**case1 overrun in time 22 by LO tasks t1, and no active task so back to LO mode in 22. **case2 **case3 **case4 **case5 overrun in time 10 by the highest priority task, wait to the end of the task to time 13. And no active active task so go back in LO mode. **case6 overrun in time 10 by the highest priority task, wait to the end of the task to time 13. task 3 active at time 13, so wait until the end of the task to 18 and a idle time so go back to LO mode. **case7 overrun in time 10 by the highest priority task, wait to the end of the task to time 13. task 3 active at time 13, so wait until the end of the task to 18 and time 4 active at time 18 so waitto the end of his execution to 22, so the protocol have reach his objectif we go back into LO mode. **case8 overrun in time 19 by the medium priority task, wait to the end of the task to time 20. And no active active task so go back in LO mode. **case9 overrun in time 19 by the medium priority task, wait to the end of the task to time 20. task 3 active at time 20, so wait until the end of the task to 26 and a idle time so go back to LO mode. **case10