package execution_time_reduce public thread tache end tache; thread implementation tache.impl properties Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic; end tache.impl; process mon_process1 end mon_process1; process implementation mon_process1.impl subcomponents T1:thread tache.impl { Compute_Execution_Time =>2ms..2ms; Deadline => 5ms; Period => 5ms; -- Priority =>2; }; T3:thread tache.impl { Compute_Execution_Time =>3ms..3ms; Deadline => 8ms; Period => 8ms; -- Priority =>1; }; end mon_process1.impl; process mon_process2 end mon_process2; process implementation mon_process2.impl subcomponents T2:thread tache.impl { Compute_Execution_Time =>4ms..4ms; Deadline => 7ms; Period => 7ms; -- Priority =>2; }; T4:thread tache.impl { Compute_Execution_Time =>4ms..4ms; Deadline => 10ms; Period => 10ms; -- Priority =>1; }; end mon_process2.impl; processor cpu properties Scheduling_Protocol=>(RMS); end cpu; processor implementation cpu.impl end cpu.impl; system execution_patitionned end execution_patitionned; system implementation execution_patitionned.impl subcomponents cpu1:processor cpu; cpu2:processor cpu; process1:process mon_process1.impl; process2: process mon_process2.impl; properties Actual_Processor_Binding =>(reference (cpu1)) applies to process1; Actual_Processor_Binding =>(reference (cpu2)) applies to process2; end execution_patitionned.impl; end execution_time_reduce;