# extract data from a xml file NT=(1 2 ) #2 3 4 5 6) # Number of Tasks NDP=(1 2 ) #2 3 3 3 3) # Number of different periods # TCU is Target CPU usage source ~/rtems.bash for t in 0 1 ; do #1 2 3 4 for TCU in 20 30 ; do #40 50 60 70 80 90 xml_file="generated_scenario1/${NT[t]}_${NDP[t]}_${TCU}_${t}.xmlv3" output_file="generated_parameters1/data_${NT[t]}_${NDP[t]}_${TCU}_${t}.txt" ./extract_xml_data.sh $xml_file $output_file ./convert.sh $output_file "task_parameter.c" echo "execution with ${NT[t]} thread and CPU usage ${TCU}" ./start.sh ${NT[t]} > results/result_${NT[t]}_${NDP[t]}_${TCU}_${t}.txt #|grep preemption |sed -e '1,2d' -e 's/:/,/g' done done make clean