with systems; use systems; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with unbounded_strings; use unbounded_strings; with task_set; use task_set; with object_set; use object_set; with time_unit_events; use time_unit_events; with scheduler; use scheduler; with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time; with Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package scheduling_anomalies_services.online is ----------------------------------------- -- Runtime verification ----------------------------------------- -- This data stucture is returned after runtime analysis -- with the detected anomaly and the associated data -- type handler_output_parameter is record -- The type of the potential anomalie we found -- detected_anomaly : potential_anomaly_type; -- Give the name of the Cheddar object that create the anomaly -- object_name : unbounded_string; end record; -- This data structure contains the data provided by the -- Cheddar scheduling simulator or the RTOS to perform -- the runtime verification -- type handler_input_parameter is record -- Event produced by the RTOS or the Cheddar simulator -- that requires runtime verification -- event : time_unit_event_ptr; -- Simulation or RTOS data -- runtime_data : scheduling_information; -- Time at which the event is generated -- current_time : Natural; end record; -- Subprogram called before scheduling simulation -- to provide the architecture model before simulation -- procedure scheduling_anomaly_register(model : in system); -- This subprogram is called by the OS or Cheddar to verify -- at any time if an anomaly will occur -- procedure scheduling_anomaly_handler (inp : in handler_input_parameter; current_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class; outp : out handler_output_parameter); -- Subprograms constituting the implementation -- of the handler -- procedure check_dynamic_processor_speed_increase (inp : in handler_input_parameter; current_scheduler : in generic_scheduler'class; outp : out handler_output_parameter); procedure check_dynamic_processor_add (inp : in handler_input_parameter; outp : out handler_output_parameter); procedure check_dynamic_task_execution_time_decrease (inp : in handler_input_parameter; outp : out handler_output_parameter); procedure check_dynamic_task_period_increase (inp : in handler_input_parameter; outp : out handler_output_parameter); procedure check_dynamic_task_late_execution (inp : in handler_input_parameter; outp : out handler_output_parameter); procedure check_dynamic_task_priority_change (inp : in handler_input_parameter; outp : out handler_output_parameter); procedure check_dynamic_precedence_constraint_change (inp : in handler_input_parameter; outp : out handler_output_parameter); end scheduling_anomalies_services.online;