This section is dedicated to teachers who use (or used!)
Cheddar for their real time scheduling courses. You can find here
some examples of real time scheduling courses and sometimes
labs with Cheddar:
At Télécom-Paris-Tech
from J. Hugues and B. Zalila.
Cached documents . In english.
Based on
Ocarina, one of the
more efficient AADL code generator.
A huge amount of material is available on OpenAADL too.
from E. Borde.
In French.
A lab using OSATE and AADLInspector (and then its Cheddar embedded tool) to build and run schedulability of
an AADL model.
Georgia Tech (J. Hugues).
In english.
Crazyflie AADL Case Study : it is a set of AADL models for the Crazyflie UAV used at Georgia Tech
for a lab based on AADLInspector and OSATE to demonstrate various AADL toolchains (with some
including Cheddar).
This teaching activity is part of Georgia Tech OMSCS Class CS7639.