automatically generation of CRPDs between each pair of tasks will be updated. In conclusion, there is no automatically generation of CRPDs between each pair of tasks at the moment.