[[PageOutline(1-1)]] = Introduction = There are several ways to compile/build Cheddar tools on Linux/windows boxes : * Through the command line. * With the Gnat IDE : GPS. For other operating systems, Ellidiss Technologies shall be contacted. = Additional Software = The following software are needed : * GNAT compiler GPL (see [https://libre.adacore.com/ AdaCore web site]). Note : the 2015 version works, the 2017 do not. * For windows, get the cygwin ([https://www.cygwin.com/ Cygwin web site]) or msys2 ([http://www.msys2.org/ Msys2 web site]) environment. * a svn client is necessary. The default one is fine for linux and tortoiseSVN can be tortoiseSVN ([https://tortoisesvn.net/ Tortoise SVN web site]) used for windows. ---- = Building Instructions = == Step 1 Environment variables == Set the environment variables : * edit the compilelinux32.bash, compilelinux64.bash or compilewin32.bash (depending on your OS) and fill the correct CHEDDAR_DIR, GNAT_DIR and SVN_PATH (win32) * then source the script through a terminal (e.g. bash for linux or cygwin/msys2 for windows). == Step 2 Edit Files == If necessary, edit the following files : * read and update the ''config/*.ads'' packages. These Ada packages contain all Cheddar's configurable constants. * the Makefile.vars to set the build type (Release or Debug) and cheddar version. == Step 3 Command line == In a terminal execute the following commands : * Type ''make cheddar'' to compile Cheddar Or * Type ''make all'' in the terminal to compile all Cheddar tools. Note 1 : check the Makefile to see all target available. Note 2 : if you want to remove all objects created during Cheddar compilation, type ''make clean''. == Step3 GPS == In the terminal, launch gps : * Open GPS cheddar project. In the menu, select Project->Open and select the cheddar.gpr file (cheddar.gpr file in Cheddar source code ''trunk'' directory). * The build it. In the menu, select Build->Project->Cheddar.gpr ---- = Installation Instructions = If the compilation succeed, Cheddar tools binaries can be found in the ''src'' directory. * On Unix boxes : TODO. * On Win32 boxes : copy ''cheddar.exe'', the ''glade files'' (in ''src/graphical_editor'') and the ''libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll'' and ''libgtk-win32-2.0-0'' files from ''lib/win32/GtkAda/bin'' directory in the '''Same''' installation directory (eg. ''C:\Cheddar''). ---- = Contact Us = Feel free to contact us if you have any compilation problems via [http://beru.univ-brest.fr/~singhoff/cheddar/#Ref9 Cheddar mailing list].