=========SUMMARY========= - Example of scheduling simulation with buffer of SDF and CSDF application =========INSTRUCTION========= - Several case studies require increasing Max_Buffers in framework_config.ads Example: Max_Buffers : constant Natural := 200; - cd {Cheddar Directory}/trunk/src - source ../compilelinux64.bash - make bufferSched - ./buffer_sched_d + -t : test mode - {1,2,3,4,5,6,F,I) - mode 1,2,3,4,5,6: simple case study - mode F: perform scheduling simulation over 2H of a given system model (need -f) - mode I: analyse event table (need -f -e -d) + -f : input system model (.xmlv3) + -e : input event table + -d : scheduling duration Example: analyse event table of BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4 ./buffer_sched_d -t I -f framework_examples/buffer_sched_examples/xml/BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4.xmlv3 -e framework_examples/buffer_sched_examples/xml/BeamformerSP_MULT_MBSp4.xmlv3.ev.xml -d 73764 =========CHEDDAR-GUI========= To run the case study with the GUI of Cheddar Make sure that With_Precedencies checkbox in Scheduling_Option is checked - cd (Cheddar Directory)/trunk/src - source ../compilelinux64.bash - make cheddar - ./cheddar framework_examples/buffer_sched_example/xml/{case study name} - Click scheduling simulation button