This directory provides a set of AADL examples which can be imported into Cheddar. For each example, a summary of the analysis tools provided by Cheddar is describe.

1. rate_monotonic.aadl :

This AADL specification tests the Cheddar AADL extension related to schedulers (Quantum and Preemptive properties) From this AADL specificatio, one can call the following Cheddar services :

2. pcp.aadl :

This AADL file :

This AADL file tests the following Cheddar services :

3. pcp2.aadl :

Same AADL specification that pcp.aadl but without the Critical_Section property.

4. posix.aadl :

This AADL specification tests the AADL extension related to POSIX 1003.1b scheduling (fixed priority and policy properties)

5. simulation_engine.aadl :

This AADL specification contains a user-defined scheduling protocol. The Source_Text property stores the name of the file containing such a user-defined scheduling protocol. This AADP specification tests :

6. sporadic.aadl :

This AADL specification contains a user-defined thread dispatching protocol. The Source_Text property stores the name of the file containing such a user-defined thread dispatching protocol.

7. buffers.aadl :

This AADL specification is composed of event ports connections. From this AADL specification, we show how to perform a buffer requirement analysis (memory requirement analysis from the buffer used to store events).

8. mixed_ts_priority.aadl :

An AADL example with a user-defined scheduling protocol mixing a time sharing and a real time scheduler. Threads are periodic or sporadic.

9. part1.aadl and part2.aadl :

The files part1.aadl and part2.aadl model a system composed of threads, processors and processes. The model is splitted in two files and this example is used to test if we can load into cheddar an AADL specification stored in several files.

10. Papabench project aadl files :

Papabench is a benchmark proposed by the IRIT (see The files papabench*.aadl are some examples of AADL specifications used in this project.

11. precedencies1.aadl and precedencies2.aadl :

This AADL specification is related to thread precedencies (ie. precedency constraints on the scheduling of threads). It shows how to transform AADL event and event data connections to Cheddar's thread precedencies.

12. Example of a offline scheduling of a set of threads :

the file is an example of a offline scheduling of a set of AADL thread. The static scheduling is defined in this .sc file in order to generate a schedule of T1 and T2 as follows : T1, T2, T1, T1, T2, T1, ... This .sc file works with cyclic.aadl

13. Various examples in order to tests some specific stuffs :