with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Cache_Access_Profile_Util; use Cache_Access_Profile_Util; with Scheduler.Fixed_Priority.Hpf; use Scheduler.Fixed_Priority.Hpf; with Task_Set; use Task_Set; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Call_Framework_Interface; use Call_Framework_Interface; with Cache_Access_Profile_Set; use Cache_Access_Profile_Set; with Caches; use Caches; with Scheduling_Analysis; use Scheduling_Analysis; with initialize_framework; use initialize_framework; with Caches; use Caches.Cache_Blocks_Table_Package; with Cache_Block_Set; use Cache_Block_Set; with Tasks; use Tasks; with Feasibility_Test; use Feasibility_Test; with Caches; use Caches.Cache_Blocks_Table_Package; with Scheduling_Analysis; use Scheduling_Analysis.Double_Tasks_Parameters_Package; with Feasibility_Interval_Util; use Feasibility_Interval_Util; procedure feasibility_interval_driver is --Configuration for the task generator-------- number_of_task : Integer := 5; processor_utilization : Float := 0.70; cache_utilization : Float := 2.0; reuse_factor : Float := 0.3; cache_size : Integer := 256; begin test_feasibility_interval (file_name => To_Unbounded_String ("input.xml"), N => number_of_task, PU => processor_utilization, CU => cache_utilization, CS => cache_size, RF => reuse_factor); end feasibility_interval_driver;